Electric Drives
Electric Drives
Electric Drives
ELECTRIC DRIVES Multiple Choice Type Questions
1. A singlemotor which actuates several mechanisms or machines is called
WBUT 2009, 2013, 2017]
a) group drive b) individual drive
Electrical Drive 2 c) multi-motor drive d) active drive
Answer: (a)
Dynamics of Electrical Drives 5
2. Fourth quadrant operation of electric drive gives WBUT 2015]
Motor Power Rating 20 a) forward motoring b) forward braking
c) reverse braking d) reverse motoring
Starting of Electric Drives 44 Answer: (C)
Braking of Electric Drives 52 3. For multi-motor drives WBUT 2015]
a) current source inverters are used b) voltage source inverters are used
DC Motor Drives (Rectifier and Chopper Fed) 69 c) both inverters are used d) none of these
Answer: (b)
Induction Motor Drives 89
4. The zone below base speed of an electric drive is known as [WBUT 2016]
Synchronous Motor Drives 135 a) constant power zone b) constant torque zone
c) constant voltage zone d) constant current zone
Special Type Drives 148 Answer: (b)
Industrial Applications 152
5. A crane is used to more material horizontally and vertically. The type of drive
Speed Torque Characteristics of D.C. Motors & Induction Motors 155 used is WBUT 2016]
a) multimotor b) groupP
c) individual
Speed Control of D.C. Shunt Motor by Ward Leonard Method & Buck d) both (a) and (c)
Answer: (d)
Boost Method 158
6. A four quadrant operation requires WBUT 2016]
Soft-Start 161 two ful converters connected in series
b) two full converters connected in parallel
.Electric Traction 162 c) two full converters connected in back to back
d) two semi-converters connected in back to back
Microprocessor-Based Controller for DC Motor Drives 170 Answer: (c)
3. A typical active load is a) the drive will be accelerating b) the drive will be decelerating
WBUT 2007, 2016] d) the drive may accelerate or decelerate
a) hoist b) blower c) pump c) the drive will run at the same speed
d) lathe
Answer: (c) Answer: (b)
4. A machine driving pulse torque load is equipped with a flywheel in 11. The speed-torque curve of a separately exited motor is a WBUT 2010]
order to
[WBUT 2007 a) hyperbola b) straight line
a) equalize the current demand during the operation c) circle d) none of these
b) equalize the torque requirement Answer: (b)
c) reduce the mechanical overload
d) make the motor thermally suitable to drive the load
12. The zone of an electric drive below base speed is known as
WBUT 2011]
Answer: (b) a) constant power cone b) constant torque zone
c) constant voltage zone d) none of these
5. A motor driving a passive load is said to be steady state stableif
Answer: (b)
WBUT 2007, 2013]
a d_dy=0 b) d7
WBUT 2012]
dW dW dW dc0
c d7_d7i >0
dW dW dall of these
13.Second quadrant operation of electric drive gives
a) forward motoring b) forward braking
Answer: (a) c) reverse braking d) reverse motoring
Answer: (a)
6. A typical passive load is WBUT 2008, 2017]
a) Hoist b) Friction c) Bloweer d) PumpP 14. The speed-torque curve of a fan-type load is given by WBUT 2013, 2016]
Answer: (b) a) b)
c) Answer:
T T=0.5 kg-m J. =0.3 kg-m
=1.5 m/s M, = 500 kg
10007 rad/sec.
Answer: (c)
[WBUT 2015] Equivalent moment of inertia =J, +J, +M|
15. During lowering of an over hauling load, braking takes place is
"egenerative braking b) dynamic braking
d) none of these
c)plugging =0.5+0.3+500Sx30
Answer: (a) 10007
= 0.8+0.1003 = 0.9003 kg-m
16. In fan typ load, the torque (r) varies with speed (w) as [WBUT 2017]
Given 7=100 N-m A = 500 x 9.81N
a) rcw b) row c) ro d) roc Assuming efficiency of the motor is = 0.95
9.81(1.5x 30)
Answer: (b) L=io0 + 300x
0.95 10007
Short Answer Type Questions = 100+73.994 173.994 N-m.
1. A horizontal conveyer belt moving at a uniform velocity of 1 m/sec transports 3. A weight of 500 kg is being raised at a uniform speed of 1000 rpm, The moments
koad at the rate of 50,000 kg/hour. The belt is 180 m long & is drive by a 960 rpm of inertia of motor and the winch are 0.5 kg-m and 0.3 kg-m respectively.
motor: Calculate
a) Determine the equivalent rotational inertia at the motor shaft. the motor torque and
b) Calculate the required braking torque of the motor shaft to stop the belt at ii) the equivalent moment of inertia referred to the motor shaft.
a uniform rate in 10 sec. WBUT 2009] In the absence of any weight the motor develops a torque pf 100 N-m when running
Answer: at 1000 rpm. WBUT 2011]
a) Let Jbe the equivalent rotational inertia referred to the motor shaft. Answer
Given =0.5kg-m* J =0.3 kg-m M, = 500 kg
J 9.81
Assuming, y,=1.5mís
Equivalent moment of inertia
= 5096.84
x 60
5096.84X27x960 =0.5043 Kg-m. 30
-J+J, +M 0.5+0.3 +5005x -0.8+0.1003-0.9003 kg-m
x 9.81N
b) Now, Braking Torque, 7, =W,+J1 = 50000+(0.5043x 10) = 50005.043N-m.
Given =100 N-m F 500
Assuming efficiency of the motor is 7 =0.95
of 500 kg is being lifted up to at a uniform speed of 1.5 m/s.by a winch
2. A weight
drive by a motor running at a peed of 1000 rpm. The moments of inertia of the T=T+ -100 +500x9.81(1.5x30 =100+73.994 173.994 N-m.
motor and winch are 0.5 kg-m and 0.3 kg-m respectively. Calculate the motor
0.95 1000
torque and the equivalent moment of inertia referred to the motor shaft. In the
absence of weight motor develops a torque of 100 N-m when running at 1000 rpm. 4. With appropriate diagrams describe the four quadrant operation of a hoist drive,
[WBUT 2011]
WBUT 2010, 2016]
Describe with a neat diagram four quadrant operation of a motor driving hoist a SP
load. WBUT 2013, 2015, 20161
With the help of heat diagram, explain four quadrant operations of a motor driving
a hoist load. WBUT 2017] 3P-
A motor drive capable of operating in both directions of rotation and of producing both
motoring and regeneration is calleda four-quadrant variable speed drive.
The four-quadrant operation of a hoist is shown by a quadrant diagram as under
Forward Forward Pa
braking motoring
Fig: i) Simplified load diagram of a machine under shock loading
Tu Let it is assumed that sudden loading alternates with an idling period of equal duration. In
T such drives the losses are high and therefore efficiency is low. The size of the motor has
weight to be increased to bear overloading. The problem can be overcome by fitting a flywheel
weight to the shaft of the motor as the load is then shared by the flywheel. When a load is
Empty Load
applied, the speed drops from a to a and the stored energy released by the flywheel to
share the load with the motor is equal to (-(*| which is flywheel inertia
When the load is off following the peak, the speed rises and stored energy in the flywheel
T co
increases to a new value depending upon the new speed. In this way the load on the
motor issmoothed out, thus reducing the losses. This is called the load equalization. This
Reverse Reverse can be illustrated with reference to the load diagram of fig: (i). The variable losses are
motoring braking proportional to (current), i.e. (power). For one cycle, the variable losses are
T cSP1 cPt =26cP
When the lòad on the molur is smoothed out, the average losses are
Empty Loa
Counter e3P (2/) =1&cP
weight ZCounter The energy saved
per cycle is about 30%.
When the filywhel is incorporated, the motor selected can be of lower rating with lower
overload capacity. Let us consider the load diagram of a rolling mill to illustrate how the
5. Discuss the effect of flywheel incorporated with an electric drive under. shock' load is shared between the motor and the flywheel, thus lowering the rating and the
loading condition. WBUT 2013] overload capacity of the motor.
Answer: The rolling mill operation consists of a number of passes per schedule. The rolling
Operation of Electric Drives incorporating Flywheel under Shock Loading torque, i.e. load torque remains constant during a pass, but it varies from pass to pass. To
Conditions find the division of load between the motor and the flywheel, a portíon of the load
The machines like rolling mill, forging machine, electric press, etc. undergo
shock diagram may be considered (fig: (ii).
loading during their operation. A simplified load diagram of a machine under
loading condition is shown in figure (i).
ED-9 ED-10
The expression of the required moment of inertia of the flywhcel is
J= (5)
o (T (7)max
T (7 "
It is the inertia
seen from the above equation that he of the flywheel is decorated by
inertia of n
increasing 5nom t may be borne in mind that a lhigher value of s,m means higher losses
omnZ and lower speed. Thus s must lie between 10- 15%.
6. Show that the torque to inertia ratios referred to the motor shaft and to the load1
shaft differ from each other by a factor of i, where i is the gear ratio.WBUT 2014]
Fig: Load sharing between the motor and the flywheel of a rolling mill Answer:
Let us consider a motor driving two loads, one coupled directly to its shaft and other
With reference to Fig (ii) the torque equation of the motor during a pass., when the metal
passes between the rolls of the mill at constant load torque 7z, can be written as through a gear with n and n, teeth as shown in Fig. 1(a). Let the moment of inertia of
motor and load directly coupled to its shaft be J: motor speed and torque of the directly
T=1-|+Te ... (1) coupled load be a, and respectively. Let the moment of inertia, speed and torque of
When the metal is out of the rolls, we get the load coupled through a gear be J, and 7, respectively. Now,
(2) =1 (1)
Where Tem is the electromechanical time constant. where a, is the gear tooth ratio.
In Fig: i1) the shaded are bearing the ( sign gives the energy supplied by the flywheel If the losses in transmission are neglected, then the kinetic energy due to equivalent
to the shaft and the area bearing the (+) sign gives the energy fed to the flywheel. inertia must be the same as kinetic energy of various moving parts. Thus
The size of the flywheel to the fitted to the shaft of the motor is determined based on the
fact that the motor has to supply maximum torque equal to 17m The maximum value Ja=Ji,+Ja (2)
load torque in the load diagram may be considered for calculation of the size of the From eqs. (1) and (2)
flywheel. (3)
.... (3) Power at the loads and motor must be the same. If transinission efficiency of the gears be
-A-()-e() then
(7 max
= Motor torque at the beginning of the maximum torque load period. Solving Motor
e nom (4)
(a) Loads with rotational motion
TT om
Now if.
Rotational to lncar
Motor and thereforethe speed
motion transmission
i) Trt)7ti.e., (1+2W.)>3/W, consequently 0
of the drive increases.
and therefore the speed
(1+2) <3/P.consequently<0
ii) T-TL i.e., dt
of the drive decreases.
dw steady state i.e., runs at a constant speed
(b) Loads with translational and rotational motion When T=T) i.e, dt=0, the drive attains
Fig: 1
Motor load system with loads with rotational and linear motion and in that case for steady state stability
T-T =0
. (4)
Of 1+23-3 =0
where 7, is the total equivalent torque referred to motor shaft
8. Explain briefly the different components of load torque with their torque speed
From Eqs. () and (4)
characteristics. WBUT 2017]
. (5) Answer:
The different components of load torque are:
If in addition to load directly coupled to the motor with inertia i) Friction torque (T,): It will be present in the motor shaft and
also in various parts off
J, there are m other loads
with moment of inertias J,J, J and gear teeth ratios of i,
i,i,, then the load. T, is equivalent value of various friction torque referred to the motor
If loads are driven through a belt drive instead of fears, then, neglecting slippage, the
equivalent inertia and torque can be obtained from Eqs. (6) and (7) by considering
2 each to be the ratios of diameters of wheels driven by motor to the diameters Tel/Tv
of wheels mounted on the load shaft. Fig 1 Fig: 2
Friction torque and its component
7. Obtain the equilibrium point and determine their stability for motor and load The value of friction torque at standstill is much higher than its value slightly above zero
having characteristics as 7=l +2W, and 7,=3, respectively. WBUT 20171 speed. Friction at zero speed is called striction or static friction. In order for drive to start,
Answer: the motor torque should at least exceed striction. Friction torque can be resolved in three
If the motor and the load torque are in dependent of time, the equation of motion will be: components as shown in Fig. 2. Component 7, which varies linearly with speed is called
viscous friction and is given by
T, = Bo. (1)
where J is the angular moment of inertia of the motor shaft and where B is the viscous friction co-efficient.
o is the angular speed
of the motor shaft.
Another component T. which is independent of speed is known as Coulomb friction.
Third component A. Similarly an increase of Aw, in speed caused by a disturbance will:make load torque
accounts for additional torque present at standstil. Since Ts is
greater than the motor torque. resulting into deceleration and restoration of operation to
present only at standstill. it is not taken into account in the dynamic analysis.
pint A. Hence the drive is steady-state stable at point A. Let us now examine equilibrium
point B which is obtained when the samc motor drives another load. A decrease in speed
ii) Windage torque (r):
When a motor runs, wind gencrates a torque opPpOSing me
causes the load torque to become greater than the motor torque, drive decclerated and.
motion. This is known as windage torque and is proportional to speed squared. This is operating point moved away from B. Similarly when working at B an increasc in speed
given by T = Co (2) will make motor torque greater than the load torque. which will move the operating point
where C is a constant. away from B.'Thus B is an unstable point of equilibrium. Similarly the stability of points
C&D given in Fig. (c) & (d).
ii) Torque required to the useful mechanical work (T):
Nature of this torque depends on particular application. It may be constant and
ndependent of specd. it may be some function of speed: it may depend on the position
path followed by load. It may be time invariant or time variant. It may vary cyclically and
its nature may also change with the load's mode of operation.
From the above discussion, we may write for finite speeds
T=T + Ba, +7 +Co, (3) Torquc Torque
Considering the value of only viscous frequency we may write, (a) (6)
T +T, + Bo, (4)
dt T
Ifthere is torsional elasticity, the coupling torque will be
where, ,T,=K0,
is the torsion angle
of coupling (radians) and K, the rotational stiffness.
Torque Torque
Long Answer Type Questions
(c) (d)
1. Deduce the condition for steady state stability of a motor load combination. Can Fig: Prints A and C are stable and B and D are unstable
this condition be applied for synchronous motor? WBUT 2008]
OR, Above discussion suggest that an equilibrium point will be stable when an increase in
Deduce a condition for steady state stability for drive system. Can the condition speed causes load-torque to exceed the motor-torque.
deduced be applied to synchronous motor drive? TWBUT 2009]
Answer: (1)
Equilibrium speed of a motor-load system is obtained when motor torque equals the load
dw w
torque. Drive will operate in steady-state at this speed of stable equilibrium. This concept Inequality can be derived by an altenative approach from Eqn. (). Let a smal
has been developed to readily evaluate the stability of an equilibrium point from steady. perturbation in speed, Aw, results in AT and A7 perturbations in T& Tl respectively.
state speed-torque curves of the motor and load, thus avoiding solution of differential Then from eqs.
equations valid for transient operation of drive.
As an example let us examine the steady state stability of equilibrium point A in Fig. (a).
(T+AT) =(Tl +AT) +J4(VtAw)
The equilibrium point will be termed as stable when the operation will be restored to it
after a small departure from it due to a disturbance in the motor or load. Let the T+AT =Tt+ ATl + J dW4 J.
dA w (ii)
disturbance causes a reduction ot A", in speed. At new speed, motor torque is greater d d
than the load torque, consequenuy motor will accelerate and operation will be restored to
Subtracting When hoist is loaded, the net load torque 7, = 100 Nm and when it is unloaded, the
d = = AT - ATC net load torque 7, =-80 Nm. Obtain the equilibrium speeds for operation in all the
.(iii) four quadrants. WBUT 2017]
For small perturbations, the speed-torque curves of the motor and load can be assumed to Answer:
be straight lines. Thus For steady state speed:
T-T =0
47=dr AWm
(iv) When the hoist is loaded in quadrant 1, II and IV.
dw 200-0.2N-100= 0
or, 100=0.2N
ATC =|
dTe w . (v) 1000
w or, N= =500 RPM
where adw
& dT
are respectively slopes of the steady state speed-torque curves
When unloaded in quadrant I1, IIl and IV
200-0.2N-(-80) = 0
of motor & load at operating point under consideration. Or, 0.2=120
Substituting (iv) & (v) in (iii) & rearranging he terms 1200
or, N=- =-600RPM (Reversing mode)
dAdt dTt
=0: (vi) where N is the speed.
This is first order linear differential Eqns. If initial deviation in spe at t 0 be (Awm) 3. Write short note on Multiquadrant operation of electric drive. [WBUT 2010, 2012]
then the solution of Eqn. (n) will be OR
Write short note on Four quadrant operation of an electric motor drive
Aw, exp
= (Aw,)exp
Aw =(Av.)
dw dw
dr vii)
WBUT 2011]
A motor drive capable of operating in both directions of rotation and of producing both
An operating point will be stable when Aw approaches zero as
t approaches infinity. For motoring and regeneration is called four quadrant variable speed drives.
this to happen the exponent in Eqn. (vii) must be negative. This yields
the inequality: (i). For multi-quadrant operation of drives the following conventions about the signs of
torque and speed are useful.
2n Part:
1. Motor specd is considered positive when rotating in forward direction.
In a steady state operation of a synchronous motor is a
combination of equilibrium in 2. For drives which operate only in one direction, forward speed will be their normal
which the electromagnetic torque is equal and opposite to the load
torque. In the steady speed.
state, the rotor runs at a synchronous speed, thereby maintaining a constant
value of the 3. In loads involving up and down motions, the speed of motor which causes upward
torque angle S. If there is a certain change in the load torque, the equilibrium
is motion is considered forw ard motion. For reversible drives, forward speed is chosen
disturbed and there is a resulting torque, which changes the speed of the motor.
When there is a sudden increase in a load torque the motor slows arbitrarily. Then the rolation in the opposite direction gives reverse speed which is
down temporarily and assigned the negative sign.
the torque angle 8 is sutticiently increased to restore the
torque equilibrium and the 4. Motor torque is taken negative if it produces retardation.
synchronous speed. Similarly, if the motor responds to a decreasing
load torque by a 5. Load torque is opposite in direction to the positive motor torque.
temporary increase in specd and thereby, a reduction of the torque angle
swings or oscillates around synchronous speed and the new value
6. The rotor
of torque angle is
required before reaching new equilibrium position (steady state).
2. A motor is used to drive a hojst. Motor characteristics are
Quadranti, and IV: T=200-0.2N Nm. , given by
Quadrant I1, 11 and IV: T =-200-0.2N, Nm where N is the
speed in rpm.
Reverse motoring
2. The power rating of electric motor for continuous duty & constant load having
Reverse braking
torque Tin kgm & speed N in rpm is given by WBUT 2009]
a 975
j021 9.75 d)
Answer: (a)
Fig: I Four-quadrant operation constant of an electrical machine gives an induction of its
3. The heating time
Fig () as above shows the four-quadrant operation of drives. It WBUT 2010, 2014, 2016]
may be observed fromn b) rating
the above that: - a) cooling
i. In quadrant 1, power developed is positive which signifies c) overload capacity d) short time rating
that the machine works as Answer: (a)
a motor supplying mechanical energy and as such
quadrant I is called forward
motoring. WBUT 2012]
4. Starting current of a motor is kept low
ii. Quadrant Il represents braking operation, because in
this part of the torque speed a) to avoid excessive heating
plane the direction of rotation is positive and the torque is negative. b) to safeguard the life of the motor
The machine
operates as a generator developing a negative torque which opposes the c) to reduce the fluctuation in supply voltage
iii. In the IlI quadrant, motor action is in the reverse d) to reduce the acceleration time
direction and both speed and torque
have negative values while the power is positive. n fact operation in quadrant Answer: (a)
II is
similar to that in the first quadrant with direction of rotation reversed.
iv. In the fourth quadrant, the torque is positive and the speed is Short Answer Type Questions
negative. This quadrant
corresponds to braking in reverse motoring.
1. The temperature rise of a motor after operating for 30 minutes on full load is
20°C, after another 30 minutes on the same load the temperature rise becomes
30°C. Assuming that the temperature increases according to an exponential law,
determine the find temperature rise and the time constant. WBUT 2007, 2009]
We know that the equation of temperature rise with time is given by the relation:
0=0,(1-e") where 6,0 -/2 havetheir usual meaning.
According to problem, =30 minutes, ,
20°C and for the next 30 minutes i.e., after
(30+30)= 60 minutes, (,) temperature rise is 30°c (0).
So with this data and from the above equation it can be written as:
61-e /2
1-e397 =- = 53.19
40 In
0.4054 0 30 25
Again -0(1-e)
0.4054 or 25-(1-e
30 25 25 25 = 66.65° C
time constant 1-T1-0.6249 0.3751
30 Final temperature rise will be 66.65°C and time constant is 53.19.
time constant =74
0.4054 3. A motor of smaller rating can be selected for a short time duty. Correct andlor
[WBUT 2014]
=01-e justify.
20 (1-e3074 In short time duty, time of motor operation is considerably less than 1the heating time
20 20 constant and motor is allowed to cool down
1-0.666 0.334
60 to the ambient temperature before it is
. Final temperature rise will be 60° and time constant is 74 min. required to operate again. If a motor with a
continuous duty power rating of P, is
2. Thetemperature rise of a motor when operating for 25 min on full-load is 25°C subjected to a short time duty load of
and becomes 40°C when the motor operates for another 25 magnitude P, then the motor temperature
min on the same load.
Determine heating time constant and the steady state temperature rise. rise will be far below the maximum
WBUT 2010, 2012, 2016] permissible value 6,and the motor will be
The equation of temperature rise with time is given by the relation highly underutilised (Fig. 1). Therefore,
motor can be overloaded by a factor Fig: 16 vs. t curves for short time duty loads
0-01-e") a-with power KP, b- with power P,
K(K>1) such that the maximum
0,01/2 have their usual meaning
According to problem, temperature rise just reaches the permissible value p as shown in (Fig. 1). When the
25 minutes = 25°C duration of running period in a duty cycle with power KP, is 1, then
and for the next 25 minutes i.e. after (25+25)= 50 minutes (1-) ...(1)
=temperature rise is 6, = 40° C
Using this data we can get Or, (2)
Note that 6, is the steady state temperature rise which will be attained of motor delivers
40 1-e-0/4 a power (KP.) on continuous basis, whereas the permissible temperature rise ,r is also
25 1-e29 the steady state temperature rise attained when motor operates with a power P, on
Taking log in both sides, we have continuous basis. If the motor losses for powers P, and(KP,) be P, and P,, respectively,
ED-21 then
1-el 70 119.047(1-e
Let P+ P =
Pa(a +l) . (4) where is the time required to have the temperature
rise of 70°C
. the load dependent loss. Then 1-e
PuP * P P, Pe +KPa log,e =log, 0.412
Substituting from Eqn. (5) =log,0.412
P Pa(a +K) (6) 0.412 =-70x(-0.887)= 62.09 min
Substituting from Eqs. (4) and (6) into Eqn. (3) givcs
70°C to 95°Cin
The motor's temperature will therefore, rise from
a+K (90-62.09) min = 27.91 min
a+1 1-elt
1+a 5. What do you mean by 'classes of motor duty'? WBUT 2015,
K- (7)
Answer: from the
Eqn. (7) allows the calculation of overloading factor K which can be calculated when Selection of motor is the prime criteria for electric drives. The motor rating
be selected properly, if its rated (full load)
constant and copper losses are known separately. When separately not known, total loss stand point of, over loading considered
is to
is assumed to be only proportional to (power), i.e. a is assumed to be 0.
As already mentioned, K IS Subjected to the constraints imposed by maximum allowable torque T, is governed by the following relation: 7,>ma
current in case of dc motors and breakdown torque limitations in case of induction and is the maximum torque required to drive the equipments.
synchronous motors.
where 1
Is the instantaneous torque overload capacity of the
4. A motor has a thermal heating time constant of 50 minutes. When the motor
runs continuously on full load, its temperature rise is 100°C in 90 minutes.
a) Find the maximum steady state temperature. motor.
b) How long will the motor take for its temperature to rise from 70°C to 95°C, if it is In D.C. motors, the maximum value of 2 is restricted by the prerequisite of safe
working on same load? WBUT 2015] commutation, but for A.C. machines, it is determined by the maximum electro magnetic
Answer: torque available. The value of 2 for different types of motors are given below for ready
Heating time constant 7= 50 min reference
= 100x0.84 =84°C A For different types of motors
0=0m-e")=100(1-e=100(1-0.16) Table-I
a) Maximum steady state temperature Type of the motor Vaue ofA
100- -e a) D.C. series and compound wound motors 3.5-4.0
b) General purpose D.C. motors 2.5
eB = 100 =119.047° C.
0.84 c) Squirel cage and slip-ring induction motors (crane) 2.3-3.4
b) Time for temperature to rise from 70°C to 95°C is to be found out for 90 minutes d) General purpose squirrel cage and slip-ring induction 1.7-2.7
rating of the motor.
e Synchronous motor 2.0-2.7
For maximum temperature for 90 minutes rating m=119.047° C as found above
For temperature rise of 70°C Heating is also a prime point for selection of drive motor. The rating of the motor is
ED-23 selected, so that it never exceed the temperature limit of the pre-determined value, for
several types of duty. The maxímum permissible temperature of the motor determined by Speed
the class of insulation used in it. without
The insulating materials used in electrical machines can be grouped into seven classes
based on their thermal stability. The maximum temperatures as listed below are evolved
for an ambient temperature of 35°C. So if the ambient temperature is less than 35°C, then wilh
the motor can operate with the larger load, than that stated in the nameplate and if the lywheel
ambient temperature is greater than 35°C, the position will reverse.
6. What are the reasons for load equalization in an electric drive? State how is it torque
achieved. WBUT 2017]
Answer: Motor torque
Load equalization in an electric drive is necessary to smoothen out the fluctuations in
load otherwise during interval of peak ioad it will draw heavy current from the supply
either producing large voltage drop in the distribution system or requiring cables a
wires of heavy section. In this process, energy is stored during the interval of light load
and given out during the interval of peak load. Thus power drawn from the supply mains
remains almost constant.
Time in seconds.
Load equalization can be achieved by use of flywheel. During the light load period the
flywheel accelerates and stores the excessive energy drawn from the supply and during Fig: 1
Variation of speed, load torque and meter torque against time
peak load period the flywheel decelerates and supplies some of its stored energy to the 7. A motor has a thermal heating time constant of 45 -minutes. When the motor
load in addition to the energy supplicd from the supply. Thus the load demand is reduced. runs continuously on full load, its final temperature rise in 80°C. (i) What. would beIf
the temperature rise after 1 hour, if the motor runs continuously on full load?
The motors used for such load should have drooping speed-torque characteristics, so that (ii)
speed may fall with the increase in load and enables the flywheel io give up its stored the temperature rise on 1 hour is 80°C, find the maximum steady state temperature
energy. For the load in wl:ich the motor have to run in the same direction and is not to be at this rating. WBUT 2017]
stopped and started frequently, flywheel may be mounted on the motor shaft. For a Answer:
reversing drive, such as for colliery winder WARD LEONARD control system is Refer to Question No. 4. () & (i) of Long Answer Type Questions.
generally used for reversing and speed control, so the flywheel can be mounted on motor
generator set. The load torque required and motor torque developed as well as speed Long Answer Type Questions
variations with time are shown in Fig. I below:
1. a) "A motor of smaller rating can be selected for an intermittent periodic duty."
Justify the statement by calculating the ratio of rated power P, to P, corresponding
to duty cycle. wBUT 2007, 2009, 2016]
b) A constant speed motor has the following duty cycle: [WBUT 2007]
Load rising finearity from 200 to 600 kW 4 min
Uniform load of 450 kW 2 min
Regenerative power returned to the supply
reducing linearity from 450 kW to 0 3 min
Remains idle 4 min
Determine power rating of the motor, assuming loss to be proportional to (power)
a) Cooling and thermal capability of a motor are major criteria:
The intermittent ratings depend upon the cooling and thermal capability of a motor. The
motor with intermittent rating are loaded with a train of identical duty cycles so that
ED-25 ED-26
finally the rise and fall in temperature during each duty cycle are equal. For the AS 1oss is proportional to (Power) the cquivalent rating of motor is given by the
evaluation of heating due to intermittent duty loads use is made of duty factor (e) which relation:
is defined as the ratio of heating period to the period of whole cycle. Keeping these in
mind a motor of smaller rating can be selected for a intermittent periodic duty which can 200+200 x 600+600 )x4+(450) x 2+ K(450) x3+0x4
be further corroborated ifa case of a motor of rating P, and duty factor e is considered P 4+2+3+4
for duty factor 6.
The new power rating P, for duty factor
6, is found by equating the equivalent power in -x520.000x4)+(202, 500 x2)+Kx(202,500) x3
both cases. 13
2 [100064.10=316.32 kW (Ans.)
are the heating period
2. a) Explain equivalent current, torque & power methods to determine the motor
rating for intermittent loads. WBUT 2009]
But and 2
+ + Answer:
This method is based on approximation that the actual variable motor current can be
of, P=Pe replaced by an equivalent : which produces same losses in the motor as actual current.
This equivalent curent is determined as follows:
Motor loss p, consists of tvo components-constant loss P. which is independent of
Another formula that takes, into account the constant losses may be used. This load and consists of core-loss and friction loss and load dependent copper-loss. Thus for a
relationship is:- fluctuating load Fig. i) consisting of n values of motor currents ,2,',, för
durations 4,2,***,, respectively, the equivalent current is given by
where K=ratio of constant losses to variable losses. D.+ER=P+HK}4+{p. +1}R)}, t..+(p, +1R}y,
600 kW *4*+),G4+,++.)R
P+R-2G+12+.+1, +1+..+
450 kW
200 kW
4min 2 min 3 min
4 min
H n
450 kW
Fig: ()
The load diagram shown in the figure.
5) A motor driving a mining equipment has to supply a load rising uniformly from
zero to a maximum of 1500 kW in 20 seconds during acceleration period, 1000 kW
for 50 seconds during the full-load period & during acceleration period of 10
seconds when regenerative braking takes place, the kW returned to the mains falls
from an initial value of 500 kW to zero uniformly. The interval for decking before
the next load cycle starts is 20 seconds. Estimate a suitable kW rating of the
motor, based on ms power. WBUT 2009, 2014]
Fig: i) Load diagrarm ofa fluctuating load Answer
In order to solve the problem load (power) diagram is drawn below:
1500 kW
or, (2)
t, +1,+****
If the current varies smoothly over a period T Fig. (ii), Eqn. (2) can be written a
1000 kW
Integralidi represents the area between i vs. curve and the time axis for duration 0
to T.
20 60 70 90
Implicit in above analysis is the assumption that heating and cooling conditions remain
same. If motor runs at a constant speed throughout this operation, heating and cooling S00 kW
conditions ill, in fact, remain same. If speed varies, constant losses will marginally
Time in sec
change. However, if forced ventilation is used, heating and cooling conditions can still be
assumed to remain same without much loss of accuracy. In self-ventilating machines, The power load diagram shows only the actual output power. It does not take into
cooling conditions at low speeds will be poorer than at normal speed. Consequently Eqs. account the starting and braking losses as well as other losses.
(2) and (3) should be used with caution.
After is determined, a motor with next higher current rating (=nfrom (1500)x20+(1000) « 50 +500x10
commercially available ratings is selected. Next, this rating is checked for its practical Thus P 3 3
feasibility as follows: 20+50+10+ 20
D.C. Motor: This motor can be allowed to carry larger than the rated current for a short 15000000+50000000+833333.3333
duration. This is known as short time overload capacity of the motor. A normally 100
designed dc machine is allowed to carry up to 2 times the rated current (3 to 3.5 times the
rated current in specially designed de machines) because for higher curents sparking 65833333.33
V 811.377kW.
between the brushes and commutator reaches an unacceptable level. Let the ratio of 100
maximum allowable current (or short time overload current capacity) to rated current be
denoted by 2. 3. Mention & explain the factors on which the size & rating of a motor tobe used as
a drive element depend. WBUT 2009, 2010]
Then 2n (4) Answer:
The factors upon which the size and. rating of a motor to be used as a drive element
where max is the maximum value ot current ig. (a) and (6)] and raied is the rated depend upon the types of service conditions under which it is to run.
current of the motor. If condition (Eqn. 4) is not satisfied then the motor current rating is The motor rating from the stand point of overloading is considered to be selected
> where
calculated from properly, if its rated (full load) torque 7, is govermed by the relating, T,
ED-29 ED-30
mx is the maximum torque required to drive the equipments and 2 is the instantaneous duty cycle, is considered as
If a load curve for (total operating time tota) intermittent
torque overload capacity of the motor. In D.C. motor, the r aximum value of a is +1, +1
shown in Fig. (b), then for that service condition, the motor will run for
restricted by the prerequisite of safe commutation, but for A.C. machine, it is determined
and total cooling time, =
by the maximum electromagnetic torque available. Heating is also a prime point for t +J
selection of drive motor. The rating of the motor is selected, so that it never exceed the So the duty factor,
temperature limit of the pre-determined value, for several types of duty. The maximun
permissible temperature of the motor determined by the class of insulation used in it. E
From practical point of view, the service conditions under which the motor is to run is Total time 4+4+1,|+|% te,J
divided into three parts viz. (i) continuous service (ii) intermittent service and short term. factor is 0.25.
& for motors with intermittent duty ratings are 0.15, 0.25, 0.40. For crane duty
For continuous service the motor will operate at steady load and the runniny period is of its steady state
With the motor on short time duty, the temperature rise does not reach
sufficient duration for the temperature rise to attain its steady state value. working period is
value during the working period. The idle period between consecutive
The rating of the motor normally depend upon the types of service conditions under take place. Auxiliaries for several
of sufficient duration so that complete cooling can
which it is to run. From practical point of view, it is divided into three parts, for cranes, hoists, etc. remain idle or keep running at no
kinds of machine tools and also
i) Continuous service, for Fig. (C) may be referred to.
load for long time after
a each working cycle which
ii) Intermittent service,
iii) Short term. P
For continuous service the motor will
operate at steady load and the running
period is of sufficient duration for the
temperature rise to attain its steady state
value. For example pumps, fans,
compressors and conveyors. In fact they
run continuously with constant load. The
load curve for this service condition is
Fig: (a) For Continuau duty
shown in Fig. (a).
But for intermittent service condition, the machine never reach i's steady state
temperature), during its working period. As the motor for that drives v ill operate under
intermittent duty cycle i.e., (ON-OFF-ON-OFF), cranes, hoists etc. are subjected to Time
Fig: (c) Short-time duty
ntermittent duty. Fig. (b) shows the load curve for motors performing intermittent duty.
4.a) Derive the heating characteristics of an electric motor. Define heating time
P P constant WBUT 2013, 2016]
b) A motor has a thermal heating time constant of 45 minutes. When the motor
P uns continuously at full load, its final temperature rise is 80°C.
() What would be the temperature rise after 1 hour, if the motor runs continuously
of full load?
() If the temperature rise in 1 hour rating is 80°C, find the maximum steady-state
temperature at this rating.
(ii) How long will the motor take for its temperature to rise from 50°C to 80°C, ifit
s working at its 1 hour rating? WBUT 2013]
a) In a motor the various energy losses which occur are finally converted into heat. This
causes an increase in temperature which depends upon (a) the heat absorbing capacity of
Time> the various parts of the motor and (b) the facility with which heat is conducted away or
Fig: (b)
radiated or otherwise dissipated from the surface of the machine. In order to determine
ED-31 ED-32
the variation of temperature rise (motor temperature minus the ambient temperaturc) with
time; the following assumptions may be made: At steady state i.e.,t = o, then:
1. Atmosphere has infinite thermal
capacity and therefore its temperature don't
change due to heat received from a radiating body (the motor).
2. The internal conductivity is infinite and as a result, all parts are at the same (5)
3. The body is totally homogenous, i.e. the conductions for cooling are identical at If at the initial stage of the heating process r, = 0, then the equation for the temperature
all points on the surface of the body.
rise takes the form:
4. The heat losses, the emissivity and the heat capacity do not depend upon
temperature. (6)
The first term in the equation (5) shows the relationship between the temperature rise and
With the above assumptions and denoting that:
time, if the motor is initially cold for which heating curve as shown in Fig. (1) curve [1]
Odt is the heat in calories produced in the motor during time di, Atdt is the
amountof may be referred to. f no heat is produced, rg= 0, equation (6) then takes the form of
heat dissipated into the atmosphere in time dt for a temperature rise of r and emissivity
A (cal per sec per°C) and Cdr is the amount of heat necessary to raise the temperature
r=re as shown in Fig. (2) curve [1] may be refered to
of the motor having thermal capacity C (cal per °C) through (°C), then the heat
balance equation can be written as:
Qdt ATdt + Cdr ..(0)
dtCdr 1. Initially cold
2. Initially at t= To
The value of t is computed from the initial condition that at t = 0, the initial temperature
rise is T=T,
where 74 is the thermal time constant which is numerically equal to the time for the 2
otor temperature to reach its steady - state value, if no heat is dissipated in to the
To find out the temperature rise r as a function of time, Load disconnected
Fig: 2
-Ar-Ar Variation of temperature rise vs. time for cooling
Normally time constant TH does not depend upon the motor load, but is determined by
Or, +Te (4) the parameters C and A, which depend on
1Weight of the active parts ofthe machine in Kg. (G)
ii) Specific heat, cal per Kg per °C. (H)
ii) Cooling surface, m. (S) 63.2%% of its final
iv) Specitic heat dissipation or emissivity. Heating time constant is the time during which the motor will attain
Cal per sec per m per "C. (A)
So, C = G. H and A =S. 2 steady temperature.
Now differentiating equation (6):
b) Final temperature rise on continuous rating,
dt TH =80° C
Again from equation (6): Thermal time constant
e s =45 minutes==0.75
hour) can be found by using the
(i) Temperature rise after one hour (i.e., when
t =1
SO ds following relation
= 80(1-eV05)=58.9°
0-0(1-eT ) C
of, Hence temperature rise after one hour 58.9°C (Ans.)
(dr .(
dt ii) Let, 6 = maximum steady temperature rise at one hour
From given data:
T, =0.75 hour 0 80° C =l hour
Now, 0=0(1-e
v5-108.7C (Ans.)
Hence the maximum steady temperature rise at one hour rating=108.7°
0.632 T 80°C is one
(ii) Assuming initial temperature as 0°C, time taken to attain temperature of
hour or 60 minutes.
- 108.7° C.
Maximum temperature rise
Let the timc taken to attain temperature of 50°C from 0°C bet hours, then
Time,t 50
Fig: 3 Graphical detemination of heatüng time constant 1-e075
Now refering Fig (3) and considering triangle fdc 107=1- 108.7
tanLefe=cot fed=-L-s-acdt dcC
-/075 =]-0.4599 = 0.5401
dc T =log, 0.5401
dt =-0.6160
So, TH dc (8) I=0.6160x0.75 = 0.4620hour=21.72 minutes.
Hence, time taken to increase the temperature from 50°C to 80°C is 27.72 minutes.
determination of motor power rating
5. a) Describe briefly the different methods for
for variable load drives. motor When torque is directly proportional to current, as
for example in de separately excited
b) A drive has two loads. One has rotational
motion. It is coupled to the
efficiency is 90%. A Ioad has moment of motor, then from Eqn. (2).
through a reduction gear ratio a 0.1 and
motion and consists
Inertia 10 kg-m* and torque 10 N-m. Other load has translation 1.5 m/sec. Coupling T+7++7L (6)
of 1000 Kg weight to be lifted upward
at an uniform speed of T +1+*+,
between this load and the motor has efficiency of
a 85%. Motor rating is =1420
to the motor shaft and power Equation (6) can be employed to directly ascertain the motor torque rating.
and 0.2 kg-m. Determine equivalent inertia referred directly proportional to
WBUT 2016) When motor operates at nearly fixed speed, its power will be
developed by the motor. constant speed operation, power rating of the motor can be
torque. Hence, for nearly
obtained directly from:
a) Determination of Motor Rating
1. Continuous Duty
Maximum continuous power demand of the load is ascertained.
A motor with next higher P= +k,++P, (7)
power rating from commercially available ratings is selected. Obviously, motor speed +++,
requirements. It also necessary to check whether the
should also match load's speed
torque requirement and can continue to drive load in the face of 3. Short Time Duty
motor can fulfill starting
assured by the In short time duty, time of motor operation is considerably less than the heating time
normal disturbances in power supply system; the latter is generally
constant and motor is allowed to cool
transient and steady-state reserve torque capacity of the motor.
down to the ambient temperature before it
is required to operate again. If a motor
2. Equivalent Current, Torque and Power Methods for Fluctuating and Intermittent
Loads with a continuous duty power rating of P,,
Refer 1o Question No. 2.a) of Long Answer Type Questions. is subjected to a short time duty load of
magnitude P,, then the motor temperature
Induction and Synchronous Motor: In case of induction and synchronous motors, for rise will be far below the 'maximum
stable operation, maximum load torque should be well within the breakdown torque of
permissible value 6,and the motor willI
the motor. If motor current rating selected based on Eqs. (2) and (3) violates this
constraint, the motor rating is selected to satisfy breakdown torque constraint. In case of be highly underutilised (Fig. 2). Therefore,
induction motors with normal design, the ratio of breakdown to rated torque varies from motor can be overloaded by a factor Fig: 20 vs.t curves for short time duty loads
1.65 to 3 and for synchronous motors 2 to 2.25 (for special types up to 3.5). If the ratio of K(K>1) such that the maximum awith power KP,, b- with power P
breakdown to rated torque is denoted by A then the motor torque rating is chosen based
temperature rise just reaches the permissible value as shown in (Fig. 2). When the
duration of running period in a duty cycle with power KP, is 1,, then
=0.(1-€*) (8)
When the load has high torque pulses, selection of motor rating based on this will be too
large. or, (9)
Load equalization by mounting a flywheel on the motor shaft must then be considered. p1-e"lt
Equivalent current method assumes constant losses', to remain constant for all operating
6, is the steady state temperature rise which will be attained of motor delivers
Note that
points. Therefore, this method should be carefuly employed when these losses vary. It is
also not applicable to motors with frequency (or specd) dependent parameters of the a power(K,) on continuous basis, whereas the permissibletemperature rise per is also
equivalent circuit, e.g. in deep bar and double squirel-cage rotor motors the rotor the steady state temperature rise attained when motor operates with a power P, on
winding resistance and rcactance vary WIdely during starting and braking making this
continuous basis. If the motor losses for powers P, and (KP) be
method inapplicable. and P P,
respectively, then
constant and copper loSses are knoWn separately. When separately not known, total loss
IS assumed to be only proportional to (power), i.e. a is assumed to be 0. P (18)
As already mentioned, K is subjected to the constraints imposed by maximum allowable Pr
Current in case of de motors and breakdown torque limitations in case of induction and
synchronous motors.
From Eqs. (14), (16), (17) and (18), overloading factor K=(P./P) is given by
Cooling Cooling
Heating /Heating
T0.9 0.85
=17.53 N-m Fig: (c) For short time duty motor Fig: (d) Short time duty cycle
ii) Intermittent duty cycle: On intermittent duty the period of constant loads and rest
6. a) Explain continuous duty, with machine de-energized alternate. Intermittent duty motors are employed in cranes,
short time duty and intermittent duty with necessary hoists, lifts, rolling mills, some metal working machines.
graph showing variation of load torque vs. time and temperature vs.
time for each. Heating and cooling curves and duty cycle for intermittent duty motors are shown in Fig.
[WBUT 2017] (e) and Fig. () respectively.
Te nominal duty ofa drive motor is the duty corresponding to the service
conditions and
performance marked on its name plate. There are three types of duties viz:
1) Continuous duty: t
is that duty when the on-period is so long that the motor attains a
steady state temperature rise. Continuous duty motors are employed to drive fans, ot
compressors, generators etc. and they may be in operation for many hours
and even days
in succession.
The heating and cooling curves as also the duty cycle of continuous duty motors
are Time t Timet-
shown below in Fig (a) and Fig. (6) respectively.
Fig: (e) For intermittent periodic Fig: (f Intermittent duty cycle
duty motor
b) A motor driving a colliery winding equipment has to deliver a load, having the
following characteristics:
rising uniformly from zero to a maximum of 2000 kW in 20 seconds, during
/Heating i
Cooling the acceleration period
ii) 1000 kW for 40 s conds during the full-speed periods
iii) during the deceleration period of 10 seconds, when regenerative braking is
taking place, the power returned to the supply falls from an initial value of
330 kW to zero
Time Timet idle for another 10 seconds before next cycle starts.
Fig: (a) Fig: (b) Continuous duty cycle load diagram and find the rating of the motor using equivalent
method, [WBUT 2017]
ii)Short time duty: The short time duty motor operates at a constant load for some
specified periods which is then followed by a period of rest. The period of run (or load) is
so short that machine cannot its steady temperature rise while the period of rest is too
long that the motor tenmperature drops to the ambient temperature. Short time duty motors
are used in navigation-lock gates, railway turntables, bascule bridges etc.
The heating and
cooling curves for short time duty motors and short time duty cycle are shown in Fig. (c)
and (d) respectively.
Answer: ALoad in
Short Answer Type Questions
IO00 kW 1. Derive the expression for energy required to start an induction motor against
constant load torque. What should be the relative magnitude of the load torque
w.r.t. the inherent starting torque of the motor? WBUT 2011, 2012, 2014]
In induction motor for calculating the shaft power output the core loss is subtracted
from the internal mechanical power developed at the same time when friction, windage
and stray load losses are subtracted.
30 Fig: 1
If e, is the time phase angle between E and I, in the rotor circuit, power transferred
-20S 40S 10S -1OS
The variation of load power over a duty cycle of 80 seconds is illustrated in Fig. (1) as (Pacross the airgap from stator to rotor is
above. The r.m.s. value of this cycle gives the kW rating of a continuous rated motor.
The slope of the load time curve during acceleration is kW/sec and that during
Z =1-x
(total rotor ohmic loss, P,)
20 But P ,T
deceleration is kW/sec. At any time 't' measured from the zero of the load time Total ohmic loss.
sP, = saT. . (1)
curve, the load kW is
20 kW
and10 respectively during acceleration and The motor torque balance equation is:
T, Jpo,+ Do, +71
deceleration periods It is assumed that the motor is connected to a pure inertia load whose total moment of
The r.m.s. vaue is therefore given by, inertia, including motor and load is J kgm:.
L2000,d+(1000x40+ 330| For simplicity, the rotational losses i.e., friction torque Da, is neglected, the torque
r.m.s. power = dt+0x10
80 balance equation becomes:
T, = Jpa, =
-as100+[1000} x40+ 33rdt ds
7/2 =-0Jdt (2)
+(1000) x40+33 Substitution of T from equation (2) in equation (1) gives
00)(20) +(1000 x40+(10 Total energy dissipated in the rotor circuit, as slip changes from s, to sz, is given by
3026.67x1o' +40x10*+165o)
/2 1/2
66.67x 10"}| =[833.4x10T
,- Jr,d J(-o/]sds=(-) Joules
At starting with constant load, the rotor frequency is equal to the supply frequency f. At
r.m.s. power, P 912.91 kW (Ans.)
normal rotor speed, the rotor frequency equal to s, is very small. From stand still s=l
to negligible slip s,0), the total energy loss appearing as heat in
the rotor is equal to
joules (5)
is the kinetic energy stored in
the rotating mass. Thus total energy taken by an Ja,
induction motor from the ac source is equal The Eqn. (4) indicates that the total energy lost in the rotor circuit depends on the
to Jo. moment of inertia of the rotating masses and initial and final speeds and docs not depend
Since the total energy loss appearing as heat in on the rotor circuit resistance. This does not mean that the total energy lost is independent
rotor and is equal
toJoJoules is of rotor circuit resistance. The total energy lost depends on the stator and rotor
dependent of the accelerating time and is equal resistances.
to the kinetic energy of the rotating
copper loSS
Stator COPPer loss
mass, the load torque with respect to inherent starting
torque will be -0,J-o We know that
Rotor copper loss R
The total energy lost in the motor when the speed changes is given by,
2. Deduce the expression for energy lost during starting
of Induction motor with no
WBUT 2016] 3 }( +R,)dt... .Since =2
Three-phase induction motor Following the same procedure of deriving W, we can write the energy lost in the motor,
In a 3-phase induction motor, torque developed is
given by.
At starting (s, =1;s, =0)
Neglecting load and friction torques, we have
dw (7)
T J -Jo ds (2)
dt dt
When the motor starts under a load torque of 1end We can write
The energy loss in the rotor of the induction
motor when the slip changes from s, to
s, -Ta
Tjos do
is given by,
W=-Jo? sds
-Jo motor
Tmotor load
s ds
or, W=-Jo S ds
... (8)
i.e. W joules TmoMor1od
At the time of starting the slip changes from Equation (8) shows that the energy lost in starting of an induction motor on load is much
I to 0 and so the energy lost in
circuit is given by, the rotor more than that on no load.
ED-45 ED-46
.gain when the motor is started using direct on line starter will be high at rated The amount of electrical energy drawn by the motor during starting is equal to double
voltage and so the energy lost will be minimum. In the reduced voltage starting <Vaed the kinetic
energy stored in it. That is
and so the cnergy losses will be more. The energy loss during starting is wasted as heat in A +
+ Aeh = Jo; (7)
stator and rotor windings of squirrel-cage motor and in external circuit resistance added Now when the motor is started up with const. load
to the rotor of a wound rotor induction motor. Whereas the external resistance added to FR=T(o, -) =(T +7,X@,-0)
the motor is more compared to stator and rotor resistances to have a low operating
temperature, a higher resistance added to the rotor circuit will cause the starting time to
7,=J dt
Thus, energy loss during starting is
Long Answer Type Questions
A [iRd = SJa, -a,)do.
= + Tla, -a,)dt
1. Deduce the expression of loss of energy during starting of a separately excited
D.C. motor.
WBUT 2008, 2014]
OR, (8)
Derive the expression for loss of energy during starting of a separately
excited dc The first part of Eqn. (8) represents the energy loss in armature circuit due to
motor. Discuss the result. WBUT 2012]
Answer: acceleration. whereas the second part represents the loss in the armature circuit on
In a separately excited D.C motor, loss of energy
during starting is obtained form the account of load carried by the motor.
equation 4,= [ frdt . (1) 2. Deduce an expression for the energy lost during starting of DC shunt motor with
constant load torque T,. WBUT 2009]
The KVL equation during starting of the motor in one step is
V=E+ir Answer
In a D.C motor, V = E, +I,R,
PR=V,-E, =oT-oT (2)
The motor is started without load. Friction is neglected or, R, =V-E, =V-kw
This expression is also suitable for separately excited motor,
T Jd dt The equation of motion at no load is given by,
Substituting he quantities of Eqns. (2) & (3) in Eqn.
(3) dt
(1), we have Or,
A =J(a, -,)do, .(4)
Ifstarted form rest w, =0 & pn Hence,R, =1,(1,R,)= ko)
JV do Jado
It shows that
the energy loss in the motor during starting is equal
to the stored energy in
dt d
is negligible at no load, V =
this rotating parts at steady state speed
irespective of the armature circuit resistance, k», at no load (», is the no-load speed of the
number of steps in the starting resistance,
the resistance of each step and the motor)
The work done starting time.
by the motor in storing kinetic energy in its
rotating.parts is given by
R,dt =Ja,do-Jodo
nech w d= [Jday.da, =Jag
dt (6) The energy absorbed () by the armature for a change in speed from to ø, time
ED-47 to 1, is given by,
. accelerates. If this additional resistance
(i) reduced operating speed of the motor
is left in the
and (ii) additional energy loss and therefore
dt k
The energy lost, when the motor speed changes îrom to . is given by,
reduction on the starting torque on account
proportional to the square of the applied voltage.
b) Explain
of the fact
. [WBUT 20171
The energy loss in starting resistance of d.c. motors can be eliminated by employing
)d adjustable voltage system, thus dispensing with the external starting resistance.
adjustable voltage method is'energy efficient and illustrated in Fig. (1).
That the
-t)-Ta oli)a
Energy loss in
armature resistor
Now substituting a, (the no load speed) for the energy lost at starting on no-load B
when the speed changes from 0 to a, is given by,
K A iy
WRaJo,a, -- +T, T )d
loss în A B
cxternal Current
o J
, fot)a Power
Voltage Cnergy
This equation shows that the energy lost durnng starting depends on the accelerating time
and on the speed variation with time during acceleration. Time-
o Time.
(a) Rehostatic slartung (b) Series-parallel control
3. a) Discuss the effects of starting on power supply, motor and load. [WBUT 20171
Fig: 1
Erergy losses in D.C. motor
If we first consider D.C. motor drive shunt or compound motor, it is knownn
v1z. Series,
The supply voltage V is constant. If the armature current i, is assumed to be constant
that the motor draws large startng current trom the supply mains and such heavv in
rush during the starting period then the (a) Input power remains constant as represented by AB
of starting current taken by the motor may resuit in (a) detrimental sparking at the
Figl.(a) (6) Speed of rotation back emf, and useful power increase linearly with time as
In rheostatic stating, the various related energies may be accounted for as under
a) Energy input = Area ABDO Multiple Choice Type Questions
b) Energy output Area OCDO0
c) Energy losS in the external resistance = Area OECO 1. Regenerative braking squirrel cage induction motor takes place when 2014]
in a
[WBUT 2007,
d) Energy loss in the armature resistance Area ABCE.
a) the overhauling load drives the rotor at a speed greater than synchronous
It is clear from Fig. 1(a) that in rheostatic
starting of d.c. shunt motors, the energy loss IS
very high and this is eliminated to a large extent by step by step variation of supply speed below the
b) the stator frequency is reduced so that synchronous speed is
voltage as in adjustable voltage control or series parallel control. Energy saving in series
parallel control is shown in Fig. 1(b). The supply voltage and field excitation are assumed rotor speed
cboth (a)of and (b)
constant. Initially the amature are connected in series and then in parallel. 1he
d)none these
V Answer: (a)
voltage acrOSs each armature is equal series connection and V in paralle
operation, the preferred electrical
connection. 2. In case of power failure, while a crane is in
WBUT 2007, 2014]
The armature current remains constant to develop constant torque and thereby constant braking technique is
b) dynamic c) counter current d) none of these
acceleration. The supply voltage remaining constant the input power in parallel a) regenerative
connection is double of that in series connection. In Fig. 1(b), AB and CD represent the Answer: (b)
measure of input power and current in series and parallel connection respectively. Ihe WBUT 2008]
3.Regenerative braking is a
back emf increases along OFH. The useful energy is given by the area OHR. The energy b) second quadrant operation
a) first quadrant (T-o) operation
loss in series parallel starting is reduced to half of that incurred in rheostatic starting. c) muituquadrant operation d) third quadrant operation
The energy loss decreases as the number of steps increases. Answer: (b)
The energy loss is reduced when an induction motor is, started by smooth variation of
supply frequency under constant Volts/Hz operation. Both induction and d.c. shunt 4. The slip of an induction.motor during d.c. rheostatic braking
motors have exactly identical torque speed characteristics. WBUT 2008, 2017
a) s b) 2-s c) 1-s d) none of these
Answer: (a)
WBUT 2009]
5. Field control of a DC shunt motor gives
a) constant torque drive b) constant kW drive
c) constant speed drive d) variable load drive
Answer: (b)
WBUT 2009, 2013]
6. Theregenerative braking is not possible in
b) induction motor
a) DC series motor
c) DC shunt motor d) DC separately excited motor
Answer: (a)
7. The loss in energy during starting with m equal steps of voltage can be
WBUT 2009]
expressed as
Answer: (a)
ED-51 ED-52
8. Most efficient braking is
a) dynamic braking WBUT 2010] Short Answer Type Questions
c) both (a) & (b) b) regenerating braking
d) none of these 1. Explain, how regenerative braking is done in a 3-phase induction motor. Show
Answer: (a) graphically the four-quadrant operation of the motor. WBUT 2006, 2012]
9.In plugging of an electric motor
effectively we apply WBUT 2011] In regenerative braking of a 3- phase induction motor, the rotor speed of the motor must
a) a reverse voltage on the
armature b) double voltage on the armature exceeds the synchronous speed of the motor.
c) zero voltage on the armature
Answer: (a) d) zero magnetisation current So far the procedural part is concermed it may be mentioned that when the number of
poles of a pole changing induction motor is changed in the ratio 1: 2, for example, four
10. The slip s for plugging is pole to eight pole, regenerative braking takes place immediately after the change over, till
a) s-1 b) 25-1
WBUT 2012] the lower steady state speed is reached. Under such a situation, the machine acts as
c) 2-s d) 2+s
Answer: (c) induction generator returning energy to the supply and taking only the reactive power for
excitation. When the rotor speed exceeds the synchronous speed, the slip become
11. To get the speed higher than the
base speed of a dc shunt motor negative. The four-quadrant operation of the motor shown graphically below:
WBUT 2012, 2014] Regenerative
a) armature voltage control is used b) fieldcontrol is used braking Rho Forward motoring
c) armature resistance control is used d) frequency control is used
Answer: (6) Rhi
Forward braking
12. During dynamic braking employed for DC series motors, WBUT 2016] Rh2 Natural
a) armature current is reversed characteristic
b) field winding is reversed Rh Rh Rhn
c) field current direction is unchanged. d) both (a) and (c)
Answer: (d)
13. The magnetizing reactance of an induction motor during dc dynamic braking,
increases with
a) increasing rotor speed
b) decreasing rotor speed
[WBUT 2017]
Reverse braking A. T
c) independent of rotor steed Reverse braking
d) depends on the way the stator windings are connected during braking
Answer: (a) The regenerative braking characteristic as shown above is the continuation of the
motoring characteristic into the upper part of quadrants 11/V. The maximum regenerative
14. For an electric locomotive in the downward direction in a hilly region, the braking torque is higher than the maximum motoring torque.
economical braking system will be WBUT 2017]
a) counter-current braking b) dynamic braking 2. With appropriate characteristic curves explain the dynamic braking operation of
) regenerative braking d) mechanical braking a dc series motor WBUT 2011]
Answer: (c) Answer:
In a dynamic braking of d.c. series motor with self-excitation, the supply to the motor
15. Which braking is not possible in series motor? WBUT 20171
switched off and then the armature circuit includihg the series field winding is connected
a) Regenerative braking b) Dynamic braking
across a resistor ensuring that the excitation is not reversed during the change over.
c) Counter-current braking d) Rheostatic braking
The dynamic braking torque is
Answer: (a)
TR+R, Rn
'ED-53 ED-54
Forward brakine
Forward motorine
Dynamic cb Rh
braking R
Dynamic Tu
Tz Ta T
Reverse motoring Reverse braking
At this instant, the driven unit may experience objectionable shocks due
to a large value
of braking torque. The machine now runs as a self-excited generator.
3. Describe the regenerative breaking operation of an 3-phase induction motor. Reverse motoring -
m IV
Reverse braking
[WBUT 2013]
Regenerative braking Fig: Typical speed-torque characteristics of induction motor under different
An induction motor is subjected to regenerative braking. if the rotor speed exceeds the operating conditions.
synchronous speed of the motor. Under regenerative braking, the machine acts as an
induction generator returning energy to the supply and taking only the reactive power 1or 4. How does the braking resistance control the dynamic braking torque in dc
excitation. When the rotor speed exceeds the symchronous speed, the slip becomes separately excited motor? How to employ dynamic braking in de series motors?
[WBUT 2014]
negative. The regenerative braking characteristic is the continuation of the motoring
characteristic into the upper part of quadrants IlV as shown in Fig. below. The maximum Answer:
1st Part:
regenerative braking torque is higher than the maximum motoring torque.
When the number of poles of a pole-changing induction motor is changed in the ratio 1: Rheostatic or dynamie braking
2, for example, four-pole to eight-pole regenerative braking takes place immediately after
tne changeover, till the lower steady state speed is reached.
Shunt Shunt
field field
winding Amature Armatur
(a) (b)
Fig: 1
Rheostatic or dynamic braking
In this method of electric braking of shunt motors, the armature of the shunt is
disconnected from the supply and is connected across a variable resistance Ras shown in
Fig. 1(b). The field winding is, however, left connected across the supply unalstul torque.
bed As compare to rheostatic braking. plugging gives better braking
The braking effect is controlled by varying the series resistance
(i) Plugging for Series Motor
2nd Part: Scrics ficld
Fig. shows dynamic braking scheme for a d.c. motor. During braking the motor is useu
as a scparately excited d.c. generator and the series field winding is connected to a low
voltage high current converter.
Propulsion Brake
Series ficld
Fig: 1
Dynamic braking for a d.c. motor
Fig: 2 Plugging
5.Describe with suitable diagram plugging operation of DC machine. WBUT 2015] In this method (as in the case of shunt motors) the connections of the armature are
Answer: reversed and a variable resistance R is put in series with the armatur as shown in Fig
Plugging or counter current braking for Shunt motor (2) above.
braking 23020°
Spced Z 0.814279.3°
3 Braking torque
282.5) x0.0513 =
78.19N m.
- 4 poles 2- 157.1
2. Dynamic Braking:
In dynamic braking.
when motor armature
across a resistance is disconnected from the source
say R,dynamic and connected
dissipatcd in Ra & R,. In braking takes place. The generated energy 1s
Fig. (b,) the specd-torque
motoring to braking. As curves are shown & transition rom
speed falls, sections
torque, as shown in Fig.(b,)
are cut out to maintain a high average RRa <Ra,
converted as selt excited generator.a shunt motor. During braking, shunt motor can be
This permits braking even
when suppiy ais.
m Motoring - (0o
T and , for
TK,K V=0 Answer:
Data given:
500V d.c. shunt motor
3. Plugging: ,=2404 R, =S2
In plugging, the supply voltage of a shunt motor is reversed so R 2.0222
that it as ists the back emf
in forcing armature current in reverse direction. A resistance
Rp is also connected in Now, E, = 500-(240x-5) = 500 -120 =380V
series with armature to limit the current. In fig.(A) a particular case of plugging for
motor In dynamic braking, it is known that:
rotation in reverse direction arises, when a motor connected for forward motoring, is
driven by an active load in the reverse direction. Here again back emf & applied voltage
act in the same direction. However, the direction of torque remains positive in fig. (B): 2,
This type of situation arises in crane & hoist applications & the braking is then called 500+380=0-5+2.02
counter- torque braking 2
Motorin Motoring
880 = 174.6
4.6 Amp
Plugging T 2x2.52
of 0.06
A, 875rpm de separately excited motor has an armature resistanco
3. A 220Q.V.150
It is fed from a single-phase fully controlled conveter with an ac source
Fig: A Plugging speed torque
curves Fig: B Counter torque braking voltage of 220 V, 50 Hz. Assuming continuous conduction,
WBUT 2009, 20161
ED-63 ED-64
i)firing angle for motor torque, 750 rpm.
i) firing angle for rated motortorque, -195.218 60
ii) Motor speed for a = 160° &
(- 500 ) rpm. Rated torque K=-
rated torque. -809.557 27
Answer: 150 = 345.45N-m
Torque T KI, =2.303x
220 V, 875 r.p.m. 1S0 A separately excited d.c.
R, = 0.06Q E -186.218-(-19).10) =150 A.
At rated operation E = 220-(150x0.06) =
220-9=211 V
i) E at 750 r.p.m.
4. a) Draw the speed-torque characteristics for dynamic braking operation of d.c.
750 WBUT 2010, 2013]
series motor. Why does torque become zero at finite speed?
E 875
x211 180.857 V
V, = E +l, R, = 180.857+(150x0.06)
= 180.857 +9=189.857 V
The speed torque characteristics for dynamic braking are in the second quadrant of the
Now, 2cosa = V, figure shown below:
189.857xT-0.9580 Dynamic
Or, COS & brakine R
2x 220/2 R
or, a = 16.667
ii) At Isc.
-500 r.p.m R Plugging
E -S0211 =-120.571 V
Since V = E+, R,
,=-120.571+1.50x 0.06=-l|1.571 V
In the second quadrant i.e. at this instant, the driven unit may experience objectionable
Now, cosa =Va
shocks due to large value of braking torque and the machine runs as a self-excited
or, 2x 220/2cos a=-111.571 2nd Part:
Operation in quadrant II represents braking because in this part of the torque-speed curve
or, COS a =--
111.57xT -0.5630 the direction of rotation is positive and the torque is negative. The machine operates as a
2x 220/2 generator developing a negative torque, which opposes motion. In lI quadrant, which
or, corresponds to the motor action in the reverse direction both speed and torque are
a =124.26°
ii) At a = negative value while the power is positive.
V.= 2 220 n
cosa_2x cos160° =- 186.218 V . b) A 230 V separately excíted d.c. motor takes 50 A at a speed of 800 rpm. It has
armature resistance of 0.4 0. This motor is controlled by a chopper with an input
Since voltage of 230 V and frequency of 500 Hz. Assuming continuous conduction
,=E+1,R, throughout, calculate the speed torque characteristic for
-186.218=E+(150x 0.06) i)motoring operation at duty ratios of 0.3 and 0.6
or, ii) regenerative braking operation at duty ratios 0.7 and 0.4.
E=-186.218-9=-195.218V WBUT 2010, 2013]
Speed- .410875 = -809.557r.p.m.
ED-65 ED-66
Given data:
E, 230V En
=50A N, 800 r.p.m. 112
i) For d=0.3
E =6E, N. =x 210
x800 = 426.6 r.p.m.
E SE, =(0.4)x 230=92V
E, -1,R, = 230-(50x 0.4) = 210V
, is not possible without modification because
reversal of would also mean reversal of the field and hence of E
This method, however is used with special arrangements in traction motors.
Ep=E +1,R, =92+(50x0.4) I12 V
WBUT 2015]
DC MOTOR DRIVES (RECTIFIER 7. In constant torque operation of DC motor
AND a) field flux is proportional to speed
b) field flux is inversely proportional to speed
CHOPPER FED) c) field flux is proportional to square of speed
d) field flux remains constant
Multiple Choice Type guestions Answer: (a)
[WBUT 2015]
The ripple frequency is twice the supply frequency in
1. 8. The ripple frequency is six times of the supply frequency in case of
the case of b) three phase semi converter
a) single phase full converter
WBUT 2006, 2007, 2010, 2014] d) single phase semi converter
a) single phase half-wave converter b) single phase dual converter c) three phase full converter
c) three phase full converter d) three phase semi-converter Answer: (c)
Answer: (b)
9. In constant torque operation of DC motor
WBUT 2015]
The free wheeling diode is needed with inductive load in
2. a) field flux is proportional to speed
WBUT 2006, 2014]
a) single phase half converter drive only b) field fiux is inversely proportional to speed
b) single phase semi-converter drive only c) field flux is proportional to square of speed
c)single phase full converter drive and single phase dual converter drive d) field flux remains constant
d) both single phase half converter drive and single Answer: (a)
phase full converter drive
Answer: (b)
10. The regenerative breaking is not possible in WBUT 2016]
3. Which operation is not possible for a) DC series motor b) Induction motor
semi-converter fed D.C. drive system?
c) DC shunt motor d) DC separately excited motor
WBUT 2008]
a) lI nd quadrant (V-) b) Ill rd quadrant Answer: (a)
c) IV th quadrant d) All of these
Answer: (c) 11. For a single phase half controlled converter fed dc drive, the possible quadrant
operation is WBUT 2017]
4. In a thyristor d.c. chopper, which type of commutation results in best a) 2nd quadrant b) 3rd quadrant
performance? WBUT 2010] c) 4th quadrant d) 1st quadrant
a) voltage commutation b) current commutation Answer: (a)
c) load commutation d) none of these
Answer: (a)
Long Amswer Type Questions
5. In case of a 3-phase full controlled converter the ripple frequency on the de side
Is (if 1. Derive mathematically the (a) torque vs. current and (b) torque vs. speed
the ac side supply frequency is taken to be f) WBUT 2011] characteristics of de series motor. Draw the characteristics and explain practical
a) f b) 2f c) 3f d) 6f
significance. WBUT 2006, 2012]
Answer: (d)
6. In a a) Derivation of torque vs. current characteristics of series motor
dual converter, the circulating current WBUT 2015]
a) During steady slate operation of the motor, the voltage equation is given by:
increases the response time but allows smooth reversal of load current
V= E, +IpR ()
b) decreases the response time but does not allow smooth reversal of load
current where a) V = input voltage. b) E,= back emf c) R is the total resistance in the armature
c)improves the speed of response and also allows smooth reversal of load
current circuit and d) I, armature current and in a series motor, the flux "g' .depends upon
a)make performance of the converter worse
Answer:(c) armature current. Again it is known that back emf generated i.e. E, = PL
60 ( where
a= V-1R As-
is constant it is denoted by K] (3) .
Ko 120TA
The motor torque may be expressed as T =K¢l,. As already stated that in a series
motor, the flux o depends upon armature current and if, for simplification d-1
relationship is assumed to be linear, then = KI,. Now
of ,
Hence7/1, curve is a parabola as shown above. After saturation,
hence T«I
o is almost independent
only. So the characteristics is a straight line. So it can be concluded
that (pria to magnetic saturatión), on heavy loads, a series motor exerts a torquue
T Kol, proportional to J. Hence a D.C. series motor cannot be used without any load and to
used where high starting torque is required.
= KK, (. Torque vs. speed or mechanical characteristics
b) Derivation of Torque Versus speed characteristics
Using equation (3), it can be obtained as:
RKo KK,,
KK, From the above it may be seen that when speed is high, torque is small and vice versa.
R 2. Explain the principle of operation of chopper fed drives. WBUT 2008]
KK,T KK, Answer:
Chopper is commonly known as D.C-to-D.C converter and in order to explain the
chopper fed drives, the chopper circuit for motoring mode as shown below may be
saturation of the magnetic circuit, then
referred to. This chopper circuit is termed as step down chopper. There are two types of
chopper fed drives.
Tf the flux is assumed to be constant due to
VR One-quadrant chopper-fed drive
In the armature circuit of a d.c. separately excited motor, chopper can be utilized for
=C- DT
. T1,) (5) speed control provided the field current is kept constant. Since the speed is proportional
the output voltage which is variableis controlled by ON time Tow. the time period Tis
being kept constant in this case. The field is supplied from a transistor chopper with the
where C and D are constants. diode (FWD) connected across the field and the high inductance of the field produces
continuous current in the field circuit. In this case, the output voltage and with the;
current tnrougn the motor are both positivc. time, either Qi or
the motoring torque produced is positive wiu it is ON timc. During OFF
the result that the motor rotates in the forward direction. transistors Q and O2 are turned on together, Il operation i.c. forward
In view of this, this chopper is
be turned oft. In case of quadrant Q4 is
suitable tor one quadrant (quadrant 1) only, This Q2. or both Q1 and Q2 can off, the transistor
can also be used for sped control or d.. transistors Q1. Q2 and O: being
series moorS. HOwever, for operation in quadrant-III (reverse motoring), must regenerative braking with the ofl, the current flows
it o and D2. When 24 is turncd
connecied in the reverse direction to the turned on. The current flows through Q Similarly for quadrant 1lI (reverse
armature with the direction of field curren the supply.
through D, and D3. thus returning energy
remaining the same. In this case, for continuous on and then turned off, with
current in armature circuit particularly transistors Q and Q can first be tuned
during OFF period, the inductance of the armature must be sufficient and the chopping motoring). both the IV operations, only
and D2. In case of quadrant
frequency of the chopper to be high. the current passing through the diodes D with other transistors Q1, Q3 and Q4
the transistor ; can be turmed off and then off
Two/Four quadrant Chopper fed drive remaining off.
control of dc
The transistorized chopper drive for two quadrant operation with two transistors
alon 3. a) Explain a dc chopper-based
scheme for bi-directional speed
with two diodes and for four quadrant operation four transistors along with four diodes diagram and clearly show how the four
are shown in Fig. (a) and Fig. (b) below
separately excited motor. Draw the circuit by this schemne. WBUT 2011]
quadrants of drive operation can be handled
How can a separately excited dc motor be
controlled using a chopper?
WBUT 2013]
Q D 600
Fig: 1
Two-quadrant dc chopper-fed drive
D as (FWD) function as a chopper
For two-quadrant operation, transistor Qi and diode
D D2 circuit for operation in quadrant 1. Similarly, transistor Q2 and diode Di act as a chopper
circuit for operation in quadrant Il.
For four-quadrant operation four transistors along with four diodes are shown below:
Fig: (b) Four-quadrant dc
chopper-fed drive
iv For continuous conduction
ii) The braking torque will be produced at 1000 r.p.m.
V+ 80A
IR+ R,
288x 80X 6220.127388 N-m.
E, 288x 80
T2N 27x1000 2Tx1000
T+a 27 60 60
R, Answer
i) To obtain firing angle
1)Braking current is 1.5 times of full load value Let us first calculate the value of K,ó under rated conditions. Under rated conditions
Braking current
N=875 r.p.m. Hence rated angular speed will be
=1.5x80 =120 A
At full load red Nx 875x 91.629 rad/sec
E =V-1uL XR, =250-(120x0.1)=250-12 238 V Hence at rated speed, back emf will be
At the tinie of plugging the total voltage around the circuit is E, = K,pomed =91.629x K,
y=V+ E, = 250+238 288 V Now V = E, +1R,
R,190=4.0672 Under rated conditions
x K,p
120 V =200 V, E, = Etacd=91.629
2 cosa =163.71+150x0,06
22 x 220
-cosa = 172.71
- 3N3 : a=
172.71x T
cos a= 0.874186 Given that V =440 V
2/2 x 220 440x2 = 359.2 V
a 29.057
ii) To obtain motor speed 359.2=
) Tum's ratio = =2.7
At rated torque I, = 150 A and 133
(ii) At 1500 rpm,
V= Es +R,
E =220-0.5x 50 =195 V
COS a =E,
+1,R At 1200 rpm,
E. = 195 = 156 V
Putting values we get E 1500
= E, +9
V cosa
_ 181x7
E, +9=-184.5196 cos
3/3 33x133
B,-185.664-9=-194.664 cosa = 0.8228
Since E, = K,po a = 34.64
-194.66493.3864rad/sec -800
(ii) At 800 rpm, E, = x195= -104 V
K, 2.0845 1500
60 (iv) Here the torque is twice the armature current
-104 +2x50x0.5 = -54 V
N= wx =-93.3864x =892.226r.p.m.
2T 27T E+,R, =
C a =
cos(0.763) = 40.26
000 -OC
COSa 750
E at 750 r.p.m. 224 175 V
a = firing angle 960
Motor terminal voltage
ED-81 V,E+1R, = 175+(60x0.1) =175 +6=181 V
Dulyratio 8==0.786
230 Performance of chopper-fed d.c. motor drives from a phase
It is known that the d.c. motor performed almost as well when fed
does when supplied with pur d.c. The chopper-fed motor is, if
controlled rectifier as it
armature current ripple can
i) E at 800 r.p.m.anx 224 186.66 V anything. rather better than the phase-controlled, because the
Typical waveforms of armature voltage and
960 be less ifa high chopping frequency used.
n case of braking operation in Fig. 1(c): these are drawn with the assumption that the switch
current are shown
is typical of medium
ideal. A chopping frequency of around 100 Hz. as shown in Fig.
V=E-I,R, =186.66-(60x0.1)=186.66-6=180.66V
and large chopper drives. while small drives often use a
much higher clhopping
Duty ratio 8= =0.785 frequency, and thus have lower ripple current. As usual, we have assumed that the speed
despite the slightly pulsating torque, and that the armature current is
remains constant
ii) E = 224 V for which at rated field current speed=
960 rpm. Assuming linear magnetic
circuit, E will be inversely proportional to field
curent. Field current as a ratio of its The shape of the armature voltage waveform reminds us that when the transistor
960 on. the battery voltage V is applied directly to the armature, and during this
rated value=- switched
1000 period the path of the armature current is indicated by the dotted line in Fig. 1(a). For the
remainder of the cycle the transistor is turned 'of and the current freewheels through the
Write short notes on the following: diode, as shown by the dotted line in Fig. 1(b). When the current is freewheeling
a) Chopper fed drives WBUT 2009, 2014] the diode, the amnature voltage is clamped at (almost) zero. The speed of the motor is
OR, determined by the average armature voltage, (Vde), which in turn depends on the
DC chopper based electric drives. WBUT 2011] proportion of the total cycle.
Chopper fed dc drive WBUT 2017]
b) Three phase Rectifier fed dc drive WBUT 2015]
a) If the source of supply is d.c. (for example in a battery vehicle
or a rapid transit
system) a chopper-type converter is usually employed. The basic operation
of a single-
SWitch clhopper was discussed in topic 2, where it was shown that the average
output (8) (b) R
voltage could be varied by periodically switching the battery voltage on and
of for
varying intervals. The principal diference between the thyristor-controlled rectifier and
the chopper is that in the former the motor current always lows through the
Whereas in the latter, the motor curent only tlows from the supply terminals for part
cach cycle. A single-switch chopper using a transistor, MOSFET or 1GBT can only
Supply positive voltage and current to a d.c. motor, and is therefore restricted to quadrant
motoring operation. When regenerative and/or rapid speed reversal is called for, more
complex circuitry is required, involving two or more power switches, and consequently
eading to increased cost. Many diflerent circuits are used and it is not poassible to go into
dclail here, though it should be mentioned that the chopper circuit discussed in topic 2
only provides an output voltage in the range <E, where E is the battery voltage, so
this type of chopper is only suitable if the motor voltage is less than the battery voltage.
Where the motor voltage is greater than the battery voftage, a "step-up' chopper using an
dditional inductance as an intermediate energy tore is used.
Voltage T Ts
Ve V Vie Vh
T Now if Fig. 1(b) (i) and 1(b) (i) are referred to it may be seen that:
A FVD a) The voltage waveform for the diode bridge or thyristor bridge Fig. [1bGi)] for
Bo a 0°. where the thyristor T is fired at 6=60° with thyristor T, and diode Dg
O0T conducting (Ts going offm for 60° when commutation occurs from D, to D2.
Co- b) At 6=180°, the thyristor, T is fired with Ti going off. If a=90°, T, is fired at
D D D =150, with Ti and D, conducting for 90°(0 240°), when free wheelingg
diode (FD) takes over, as the instantaneous voltage gocs negative T3 is fired at
Fig:1 (a) power circuit with de motor load 270 with T3 and Da conducting. This is shown in Fig. [I(i)].
The output voltage having continuous current will be given by the equation
Vae=1.35V,(1+cosa) for 7 > a >0.
If a</3, the voltage waveform will be continuous and when a>r/3, it will be
T T2 The output voltage equation with continuous curTent can be expressed as:
V=1.35V, cos a for T>a >0.
O00 Special feature:
Except for large delay in motoring mode, the current is mostly continuous.
Fig: 2(a) power circuit with dc
motor load
T Ta Ts To
Ta Ts
(ii) =t
Fig: 2(b) voltage (i) a =0° (ii) a = 60° and current (a
= 60°
waveforms for continuous load current
In this
t system, the thyristors are fircd in sequence with delay angle a, with vith each
conducting for angle 120°. Two thyristors conduct at a time. If thyristor T is
Ts going off. Prior to
LSEered, the thyristors T and T start conducting, with thyristor
this, the thyristo when thyristor Ta is triggered after
ne thyristors, Ts and Ts are conducting. Similarly ED-88