Orifice_meter EXPLAINED
Orifice_meter EXPLAINED
Orifice_meter EXPLAINED
1. AIM:
To determine the co-efficient of discharge through Orificemeter.
If a constriction is placed in a closed channel carrying a stream of fluid, there will be
increase in velocity, and hence increase in Kinetic Energy, at the constriction, from an energy
balance, as given by Bernoulli’s Theorem, there must be a corresponding reduction in
pressure. Rate of discharge from the constriction can be calculated by knowing this pressure
reduction, the area available for flow at the constriction, the density of fluid, and the Co-
efficient of discharge. The last named is defined as the ratio of actual flow to the theoretical
flow and makes allowance for stream contraction and frictional effects.
An Orificemeter consists of a flat circular plate with a circular hole called Orifice,
which is concentric with the pipe axis.
The apparatus consists of a Venturimeter, an Orificemeter , fitted in pipeline. The
pipeline is taken out from a common inlet. At the down stream end of the pipeline, separate
control valves are provided to regulate the flow through the Venturimeter and Orificemeter to
conduct experiment separately. Pressure tapings are taken out from inlet and Throat of
Venturimeter, inlet and outlet of Orificemeter, and are connected to a differential manometer.
Discharge is measured with the help of measuring tank & Stop watch.
Schematic Diagram for Venturimeter & Orificemeter
1. Power supply: Single Phase, 220 Volts, 50 Hz, 5 Amp. with Earth.
2. Water Supply.
3. Drain.
4. Space required: 1.6m x 0.5m
Starting Procedure:
1. Clean the apparatus and make All Tanks free from Dust.
2. Close the drain valves provided.
3. Fill Sump tank ¾ with Clean Water and ensure that no foreign particles are there.
4. Close all Flow Control Valves given on the water line and open By-Pass Valve.
5. Close all Pressure Taps of Manometer connected to Venturimeter & Orificemeter.
6. Ensure that On/Off Switch given on the Panel is at OFF position.
7. Now switch on the Main Power Supply (220 Volts AC, 50 Hz).
8. Switch on the Pump.
9. Operate the Flow Control Valve to regulate the flow of water in the desired Test
10. Open the Pressure Taps of Manometer of related Test section, very slowly to avoid
the blow of water on manometer fluid.
11. Now open the Air release Valve provided on the Manometer, slowly to release the air
in manometer.
12. When there is no air in the manometer, close the Air release valves.
13. Adjust water flow rate in desired section with the help of Control Valve.
14. Record the Manometer reading.
15. Measure the flow of water, discharged through desired test section, using Stop Watch
and Measuring Tank.
16. Repeat Steps the same procedure for different flow rates of water, operating Control
Valve and By-Pass valve.
17. When experiment is over for one desired test section, open the By-Pass Valve fully.
Then close the flow control valve of running test section and open the Control valve
of secondly desired test section.
.Closing Procedure:
1. When experiment is over, close all Manometers Pressure Taps first.
2. Switch off Pump.
3. Switch off Power Supply to Panel.
For Orificemeter:
d1 = Dia. at inlet of Orificemeter =
d2 = Dia. of Orifice Plate =
a1 = pd12/4 Area at inlet of Orificemeter =
a2 = p d22/4 m2 Area of Orifice Plate =
S. No. Actual discharge Theo. Discharge Cd = Qa/Qt
Qa ,cm3/s Qt , cm3/s
1. McCabe, W.L., Smith, J.C., Harriott, P., “Unit Operations of Chemical
Engineering”, 4th ed., McGraw Hill, NY, 1985.
2. Perry, R.H., Green, D.(editors), “Perry’s Chemical Engineers’ Handbook”, 6th ed.,
McGraw Hill, NY, 1985.
3. Foust, A.S., et. al., “Principles of Unit Operations”, 2nd ed., John Wiley, NY, 1980.
4. Brown, G.G., “Unit Operations”, 1st ed., CBS, ND, 1995.
5. Coulson, J.M., Richardson, J.F., “Coulson & Richardson’s Chemical Engineering
Vol. - 1”, 5th ed., Asian Books ltd., ND, 1996.