Adv. Fiery Grog Tavern

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Maps .... ... ... .. ............. . .... . ... 1
Fiery Grog Tavern ........................ 2
Entering the Tavern .......... . ................. 2
Notable Features . . . . ........ ... . . ............. 2
Food And Lodging ............................ 2
Fiery Grog Challenge ... .. ... ... . . . . . .... ...... 2
Rat Extermination ............................. 2
Mage Arm-Wrestling ........................... 3
Bar Brawl! . ... . ... . . .... ... ... . . ... .... . . ... . 3
Mermaid Harassment ......................... 3
Appendix: Creatures . . ... ........ . ........ 4
Ari ... . . ... . . . ... ...... ... ... . . ..... .. ...... 4
Guglug ...................................... 4
Sylana Vallejo . . ... . ... .. ... ... . . . . . .... . ... .. 5
Tavern Brawler................................ 5
Tavern Brawler (generic) ........................ 6
Tofdir Duflame ... . . ........ ... . ... ... .. ...... 6
Open Game License . ..................... 7

Copyright © 2016 Tomer Abramovici

Ali rights reserved.

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1st floor of the Fiery Grog Tavern

2nd floor of the Fiery Grog Tavern

These are downsized maps. The full-sized maps come with

the purchase of this adventure. AII maps are made by Ross
McConnel at
Grog Challenge!" and "WANTED: Monster Extermi nators!"
FIERY GROG TAVERN A beautiful merfolk ribbon dancer performing inside an
Fiery Grog Tavern is a supplemental product that you can insert illuminated water tank on the center floor.
into your game when the characters need to visit a tavern. lt A wiry elven woman engaged in an "arm wrestle" using
can also serve as a springboard into the Madness ofthe Rat King spectral arms against a heavily tattood buff dwarf, to the
adventure. This tavern is appropriate for ali levels and group cheers of onlookers
The Fiery Grog is a popular watering hole for the more rough Here is a quick summary of the most notable NPCs in the tavern
and tumble folk of Port Myrandu. The seedy tavern is often and their relevance to the adventure. For more informat ion on
the meeting place for shady dealings kept hidden by the loud them, see the Appendix:
drunken activities that permeate the building each night.
Whether your adventurers are meeting an important NPC Tofdir Duflame tavern keeper; hosts the "fi,ery grog
in private, they're in need of a quest hook or two to move challenge"; hiring rat exterminators
the adventure forward, or looking to blow off sorne steam by
Sylana Vallejo scholar; hosts mage arm-wrestling;
partying hard and maybe get into a brawl, the Fiery Grog is the
hiring dungeon delvers
place to go.
Durkon mercenary; hungry for a fight

ENTERING THE TAVERN Ari dancer; might have a conflict with

As the adventurers approach the tavern, read or paraphrase: Durkon

Tucked in the northeast comer of the colony stands a long, low

building of fieldstone and blackened timbers. A burnt wooden Fooo .ANo LoDGING
sign hanging over the entrance depicts a mug engulfed inflames. Characters can arder a mug of ale (4 cp), loaf of bread (2 cp),
A blue glow and raucous laughter emanates from inside. A stern- hunk of cheese (1 sp), a fat chunk of pork (3 sp), and the fresh
faced muscular half-orc stands guard by the entrance. catch of t he day (5 sp). The tavern's signature drink, fiery grog
(see below), is 1 sp per mug.
A half-orc bouncer that goes by the name "Guglug" stands There are currently three rooms on the second floor that
by the enitrance. He warns people entering the tavern not to are available for rent at 5 sp per day. They are surprisingly
start any trouble: there is a zero tolerance poi icy on attacking comfortable, however the roar of drunkards makes it difficult to
patrons with weapons or spells, and if you want to fight, "use get a good night's sleep.
your fists or take it outside. No killing inside the tavern:'There's
been a few murders recently inside the tavern which has drawn
unwanted attention from the local authorities.
The tavern is named after its signature drink: fiery grog. A favorite
amongst patrons, this vile smelling, greenish-black viscous
Once lnside:
liquid is Tofdir's creation; a combination of spiced ru m and a
multitude of other ingredients thatTofdir picked up during his
The tavern is packed to nearly ful/ capacity. Loud, drunken harbor travels, which is lit on tire before serving. lt's constantly being
workers, mercenaries, and sai/ors take a spot along the long brewed and churned in a steaming vat inside the kitchen by
bar counter that runs across the eastern wa/1 or sit by the many Augnath, the goliath cook.
wooden tables scattered around the scratched flagstone floor. Fiery grog is mighty strong stuff: when drinking the beverage,
Alcoves carved into the western wa/1 offer booths with weathered the consumer must make a DC 1O Constitution check just to
purple curtains for visual privacy, though they do nothing to avoid gagging and sputterlng. Failing the check by 5 or more
block the noise. causes the consumer to immediately spit out orvomit the grog.
Many eyes are turned towards the large water tank in the The DC increases by 2 for each successive fiery grog consumed.
center of the taproom, where a fema/e merfo/k gracefully ribbon Tofdir runs what he calls the "Fiery Grog Challenge": anyone
dances in illuminated water. The blue light that fi/1s the room
who can drink three grogs in a row cleanly (passing the OC
emanates from the driftglobes that softly float along the ceiling, checks) drinks free of charge for the rest of the night.
which is covered by a vast painting depicting a sma/1 fishing
village wracked by a terrible storm and strange, afien creatures
rising from the water. RAT EXTERMINATION
lnquiries about the "WANTED: Monster Exterminators" sign
are directed to the tavernkeeper, Tofdir. The gnome says he is
looking for"seasoned adventurers"to slay"some terrible beasts:•
A long-moustache'd gnome chatting up patrons behind
Patrons at the counter that overhear this start snickering into
the bar counter beside the eastern wall
their mugs.
Two signs hung up on the eastern wall:"Ask About Our Fiery
lt turns out these beasts are actually a rat infestation in the instigated a light by then.
tavern's cellar. Tofdir tries his best to sell the adventurers on this Should they successfully start a light with the adventurers,
task, as he's had no luck finding anyone up for the task (most here are sorne t ips to spice up the encounter. We have all the
mercenaries lind rat killing beneath them): "but wait! These ain't elements here for a cinematic bar brawl:
yer average rats. They're big, and mean, and dire! They've got the brawlers primarily use their fists, but can also light with
lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes..:• broken bottles, chairs, or anything else around them
Tofdir offers 20 gp to anyone exterminating the rats, the dwarves can make great use of grappling and shoving
specilically linding and destroying its source. He can also be for dramatic effect, shoving a PC through a table or the lish
haggled into providing free food, drink, and lodging as well. tank, or "sliding" them (moving a grappled creature) atop
Adventurers that take the job and search the cellar will come the bar counter, knocking over dozens of glasses along the
across three hostile giant rats in the process of rollíng a wine way!
barrel towards a back wall. lf two of the rats are killed, the third each time the light affects other patrons -- smashing
rat scurries behind sorne wooden crates and "disappears:' An into their table, knocking into them, hitting them with a
investigation discovers a hidden doorway leading into a natural wayward bottle - roll 1d6. On a 6, a drunken patron joins
cave: this could house the rest of the rats Tofdir wants killed, or the light
can actas the entrance to a dungeon, at your discretion. lf defeated, the dwarves will hurry out of the tavern swearing
lf you are playing Madness ofthe RatKing, this is the entrance revenge.
into the Rat King's lair. Otherwise, customize this area to suit Anyone caught usíng weapons or damaging spells are
your adventure. thrown out of the tavern. lf anyone is killed in the brawl, the
local authorities will undoubtedly get involved and pursue the
Sylana Vallejo, a stoic elven scholar, commands the attention
of spectators in her comer of the tavern. The elf has stayed at MERMAID HARASSMENT
the Fiery Grog for a week now, each night challenging the other Ari, an alluring teal-colored merfolk with a wavy red head-lin,
patrons to"mage arm-wrestling"with a gold ante. Unlike regular is in the middle of performing her ribbon dance routine in a
arm wrestling, this contest is instead a battle of wills with the large illuminated water tank at t he center tloor. Many patrons
mage hand spell. Both participants must cast the spectral mage are watching her her artful flips and twists while the ribbons
hands and then arm wrestle with them by making contested trail her movements.
lntelligence checks; the first to win two contested checks in a Once her performance is done, the merfolk touches her
row makes the winning pin. A heavily intoxicated player rolls magical seashell necklace, which changes hertail into humanoid
these lntelligence checks at disadvantage. So far none have legs so she can exit the tank. She doesn't speak, and will try to
bested Sy1ana and she has made a good prolit. explain that she is mute through gestures.
lf Sylana is bested by an adventurer, she demands a rematch, As she leaves the tank, if Durkon (from "Bar Brawl") hasn't
best two out of three, and ups the ante by offering up an old gotten into a light by then, the dwarf drunkenly hits on her
vellum map ofYolhrum, the ruins of a sunken dwarven fortress with no success. When his verbal advances are turned down,
sitting at ithe bottom of lake lo. At your discretion, replace the he gets angry and physical with Ari while his dwarfcompanions
map with another plot hook or magic item. intimidate anyone from interfering. Tofdir will attempt to
The elf has been tight-lipped about her reasons for staying at intervene, but his honeyed words will be ineffective anda light
the tavern. lf you are running Madness of the Rat King, Sylana is will break out.
trying to discover the fate of her grandmother, Emeria, and t he
artifact she was after. lf she linds out about the secret caverns
belowthe tavern, she will offerthe PCs a varying sum ofgold for
information they lind down there.
lfyou're not running Madness ofthe Rat King, the elf's reasons
for being here is up to you.

Having just lost to Sylana's mage arm wrestling, Durkon and his
four companions have taken up nursing their wounded pride
with copious amounts of drink. The redhaired dwarves hail from
the Wildaxe clan, easily recognizable by the blue tribal tattoos
covering their muscular bodies. The live tavern brawlers look
for any excuse to start a bar brawl, and may throw out insults at
the PCs if given the opportunity. Durkon will ha rass Ari once her
performance is over (see "Mermaid Harassment") if he hasn't
ÁPPENDIX: CREATURES l.fedlum humonoid (holf-orc}. lmvful good
This section contains stat blocks and short descriptions for the
creatures that appear in Fiery Grog Tavern.
Armor Class 12 (studded feather)
Hit Points 32 (Sd8, 101
ÁRI Speed 30 ~-
Med,um humonold (merfolk), uue neuuol
Armor Class 12 14 ( +-2) 10 ( +O) 14 ( 2) 17 ( l) 12 ( .¡) 10 ( O)
Hit Poínts 27 (Sd8 + S)
Speed 10 ft., swim 40 ft. Saving1Throws lnt •5, Wis -3
Skills Arcana •S. H1story •S. lntimidation -2
STR OEX CON [N,T WlS CHA ~ense$" p~ssive Perteption 11
1O(, O) 1d(•2} 12(1\) 11 (•O) 12 (•1) 17 ( 3) Languages Common, Ore, Dracornc. Dwarv1sh. Elv1sh
Challenge 1 (200 XP}

saving Throws con *3, Cha *5

Skills Performance 5 Spe/lcasting. Guglug is a 4th·level spellcaster that uses
Senses p assrve Pe rcept ,on 11 lntelligence as h1s spellcastmg ab1hty (spell save OC 13; +Sto hit
Languages Aquan, Common wirh spell ,macks). Goglug knows the following spells from the
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) w1zard 's spell hst~

cantnps (at will): mending. royoffrost shocJcing grosp

Amphibious. Ari c:an breathe a1r and water_
1st le vel (4 slots): detect mogic, sleep
Ta;/ Tronsformotion. Arican actrvate her mag1cal -seashell 2nd l"Nel (3 slots): hold person, web
necklace to polymorph her tatl lnto humanoid legs. When she
do es chis, her regular speed and sw,m speed become 30 ft. Ari A CTIONS
can d1smiss this abil,ty as a bonus act,on. Mcrce. Mefee Weapon .Attoc/c: •~ to hit. reach 5 tt., one target. Hit: 5
Spellcasting. Ari is a 3rd·level spellcaster that u~s Charisma as {1d6+2) bfudgeoning damage.
her spellcastmg abihty (spell save DC 13; •5 to hit w1th spell
an.acks). Ari knows the follow spells from che sorcerer's sp,ell list: Description: Gultholomew goes by the nickname "Guglug"
while working as a bouncer to sound more imposing. The
Cantrips (.at will): dandng lights. minor il(us1on. shocking gro.sp young half-orc is a student of the arcane arts and works as a
1 st Le ve l (4 slots): color spray, s/eep bouncer to pay for his schooling. Guglug resents having to play
2nd Level (2 slots): mirror imoge. misty s<ep into the "half-orc thug" stereotype, hoping to eventually find
work asan academic.
Spear. Me lee or Ranged Weapon Attack: *2 to hit. rea ch 5 ft. or Combat Tactics: Guglug is under strict orders to avoid murders
range 2.0/60 ft., one target. H1c 3 (1d6) piercing damage, or 4
on the tavern's premises so as to not attract the attention of local
C1d8) pier(ing ctaim.ige if vsed wit h ~Q h,:ands to m.ike a melee
authorities. He has prepared a bunch of spells to incapacit ate,
not kili. lf throwing out a problem individual isn't working,
Guglug will knock them out nonlethally.
Description: Ari is a well-paid employee ofthe tavern; her dance
shows are a local attraction that people regularly flock to. The
merfolk's relationship with Tofdir supposedly goes back to his
smuggling days. Sorne say that Ari still controls underground
businesses and her dancing is simply a hobby or a cover. She
pretends to be mute to avoid talking with patrons.

Combat Tactics: Ari tries her best to avoid entering a fight since
she doesn't want to attract the local authorities. lf pressed into
combat, however, she will try to end things without bloodshed.
Medium humanoid (el/ ), Jawful neutral M¡d1vm hvmano1d (dworf), chao!ic n¡urrof

Armor Class 12 (1Sw1th mage armor) Armor Class 11

Hit Points Hit Points 13 (2d8 • 4)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 25 ft.

9 ( 1) 14! (+2) 14(+2) 18 { +4) 10 (•O) 10 ( O) 14 ( +2) 12 (+1) 14 ( •2) 9 (·1 l 10(•0) 9 ( 1)

Saving T'hirows l nt 16, W1s 1- 2 Senses darkvIsIon 60 re passtve Percepc1on 10

Skill$ ArcaM ~ó. Hi$lOry •6, Religion •6 Languages Coniñ"lon, Dwarvish
Senses p;iss1ve Perc@pt.Jon 10 Challenge 1/8 (25 XP}
Languages Common, Oraci:,nIc, Elvlsh,, Pnmordtal
Challenge 4 (1100 XP) Owarven Re$ilience. The brawter has advaotage on saving throws
agamst poIson, and ,t has res1stanci! agamst poison damagi!.
Potent Cantrlps.. When Sylana casts an evocation cantrip and Impravised Weopons.. The brawler may pickup an improvised
misses, or the target succeeds on its saving throw, the target stíll weapon from the environment. such as a broken bonle ora table
takes halí che cantnp's damage but suffers no other effecc. leg. lt e.lo use its unarme-d St(ike actlon with the weapon. but the
Sculpt Spt!lls.. When Sylana e.asesan evoc.mon spell that affects damage type may change (a broken bottle does p1ercin9 damage
other creaitvre that she see, she ,~n choose ai numt>er of instead of bludgeooing).
them equal to 1 • the spell's leve! tosucceed on their saving Wrestl~r. The brawle r has advantage on Athletics checks to shove
throwsagainst the spell. Those creatures cake no damage if they a creature and can drag o, carry a grapple-d creature with it at full
would norm.11~ take naif damage ftom the spen. speed as long as the creature's slz.e Is Med1um or smaller.
Spellcostl,ig. Syl3na is a 6th leve! spellcaster that uses lntelfigence A CTIONS
as her spe-llcasting abílity (spell save OC 14, +-6 to hit with spell
.;ittacks). Sylana has the followi ng spells prepared from che wiz..)rd unarmed Strike. Melee weopon Arrack: -.-4 to hit:, reach 5 ft., one
spell list: ereature. Hit: 4 (1 d4 t 2) bludgeoníng damage. lf the target is a
Large or s;maller creature, Ir 1s. grappled (escape DC 12). Un.til this
Cantrips (al w111): mage hond. presridigirorion. royo/frost. shockmg grapple ends. the brawler can scrike only the grappled creature
grasp and has advantage on attack rolls to do so.
1st level (4 slots): /og cloud, magic m issile, shield, rhunderwove
Description: Durkon and his companions are dwarves from
2nd leve! (3 slots): ínvis,bility, misiy scep, scorching roy
the Wildaxe clan, easily recognized by their fiery red hair and
3rd level (3 slots); cor.mrerspelf, dtspel mag1c. f,rebafl
tribal tattoos. The clan knows the secrets to taming and riding
A cT10111s griffons.
Dogger. Melee Weapon Attock ,.,1 to hit, reach 5 ft., or range 20/60 Durkon's group are a rowdy bunch of mercenaries currently
ft., one target 1-1;r; 4 (1d4• 2l piercmg damage. in between jobs. They spend their gold on reckless drinking
while waiting for work. When not looking to cause trouble, they
Description: Sylana's clothing is like her personality: plain, talk about their exploits in previous jobs, be it crushing an orc's
methodically well-kept, and unimaginative. A formidable mage skull or bedding wenches.
and accomplished scholar, Sylana bluntly speal<s her unfiltered lfyou're running Madness of the Rat King, the dwarves may also
thoughts with no regard to courteous social norms. While she speak about a rumor of the legendary armor of invulnerability
doesn't mean to be rude, her lack of social filters has her come said to have been lost somewhere in this area, possibly in the
off as a pompous ass. caves below.
What she lacks in social aptitude, the elf more than makes
up for in intelligence: Sylana is exceedingly smart and has a Combat Tactics: Durkon and his crew have a showy wrestler
photographic memory to boot. fighting style when in a brawl: they'II put the enemy in a
headlock and pummel them, piledrive an enemy through
Combat Tactics: Sylana doesn't go looking for fights, but she will a table, or slide them across bar counters. lf things really get
not hesitate to defend herself. Shield defends her from attacks, heated, the dwarves w ill pick up random objects from the
misty step and thunderwave get her out of melee, counterspe/1 environment to fight with, like a broken bottle, a table leg, or
and dispel magic protects her from spellcaster s, and scorching a chair.
ray and fireball incinerate her foes. lf brought to low HP, she can
cast invisibili ty to flee.
Medium humanoid (ony roce}, ony non•lawfuJ ol1gnmenr Smoll humom,id (gnome). lawful neutro}

Armor Class 1 1 Armor Cl.:iss12

Hit P-oints 13 (2d8 -. ~) Hit Points 27 (6d6 1 6)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 25 't.

14 ( • 2) 12 ( 1) 14 (•21 9 ( l) 10 ( O) 9 (· 1, 10 (+O) 15 ( +2) 12 ( ... 1) 12 (•1) lt(•2) 16(-3)

Senses possive Percept1on 10 Skills Decepuon •S. 1ns19ht -~. Cnvest1gauon •S. Percepuon •6,
Languages Common Persuas,on ,s. Sle19ht of Hand 11, Stealth ,A
Challenge 1 /8 (25 XP) Senses darkv1s1on 601:. pass,ve Perceptlon 12
Languages Common. Gnom1sh. Yetl
lmprovised Weapom. The brawler may p1ck up an 1mprovised Challéñge 1 (200 XP)
weapon from th@ @nvironm@nt. such ;is a brok@n bottl@ ora table
leg. lt can use its Unarmed Strike action with the weapon. bue the Gnome Cunning. Tofdir has advantage on all lntelligence.
damage type may change (a broken bottle does piemng damage Wisdom, an<f Charisma saving throws aga,nst mag,c.
ínstead of bludgeoning). Cunning Action. On each of h1s tums, Tofd1r use a bonus
Wr.estler. The brawler has advantage on Athletics checks to shove action to take the oash. Disengage. or Hide action.
a e reature andl can drag or carry a grappled creature wtth lt at full Sneok AN,ock (1/Turn). Tofdir deals an extra 7 (2d6) damage when
speed as long as the cre.uure's size is Medium or smaller. he h1ts a target with a weapon attack and has advanta9e on the
A C"IONS attack roll, or when the target is within S teet of an ¡¡ lly of Tofd1r
that isn't lncapacitated and Tofdir doesn't llave disadvantage on
Un.armed Strike. Melee WeaponAttack: ,4 to hit. reach 5 't., one
the attack roll.
cr@atur@. Hir: 4 (1d4~2) bludg@onmg damag@. lf th@ target 1s a
L.lrge or sm.:iller creatur e. 1t 1s grappled (escape OC 12). Until this A CTJONS
grapple ends, the brawler can strike only th~ grappled creature
M11Wotcack. Tofdir makes two me lee attacks.
and hos advantage on attack rolls to do so.
Shortsword. Mele-e Weopon Arrock: ..4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Bonusl This is a generic template of the Tavern Brawler with Hit 5 (ldó,.2) piercing damage.
dwarven racials removed. Have fun using it in your own Hond Cros.sbow. Ronged Weopon Atto'Ck: .,.,1 to hit. range 5 ft•• one
adventures! targeL Hit; 5 (1d6t2) pIercmg dam.age.

Description: The middle-aged gnome is the owner of the Fiery

Grog Tavern. While Tofdir claims to be a retired captain of a
cargo ship that sailed all over the Thalon Sea, there are rumors
that the charming gnome made his gold through less legal
meaos as a smuggler -- and if the Fiery Grog is a hub for shady
dealings (which Tofdir denies), no doubt the host would make
coin from that as well.

Combat Tactics: Tofdir prefers talking hirnself out of bad

situations and is highly reluctant to use force, especially in
his estbalishment, because he knows the local authorities will
come snooping around.
lf pressed into combat, the spry gnome darts between hiding
spots while looking for opportunities to use his sneak attack.
Tofdir isn't a hero and will flee if brought below 1OHP. He avoids
murder in his tavern whenever possible.

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