Cold Chain Part 1 Field Erected Ammonia Plant R2 Final
Cold Chain Part 1 Field Erected Ammonia Plant R2 Final
Cold Chain Part 1 Field Erected Ammonia Plant R2 Final
I have observed more than 200 ammonia field-erected • An all-welded piping system is superior and preferred as
systems and have found that there is a lot of scope for it avoids leaks.
improvement in the piping layout and its erection practices.
In this article, I would try to explain what improvements are
possible and what precautions the erection staff should take
while carrying out the piping so that system performs to its
best efficiency and energy losses that cannot be measured or
commonly known as ghost energy losses can be avoided.
The article does not cover the selection of piping material,
its sizing and that is left to a designer. The article is meant only
for field personnel who are normally associated with piping
Piping Installation Procedure General Guidelines
• The piping should be done in accordance with refrigerant
flow requirements and not necessarily from the point of Figure 3: Piping showing all welded joints
• Qualified or certified welders must be used who have
experience in ammonia pipe welding.
• Proper piping welding practices such as first root run by
Metal Inert Gas (MIG) or Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) welding
should be followed.
• Proper alignment of pipes and provision of proper gap so
as to achieve full penetration weld is required.
• Piping should be at least two meter above the floor to
ensure free movement of people.
• The distance between the two lines shall be at least three
Figure 1: The piping should be done in accordance with refrigerant times the thickness over the insulation and four times the
flow requirements flange fittings.
• Shortest possible routes, least welding and flange joints, • Hangers or pipe supports shall ensure weight off the
avoidance of elbows, reducers, flanges wherever possible compressor, pumps and other installed equipment.
should be studied and used. • Pipe hangers or supports should be placed no more
• Piping material lying at a site should be thoroughly than two to three meters apart and within one meter of
cleaned externally and internally to make them free of a change in direction of the piping. For lines less than
rust scale, sand or dirt prior to the installation. 140 mm sizes, the supports should not be more than two
meters apart.
• All piping must be properly supported by hangers that
allow for expansion and contraction caused by the
heating and cooling of the piping. Allow about 20 mm of
expansion and contraction for every 30 m of piping length.
Angle Valve Globe Valve Bend • Use dual safety relief valves of proper capacity and outlet
Figure 6: To keep the pressure drop minimum, consider angle valves piping to be taken above 15 feet and 20 feet away from
instead of globe valve and a right angle bend human occupied areas.
Figure 9: Safety valve piping outlets Figure 11: Liquid hammer liquid trap
• Ensure liquid traps are avoided in the piping. Since Hydraulic Shock
liquid is non-compressible, the piping would burst when Hydraulic shock is a sudden localized spike in pressure
ambient temperature rises. Combination of solenoid that can occur in piping or equipment when there is a rapid
valve or pneumatic valve and check valve in the liquid change in the velocity of a flowing liquid. Often referred
lines could trap liquid in the line accidentally. In the to as water hammer, hydraulic shock is a well-understood
direction of flow, solenoid valve should be installed first phenomenon that has occurred in water and steam systems
and then check valve. If this order is reversed, some liquid found in both domestic and industrial settings. In ammonia
becomes locked in between check valve and solenoid refrigeration, hydraulic shock events can generate extremely
valve when solenoid or pneumatic valve closes. During high pressures with the potential to cause the catastrophic
standstill, this liquid can warm up and lead to cracks in failure of piping, valves, and other equipment. The highest
the pipeline or flanges when it expands, especially, in the pressures often occur when vapor and liquid ammonia are
pipelines carrying cold ammonia. A safety valve in the present in a single line and are disturbed by a sudden change
portion likely to trap liquid is a must if such situation is in volume. Moderate hydraulic shocks can generate pressures
unavoidable. that are evidenced by knocking sounds emanating from
piping or valves.
• Avoid hydraulic shocks and vibrations in piping and wet
rerun lines during defrosting by proper designing.
• Long stem valves should be used for installation in Provide independent oil separator for each compressor.
insulated lines. The author has observed many installations where there is
• All suction branches should be taken from top of the a single common oil separator and the combined discharge
header. All hot gas connections or branches should be header is connected to this oil separator. This is not a good
taken from top. practice; each compressor has its own characteristic and
• All liquid branches should be preferably from bottom of quantity and quality of oil migration along with discharge gas
the header. varies for each machine. It is always a good practice to have
• For long liquid and vapor lines, provide a drain valve in independent oil separator for each compressor.
the piping. Also provide safety relief valve in the liquid
line to prevent trapped liquid and bursting of pipe when In the oil separator, oil drain should be above oil return
plant is not in operation due to atmospheric temperature level of the compressor. The pressure in oils separator and the
variations. compressor is often the same, the oil returns by gravity and
• Provide seal caps for valves not in use such as drain or hence, there should be sufficient head available between the
purge or charging valves. oil return point of the oil separator and the incoming point
• Drain or vent caps for valves should have small drilled of oil return on the compressor crankcase. Also, it is a good
hole so that pressure relief is available in case minor practice to drain oil manually when the installation is new and
leaks. check the oil quality instead of automatically returning to the
• No shutoff valve should be used before safety valve and compressor crankcase. The oil is normally not clean in initial
if provided it should be in locked open position. stages and till such time that one is fully convinced that the oil
• All operating valves should be approachable either from getting accumulated in the separator is clean, the automatic
floor or from fixed platform. oil return should not be connected and used; otherwise the
Compressors contaminants would enter the compressor and may create
The NRV should be after oil separator and not after problems.
compressor, because the reciprocating compressor discharge Connect individual discharge and suction pipe to the
gas pulsations are dampened in the oil separator if the NRV is header in a sloping manner, the slope being in the direction
placed between the compressor and oil separator, the NRV is of flow or easier is to connect from the top in a reverse ’J’ pipe
subjected to these pulsations and it often chatters, or is likely like gent’s umbrella handle.
to get damaged earlier than expected. Many people argue
that placing it immediately after the compressor prevents • Check alignment of motor with compressor in all three
liquid condensation during standstill state. This argument risers.
is incorrect as there is no liquid in the discharge side and • Hook up suction and discharge piping without any force
the density of ammonia refrigerant gas is so low that when needed while inserting bolts in the flanges. The author
converted to the liquid, the quantity is insignificant and liquid has observed in many installations that when bolts
if at all formed would accumulate in the oil separator and not joining the flanges of compressor and the discharge pipe
on the compressor top. The discharge line from compressor to
are loosened, the alignment is not perfect. This happens
oil separator is also very short and there is not any significant
due to the fact that during welding, there is shrinkage
amount of gas present here.
and the alignment gets disturbed. The normal practice
Depending on NRV design, keep NRV in horizontal
is pulling with force and then inserting bolts, this should
line, because in a horizontal position, gravity is not acting
be avoided as it imposes undue forces on the compressor
on NRV parts, if in a vertical location, the parts are acted on
by two forces, one is gravity and the other is discharge gas, and may lead to additional vibrations.
both directions are opposite to each other and can lead to • Always use a stop valve after the NRV in the discharge
vibrations, noise and damage to parts. pipe leading to the common header. This is required,
Valve after NRV
because if the NRV gets stuck, one should be able to
attend to the same without stopping the entire plant.
The stop valve of the particular compressor can be closed
and the NRV can then be attended.