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International Journal of Health Science and Technology
Technology, 1 (3),, 2020,
20 7-14

The effectiveness of al
al-qur'an healing with audio-visual
visual methods
in reducing pain in the active phase of the first stage of labor

Suri Salmiyati1,*, Yulia Fauziah Amizuar2

Aisyiyah University, West Ringroad 63 Nogotirto Gamping Sleman 55292, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
* corresponding author
Submission date: 10 Juli 2018
2018, Receipt date: 10 Oktober 2019, Publication date:: 1 April 2020

Pain that occurs during labor is caused by the activity of uterine contractions.
Uncontrolled pain can cause stress that will inhibit the release of the hormone oxytocin
so that the labor process is disrupted. Labor pain can be decreased by pharmacological
methods (drugs) or non-pharmacological
pharmacological ones, such as Al Al-Qur'an
Qur'an Healing with audio-
visual methods. This study aims to determine the effect of AlAl-Quran
Quran Healing with audio-
visual methods on the level of pain in the active phase of the first stage of labor. This
study was an experimental quantitative research with one group pretest pretest-posttest
research design. The sampling technique was accidental sampling technique with the
total of 12 samples. The research instrume
instruments were the videos of Al-Qur'an
Qur'an Surah Al-
Insan, Al-Mulk,
Mulk, Maryam and Al Al-Kahf.
Kahf. The pain assessment instrument used Numeric
Rating Scales. The data analysis in this study used univariate and bivariate analysis.
Based on the univariate test, it was found that the respondents’ characteristics were
ages that were not at risk and multiparous parity. Most respondents were high high-school
graduates and were assisted by their husbands during the labor. The results of data
analysis using Wilcoxon obtained pp-value 0,035 (p p <α) meaning that there was
difference in the level of labor pain before and after the intervention. It could be
concluded that there was a significant effect of giving AlAl-Qur'an
Qur'an Healing therapy to the
level of labor pain in the active phase of the first stage of labor. This method of therapy
is recommended to be used by the mothers during labor, and it is expected that the
health services and the health workers can facilitate it.

Keywords: Al Qur'an healing

healing, audio-visual methods, labor pain

Labor pain is a physiological sensation caused by the activity of muscle
contractions of the uterus that tighten and compress strongly on the bladder, rectum,
spine and pubic organs (Danuatmaja and Bonny, 2008). Pain during labor is strongly
ssociated with uterine contractions. The contractions in normal labor generally have a
pause. Everyone feels different levels of pain and different way to overcome the pain
ven in the same stage of labor (Posner et al., 2013). Great pain can affect the in
in heart rate, respiratory system, blood pressure
pressure, and it can also cause stress. If stress
occurs, it can inhibit the release of oxytocin hormones which function for uterine
contractions during labor, so that contractions are inadequate
inadequate, and there is
i disruption of
cervical dilatation (Rahayu, 2014). Prolonged delivery is one of the contributors to the
Maternal Mortality Rate ((MMR). ). Efforts to overcome labor pain can be done by
pharmacological or non-pharmacological
pharmacological ways. One of the non-pharmacological
pharmacological efforts

10.31101/ijhst.v1i3.1202 This is an open access article under the CC–BY-SA license.

International Journal of Health Science and Technology, 1 (1) 2019
First Author, Second Author

is to provide Qur'an healing therapy with audio-visual methods during the process of
childbirth in the first active phase. Non-pharmacological treatment of Qur'an healing
with audio-visual method is a concept to shift focus and distraction. It is an effective
way to relieve the degree of labor pain (Albers, 2007 in Lowdermilk, Perry and
Cashion, 2010). Al-Qur'an healing with audio methods is done by listening to the sound
of murrotal chants of the holy verses of the Qur'an recited by a qori. Providing Qur'anic
reading therapy has been shown to activate body cells by converting sound vibrations
into waves captured by the body, reducing the stimulation of pain receptors so that the
brain secretes endogenous natural opioids. This opioid is permanent to block pain
nociceptors (Rilla, Ropi and Sriati, 2014). Visual healing method of the Qur'an by
showing the translation of the letter and giving an illustration of the translation of the
each verse. The brain as an imaging nerve in a technological concept gives meaning to a
material that is obtained as a source of rhetoric, and provides diagnostic imaging that
gives a meaning to the mind (Buchbinder, 2015).
Based on this phenomenon, the author was interested in using the concept of
non-pharmacological distraction of the Qur'an healing with audio-visual methods to
determine the effect on the level of pain in delivery process during the active phase. The
purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the Qur'an healing with audio-
visual methods on the level of pain in labor during first active phase.

The study applied a pre-experimental study, with the design of one group
pretest-posttest. The sample in this study used non-probability accidental sampling
technique and obtained as many as 12 respondents. The study was conducted at the Bina
Sehat Clinic and Appi Amelia Maternal Clinic in Kasihan Bantul Yogyakarta. The
instruments in this study used murotal videos from Taddabur Daily and pain assessment
instruments using the Numeric Rating Score. Data analysis in this study used univariate
and bivariate analysis; the bivariate analysis used Wilcoxcon test.


Based on the age of the respondents, eleven of the twelve respondents (92%)
were at no risky age, and eight respondents (66,67%) were multiparous. Based on the
education status of respondents, high school graduates dominated, and all respondents
had a childbirth companion; the husband was the dominant companion.
Table 1. Characteristics of respondents
Variables Total (N=12) %
Maternal Age
Risky (≥35 years old) 1 8
Not risky (20-35 years old) 11 92
Primipara 4 33,33
Multipara (1-3 Delivery) 8 66,67
Primary School 1 8,33
Junior High School 4 33,33
Senior High School 7 58,33
University 0 0
Traditional helper of delivery 0 0

Copyright © 2019, International Journal on Health Science and Technology

ISSN : 2685-8673 (online)
International Journal of Health Science and Technology, 1 (3) 2020
Yulia Fauziah Amizuar, Suri Salmiyati

Friend 0 0
Husband 7 58,33
Core family 5 41,67
Pain level before intervention
No pain 0 0
Mild pain 0 0
Moderate pain 4 33,33
Severe pain 4 33,33
Very severe pain 4 33,33
Pain level after the intervention
No pain 0 0
Mild pain 2 16,67
Moderate pain 3 25
Severe pain 7 58,33
Very severe pain 0 0

The comparison result of the number of respondents given Al-Qur'an Healing

therapy with audio-visual method on 12 respondents obtained an average value of 7,50
pain level in pretest. A minimum score of 4 showed moderate pain intensity, and a
maximum value of 10 showed very severe pain intensity. Meanwhile, the posttest score
with an average of 6,75 had a minimum value of pain 3 which showed mild pain and a
maximum value of 9 which indicated severe pain. Statistical test results using
Wilcoxcon showed asymp sign (2-tailed) 0,035 <0,05 so it could be concluded that Ho
was rejected, and Ha was accepted. It meant that there was influence of the Qur'an
Healing with audio-visual methods on the level of labor pain during I active phase.
Table 2. Cross tabulation between age and delivery pain before intervention
Age Characteristics Moderate Pain Severe pain Very Severe Pain Total
1 0 0 1
Risky age
8,3% 0% 0% 8,3%
3 4 4 11
No risky age
25% 33,3% 33,3% 91,7%
4 4 4 12
33,3% 33,3% 33,3% 99,9 %

Among 12 respondents, no risky age showed severe and very severe pain with the same
percentage of 4 respondents (33,3%), and one respondent (25%) with risky age
experienced moderate levels of pain before the Qur'an healing intervention with the
method audio visual.

Table 3. Cross tabulation between age and delivery pain after intervention
Age Characteristics Mild pain Moderate pain Severe pain Total
1 0 0 1
Risky age
8,3% 0% 0% 8,3%
1 3 7 11
No risky age
8,3% 25% 58,3% 91,7%
2 3 7 12
16,7% 25% 58,3% 99,9%

Seven respondents (58,3%) at no risky age experienced severe pain, and one respondent
with risky age (8,3%) experienced mild pain after intervention.

Copyright © 2020, International Journal of Health Science and Technology

ISSN : 2685-8673 (online)
International Journal of Health Science and Technology, 1 (1) 2019
First Author, Second Author

Table 4. Cross tabulation between parity and pain level before intervention
Parity Characteristics Moderate pain Severe pain Very severe pain Total
1 1 2 4
83% 8,3% 16,7% 33,3%
3 3 2 8
25% 25% 16,7% 66,7%
4 4 4 12
33,3% 33,3% 33,3% 99,9%

Very severe pain felt by multiparous and primiparous respondents before intervention
was as many as 2 respondents (16,7%), and the comparison between moderate pain and
very severe pain for primiparous and multiparous respondents had a 1:3 proportion.

Table 5. Cross-tabulation between parity and pain level after intervention

Parity characteristics Mild pain Moderate pain Nyeri Berat Total
0 0 4 4
0% 0% 33,3% 33,3%
2 3 3 8
16,7% 25% 25% 66,7%
2 3 7 12
16,7% 25% 58,3% 99,9%

Severe pain after intervention was felt by primiparous respondents as many as four
respondents (33,3%), and only multiparous respondents felt mild pain after the
intervention of Al-Qur'an Healing audio-visual method as many as two respondents.
Table 6. Cross tabulation between education and pain level before intervention
Education level
Moderate pain Severe pain Very severe pain Total
1 0 0 1
Primary School
8,3% 0% 0% 8,3%
1 1 2 4
Junior High School
8,3% 8,3% 16,7% 33,3%
2 3 2 7
Senior High School
16,7% 25% 16,7% 58,3%
4 4 4 12
33,3% 33,3% 33,3% 99,9%

Respondents with high school education had greater intensity of severe pain compared
to respondents with junior and primary education, namely 3 (25%) respondents before
Table 7. Cross tabulation between education and pain level after intervention
Education level
Mild pain Moderate pain Severe pain Total
1 0 0 1
Primary School
8,3% 0% 0% 8,3%
0 1 3 4
Junior High School
0% 8,3% 25% 33,3%
1 2 4 7
Senior High School
8,3% 16,7% 33,3% 58,3%
2 3 7 12
16,7% 25% 58,3% 99,9%

Copyright © 2019, International Journal on Health Science and Technology

ISSN : 2685-8673 (online)
International Journal of Health Science and Technology, 1 (3) 2020
Yulia Fauziah Amizuar, Suri Salmiyati

Severe pain after the intervention felt by respondents with high school education was
more dominant than the respondents with junior and elementary school education,
namely 4 respondents (33,3%).
Table 8. Cross tabulation between delivery companion and pain level before intervention
Moderate pain Severe pain Very severe pain Total
1 2 4 7
8,3% 16,7% 33,3% 58,3%
3 2 0 5
25% 16,7% 0% 41,7%
4 4 4 12
33,3% 33,3% 33,3% 99,9%

A total of 4 respondents (33,3%) who were accompanied by their husbands experienced

very severe pain, while the respondents who were accompanied by family as many as 3
respondents (25%) experienced moderate pain.
Table 9. Cross tabulation between delivery companion and pain level after intervention
Companion characteristics Mild pain Moderate pain Severe pain Total
1 2 4 7
8,3% 16,7% 33,3% 58,3%
1 1 3 5
8,3% 8,3% 25% 41,7%
2 3 7 12
16,7% 25% 58,3% 99,9%

The intensity of severe pain felt after the intervention by respondents who were
accompanied by the husband was more dominant by 4 (33,3%).
Age Characteristics and Pain Intensity
Based on the age characteristics of respondents, the most dominant one was in
the range of 21 years to 33 years, as many as 11 respondents. They belonged to no risky
age of reproductive activities. There was one respondent aged 40 years as in the group
of risky age. The analysis based on the results of cross tabulation data between the
intensity of labor pain levels and the characteristics of the age before and after childbirth
in the age range of 20-35 years showed that they experienced severe pain intensity and
very severe pain before the intervention of the Qur'an Healing. However, after being
given the intervention of Al-Qur'an Healing, pain intensity reduced, and there was no
more very severe pain intensity. Age is part of the response factor to pain intensity, as
Melzack's theory states that young women feel more pain than old age. Melzack's
theory is in line with Yanti's theory (2010 in Puspita, 2013) stating that pain control is
difficult for young women under 20 years.
Parity Characteristics and Pain Intensity
Pain intensity in primiparous and multiparous respondents before the Qur'an
intervention Healing was in the category of very severe pain, whereas the pain in
primipara and multipara after the intervention was in the category of severe pain, but the
proportion of severe pain in primipara was greater than the multipara with a percentage
of 33,3% primiparous and 25% multiparous. Mild pain intensity 16,7% (2 of 8) of post-
intervention was only felt by multiparous respondents. This is in line with Perry Potter's
theory (2005 in Puspita, 2013) saying that there is an experience of pain in labor history.

Copyright © 2020, International Journal of Health Science and Technology

ISSN : 2685-8673 (online)
International Journal of Health Science and Technology, 1 (1) 2019
First Author, Second Author

This difference is due to the different cervical opening mechanisms between

multiparous and primiparous. In primiparous, ostium uterus internum will open first so
that the cervix will flatten and thin, whereas in multiparous internum uterine uterus has
opened slightly, thinning and flattening of the cervix occur at the same time, so that
multiparous labor pain tends to be milder than the primiparous (Wiknjosastro, 2005 in
Magfuroh, 2012). It is also strengthened by the theory of Rusdiatin (2007 in Magfuroh,
2012) saying that a person who can cope with pain that recurs can easily face further
Level of Education Characteristics and Pain Intensity
Based on the result of cross tabulation between the level of education and the
intensity of pain, before the intervention respondents with junior and senior high school
education had the same proportion, namely 16,7% (2 respondents) experienced very
severe pain. After the intervention, there was no level of very severe pain, and it
decreased into severe pain with higher proportion in high school education compared to
junior high school and elementary school as many as 33,3% (4 respondents). Based on
the results of the test, it is not in accordance with the findings of Ye's research (2009 in
Puspita, 2013), saying that women who have higher knowledge have a lower level of
pain than those who do not have knowledge. Furthermore, Notoatmodjo (2003 in
Magfiroh, 2012) also said that higher education of mothers are more able to tolerate
pain because they have a lot of knowledge. The incompatibility of the results of this
study with the results of past research is possible because of other factors that influence
parity. It showed that four out of seven respondents with high school education had
parity status in primiparous without the experience of labor pain at all.
Companion Characteristics with Pain Intensity
The results of the cross tabulation test between the companion and the intensity
of pain before the intervention showed that very severe pain intensity was dominated by
husband as the companion (4 of 7 respondents), while the respondents who were
accompanied by the core family were dominated in the category of moderate pain (3 of
5 respondents). Furthermore, in the post-intervention it showed that the intensity of
severe pain was on the respondents who were accompanied by the core family as many
as three respondents, and the companion of the husband was four respondents, one point
This showed that the group of respondents who had core family support had
lower category pain intensity than the pain intensity felt in the group of respondents
who were accompanied by their husbands alone. It happeded because the mother who
was accompanied by the core family received full support from the family. Hence, it has
a positive effect on the emotional state that can reduce interference in the provision of
pain control epidurals as stated by Albers, (2007 in Lowdermilk, Perry, and Cashion,
Pain intensity before and after intervention
The distribution of labor pain before intervention was moderate, severe and very
severe pain which had a balanced percentage of 33,33%. After the intervention, the
changes occur, the cases with mild pain and severe pain dominated. Al-Qur'an Healing
with audio-visual method was a part of non-pharmacological psychotherapy techniques,
which provided treatment on the approach of religious belief values. The concept of Al-
Qur'an psychotherapy is a belief that Qur'an can provide happiness, calmness and is a
continuous method of delivering harmonious personality / mentality, through exercise

Copyright © 2019, International Journal on Health Science and Technology

ISSN : 2685-8673 (online)
International Journal of Health Science and Technology, 1 (3) 2020
Yulia Fauziah Amizuar, Suri Salmiyati

and cognitive habits mentally and physically (Hakim, 2013) . The belief that the Qur'an
can be a cure is based on the sura Al-Isra verse 82:

"And we (Allah) send down in the Qur'an that which is healing and a mercy for those
who believe; as for the veil-doers, it only increases their loss" (Qs.Al-Isra: 82).
The theory of endocrine psycho neuro immunology says that a calm heart will
cause the glands to release endocrine hormones which strengthen immunity and
physical health. Furthermore, an overview of the translation and visualization of the
Qur'anic translation helps the brain to produce focus and understanding. According to
Edgar Dale's theory, the human learning experience is obtained through 75% of the
sense of sight, 13% of the sense of hearing and 12% of the other senses. Based on that
theory, Al-Qur'an Healing with an audio-visual method utilized 88% understanding by
combining vision and hearing. With the use of the two senses and the verses of the
Qoran which contained positive messages, so it provided significant results on changes
in the intensity of labor pain.The respondents who experienced conditions of increasing
labor pain scores were three people. This could be caused by several factors that the
researcher could not control. First, it was the body's tolerance for different levels of
pain. Furthermore, the level of focus on the three respondents was low, so the transfer
of concentration to pain using Al-Qur'an Healing with audio-visual methods was not
optimal. This caused increasing pain intensity according to the opening phase of labor.
Another factor that supported the result of teh study was the existence of a state of
exhaustion and emotional belonged to each individual. The researcher did not know
whether the respondent had unresolved personal problems, and the heart was in an
uneasy state which caused stress and inhibited the production of the hormone oxytocin
while inhibiting the production of endocrine hormones so that there was a decrease in
the level of immunity and physical endurance.

There was a statistically significant effect of giving the Qur'an healing with
audio-visual methods on the level of labor pain with p value of 0,035. The level of labor
pain after intervention using Al-Qur'an healing by audio-visual method had a varied
distribution in the categories of mild, moderate and severe pain. The dominant pain
level felt by respondents was severe pain. It is expected that this therapeutic method can
be used for mothers during delivery, as one of the management of controlling pain,
shifting focus from labor pain. The use of healing Al-Qur'an therapy with audio-visual
methods can be facilitated by health workers, especially midwives and delivery
services. In the future, the authors expect that there will be further researches on this
therapeutic method by tightening the control over confounding variables, especially in
psychological factors.

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Copyright © 2020, International Journal of Health Science and Technology

ISSN : 2685-8673 (online)
International Journal of Health Science and Technology, 1 (1) 2019
First Author, Second Author

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Copyright © 2019, International Journal on Health Science and Technology

ISSN : 2685-8673 (online)

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