Part A(Unit 5)
1. What is the difference between Selenium IDE and Selenium web driver.
2. There are certain features that are considered most beneficial when compared with
TestNG over JUnit. Justify the given statement by providing valid answers.
3. Selenium RC tool is not widely used to prefer for automated testing an application.
Justify the statement with valid reasons and provide solutions to overcome its
4. What is the difference between Junit and TestNG?
5. Identify the tool of selenium that is quite suitable for the following statements.
6. Assume that you must vigorously explore an application in which you need to
perform repetitive tasks by providing all sorts of input data for the purpose of
validating the same with respect to their corresponding output.
7. A company wants to automate the test steps for an extensive application to optimally
minimize the effort and time of the testers.
8. Selenium RC tool is not widely used to prefer for automated testing an application.
Justify the statement with valid reasons and provide solutions to overcome its
9. Write short note on Testng annotations.
10. What is TestNG, and how is it different from JUnit?
11. What are the key annotations in TestNG? How can I prioritize tests in
12. How can you generate TestNG reports?
13. What are the advantages of using TestNG?
14. How can I skip a test conditionally in TestNG?
Part B(Unit4)
1. Write pros and cons of selenium which is used as automation testing tool.
2. An entrepreneur in software domain plans to design web applications with his team members.
They want to perform testing vigorously and repeatedly for thorough understanding of the
work product to detect bugs or defects. Identify the suitable tool for the given scenario and
mention the reasons for the selection of that automation tool.
3. Explain in detail about selenium tool suite.
4. Assume that you want to test your google account by providing valid and invalid login
credentials. Discuss the steps involved in creating the new test case and mention necessary
entries in log pane using selenium IDE.
5. Write the differences between selenium and QTP.
6. Consider you want to visit the website and access the login page by
entering both valid and invalid user name and password .Discuss the steps involved in
creating the new test case and also mention necessary entries in log pane using selenium IDE.
7. Imagine you're testing a login functionality for a web application using Selenium IDE.
The login form contains fields for username and password, and a login button. After a
successful login, the user is redirected to a dashboard.
8. Write short note on advanced features of selenium IDE.
Part B(unit 5)
1. You are asked to automate the process of logging into a website using a username and
password. After login, verify that the homepage displays the user's name in the header.
How would you locate and interact with the login form and verify the correct user has logged
2. The application under test generates a confirmation alert (JavaScript popup) when a user tries
to delete an item. You need to click the "OK" button in the alert to confirm the deletion. How
would you handle an alert pop-up in Selenium WebDriver?
3. You need to select an option from a dropdown menu on a form, and the values in the
dropdown are dynamic. After selecting an option, you need to verify that the correct
selection is made.
4. Describe briefly the annotations used in TestNG.
5. Perform automation testing using appropriate selenium web driver whereas test data
of student details such as their name and register number are maintained separately.
These test data are validated at a stretch save timing of the tester. Write a necessary
java code snippet for the corresponding selenium web driver.
6. Discuss the steps involved in the implementation of hybrid driven framework in
7. Consider a job portal website that consists of various web elements such as text-fields,
radio button, checkbox , button, etc. Use event handler mechanism in the form of test
steps and to control all those web elements by using keyword driven framework in