Difficulty: Standard
Time: 5 mins
This activity aims to help students distinguish between facts and opinions in a fun
and engaging way through a charades game. Students will act out statements
provided to the class, prompting their peers to identify whether the statement is a
fact or an opinion.
By participating in this activity, students will enhance their critical thinking skills,
analytical abilities, and understanding of the differences between facts and opinions.
It promotes active participation and collaboration in the classroom.
- Timer
Detailed Instructions:
3. The teacher shows a slip of paper with a statement to the player (e.g., "The sun is
a star").
4. The player must act out the statement without speaking while their team guesses
if it is a fact or an opinion.
Example Run-through:
The teacher shows a statement "Chocolate is the best dessert" to a player, who then
acts it out. The team correctly guesses it as an opinion.
Assessment Questions:
2. How did you differentiate between facts and opinions during the game?
Pre-Activity Rationale:
Before the activity, students may have varying levels of understanding regarding
facts and opinions. This activity aims to provide a hands-on experience to reinforce
the concept and prepare them for further discussions on the topic.
To make the activity more engaging based on the cultural nuances of the
Philippines, consider incorporating the following: