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College of Precision Instrument and Opto-Electronics Engineering, Key Laboratory of Opto-Electronics Information Technology,
Ministry of Education, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, People’s Republic of China
Department of Physics, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, Indianapolis, Indiana 46202, USA
Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed: xiaoyingli@tju.edu.cn and zou@iupui.edu
A new type of quantum interferometer was recently realized that employs parametric amplifiers (PAs) as the wave splitting and mixing ele-
ments. The quantum behavior stems from the PAs, which produce quantum entangled fields for probing the phase change signal in the
interferometer. This type of quantum entangled interferometer exhibits some unique properties that are different from traditional beam
I. INTRODUCTION quantum noise or the so-called shot noise inherited from the input
field and the vacuum field injected from the unused BS input ports1
Interferometry, a technique based on wave interference, played [dashed line in Fig. 1(a)]. The sensitivity limit of this kind of inter-
a crucial part in the development of fundamental ideas in physics ferometer is referred to as the shot noise limit (SNL) or some- √
as well as in the technological advances of mankind. It has become times the standard quantum limit (SQL), i.e., the general 1/ N-
an indispensable part in precision measurement and metrology ever dependence at a large phase sensing photon number N. In order
since its inception. Most of the physical quantities such as distance, to reduce the vacuum quantum noise, squeezed states are prop-
local gravity fields, and magnetic fields that can be measured by the erly injected into interferometers by replacing the vacuum state.1
interferometric technique are associated with the phases of the inter- The result of the squeezed state injection is the reduction of the
fering waves. It is the extreme sensitiveness to the phase change in detection noise below the shot noise level and thus the enhance-
interferometry that leads to wide applications of the technique in ment of phase measurement sensitivity. Experimental efforts and
precision measurement and metrology. progress were made in the generation and application of these quan-
In traditional interferometry, as shown in Fig. 1(a), an input tum states to optical interferometry systems.2,3 In fact, such a tech-
field is split into two by a beam splitter (BS1). One of the beams, nique was recently applied to km-scale large size interferometers
serving as the probe, is phase modulated so as to encode a phase with the goal of improving the sensitivity for gravitational wave
change (δ) onto it. It then interferes with the other beam, serving detection.4–6
as a reference, at another beam splitter (BS2). This converts the SU(1,1) interferometers are a new type of quantum interferom-
phase change to an intensity change, and the outputs of BS2 are eters, which are quite different from the traditional interferometers
directly measured and analyzed with intensity detectors. Regard- in that the linear beam splitters are replaced by nonlinear optical
less of the difference in design between different schemes, the devices of parametric amplifiers (PAs), as shown in Fig. 1(b). The
sensitivity of traditional interferometers is limited by the vacuum name of SU(1,1) stems from the type of interaction involved in
SNRMZ = 4Ips δ2 ,
when T 2 = R2 = 1/2 and T 1 → 1. The minimum measurable phase
shift is δm = 1/2 Ips when SNRMZ = 1. This is the optimum phase
which gives twice the change, the measurement uncertainty is Δ2 φ = Δ2 φ1 + Δ2 φ2 if the phase
√ fluctuations in the two arms are independent (indeed, the quan-
δI− = 4∣α∣2 δ T1 T2 R1 R2 sin φ.
(3) tum fluctuations are independent for coherent states). However,
(o) it was shown45 that the intrinsic phase uncertainty Δ2 φi (i = 1, 2)
Obviously, the change δI− is maximum when φ = π/2, which is the
is inversely proportional to I i . Making I 1 ≫ I 2 gives Δ2 φ1 ≪ Δ2 φ2
operational point we will take in the following.
so that Δ2 φ ≈ Δ2 φ2 = Δ2 φps ∼ 1/I ps (the subscript ps denotes
The measurement sensitivity, on the other hand, depends on
the phase sensing field). However, for a balanced interferome-
the noise level at detection. For the input of a coherent state |α⟩, the
ter, I 1 = I 2 or Δ2 φ1 = Δ2 φ2 , so we have Δ2 φ = 2Δ2 φps . Hence,
detection noise is the photon number fluctuation, which has the
the unbalanced interferometer has half the measurement uncer-
Poissonian statistics: ⟨Δ2 I1,2 ⟩ = I1,2 . Since the two outputs are
(o) (o)
tainty as the balanced one11 and thus better sensitivity with twice
also in coherent states so that their fluctuations are uncorrelated the SNR.43
quantum mechanically, we have Note that, here, we only use one arm for sensing and the opti-
mum condition is T 1 ≈ 1 ≫ R1 . If two arms are used for sensing
⟨Δ2 I− ⟩ = ⟨Δ2 I1 ⟩ + ⟨Δ2 I2 ⟩ = I1 = ∣α∣2 .
(o) (o) (o) (o) (o)
+ I2 (4)
such as the situations of Sagnac interferometers for rotation sensing
If the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is defined as and Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO)
for gravitational wave sensing, the optimum condition will be
(δI− )2
SNR ≡ , (5) T 1 = R1 = 1/2 to give balanced interferometers.
⟨Δ2 I− ⟩ The shot noise limit can be surpassed if we inject a squeezed
photon number fluctuation at this time as44 A. Parametric amplifiers as beam splitters
sq Parametric amplifiers are a result of three-wave or four-wave
⟨Δ2 I− ⟩ 2 −2r
= ∣α∣ e 2 2
= ∣α∣ /(G + g) , (8)
mixing in a nonlinear optical process. The interaction Hamiltonian
which gives rise to the signal-to-noise ratio as is in the form of
sq ̵ † ↠− ihξ
ĤPA = ihξâ ̵ ∗ â1 â2 , (10)
SNRMZ = 4Ips δ2 (G + g)2 . (9) 1 2
Note that this SNR for the squeezed state interferometry has an where ξ is some parameter proportional to the nonlinear coefficient
enhancement factor of (G + g)2 = e2r√compared to the optimum clas- and the amplitudes of strong pump fields, which can be treated as
sical SNR in Eq. (7) or δm = e−r /2 Ips = δm e−r when SNRMZ = 1.
sq classical waves. The other two relatively weak fields are the quantum
Since the detection noise in Eq. (8) is smaller than the shot noise fields described by the operators â1 , â2 . To have better comparison
level in Eq. (4), this leads to the sub-shot noise interferometry.2,3 with traditional interferometers with BS, we use the Heisenberg pic-
In the expressions above, we assumed R1 |α|2 ≫ g 2 = sinh2 r ture here and describe the system with operator evolution. The input
so that the coherent state provides most of the photons for and the output relation of the quantum fields for the Hamiltonian in
phase sensing. At a large r-value, the squeezed state contributes Eq. (10) are
a sizable photon number for I ps and optimization between r (in)† (in)†
= Gâ1 = Gâ2
(o) (in) (o) (in)
and α will lead to the so-called Heisenberg limit of phase â1 + g â2 , â2 + g â1 , (11)
with G = cosh r, g = sinh r as the amplitude gains and r ∝ ξ. Note
In practice, interferometers are usually operated at the dark
that we set the phase of r to zero for convenience without loss of
fringe mode. This is because high sensitivity requires high I ps [see
Eq. (7)], which can saturate the detectors. This requires φ = π,
If quadrature-phase amplitudes are defined as X̂ = â + ↠,
T 1 = T 2 ≫ R1 = R2 . To avoid electronic noise, homodyne measure-
(o) Ŷ = i(↠− â), we have from Eq. (11)
ment is performed at the dark port (â2 ). In this case, the output
noise is simply the vacuum noise or the squeezed noise from the X̂1,2 = GX̂1,2 + g X̂2,1 , Ŷ1,2 = GŶ1,2 − g Ŷ2,1 .
(o) (in) (in) (o) (in) (in)
unused input port (â2 in Fig. 2), so it can be easily shown1 that the
SNR in this case is the same as the optimized classical SNR given by Note from the relation above that the output amplitudes are mix-
MZI, is completely independent of the phase, making it impossi- ⟨Δ2 X̂1 (θ)⟩m = ⟨Δ2 X̂2 (θ)⟩m
(o) (o)
Although the signal due to the phase change is increased in To understand how quantum interference occurs at PA2, we
SU(1,1) as compared to MZI, one may argue that this is not surpris- just need to recall Eq. (12), which shows the superposition of the
ing at all because of the amplification of the second PA in SU(1,1). quadrature-phase amplitudes of the incoming fields. Note that the
We can achieve the same effect if we place an amplifier at the outputs relations are in quantum mechanical operator form, which means
of the MZI. However, as we will see, there is a significant difference that quantum fluctuations or noise can be subtracted or added
noise in addition to the input signal noise, leading to a degraded With the output noise given in Eq. (15), we obtain the SNRs at the
signal-to-noise ratio for the amplified signal compared to the input. two outputs as
If the internal mode can be accessed, as in the case of a parametric
(o) 2
amplifier, squeezed states can be injected to it to reduce the extra ⟨Ŷ1 ⟩
SNRSU(1,1) =
added noise.54,55 This is the case when the input signal and the inter- ⟨Δ2 Ŷ1 ⟩
nal mode are uncorrelated. On the other hand, if the input signal
and the internal mode are correlated, further noise reduction can be 4g22 g12 ∣α∣2 δ2
achieved. This was first studied by Ou59 as early as in 1994 and was (G21+ g1 )(G22 + g22 ) − 4G1 G2 g1 g2
the signal field (s) and field 2 as the internal mode (int) and rewrite and
it as
4G22 g12 ∣α∣2 δ2
SNRSU(1,1) =
= GX̂s
+ g X̂int .
(17) (G21+ g1 )(G22 + g22 ) − 4G1 G2 g1 g2
4G22 Ips δ2
If the signal and internal modes are independent, we have = , (22)
(G1 + g1 )(G22 + g22 ) − 4G1 G2 g1 g2
2 2
where Ips = g12 ∣α∣2 is the photon number of the phase sensing field.
⟨Δ2 X̂s ⟩ = G2 ⟨Δ2 X̂s ⟩ + g 2 ⟨Δ2 X̂int ⟩.
(o) (in) (in)
When g 2 > g 1 and g 2 ≫ 1 so that G22 = 1 + g22 ≈ g22 , the SNR takes the
maximum value of61
The second term in the expression above is the extra noise for the
SNRSU(1,1) = 2(G1 + g1 )2 Ips δ2 ,
output that degrades the output SNR as compared to the input. (23)
However, if the input signal and the internal modes are correlated, SU(1,1) √
= 2δm /(G1 + g1 ) when SNRSU(1,1) = 1.
we have from Eq. (17) which gives δm
Note that the optimum SNR is obtained not with equal gains
of the two PAs but under the condition of g 2 > g 1 , g 2 ≫ 1.62 The
device for superposition to disentangle the two fields in the two arms
= (G21 + g12 )(G22 + g22 ) − 4G1 G2 g1 g2 of the interferometer.
= 1 + 2(G1 g2 − G2 g1 )2 Indeed, as variations of SU(1,1), we can replace the second PA
≫ 1 for G2 ≫ G1 > 1 (25) with any linear device that can mix the two fields and achieve the
same performance as SU(1,1), as we will see in the following.
at dark fringe when φ1 + φ2 = π. So, the noise for Ŷ1 after the loss IV. VARIATIONS OF SU(1,1) INTERFEROMETERS
L is
A. The Scheme of a parametric amplifier and a beam
2 2 splitter (PA + BS)
⟨Δ Ŷ1 ⟩L = (1 − L)⟨Δ Ŷ1 ⟩ + L
(o) (o)
they can be converted from each other by a 50:50 beam splitter.56,67 they must be frequency degenerate and the scheme is sensitive to
Since an EPR-type entangled state can be generated with a paramet- losses just like squeezed state interferometry.
ric amplifier,50 we can use a beam splitter to convert it to squeezed
states and measure the phase change with reduced quantum noise, B. Truncated SU(1,1) interferometer
similar to the squeezed state interferometry. However, the state-
Although waves need to be superimposed in order to show the
ments above are for states with no coherent components and the
interference effect, the method of superposition can vary. We have
photon number of squeezed states with no coherent component is
already seen the methods using a parametric amplifier and using
too low to have any practical use.
a beam splitter. In these cases, the waves are physically superim-
To boost the photon number, we can inject a coherent state,
posed and interference occurs at the optical fields of the outputs of
just like what we did in Sec. III. This forms a variation of the SU(1,1)
the wave-combining devices. In particular, for the PA + BS scheme
interferometer with a PA for beam splitting and a BS for wave super-
in Fig. 6, it requires the two fields from PA1 have the same fre-
position and interference (PA + BS scheme). The actual scheme is
quency because of the use of the beam splitter for wave superposi-
shown in Fig. 6. For a large injection |α|2 ≫ 1, it is straightforward
tion. On the other hand, since homodyne detection makes quantum
to calculate58 the output intensity at output port 2 as
measurement of the quadrature-phase amplitude of the field, the
photo-current from homodyne detection can be thought of as the
= Ips [1 − V cos(φ1 + φ2 )],
I2 (28)
quantum copy of the amplitude of the field. So, the mixing of
√ the photo-currents after homodyne detections is equivalent to the
where Ips = g12 ∣α∣2 and visibility V ≡ 2G1 g1 TR/(g12 + R). Note that
the fringe depends on the sum of the phases of the two arms, sim- superposition of the detected fields and we can replace the beam
ilar to Eq. (13). 100% visibility in interference fringe at output port splitter with a post-detection current mixer to achieve field super-
2 can be achieved with T = G21 /(G21 + g12 ), R = 1 − T for the beam position. This is the idea behind the so-called “truncated” SU(1,1)
(o) interferometer proposed and reported by Anderson et al.,15,43 as
splitter. However, when Ŷ2 is measured at output port 2 by homo-
shown in Fig. 7 where only the first parametric amplifier remains
dyne detection (HD), the optimum SNR for phase measurement is
as compared to SU(1,1) interferometers in Figs. 1(b) and 6. The
achieved when T = (G21 + g12 )2 /(8G21 g12 + 1), R = 4G21 g12 /(8G21 g12 + 1)
mixer for photo-currents from the homodyne detectors (HD) plays
the same role as the second parametric amplifier in Fig. 1(b) and
SNRPA−BS = 4δ2 Ips (G21 + g12 ).
(29) the beam splitter in Fig. 6 to superimpose the two fields in the
interferometer for interference. The current after mixing shows the
FIG. 6. The scheme of the parametric amplifier and beam splitter for a variation of
the SU(1,1) interferometer. Adapted with permission from J. Kong, Z. Y. Ou, and FIG. 7. The scheme of the truncated SU(1,1) interferometer. Reproduced with per-
W. Zhang, Phys. Rev. A 87, 023825 (2013). Copyright 2013 American Physical mission from Gupta et al., Opt. Express 26, 391 (2018). Copyright 2018 Optical
Society. Society of America.
by squeezed state interferometry given in Eq. (9). The reason for From the result above, we find that SU(1,1) at best matches
this is quantum resource sharing in phase and amplitude measure- the sensitivity of squeezed state interferometry. This seems to con-
ment,61 which will be discussed later in Sec. VI B. This means that tradict the fact that SU(1,1) can reach the Heisenberg limit of
the current SU(1,1) interferometer is not optimized for phase mea- phase measurement.7 However, the result in Eq. (33) is obtained
surement. To look for the optimized phase measurement scheme, we under the condition of strong coherent state injection to boost
note in Eqs. (13) and (28) that the interference fringe depends on the overall phase sensing photon number I ps . With no coherent state
sum of the phases of the two arms of the interferometer. Therefore, injection, it was shown11 that the Heisenberg limit is recovered.
if we use both fields from PA1 to sense the phase change signal, we It was further shown58 that when the gain parameter g 1 of PA1
will double the signal size δ. This is the dual-beam scheme proposed is comparable to the injected coherent state photon number, the
by Li et al.61 and realized by Liu et al.,69 which is shown in Fig. 8. As Heisenberg limit can also be reached, similar to squeezed state
expected, it can be shown61 that the homodyne detection signals at interferometry.47,48
both output ports are It was shown61 that when dual-beam phase sensing is imple-
mented in the truncated scheme and the PA + BS scheme, the factor
⟨Ŷ1⟩ = 4(G1 G2 + g1 g2 )2 ∣α∣2 δ2 , of 2 is also recovered, leading to the same SNR as the squeezed state
(30) interferometry. However, because of the second PA, the dual-beam
⟨Ŷ2⟩ = 4(G1 g2 + g1 G2 )2 ∣α∣2 δ2 .
SU(1,1) scheme here is tolerant to losses outside of the interferom-
eter, similar to the original SU(1,1) interferometer in Fig. 3. Fur-
With the noise power given in Eq. (15) [quantities X̂1,2 (π/2) are the
thermore, different from the PA + BS scheme, the employment of
same as Ŷ 1,2 here] and at the dark fringe of φ1 + φ2 = π, the SNR for separate homodyne detectors in the truncated scheme and the sec-
the dual-beam scheme is ond PA in the dual-beam SU(1,1) scheme does not require the same
frequency for the two fields from the first PA in both schemes. The
4(G1 G2 + g1 g2 )2 Ips δ2
, experimental implementation of the dual-beam SU(1,1) interferom-
(G21 + g12 )[(G21 + g12 )(G22 + g22 ) − 4G1 G2 g1 g2 ] eter was realized by Liu et al.,69 and about 3 dB improvement over
4(G1 g2 + g1 G2 )2 Ips δ2 the single-beam scheme was demonstrated.
(G21 + g12 )[(G21 + g12 )(G22 + g22 ) − 4G1 G2 g1 g2 ]
D. Multi-stage SU(1,1) interferometers
where Ips = (G21 + g12 )∣α∣2 is the photon number of the dual phase
FIG. 8. The dual-beam scheme of the SU(1,1) interferometer for phase measure-
ment. Reproduced with permission from Liu et al., Opt. Express 27, 11292 (2019).
Copyright 2019 Optical Society of America. FIG. 9. Multi-stage SU(1,1) interferometer.
̵ † ↠+ H.c.,
Ĥat = hκâ (39)
↑ ↓
FIG. 11. Hybrid atom-light interferometers. (a) Schematic diagram of the interfer-
ometer; PBS: polarization beam splitter, BS: beam splitter, M: mirror, D: detector, B: where â↑ , â↓ correspond to the atomic fields in the spin states of
magnetic field for atomic phase change. (b) Time sequence of light pulses. (c) MZ |↑⟩ ≡ |F = 2, mF = 1⟩ and |↓⟩ ≡ |F = 2, mF = −1⟩, respec-
interferometer-equivalent interference paths for atomic spin wave Sa and optical
wave aS , RA1, RA2: Raman amplifiers. Inset: atomic levels and optical waves.
tively. The effective nonlinear coupling κ ≡ gN 0 is related to
the microscopic nonlinearity g, arising from coherent collisional
interactions and the number of colliding atoms N 0 in the ini-
an excited state (e). The Raman interaction Hamiltonian74,75 has the tial state of |F = 2, mF = 0⟩, acting as the pump mode.
same form as the parametric interaction Hamiltonian in Eq. (10), Figure 12 shows the schematic of the interferometer (a) and the
phase-dependent atomic numbers with their average showing the
̵ W ↠Ŝ†a − ihη
ĤR = ihηA ̵ ∗ A∗W âS Ŝa , (38)
S interference pattern (b). Note that the sum of the two output chan-
except that one of the light fields, say â2 , is replaced by the atomic nels is measured because they are in phase, which is the unique
spin wave Ŝa and the other field â1 is renamed as the Stokes property of the SU(1,1) interferometer. This version of the SU(1,1)
field âS . interferometer is the unseeded one without coherent state injec-
In most applications of Raman amplifiers, the atomic states are tion since initially there is no atom in either |↑⟩ or |↓⟩ state.
treated as inaccessible internal states of the amplifier, which are often Nonetheless, phase measurement sensitivity beyond the SQL was
in the vacuum state (unexcited state) and are not taken into con- demonstrated.
sideration. They are responsible for the spontaneous emission noise The atom-light hybrid interferometer discussed in Sec. V B and
of the amplifier. For the action of the SU(1,1) interferometer, as we the atomic SU(1,1) interferometers discussed here all involve atomic
apparent violation of the Heisenberg uncertainty relation.49,50,93 The above application of the SU(1,1) interferometer to the
However, Braunstein and Kimble57 made use of this seemingly simultaneous measurement of phase and amplitude was experimen-
contradicting behavior of the entangled source to achieve simul- tally demonstrated by Liu et al.19 Furthermore, the measurement
taneous measurement of phase and amplitude with measurement scheme is extended to simultaneous measurement of multiple non-
precision, beating the limit set by the Heisenberg uncertainty rela- commuting observables, which are not necessarily orthogonal [HD1
tion. The experimental demonstration of this phenomenon was for X̂s (ϕ1 ), HD2 for X̂s (ϕ2 ), HD3 for X̂s′ (ϕ3 ) in Fig. 13 with arbi-
first performed by Li et al.94 following a proposal by Zhang and trary ϕ1 , ϕ2 , ϕ3 ]. Since outputs are amplified, we can further split the
Peng,95 which is a variation of the quantum dense coding scheme of signal output without introducing vacuum noise for the simultane-
Braunstein and Kimble.57 More recently, Steinlechner et al.96 applied ous measurement of another modulation non-orthogonal to phase
the same technique to a prototype interferometer for gravita- and amplitude by HD3 of X̂s′ (ϕ3 ).
tional wave detection with simultaneous measurement of two non- The advantages of the SU(1,1) interferometer over the quan-
orthogonal quantities. tum dense coding scheme57 are as follows: (1) more than two non-
A look at the quantum dense coding scheme by Braunstein and commuting quantities can be simultaneously measured and (2) it is
Kimble reveals that it is just the PA + BS scheme of the SU(1,1) inter- tolerant to propagation and detection losses.
ferometer that we discussed in Sec. IV A. Since the role of the BS is
the same as the second parametric amplifier in the SU(1,1) interfer- B. Quantum resource sharing
ometer to superpose the two entangled fields, the original SU(1,1)
When using SU(1,1) interferometers for the simultaneous mea-
interferometer with two parametric amplifiers should be able to
surement of phase and amplitude, there exists an interesting rela-
accomplish the same task as the quantum dense coding scheme.
tion between the optimum sensitivities of the two measurements.
Indeed, it was theoretically shown61 that while homodyne detection
Expressed in terms of the signal-to-noise ratios, the relation is
of Ŷ 1 at the signal output port of PA2 (port 1 in Fig. 3) gives rise to
written as61,97
the measurement of the phase modulation δ with an SNR of
SNRPh + SNRAm = SNRop , (44)
4g22 Ips δ2 where SNRop is the optimized SNR of the corresponding measure-
(G1 + g1 )(G22 + g22 ) − 4G1 G2 g1 g2
2 2
ment when the resource is all devoted to that measurement so that it
→ 2(G1 + g1 )2 Ips δ2 for g2 > g1 and g1 ≫ 1, (42) is impossible to make the other measurement. This can be seen from
Eqs. (42) and (43) where, if we set the modulation signals equal, δ = ε,
quantum resource sharing. Note from Eq. (46) that when g 1 → ∞, satisfies the inseparability criterion: I ≡ 14 (⟨Δ2 X̂− ⟩ + ⟨Δ2 Ŷ+ ⟩) < 1.105
SNRAm → 0, indicating that the dual-beam scheme discussed in However, this traditional homodyne method is prone to loss, which
Sec. IV C is not suitable for amplitude modulation measurement. severely limits the application of entanglement. On the other hand,
The reason for this can be traced to the intensity correlation between as we have shown in Sec. III A, parametric amplifiers (PAs) can act
the two entangled fields from the first parametric amplifier or the as non-conventional beam splitters for mixing of two fields, which is
so-called twin beam effect:98 noise in the intensity difference is exactly performed when quantities X̂− ≡ X̂1 − X̂2 and Ŷ + ≡ Ŷ 1 + Ŷ 2
reduced due to intensity correlation, whereas the amplitude mod- are measured, forming an SU(1,1)-type interferometer. We analyze
ulation signal encoded in the two fields is also canceled, leading to this scheme next.
no amplitude modulation signal in the intensity difference. As shown in Fig. 14, the two fields â1 and â2 , whose entan-
glement property needs to be characterized, enter the input ports
C. Quantum information tapping of a parametric amplifier (PA) of amplitude gain parameters G, g.
We perform homodyne detections (HD1, HD2) at the two outputs,
It is well known99 that when quantum information is split (o)
one for the X-quadrature (X̂1 ) and the other for the Y-quadrature
with a beam splitter, vacuum noise comes in from the unused port, (o)
leading to degradation of SNRs of the split signals as compared to (Ŷ2 ), similar to the scheme of joint measurement of phase and
the input. Shapiro suggested using squeezed states to combat the amplitude. According to Eq. (12), we obtain the input and output
vacuum noise and preserve the SNRs of the split signals.99 This relations for the X, Y-quadratures as
is the so-called quantum information tapping. Such a scheme was
X̂1,2 = GX̂1,2 − g X̂2,1 , Ŷ1,2 = GŶ1,2 + g Ŷ2,1 ,
(o) (o)
implemented by Bruckmeier et al.100 (49)
The SU(1,1) interferometer discussed here can be used for
quantum information tapping. Consider the two outputs of PA2. We where we dropped the input label (in) for clarity and added a π phase
have from Eq. (23) for g 2 > g 1 and G2 ≈ g 2 ≫ 1 to g so that it changes sign. Then, the results of measurement are
D. Measurement of entanglement
in continuous variables
Verification of quantum entanglement between two light
sources is a basic experimental technique in quantum informa-
tion. For continuous variables, it is usually done via the homodyne FIG. 14. Entanglement measurement with the help of a parametric amplifier (PA).
detection technique by directly measuring the quadrature-phase HD: homodyne detection. LD : detection loss. Reproduced with permission from
amplitude correlations of the two fields: ⟨Δ2 X̂− ⟩ and ⟨Δ2 Ŷ + ⟩ with Li et al., Phys. Rev. A 101, 053801 (2020). Copyright 2020 American Physical
X̂− ≡ X̂1 − X̂2 and Ŷ + ≡ Ŷ 1 + Ŷ 2 .49,50,103,104 Quantum entanglement
of SU(1,1) interferometers. The other advantage is the simultane- here the interferometric scheme to achieve flexible and precise spec-
ous measurement of X̂− , Ŷ+ with no parameter adjustment. The tral mode engineering for the two-photon state produced from
disadvantage is the need to have a relatively high gain. spontaneous parametric emission (SPE) processes.
Furthermore, if we make joint measurement for the quantities When pumped by an ultra-short pulse (∼100 fs), SPE pro-
X̂− ≡ X̂1 − λX̂2 and Ŷ+ ≡ Ŷ1 + λŶ2 at the two outputs, one cesses generate a broadband two-photon state of the form similar
(o) (o) (o) (o) (o) (o)
at a time, it can be shown that with a proper adjustment of the to Eq. (35) but with a multi-frequency mode description,
electronic coefficient λ = (kG − g)/(G − kg), we can always obtain
∣Ψ2⟩ = ∣vac⟩ + g ∫ dΩs dΩi F(Ωs , Ωi )â†s (Ωs )â†i (Ωi )∣vac⟩, (53)
⟨Δ X̂− ⟩ + ⟨Δ2 Ŷ+ ⟩
X̂− ⟩ + ⟨Δ2 Ŷ+ ⟩
(o) (o) (k) (k)
Iamp = = = I (k) (52) where F(Ωs , Ωi ) is the normalized joint spectral function (JSF)
⟨Δ2 X̂− ⟩v + ⟨Δ2 Ŷ+ ⟩v
(o) (o) 2(1 + k2 ) describing the joint spectral properties of the signal (subscript s) and
idler (subscript i) photons and has the form of
for any gain parameters G, g. Notably, we have Iamp JM
= I with 2 2
λ = 1. Note that when G = 1, g = 0, this is exactly the method of direct F(Ωs , Ωi ) = Ne−(Ωs +Ωi ) /2σp sinc(ΔkL/2), (54)
homodyne measurement,49,50,103,104 but with the help of a parametric
with Δk as the wave vector (phase) mismatch among all the waves in
amplifier of G, g ≫ 1, the scheme is immune to losses.
a nonlinear medium of length L. g(≪1) is similar to the same quan-
The discussion above is for the single-mode case. For the multi-
tity in Eq. (35). It is proportional to L and the nonlinear coefficient
mode case, parametric amplifiers have the ability to select the dom-
and is related to the peak amplitude of the pump field. N is the nor-
inating mode.106 This is because different modes have different
malization constant. Note that Eq. (54) is written in terms of the
parametric gains. In the high gain limit, the mode with the largest
frequency offsets Ωs , Ωi (Ωl ≡ ωl − ωl0 , l = s, i) from the central fre-
gain will dominate. Thus, application of parametric amplifiers to
quencies ωs0 , ωi0 of the generated fields, which are determined by
entanglement measurement can also filter out unwanted higher
the phase matching condition Δk = 0 and the center frequency of the
order modes and concentrate on the dominating mode. By using
pump field.
the mode engineering technique on parametric amplifiers discussed
If the frequencies of the signal and idler photons are close to
in Sec. VI E, we can select the mode of our interest.
each other, that is, |ωs0 − ωi0 | ≪ ωs0 , ωi0 , then the sinc-function
The scheme discussed above for entanglement measurement
in F(Ωs , Ωi ) has a broad bandwidth much wider than the pump
was implemented experimentally by Li et al.64 with fiber optical
bandwidth σ p . In this case, F(Ωs , Ωi ) is mainly determined by the
parametric amplifiers, demonstrating the loss-tolerant and mode
a linear dispersive medium sandwiched in between the two PAs, and mix beams for interference. They possess some unique proper-
as shown in Fig. 9 with N = 2. Then, the interference term H(θ) ties, making them advantageous over the traditional beam splitter-
= 2 cos θ in Eq. (37) will modify the single PA term g or the JSF F(Ωs , based interferometers. These properties include higher sensitivity,
Ωi ) in Eq. (54) for the broadband case. For the case of near degen- detection loss tolerance, and mixing of different types of waves. A
erate frequencies of |ωs0 − ωi0 | ≪ ωs0 , ωi0 , the first-order dispersion key feature of the interferometer is the quantum correlation between
disappears and second-order dispersion leads to θ = β(Ωs −Ωi )2 LDM the two interfering arms of the interferometer, which is respon-
with β being proportional to the second-order dispersion coefficient sible for the enhancement of phase measurement sensitivity. The
and LDM as the length of the linear dispersive medium. Figure 15(b) involvement of the parametric amplifier in the superposition of the
shows the modified JSF together with the marginal intensity I(ωs ) of interfering waves leads to the loss tolerance property that has some
the signal field, showing the interference fringe. The island structure practical implications in quantum metrology. The nonlinear mixing
of the modified JSF is a result of two-photon interference and forms of different types of waves for interference opens up doors for poten-
a multi-dimensional two-photon state with entanglement between tially much wider application of this new type of interferometer than
different islands.117 Filters can be used to select the roundest island the traditional interferometers. These advantages originate from the
The experimental realizations discussed in this paper are mostly aforementioned questions will likely broaden our knowledge and
proof-of-principle experiments, and they are operated under rel- applications of non-traditional interferometers.
atively small phase sensing photon numbers (I ps ). For their wide
applications in sensing, we still need to see how they can be adapted
to practical situations and different environments. For example, for ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
surpassing the performance of traditional interferometers in actual
The authors would like to thank the support from the National
sensing applications, we need to increase the absolute sensitivity.
Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11527808 and
This is achieved by increasing the phase sensing photon number I ps .
91736105), the National Key Research and Development Program of
However, this usually leads to saturation of the parametric amplifiers
China (Grant No. 2016YFA0301403), and the US National Science
and other unwanted nonlinear effects such as self-phase modula-
Foundation (Grant No. 1806425).
tion in optical fibers. Perhaps, the solution to this problem lies in
the selection of operating points at relatively low overall gain of the
interferometer with double injection, as suggested in Ref. 10 and DATA AVAILABILITY
realized in Ref. 94. A recent proposal suggests to tap some of the
pump photons for sensing to increase I ps .25 Different applications Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no new data were
require different variations of SU(1,1) interferometers. For exam- created or analyzed in this study.
ple, how can SU(1,1) interferometers be adapted to measure rota-
tion like Sagnac interferometers do? This is not obvious since the REFERENCES
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