His return
His return
His return
S.Y. 2024-2025
Grade 10
Quarter 2
This activity intends to help you analyze sound decisions and goals toward the
achievement of your personal welfare and common good. This will further help you examine
different factors in decision – making; provide proper procedures toward sound decision –
making and evaluate experiences relevant to it.
a. Scenario #1: You dream of being a part of the school’s basketball team. To achieve that,
you think that you should practice every day. Two oy your classmates who are already
members of the team constantly size up your efforts. They make fun of your practicing
and for working hard. One day they asked you to hang out with them. They told you that
if you will join them and do things for them, they will recommend you to the team coach.
What will you do?
b. Scenario #2: You are worried because one of your friends has been hanging out with
your classmates who are pressuring her to try drinking alcohol. One of them is her long –
time crush who even invited her to come to their house during weekend because his
parents will not be there. Your friend came to you to help her decide. What will you do?
c. Scenario #3: Someone in your class cheated on a test. You know for a fact that he,
together with your friend were writing answers on a small note before the test. When the
test papers were given, your teacher congratulated him for getting the highest score. You
are confused about reporting that he cheated as your friend might also be punished as
well for helping him. What will you do?
1. How did you feel while deciding for the given scenarios?
2. What are the factors that you considered in making your decisions?
3. What important insights have you gained from the decisions you have made?
As growing adolescent, you should be able to make constructive choices and be
accountable of your actions. Remember that each decision that you make has consequences that
can affect your life. Here are some of the important tips to help you enhance your responsible
decision – making skills.
Sound Decision – making
1. Be mindful in recognizing the problems and challenges that you are facing.
2. Effectively analyze the problems by looking at it in different perspectives,
including how and why it happened.
3. Develop your ability to identify several options and explore the possible
consequences for each.
4. Approach problems by considering your values and principles.
5. Take time to evaluate how you solved a problem by reflecting on its
Keep in mind that sound decision is about making choices that are good for you and for others. It
involves critical thinking and accountability. Most importantly, it is about understanding
yourself, your actions and how it will affect others. Throughout your journey, you will become
more and more independent until you can be matured enough to make your own decisions.