Article history Pain on the first day of cesarean section creates psychological anxiety and fear of pain
after the drug reaction ends. One method of pain management is autogenic relaxation
Received date therapy using instrumental audiomusic media. This study aims to determine the effect
07 Feb 2024 of autogenic relaxation using instrumental audio music on the pain scale in post-
cesarean section patients at RSUD Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek Lampung Province. This
Revised date research uses a quantitative approach with a pre-experimental one-group pretest-
10 Mar 2024 posttest design. The research was conducted from February to March 2023. The
population in this study consisted of patients after the cesarean section. The sampling
Accepted date method in this research used the Accidental Sampling technique and obtained a sample
20 Mar 2024 of 32 respondents. The instrument used to measure the pain scale is the Numerical
Rating Scale (NRS), an observation sheet that records the pain scale before and after
the procedure. Statistical tests use the Wilcoxon signed rank test. The research results
Keywords: showed that the average pain scale decreased from 7.28 to 6.21 before and after the
intervention. Thus, a p-value of 0.000 was obtained (p-value<0.05), which means that
Numerical Rating Scale; there was an effect of autogenic relaxation using instrumental audio music on the pain
Non-pharmacological scale in post-cesarean section patients at RSUD Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek, Lampung
therapy; Province in 2023. Researchers suggest that nurses or midwives treat pain not only with
SC pain. pharmacological therapy but also with non-pharmacological therapy, namely autogenic
relaxation with instrumental audio-music media.
Corresponding author:
Nursing Department, Poltekkes Kemenkes Tanjung Karang, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia
Email: aprinamurhan@yahoo.co.id
Ismi et al., Combination of Autogenic Relaxation Therapy with Instrumental Audiomusic
to Reduce The Pain Scale of Patients After Caesarean Section 67
pain and not harm their health. During recovery, consisting of form and style, timbre, rhythm,
when the pain medication wears off, the client harmony, and melody, which are adjusted to
can still feel pain. There is evidence that many produce music that has benefits for mental and
patients experience pain even after taking physical health (Bingan, 2020). Music can
painkillers (Haryani et al., 2020). Medications improve, heal, and maintain mental, social,
and treatments commonly used in physical, emotional, and spiritual health as a
pharmacological and non-pharmacological pain therapy. Music has many benefits; it is fun,
management include stimulation and massage soothing, relaxing, structured, and universal.
techniques, transcutaneous electrical nerve Since human breathing, heart rhythm, and pulse
stimulation, distraction, and autogenic are all rhythmic and repetitive, music can be a
relaxation techniques (Syamsuddin & Modjo, companion in restoring and preventing pain
2014). Relaxation techniques are non- (Bingan, 2020). Based on research conducted by
pharmacological pain management techniques Mappagerang et al. (2017), music therapy
that can be used to manage acute pain, especially relaxes patients and reduces pain levels.
pain due to diagnostic and surgical procedures. Based on some of the descriptions above,
Post-cesarean section patients are often the researcher combined relaxation with
afraid to move their limbs for fear of pain. audiomusic instrumental media to reduce the
Because of the pain, patients usually do not do pain scale in post-cesarean section patients.
independent activities and do not protect their When these two procedures are combined, the
environment. Pain management at Abdul results are very effective and efficient on the
Moeloek Hospital: administration of analgesics pain scale, namely through the production of
such as ketorolac, mefenamic acid, and endorphins by the brain, which function as a
paracetamol, as well as warm compresses and natural tranquilizer. In addition, both focus on
deep breath relaxation techniques. However, breathing and heart rate to create a sense of well-
autogenic relaxation with instrumental audio- being and reduce pain. So researchers are
music media has never been applied. interested in researching autogenic relaxation
Autogenic relaxation comes from within with audiomusic instrumental media on pain
through words, short phrases, or thoughts that scale in post sectio caesarea patients at Dr. H.
can create peace. In autogenic relaxation, the Abdul Moeloek Lampung Hospital.
self imagines a calm state and focuses on
regulating breathing and heart rate. This
relaxation helps increase parasympathetic nerve METHOD
activity and further inhibits sympathetic nerve
activity. The autogenic relaxation technique This type of research is quantitative with a
aims to bring the mind to an optimal mental state pre-experimental design. The research design used
(Saunders, 2012). pre- and post-tests of one group. The research was
Based on previous research conducted by conducted in February-March 2023. The
Sonhaji et al. (2021), autogenic relaxation is a population of this study consisted only of post-
relaxation technique that can produce cesarean section patients at Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek
endorphins, which act as natural relaxants and Hospital Lampung Province, with a sample size of
are produced by the brain. This hormone creates 32 respondents according to the calculation using
a pleasant feeling and thus can relieve pain. the Lameshow formula.
According to Burhan et al. (2022) study, there is The sampling technique used accidental
an increase in comfort status after autogenic side and met the inclusion criteria consisting of
relaxation therapy. patients with composmentis status, patients with
In addition to autogenic relaxation therapy conventional cesarean section after completion of
that can be used in patients with pain after a surgery for more than 6 hours, patients aged 20-45
cesarean section, there is another relaxation years, willing to undergo the procedure, patients
therapy that can relieve pain. This therapy is done with signed informed-consent; Exclusion criteria
by listening to instrumental music. Music therapy include patients with hearing loss, heart disease,
is a health therapy that uses music to treat diabetes mellitus, Covid-19 positive patients and
problems related to various factors of individual hypertension patients. and patients who are not
psychological, cognitive, social, and physical willing to be respondents.
needs (Mappagerang et al., 2017). An observational pain scale was used to
According to Smeltzer & Bare (2002), the collect data. Post-cesarean section patients
purpose of music therapy is to improve mental received non-pharmacological treatment
and physical quality through sound stimulation (autogenic relaxation with instrumental audio-
68 Jurnal Kesehatan, 15(1), 66-71, http://dx.doi.org/10.26630/jk.v15i1.4262
music media), and the pain scale was measured Table 1. Respondent characteristics
with a Numerical Rating Scale (NRS) pain meter. Respondent characteristics n %
Data collection is carried out in 3 stages, the Age
first stage is that the researcher identifies patients Late adolescence (17-25) 7 21.9
who meet the inclusion criteria, then explains the Early adulthood (26-35) 17 53.1
research procedure and the purpose and purpose of Late adults (36-45) 8 25.0
the research to be carried out, if the respondent is
Housewife 23 71.9
willing to participate in this study the research Civil servants 9 28.1
subject signs informed consent, the researcher Tribal Nation
makes an agreement with the respondent to get a Lampung 9 28.1
relaxation technique that will be received for Jawa 20 62.5
approximately 20 minutes, then explains the Palembang 2 6.3
standard operating procedures of autogenic Sunda 1 3.1
relaxation and instrumental music, then the Operation Experience
researcher conducts a pre-test for pain assessment Ever 8 25.0
with a numeric rating scale, for the observation Never 24 75.0
sheet will be filled in by the researcher; in the
second stage, the researcher intervenes by giving Table 2 shows the average measurement of
mp3 and attaching earphones to the patient to the pain scale before intervention was 7.28. The
listen to a combination of autogenic relaxation and standard deviation results were also obtained at
instrumental music classic and the duration of the .729; the lowest pain scale was 6, the highest pain
intervention is 20 minutes; and in the third stage scale was 8, and the average pain scale
the researcher conducts a post-test for pain measurement after the intervention was 6.12. The
assessment with a numeric rating scale after 20 standard deviation results were also obtained at
minutes of intervention, after the data is collected, .793; the lowest pain scale was 4, and the highest
the researcher checks the completeness of filling pain scale was 7.
in the observation sheet data, then processes the
data obtained with a computer program, then after Table 2. Distribution of pain scale before and
the statistical analysis is done, it is interpreted in after autogenic relaxation with
the discussion and conclusions are compiled into audiomusic media instrumental
the research report. Pain Std. Min -
Mean Median
Scale Deviasi Max
Data analysis used is univariate and
Pre 7.28 7.00 .729 6-8
bivariate analysis. Univariate analysis in this Post 6.12 6.00 .793 4-7
study is the independent variable (autogenic
relaxation with instrumental audio music media) Table 3 concluded that the average
and the dependent variable (pain scale in post- difference in pain scale is 1.16 before and after
sectio caesarea patients). The statistical test used intervention. The results of statistical tests with the
was the Wilcoxon signed rank. This research has Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test obtained a p-value of
undergone an ethical review process and 0.000 (p-value<0.001<α0.05); it was concluded
obtained an Ethical Exemption with number that there was an effect of giving autogenic
015/KEPK-TJK/I/2023 by the Health Research relaxation with instrumental audiomusic media on
Ethics Committee of the Poltekkes Kemenkes the pain scale in post sectio caesarea patients at Dr.
Tanjung Karang. H. Abdul Moeloek Hospital, Lampung Province in
RESULTS Table 3. Difference analysis test results pain
measurement pre-test post-test
Table 1 shows that most respondents are autogenic relaxation with audiomusic
in early adulthood (26-35 years), as many as 17 media instrumental
people (53.1%). Most occupations as housewives Pain Std. Sum of p-
were 23 people (71.9%). Most respondents came n Mean
Scale Deviasi Ranks value
from the Javanese ethnic group, 20 people Pre 32 7.28 .729
(62.5%). Most respondents, 24 (75%), had no 465.00 <0.001
Post 32 6.12 .793
previous surgical experience.
Ismi et al., Combination of Autogenic Relaxation Therapy with Instrumental Audiomusic
to Reduce The Pain Scale of Patients After Caesarean Section 69
on a scale of 3 (range 0-10) after being given from the trigeminal nerve are inhibited and cause
autogenic relaxation. the substantia gelatinosa of the thalamus to close,
Also supported was research by stopping stimulation of the cerebral cortex and
Mappagerang et al. (2017), who obtained the reducing pain intensity.
research results on the average pain scale after the The effects of instrumental music can
intervention, namely 7.36, with an average decrease sympathetic nervous system activity,
difference of 0.98. reduce anxiety, heart rate, blood pressure, and
According to the researcher, the decrease in respiratory rhythm, and have a calming effect on
the average pain scale in respondents is due to sleep and muscle relaxation (Septiani et al., 2020).
autogenic relaxation combined with instrumental This research is in line with the research of
music, which can control blood pressure, Saputra et al. (2023) that the average respondent's
respiratory function, blood flow in the body, and head pain scale was on a pain scale of 5 (range 0-
heart frequency becomes smooth so that it has a 10) before being given autogenic relaxation, and
positive impact in the form of calmness for the average autogenic respondent's head pain was
someone who listens to it, which can reduce a on a scale of 3 (range 0-10) after being given
person's anxiety and pain. relaxation. The results of the paired T-test showed
that Ha was accepted, indicating an effect of
Effect of autogenic relaxation with instrumental autogenic relaxation on reducing hypertension
audiomusic media on pain scale in post-sectio pain (p-value 0.000 <0.05).
caesarea patients It is also supported by the research of
Mappagerang et al. (2017) obtained the results of
Based on the study's results, there was a the study of the average value of the pain scale
decrease in the average pain scale before and after 8.33 before intervention and after the intervention,
autogenic relaxation with instrumental audio- namely the mean 7.36 with an average difference
music media by as much as 1.16. The results of 0.98, standard deviation 0.235 with a min value
obtained indicate that there is an effect of giving of 1 max 1 with a p-value=0.0001 with p<α=(0.05)
autogenic relaxation with instrumental audio- which is 0.0001<0.05, it is concluded that there is
music media on the pain scale in post-sectio an effect of music therapy on pain levels in
caesarea patients at Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek fracture patients at Nene Mallomo Hospital,
Hospital, Lampung Province, in 2023. Sidrap Regency, which means Ho is rejected and
This study aligns with the theory of Ha is accepted.
Smeltzer and Bare (2002) that relaxation According to the researcher, the effect of
techniques can relieve pain by releasing muscle autogenic relaxation with instrumental audio-
stiffness that makes pain. music media on the respondent's pain scale is
Relaxation techniques allow for individual because autogenic relaxation by breathing and
self-control in pain and physical and mental stress closing the eyes can help a person become more
in times of illness. Autogenic relaxation allows relaxed and focused, allows the person to control
individuals to control various bodily functions respiratory function, blood pressure, blood
such as blood pressure, breathing, blood circulation in the body and a stable heart rate.
circulation, and heart rate to achieve a relaxed They were combined with the sound of
state. Autogenic training can train individuals for instrumental music that provides positive effects
self-suggestion. The goal is for the individual to for the listener in the form of calmness and
relax their muscles and control or reduce coolness. This results in a relaxing effect that can
emotional responses (Asmadi, 2012). ease a person's pain.
In autogenic relaxation, impulses are
transmitted through non-nociceptive afferent
nerve fibers, causing the substantia gelatinosa to CONCLUSIONS
close and thus preventing and reducing pain
stimulation (Septiani et al., 2020). The two-gate Autogenic relaxation with instrumental
control theory states that in the thalamus, another audio-music media affects the pain scale in post-
substantia gelatinosa regulates trigeminal nerve section caesar patients at Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek
pain impulses. Upon relaxation, pain impulses Hospital, Lampung Province.
Ismi et al., Combination of Autogenic Relaxation Therapy with Instrumental Audiomusic
to Reduce The Pain Scale of Patients After Caesarean Section 71