My Campus Placement Transcript
My Campus Placement Transcript
My Campus Placement Transcript
• Questions was inclined towards HR more and some from my
Any one next year you are going to appear. See everything is very
smooth and you will not be harassed but yes you will not get to know
that why they did not selected you and also pls remember CGPA &
Category plays a big role so keep it in mind and don’t get dishearten, it
In this interview I was more prepared compared to my first Interview and
I have verified all answers after coming out of the room…
Good Luck!
Indian Oil
NAME-Ankit Kumar Gupta ---(Selected)
1- How are you, Ankit?
2- You have 2 brothers what are they doing?
3- You help them or not for their studies?
4- Your father is totally dependent on Agriculture?
5- What your brother will do?
As you have done very good in your academics till Now that we can see from
the grade sheet, we expect more answers from you, Will you answer all?
(About Company)
6- Ankit what is the locations of all refineries?
7- What is E&P? How much IOC Invested there?
8- What are fortune 500 companies and what is IOCL rank in that?
9- On what basis it is given to a company?
10- What was the last year’s financial performance of IOCL?(Revenue and
Net Profit)
11- What is Q2 results of IOCL this year?
12- What are renewable sources and what is green energy?
13- Tell me about CBG?
14- IOCL has E&P business?
15- What is exclusive product of BPCL for which whole India is dependent on
them? (I was not able to tell properly- It was absorbent for Diaper
16- What is pump?
17- What is NPSH?
18- When this cavitation occurs?
19- What is NPSH req?
20- Condition to avoid Cavitation?
21- How much Should NPSH avl greater then the NPSH req?
22- What is pitting?
23- What will happen if I mix petrol with water and pump at higher
24- Which pump is used for highly viscus fluid?
25- Difference between Positive displacement pump and Positive
displacement compressor?
Ohk Thank You Ankit.
Result- Selected (Interview was a bit Random)
No questions from my internship.
Questions asked to me were very easy but yes you need to show inclination
towards the organization. Show your confidence and be honest no one will
be able to stop you in cracking O&G interviews.
In campus placements Internship, CGPA, Extra-curricular and 10% of luck is
also required and have faith in yourself, your hard work and God.