HW p6 (1)
HW p6 (1)
HW p6 (1)
1 A mixture of three coloured compounds was separated using the apparatus shown in the diagram.
............................................................................................................................................... [1]
(b) One drop of the mixture of coloured compounds was placed on the paper and some solvent
was poured into A.
● spot (●) to show where the drop of the mixture of coloured compounds should be placed
on the paper at the start of the experiment
● a line to show the level of the solvent in A at the start of the experiment.
(c) Name an item of apparatus that should be used to place a drop of the mixture of coloured
compounds onto the paper.
............................................................................................................................................... [1]
(d) State when the paper should be removed from the solvent in A.
............................................................................................................................................... [1]
............................................................................................................................................... [1]
[Total: 6]
2 A student investigated the temperature change when two different aqueous solutions of
sodium hydroxide, solution G and solution H, reacted with dilute hydrochloric acid.
(a) Experiment 1
● A burette was rinsed with distilled water and then with dilute hydrochloric acid.
● The burette was filled with the dilute hydrochloric acid. The hydrochloric acid was then run
out through the tap until the level was on the 0.00 cm3 mark.
● A 50 cm3 measuring cylinder was used to pour 20 cm3 of solution G into a beaker.
● A thermometer was used to measure the initial temperature of solution G.
● 5 cm3 of dilute hydrochloric acid was added from the burette into the beaker.
● The mixture in the beaker was stirred using the thermometer and the temperature of the
mixture was measured.
● Another 5 cm3 of dilute hydrochloric acid was added from the burette into the beaker.
● The mixture in the beaker was stirred using the thermometer and the temperature of the
mixture was measured.
● 5 cm3 portions of dilute hydrochloric acid continued to be added and the temperature
measured until a total of 35 cm3 of dilute hydrochloric acid had been added.
Experiment 2
● Experiment 1 was repeated using solution H instead of solution G.
total volume
temperature temperature
of dilute thermometer temperature thermometer temperature
change change
hydrochloric diagram / C diagram / C
since start since start
acid added
/ C / C
/ cm3
30 30
0 25 25
20 20
30 30
5 25 25
20 20
30 30
10 25 25
20 20
30 30
15 25 25
20 20
30 30
20 25 25
20 20
30 30
25 25 25
20 20
30 30
30 25 25
20 20
30 30
35 25 25
20 20
(b) Complete a suitable scale on the y-axis and plot the results from Experiments 1 and 2 on the
Draw two smooth line graphs. Both curves must start at (0,0). Clearly label your lines.
change / C
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
total volume of dilute hydrochloric acid added / cm3
From your graph, deduce the temperature change obtained when a total volume of 13 cm3 of
dilute hydrochloric acid is added in Experiment 1.
Show clearly on the grid how you worked out your answer.
(d) Explain why the temperature change decreases towards the end of each experiment.
............................................................................................................................................... [1]
(e) Explain what conclusion about the concentrations of solution G and solution H can be made
from the results of Experiments 1 and 2.
............................................................................................................................................... [2]
(f) E
xplain how the results obtained would be different if a polystyrene cup is used instead of the
............................................................................................................................................... [2]
(g) Give an advantage and a disadvantage of using a burette rather than a measuring cylinder to
add the dilute hydrochloric acid to solution G and solution H.
advantage ...................................................................................................................................
disadvantage ..............................................................................................................................
[Total: 20]
tests on solid N
(a) Dilute hydrochloric acid was added to a boiling tube containing solid N. Any gas produced was
observations ...............................................................................................................................
............................................................................................................................................... [2]
The mixture formed in the boiling tube in (a) was filtered. The filtrate collected was solution P.
Solution P was divided into two approximately equal portions in two test-tubes.
(b) T
o the first portion of solution P, aqueous sodium hydroxide was added gradually until it was in
observations ...............................................................................................................................
............................................................................................................................................... [2]
(c) To the second portion of solution P, aqueous ammonia was added gradually until it was in
observations ...............................................................................................................................
............................................................................................................................................... [2]
tests on solution O
tests observations
test 1
test 2
Universal indicator paper was dipped into the the universal indicator turned purple
first portion of solution O.
test 3
test 4
pH = .............................. [1]
............................................................................................................................................... [2]
[Total: 9]
4 Many fizzy drinks contain phosphoric acid. Phosphoric acid reacts with sodium hydrogencarbonate
to make carbon dioxide gas.
Value Coke and Kola Koola are two fizzy drinks which contain phosphoric acid as the only acid.
lan an investigation to find which of these two fizzy drinks contains the highest concentration of
phosphoric acid.
Include in your answer how your results will tell you which drink contains the highest concentration
of phosphoric acid.
ou are provided with samples of both fizzy drinks, solid sodium hydrogencarbonate and common
laboratory apparatus.
...................................................................................................................................................... [6]