Ref :- Higher and Technical Education Department Notification dated :- 21/08/2023 (No .315)
This notice is being issued for Online Registration, Scanning & uploading of documents, Documents
E-Verification and Online Application Form Confirmation, Filling & Confirmation of Option Form, Self-
confirmation before seat acceptance, Paying seat acceptance fees in online mode for confirmation of
admission, reporting to Institutes by candidates aspiring for admissions First Year of Five Year Duration Full
Time Architecture program (B. Arch.) in the Government, Government Aided, University Managed Institutes,
University Managed Departments and Unaided Private Professional Educational Institutes (Including
Minority) for the Academic Year 2023-24 in the Maharashtra State.
For the purpose of document verification, the concept of E-Scrutiny of the documents and Physical
Scrutiny of the documents is introduced by the Competent Authority. The candidate shall choose any one mode
for document verification during online form filling.
Process of application: The Candidate shall register online, the candidate shall fill & submit online
application form and upload the required documents from anywhere through the computer connected to internet
and he/she need not have to visit personally for verification and confirmation of the application form in case
of E- scrutiny mode selected. His/her application & documents shall be verified and confirmed by the
designated E-Scrutiny Center through online mode only and if candidate selected Physical Scrutiny he need to
visit nearest Physical Scrutiny Center.
The activities and scheduled dates for Maharashtra State/All India/NRI/OCI /PIO / CIWGC/FN
candidates are as follows.
Sr. Schedule
No. First Date Last Date
Online registration of application and uploading of
1. required documents by the Candidate for admission on
website 02*-09-2023 up to
28-08-2023 05.00 p.m.
(For Maharashtra State/All India/ NRI/OCI/PIO
/CIWGC /FN candidates).
Note:- Candidates opting for Maharashtra plus AI
Candidature as well as NRI/PIO/OCI/CIWGC , shall
apply separately for each type.
2. Documents verification and confirmation of Application
Form for Admission by online mode. 28-08-2023 03*-09-2023
a) By Maharashtra State/All India Candidates up to
shall fill online application form and upload the 05.00 p.m.
required documents from any computer
connected to internet from anywhere.
CAP Round-II
11. Display of Provisional Vacant Seats for CAP Round-II 19-09-2023
16. Display of Provisional Vacant Seats for CAP Round-III 27-09-2023
17. Online Submission & Confirmation of Option Form of
CAP Round-III through candidate’s Login by the 29-09-2023 01-10-2023
18. Display of Provisional Allotment of CAP Round-III 03-10-2023
19. Accepting to the offered seat by candidate through
his/her login as per Allotment of CAP Round III.
Note: - All eligible candidates participated in Round III 06-10-2023
and allotted the seat first time shall self-verify the seat 04-10-2023 up to 03.00
allotment as per 9(a) above. The candidate who have PM
been allotted the seat first time in Round III shall pay the
seat acceptance fee through his/her login by online mode.
20. Reporting to the Allotted Institute and Confirmation
of Admission by submitting required documents and
payment of fee after CAP Round III.
Note: Participating candidates to whom the first time
04-10-2023 up to 05.00
allotment is made or got betterment in allotment or
No betterment (Earlier seat retained) In Round III
shall be final. Such a candidate must report to
allotted institute for confirmation of admission.
21. (For Government/ Govt. Aided/ Unaided Institutes)
For Vacant seats if any at institute the respective
institute will complete the admission activity in the
following manner -
Display of vacant seats on institute website
and giving appropriate advertisement in the News 12-10-2023
Invite applications from registered candidates.
Prepare and display Merit List on college website
and Institute Notice Board.
Carry out/ Complete Admission Process by
following Government Admission Rules
22. Commencement of academic activities for All institutes 29-09-2023
23. Cut-off Date for all type of admissions for the Academic 12-10-2023
Year 2023-24 Up to 05.00 PM
24. For Institutes: Last date of uploading the data (details 12-10-2023
of admitted candidates) Up to 06.00 PM
Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir and Union Territory of Ladakh Migrant Candidates :
Important Note: -
1. All types of candidates aspiring for admission under CAP seats shall register himself/herself
online, Scan and upload Documents, solve grievances (Depends on document verification mode
selected by candidate) raised by Physical Scrutiny Center (PSC) in person or raised by E-Scrutiny
Center during E- Verification verified documents & Application Form confirmed by E-Scrutiny
Center. Such eligible registered candidates shall be considered for CAP Merit and admission
through CAP
2. In case of NRI/OCI/PIO, CIWGC, FN Candidates, and Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir and
Union Territory of Ladakh Migrant Candidates after registration & confirmation of their
application at to “J. J. College of Architecture, 78/3, Dr. D.N. Road, Fort, Mumbai-400001” shall
approach directly to the Institute for admission where such quota is granted by the appropriate
authority. However, CET Cell may publish the list of such registered & eligible candidates separately
on website.
3. Candidate shall carry printed copy of Application Form, Original documents and one set of
Xerox copies of the required documents. SC shall verify all documents from Original and put
SC stamp with date & Signature on Xerox copies and return original and verified documents
along with Receipt-cum-Acknowledgement of application form. (Candidate shall submit
Physical SC stamped & E. Scrutiny verified set of documents to the alloted institute at the time
of reporting)
4. The candidates aspiring for admission for Institutional Quota, seats remaining vacant after CAP,
1. If candidates fail to confirm online filled application by E-Scrutiny center or Physical Scrutiny Center
then such applications will be rejected and name of such candidates will not appear in the merit list(s)
prepared for the purpose of Admission for both CAP as well as NonCAP process.
2. If candidates fail to confirm online filled application form at E-Scrutiny center or Physical Scrutiny
Center, then such applications will be rejected and name of such candidates will not appear in the
merit list(s) prepared for the purpose of Admission for both CAP as well as Non-CAP process.
3. The candidates belonging to SC, VJ/DT (NT (A), NT (B), NT(C), NT (D), OBC and SBC
categories shall produce “Caste Validity Certificate”, ST category shall submit “Tribe Validity
Certificate” and EWS candidates shall submit EWS Certificate, All Backward Class candidates
excluding SC & ST shall produce Non Creamy Layer certificate valid up to 31st March 2024.
If such candidates fail to produce the original certificate or receipt of Caste/Tribe validity
certificate, Non Creamy Layer certificate and EWS certificate issued by competent authority at
the time of verification at Scrutiny Center, then such candidates will be treated as GENERAL
category candidates for CAP Admissions.
4. EWS candidates shall produce the Eligibility Certificate for Economically Weaker Section. (As per
the format in Maharashtra State Government Resolution No. राआधो-४०१९/ . .३१/१६-अ
dated 12th February, 2019 only) as per performa V in Information Brochure.
5. For Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir and Union Territory of Ladakh Migrant
NRI/PIO/OCI/CIWGC/FN Candidates: -Such Candidates will get the Receipt-cum-Acknowledgement
through their login after confirmation of application by Scrutiny Center.
6. Candidates who have registered as a reserved category candidate but unable to produce required
certificate for reservation claim during documents verification stage shall have to pay difference
of fee of Rs. 200/- through online mode only.
7. Once the candidate confirms his/her Option form online through his/her Login for the respective
admission rounds, Candidate will not be allowed to change/cancel the option/preference submitted
under any circumstances.
8. A Candidate who has been allotted a seat shall download the “Provisional Seat Allotment Letter”
9. The Seat Acceptance Fee shall be Rs. 1,000/- for all Candidates. The candidate has to pay the Seat
Acceptance Fee during first seat acceptance only. This fee shall be treated as non-refundable
processing fee. The Seat Acceptance fees is to be paid through His/ Her Own login by ONLINE
MODE only.
10. Seat will be confirmed by the allotted instituted after verification of the original documents and
ensuring that the Candidate meets all the eligibility norms. The admission in-charge of institute shall
issue the Online Receipt of admission confirmation to the candidate.
11. The SC, ST, VJ/DT- NT(A), NT(B), NT(C), NT(D), OBC, SBC and EWS Candidates who
submitted receipt of Caste/Tribe Validity Certificate, Non Creamy Layer Certificate, EWS
Certificate during registration e-verification or physical document verification and
confirmation period should upload and verify original Caste/ Tribe Validity Certificate, Non
Creamy Layer Certificate, EWS Certificate at Physical Scrutiny Center or E-Scrutiny Center
and submit original certificate to the admitted institute on or before 06/10/2023 up to 03.00
PM otherwise these candidates admission will get automatically cancelled and shall be
considered as Open category candidates for next institute level round provided candidate
full fill eligibility criteria for open category.
General Notes:
1. Candidate can avail the IT facilities which is available at Physical Scruntiny and E Scrutiny Centre (E.
SC) free of cost for submission, scanning uploading documents, confirmation of Application form.
2. Eligibility, Rules & regulations for admission are made available on the website.
3. The schedule displayed above is provisional and may change under unavoidable circumstances. The
revised schedule, if any, will be notified on website
4. For queries/enquiry: Helpline No. 18001238430 / 8588830069 between 10.00 AM. to 06.00 PM.
5. All Types of Document Verification Activity remains open all days including Saturday & Sunday
between 10 AM. to 05.30 PM. (All Types of admission activities will remain closed on 19th September
and 28 September, 2023)