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Jian Chu1, Dennis T. Bergado2, Eun Chul Shin3 and Jinchun Chai4
Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, 50011,
USA; Tel: +515-294-3157; Fax: +515-294-8216; Email: (Formerly Nanyang Technological
University, Singapore)
School of Engineering and Technology, Asian Institute of Technology, P.O. Box 4, Klong Luang, Pathumthani
12120, Thailand; Tel: +66-2-524-5512; Fax: +66-2-524-6050; Email:
Department of Civil & Environmental System Engineering, University of Incheon, 12-1, Songdo-Dong,
Yeonsu-Gu, Incheon, Republic of Korea, 406-840, Tel: +82-32-835-8460; Fax : +82-32-835-0775;
Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Saga University, 1 Honjo, Saga 840-8502, Japan; Tel:
+0952-28-8580; Fax: +0952-28-8190; Email:
A review on the recent research and development on the use of geosynthetics for construction of embankment on
soft ground and related ground improvement methods is given in this lecture. For embankment on soft ground,
three commonly adopted methods: basal reinforcement using geosynthetics, consolidation using prefabricated
vertical drains (PVDs), and geosynthetic-reinforced columns/pile supported embankment (GRCSE) system are
briefly discussed. For ground improvement, only selected topics are elaborated. These are vacuum preloading,
geosynthetic encased columns and geogrid enclosed stone columns, use of geotextile tube or mats for dike or
embankment construction, and use of geosynthetics for construction over ultra-soft soil.
5th Asian Regional Conference on Geosynthetics
10 to 14 December 2012 | Bangkok, Thailand
Sometimes a combination of two or three of the studies on the effect of possible inclination of the
above methods may be adopted. A brief review on mobilized tensile force in the reinforcement with
the design aspects of the three methods is presented respect to its original alignment (e.g. Bergado et al.
as follows. 2000). However, now it is generally agreed that at
the working condition the reinforcement force
Basal Reinforcement should be considered to act in its original horizontal
orientation (Rowe and Li 2005). There are mainly
Effect of basal reinforcement two factors influencing the magnitude of Tm: (1)
mobilized tensile strain (εm) and (2) the mobilized
The use of basal reinforcement as schematically secant stiffness of the reinforcement (Jm).
shown in Fig. 1 enhances the stability of the
embankment by mobilizing the tensile strength of Mobilized tensile strain (εm)
the geosynthetic reinforcement. Sometimes several The typical design tensile strain in the
layers of reinforcement can be used. Jewell (1988) reinforcement is 5% (Rowe and Li 2005) without
idealized failure mechanisms of reinforced considering creep effect. However, the results of
embankments on soft clayey deposit as: (1) lateral many back-analyses indicate that the field mobilized
sliding of embankments over the basal tensile strain was only 1-3%. Chai and Bergado
reinforcement layer, (2) foundation extrusion (1993) analyzed two geogrid reinforced
(bearing capacity failure), and (3) rotational slope embankments on soft Muar clay deposit in Malaysia,
failure involving breakage or pullout of the and the resulting mobilized tensile strain was 2 to
reinforcement. Conceptually the reinforcement can 2.7%. Chai et al. (2002) reported a built to failure
reduce the shear stress in the fill material and the woven geotextile reinforced embankment on soft
foundation soil and increase the bearing capacity of clay deposit with a fill thickness of 4.35 m in Lian-
the foundation. However, the mechanisms (1) and yun-gang, China. Two types of geotextiles were
(2) are rarely the critical cases under working used. The first was a woven polypropylene
condition, and in most engineering design, only the geotextile with a unit weight of 303 g/m2 and a
effect of the basal reinforcement on mechanism (3) tensile strength of 40 kN/m by wide-width strip
is considered. testing. The second type was a heat-bounded
nonwoven geotextile with a unit weight of 260.8
g/m2 and tensile strength of 38.5 kN/m. Considering
the in-soil confinement effect and adopting a
stiffness of Jm = 1600 kN/m, the mobilized tensile
strain was about 2.3%. If Jm = 800 kN/m is used, a
tensile strain of about 3% was obtained just prior to
failure. Bergado et al. (2002a) reported two built to
failure geotextile-reinforced embankments on soft
Bangkok clay deposit at the campus of Asian
Figure 1 Use of geosynthetic basal reinforcement for
Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand. One of
them was reinforced by multi-layer nonwoven,
needle punched geotextile and failed at a fill
The rotational slip failure may take place when
thickness of 4.2 m and other was reinforced by a
the interface shear strength is reached, when the
single layer of high-strength, composite
tensile strength of the reinforcement is reached, or
nonwoven/woven geotextile and failed at a fill
when large deformations of the foundation take
thickness of about 6.0 m. The results of back-
place due to a low mobilized tensile stiffness, Jm, of
analysis indicate that the critical strain in the
the reinforcement (Rowe and Li 2005). In order to
geotextile corresponding to the primary failure of
prevent rotational slip surface, consideration must be
foundation soils may be taken as 2.5–3%
given to: (1) the reinforcement–soil interface shear
irrespective of the stiffness of the reinforcement
strength under conditions where the reinforcement is
(Bergado et al. 2002a).
pulled out from between the soil above and below it;
Another factor which needs to be considered for
(2) the tensile strength of the reinforcement; and (3)
estimating the mobilized tensile force in a
the stress–strain characteristics of the reinforcement
reinforcement placed at the base of an embankment
relative to those of the foundation soil.
is that the reinforcement may not be placed at a
The tensile force mobilized in the reinforcement
straightly aligned condition initially. In other words,
and the corresponding moment with respect to the
the tensile force may only start to be mobilized after
potential failure surface can be a part of the restoring
certain displacement of the ground. Hayashi et al.
moment (ΔMr). The magnitude of ΔMr depends on (2011) reported a steel grid reinforced embankment
the magnitude of the mobilized tensile force in the
on prefabricated vertical drain (PVD) improved soft
reinforcement (Tm) and its orientation. There were peaty ground in Hokkaido, Japan. The field
5th Asian Regional Conference on Geosynthetics
13 to 16 December 2012 | Bangkok, Thailand
measurement indicates that only after the fill foundation, and thereby increasing bearing capacity
thickness exceeded about 5 m, tensile strain was and stability; and (2) providing a restoring moment
started to be monitored. At that time, the ground for slip circle failure mechanism from the mobilized
settlement was already about 2.0 m. tensile force in the reinforcement. The methods for
Therefore, the use of 5% tensile strain for the analyzing/designing a basal reinforced embankment
design of basal reinforced embankment on soft on soft ground can be classified into bearing
ground may not be the most suitable for some capacity analysis; limit equilibrium analysis and
natural clay deposits. Case studies appear to indicate finite element analysis.
that 3% is more compatible with the failure tensile
strain in the horizontal direction of the soft soil at Bearing capacity analysis
near the ground surface. It is well known that a rough foundation can
have a higher bearing capacity than a smooth
Mobilized stiffness (Jm) of the reinforcement foundation. For bearing capacity analysis, the effect
Experimental studies have shown that of a basal reinforcement tends to make a reinforced
geosynthetic materials, especially those made from embankment to behave like a “rough foundation” if
polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP), are the reinforcement is strong enough. Another point
susceptible to creep (e.g. Leshchinsky et al. 1997). needs to be considered in the bearing capacity
Generally, the creep rate of polyethylene (PE) is analysis is that for most soft clayey deposits, the
greater than that of polypropylene (PP), and the rate undrained sear strength of the soil increases with
of PP is greater than that of polyester (PET). The depth.
amount of the creep is a function of stress level, Rowe and Soderman (1987) proposed a method
strain rate and ambient temperature (e.g. Thornton et for estimating bearing capacity of highly reinforced
al. 1998). The creep deformation will reduce the embankment on soft ground. The method is a
secant stiffness and therefore the mobilized tensile combination of Davis and Booker’s (1973) plasticity
force in the reinforcement under a given compatible solution considering the effect of strength increase
tensile strain. with depth and a solution for rough footings. The
In term of the stability of a basal reinforced bearing capacity theories used are for a footing with
embankment on soft ground, normally the critical a width of b. However, in case of an embankment,
time is at the end of construction (EOC). While for its shape is generally trapezoidal. In Rowe and
an embankment on a rate-sensitive soft clayey soils Soderman’s method, the key point is to define an
the most critical time may be at some time after effective width, b. It has been assumed that, b will
EOC (Rowe and Li 2005). Generally after the be the width between the points on either side of the
critical time, the strength gain due to the embankment when the applied pressure γh* is equal
consolidation of the soft soil may be large enough to to (2 + π)su0. Thus:
maintain the stability of the embankment system and ( 2 + π ) su 0
the degree of dependency of the stability on the h* = (1)
reinforcement tensile force will be reduced.
Therefore, it is necessary to estimate the secant b = B + 2 n( H − h * ) (2)
tensile stiffness of the reinforcement at the critical where γ = the unit weight of embankment fill
time in the design. Li and Rowe (2001a) show that material; su0 = undrained shear strength at the
isochronous stiffness under the corresponding tensile ground surface; B = top width of an embankment; n
stress level can reasonably and conservatively = cotangent of the slope angle, and H = height of the
represent the operational stiffness of the embankment.
reinforcement. It is suggested to use the isochronous
stiffness at an appropriate stress level in design to Limit equilibrium methods
estimate the mobilized reinforcement tensile force Limit equilibrium methods have been used
corresponding to the critical time. extensively to assess the short-term (undrained)
stability of reinforced embankments constructed on
Analysis methods soft foundation soils (e.g. Jewell 1982; Milligan and
LaRochelle 1984; Jewell 1988; Low et al. 1990; Li
A number of idealized failure mechanisms have and Rowe 2001a). These methods have been used
been identified for embankment on soft ground: mainly to examine the equilibrium of a slip circle-
foundation extrusion (bearing capacity failure), type failure mechanism passing through the
rotational slope failure and excessive displacement. embankment fill and foundation soil. The various
Jewell (1988) described the mechanisms by which a methods are similar in that limiting equilibrium is
basal reinforcement could improve the performance established for the system of external forces acting
of embankment on soft ground. These involve (1) on an assumed failure mass, and the factor of safety
resisting lateral earth pressure from the embankment (FS) is defined as follows (Rowe and Li 2005):
and reduce the lateral deformations of the
5th Asian Regional Conference on Geosynthetics
10 to 14 December 2012 | Bangkok, Thailand
MRR + MRsoil this lecture. However, there are still several issues
FS = (3) that need to be discussed.
MO fill + MO pt
The equations that govern the design of PVDs
where MRsoil = the restoring moment due to the (Hansbo 1981) are:
mobilized shear strength along the circular failure
surface in the clay foundation; MRR = the restoring ⎡ - 8Th ⎤
moment due to limiting tensile force developed in U h = 1 - exp ⎢ ⎥
the reinforcement; MOfill = sum of overturning ⎣ F (n ) ⎦ (4a)
moments due to embankment fill self-weight applied ⎛k ⎞ k
to the clay foundation; and MOpt = overturning F ( n ) ≈ ln( n ) − 0 . 75 + ln( s ) ⎜⎜ h − 1 ⎟⎟ + π z ( 2 l − z ) h
⎝ s ⎠ q
moment due to horizontal thrust pressure (force) in w
5th Asian Regional Conference on Geosynthetics
13 to 16 December 2012 | Bangkok, Thailand
Table 1 Proposed smear zone parameters (modified PVDs can be much improved if PVDs are used
from Indraranta et al. 2005) together with thermo or thermo combined with
vacuum as shown in Fig. 3. The back calculated Ch
Source Extent Permeability and kh/ks values from different tests are given in
Barron (1948) ds=1.6dm kh/ks=3 Table 2. It can be seen that the reduction in the back
calculated Ch and kh/ks values are different for
Hansbo (1979) ds=1.5~3dm Open
different tests. A greater Ch value or a smaller kh/ks
Hansbo (1981) ds=1.5dm kh/ks=3 implies a smaller smear effect.
Bergado et al. ds=2dm kh/kv=1
Onoue (1991) ds=1.6dm kh/ks=3
Indraratna et al. ds=4~5dm kh/kv=1.15
(1998) 0.95
ds: diameter of smear zone; dm: equivalent diameter Figure 2 Change in void ratio at different radial
of mandrel; kh: permeability of intact soil; ks: distance as a result of smear effect (after Chu et al.
permeability of the smeared soil 2012)
5th Asian Regional Conference on Geosynthetics
10 to 14 December 2012 | Bangkok, Thailand
The second issue is well resistance. Well Bergado 1993; Li and Rowe 2001b; Hayashi et al.
resistance refers to the finite permeability of the 2011). Lau and Cowland (2000) reported a case
vertical drain with respect to the soil. Head loss where neither reinforcement nor PVDs alone would
occurs when water flows along the drain and delays have been sufficient to allow safe embankment
radial consolidation. A number of studies have been construction to the design height. The combined use
made in the past on the modeling of well resistance of both reinforcement and PVDs increased the short-
as summarized by Indraratna et al. (2005). term stability and made it feasible to construct a 4 m
Theoretically, the well effect is modeled by the last high embankment. The combination of the two
term of Eq. (4b): πz(2l-z)kh/qw. Therefore, the well techniques offers the following two benefits. First, it
resistance is controlled by the length of the drain, l, shortens the construction time and/or increase
the discharge capacity of the drain qw, and the embankment height. Both the strength gain due to
permeability of the soil kh. However, if qw is faster consolidation and the mobilized reinforcement
sufficiently large, then this term πz(2l-z)kh/qw can be tensile force can increase the factor of safety of an
small enough to be ignored. The good news is that embankment considerably during construction,
many PVD products nowadays can provide which allows the embankment to be built in a shorter
sufficient qw to make the well effect insignificant. time, or for a given construction speed, with the
As discussed by Chu et al. (2004), the required value combination effect, a higher embankment can be
of qreq for well resistance to be ignored is: built; Second, a higher tensile force is mobilized in
the reinforcement at the end of consolidation.
q req ≥ 7.85Fs k h l m2 (5)
5th Asian Regional Conference on Geosynthetics
13 to 16 December 2012 | Bangkok, Thailand
5th Asian Regional Conference on Geosynthetics
10 to 14 December 2012 | Bangkok, Thailand
geosynthetic reinforcement can be estimated by one construction over ultra-soft ground. The second is
of the following methods: the Catenary method the use of geotextile tubes or geotextile mattresses
(John 1987), the Carlsson’s method (1987), the for embankment construction or shore protection. A
BS8605 method (1995), the Svanø et al.’s method brief summary on the topics mentioned above will
(2000), and the Giroud et al.’s method (1990). All be given in the following.
the above methods have been reviewed and
discussed in various publications before (e.g., Han et Vacuum Preloading
al. 2004; Oh and Shin 2007; Han 2012) and will not
be covered in this lecture. When the ground is very soft or when the fill
surcharge has to be applied in stages to maintain the
stability of the embankment, the vacuum preloading
method becomes a good alternative.
5th Asian Regional Conference on Geosynthetics
13 to 16 December 2012 | Bangkok, Thailand
technique, as the effectiveness of vacuum preloading installed. It is thus time consuming. Furthermore, it
can only be evaluated using fielding monitoring required the soil profile at each PVD location to be
data. Normally piezometers, settlement gauges and known. However, the borehole spacing is normally
inclinometers are used to measure the pore water much greater than the PVD spacing. Thus, the soil
pressure changes, the settlement at ground surface profiles in between boreholes points have to be
and/or different depths in the soil and the lateral assumed. This sometimes causes mismatching of the
displacement. More details are presented in Chu et PVDs and the soil profile. As a result, leakage will
al. (2000) and Yan and Chu (2005). occur here and there and the efficiency of the
For the vacuum preloading system illustrated in vacuum preloading may be affected.
Fig. 10, a sand blanket is required. However, clean
sand with a high permeability may not be available
all the time. In this case, a horizontal drain panel as
shown in Fig. 11 can be used instead.
5th Asian Regional Conference on Geosynthetics
10 to 14 December 2012 | Bangkok, Thailand
(a) (b)
Figure 15 Use of sealed PVDs to go through (a) top
sand layer and (b) middle sand layer for vacuum
preloading (after Chai and Carter 2011)
Figure 16 Distribution of vacuum pressure in the
It should be noted that for vacuum to seal, the membraneless vacuum preloading system (after Chai
PVDs have to be terminated a distance below the top and Carter 2011)
of the clay layer. The thickness of this so-called
sealing layer, Hs, as shown in Fig. 15 is normally 1 Another method to do sway with the membrane
to 2 m. If we assume the vacuum pressure at the top is to use the so-called low level vacuum preloading
of the clay layer is zero and at the top of the PVD is method (Yan and Cao 2006). This method is
the vacuum pressure applied, Pvac (see Fig. 15), then schematically illustrated in Fig. 17. When clay slurry
the vacuum pressure distribution in this sealing layer is used as fill for land reclamation, the vacuum pipes
will be transitional as shown in Fig. 16a. For can be installed at the seabed or a level a few meters
simplicity, a linear distribution may be assumed as below the ground surface. In this way, clay slurry fill
shown in Fig. 16b. However, the real distribution can be placed on top of the vacuum pipes. As clay
may be closer to what is showing in Fig. 16c as has a low permeability, the fill material will provide
discussed by Chai and Carter (2011). The Δh in Fig. a good sealing cap and membranes will be not
16c can be estimated using the following equation required. However, this method is not free of
derived by Chai et al. (2010): problems. Tension cracks will develop in the top
layer when dried under the sunlight. The vacuum
pressure may not be distributed properly unless a
drainage blanket is used at the level where the
drainage pipes are installed or the individual drains
are connected to the vacuum pipes directly. It is also
where Δh and de are in meter. It should be noted
difficult to install drainage pipes or panels
from Eq. (6) that Δh increases with increasing de.
underwater. Nevertheless, this method does not
For a case study given by Chia et al. (2010), the
require the construction of inner dikes for
value of Δh was in the range of 2.25 to 2.69 m.
subdivision and thus cuts down the project costs
However, in general, Δh ranges from 0.3 to 2.9 m
based on finite element analyses (Chai et al. 2010).
The vacuum pressure distribution in Fig. 16c can be
used to estimate the average degree of consolidation
achieved at a given time.
Field settlement monitoring data have often been
used to assess the final settlement and calculate the
degree of consolidation. However, there are two
issues to note in using this method. First, the
ultimate consolidation settlement or the degree of Figure 17 Low level membraneless vacuum
consolidation is calculated for a given surcharge preloading method (after Chu et al. 2008)
load. When vacuum preloading is used, the
surcharge load may vary from time to time. A similar method has been adopted for the
Furthermore, the overall surcharge load cannot be Yeocheon industrial complex extension project in
measured, but indicated by the pore water pressure South Korea (Shin and Oh 2007). The project
5th Asian Regional Conference on Geosynthetics
13 to 16 December 2012 | Bangkok, Thailand
involved reclamation using hydraulically filled silty structure substantially. It can be used for very soft
clay slurry. The horizontal vacuum consolidation ground with cu < 15 kPa. The GECs are installed
technique (HVCT) was adopted as shown in Fig. 18. using either a displacement or a replacement
PVDs of 100 mm wide and 10 mm thick were method. The construction process using the
placed horizontally in the soft soil layer by the help displacement method is shown in Fig. 20 (Alexiew
of a small barge-ship. The barge- ship (length = 11 et al. 2005). It consists of driving or vibrating a 80
m, width = 2.9 m, height = 2.0 m) had a pulley with cm diameter steel casing into the bearing soil
a diameter of 2 m at the top and 4.5 m long mandrel followed by placing a seamless cylindrical closed
which is attached at the bottom of ship to install the bottom geotextile “sock”, with tensile strength
PVDs in the soil layer. The PVDs were fixed with ranging from 200 to 400 kN/m. This is followed by
the required vertical interval at one dike and then filling it with sand to form a sand column. For the
were dragged using the barge ship to the other dike. replacement method, an open steel shaft of 150 cm
The PVDs were connected to the drainage head pipe in diameter is driven into ground. The soil inside is
as shown in Fig. 19. The soil surface was covered removed by an auger. An open geotextile sack is
and sealed by the flexible membrane prior to placed in the shaft and filled with sand or gravel
application of vacuum pressure as shown in Fig. 19. while the shaft is pulled out slowly under vibration
to compact. The replacement method is preferred for
soils with relatively higher penetration resistance or
when vibration effects are not desirable. Some
pictures showing the installation sequences are
shown in Fig. 21.
5th Asian Regional Conference on Geosynthetics
10 to 14 December 2012 | Bangkok, Thailand
5th Asian Regional Conference on Geosynthetics
13 to 16 December 2012 | Bangkok, Thailand
by Raithel and Kempfert (2000). Some design charts Table 3 Classification of Geosynthetic tubes or mats
have also been presented by Alexiew et al. (2005). (after Chu et al. 2011)
For numerical analysis, PLAXIS have been used
Material for the Fill
(Kempfert and Raithel 2005) and some 3D analyses Types
tube materials
have also been carried out (e.g., Keykhosropur et al. Flood control (Fowler
2012). As reported by Kempfert and Raithel (2005) Very low
1997; Plaut and
2002); Height
synthetics, such
Sand or sandy soil is the most ideal fill material elevation for existing
to fill in geotextile tubes or mats. For near shore or macromolecule
dams; Water
offshore projects, a suction dredger can be used to Water diversion (Tam
pump sand from the seabed or a sand pit directly and/or air 1997); Recreational
materials. A
into the geosynthetic tubes. One example is shown basins; Contamination
in Fig. 23 where sand filled geosynthetic tubes were concrete base is
Groundwater supply,
used for shoreline protection. When sand fill is not normally used.
flood control, etc.
readily available, silty clay or soft clay may also be (Watson et al. 1999)
used. The clayey fill would have to be in a slurry
state in order to be pumped in the tube. The slurry One technique of using clay slurry fill
then has to be dewatered in the geosynthetic tube or geosynthetic mats for dike construction was
geosynthetic mat to reduce the water content and developed in Tianjin, China, and used for one land
allow excess pore pressures to dissipate. In this reclamation project along the coast of Tianjin (Chu
case, the selection of the geotextile used for the and Yan 2007; Yan and Chu 2010). The cross-
tubes or mats becomes important. The geotextile section of the dike is illustrated in Fig. 24 and a
has to be chosen to meet both the strength and filter picture showing the alignment of the bags is shown
design criteria. Some analytical methods have been in Fig. 25. It can be seen that large flat geotextile
developed to estimate the required tensile strength bags in the form of geosynthetic mats, instead of
for the geotextile (e.g., Kazimierowicz 1994; Miki et geosynthetic tubes, were adopted for this project.
al., 1996). The apparent opening size (AOS) of the As shown in Fig. 24, the designed height of the
geotextile needs to be selected to allow the pore dike was 4.8 m with base and top elevations at 0.7 m
pressure to dissipate freely and yet retain the soil and 5.5 m respectively. The top width of the dike
particles in the geosynthetic tubes or mats. was 2.43 m. The water levels were at 4.7 m
elevation during high tide and at nearly 0.7 m
5th Asian Regional Conference on Geosynthetics
10 to 14 December 2012 | Bangkok, Thailand
elevation during low tide. The outer and inner accommodate relatively large differential settlement.
slopes of the dike were chosen to be 2L:1H and This may result in savings in the foundation
1.5L:1H, respectively. For the bottom bag, the treatment. Despite of the various advantages, there is
dimension used was 30 m in circumference. Clay a lack of design or analysis method for dikes
slurry was dredged from the seabed of a selected constructed using this method.
area and pumped directly into the bags through an
injection hole. The height of the bag after
consolidation was around 0.5 m. Nine layers of
geosynthetic mats were used.
5th Asian Regional Conference on Geosynthetics
13 to 16 December 2012 | Bangkok, Thailand
5th Asian Regional Conference on Geosynthetics
10 to 14 December 2012 | Bangkok, Thailand
5th Asian Regional Conference on Geosynthetics
13 to 16 December 2012 | Bangkok, Thailand
5th Asian Regional Conference on Geosynthetics
10 to 14 December 2012 | Bangkok, Thailand
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