Hla Myo Thein (1)
Hla Myo Thein (1)
Hla Myo Thein (1)
The endophytic fungi were isolated from various parts of Hypselandra variabilis (Coll &
Hems) Pax & Hoffm (Thamon) plant grown at Tha-Yet- Kan village, Madayar Township,
Mandalay Region, during July to September 2021. The endophytic fungi were isolated by
surface sterilization method (NITE, 2004). A total fifteen fungi were isolated according to
their morphological characters. The amylase enzyme activities of fungal isolates were
detected by method of NITE, 2004. The pure endophytic fungi were tested by iodine for
the study of starch hydrolyzing activities. Among them, eleven endophytic fungi showed
the starch hydrolyzing activities. And then, pure isolated fungi were inoculated into test
tubes containing isolation medium for the further research such as antimicrobial activities.
Keywords: endophytic fungi, starch hydrolyzing activities
Endophytes are microbes existing within the plants without causing any disturb to their
growth and development. Unlike disease-causing microorganisms, endophytes are non-
pathogenic and many of them are known to promote their plant host's fitness (Mendes et al.,
2013). In recent years, it is gradually conceded that endophytic fungi or endophytes have played
a very important role in affecting the quality and quantity of the crude drug through a particular
fungus-host interaction, indicating that more appreciating on the particular relationships
between endophytic fungi and medicinal plants is required for promoting crude drug production
(Faeth and Fagan, 2002).
Hypselandra variabilis (Coll & Hems) Pax & Hoffm is a tropical species belongs to family
Capparaceae. It is indigenous to Myanmar and its local name is Thamon. The leaves and roots are
used in aching, sedema, cold extremities and also used as stomachic, expectorant and counter
irritant. Fruits and vegetables are rich in minerals, vitamins and fibre and low in saturated fat
(Batta, 2016). Since this plant is consumed as seasonal food by local people in Myanmar, it is
required to examine the nutritional and medicinal value of this plant (San and Han, 1998). The
crown gall of the Thamon is used to relieve eye sore. It is believed that eating Tha-Mon once a
Lecturer, Department of Botany, Yadanabon University
Lecturer, Dr, Department of Botany, Yadanabon University
Associate Professor, Dr, Department of Botany, Yadanabon University
Yadanabon University Research Journal 2022, Vol.12, No.2 341
year can keep the good health along the lifespan. Wild edible plants are still consumed
traditionally by different coummunities mainly in rural and suburban areas (Pinela et al., 2017).
Thamon flowers contain a number of beneficial antioxidants including polyphenols.
Antioxidants against and free radicals, which are by products of cell oxidation. Free radicals are
associated with causing a number of health problems, including breast, prostate and lung
cancers (Bhowmik and Lombardi, 2014).
In the present study, an attempt has been made to offer an endophytic fungus as source
of enzymes for industrial essential. The aim of the present study was to screen the different
endophytic fungi for amylase production isolated from Hypselandra variabilis (Coll & Hems) Pax
& Hoffm (Thamon) plant. The isolated endophytic fungi will have antimicrobial activities in a later
article and will synthesize compound the best of them.
Collected Area
Identification of Plant Sample
Hypselandra variabilis (Collect & Hems) Pax & Hoffm
Local name : Thamon
English name : Unknown
Flowering period : January to March
Yadanabon University Research Journal 2022, Vol.12, No.2 343
Perennial unarmed shrubs; stems and branches terete, pubescent when young. Leaves
palmately compound, alternate, stipulate; leaflet 3-5, obovate-oblong, petiolate. Inflorescences
terminal or axillary, corymbose cymes, flowers bisexual, actinomorphic, tetramerous,
hypogynous, creamy-white, about 1.5 cm in diameter at anthesis, apetalous, bisexual, bracts
leafy, subtending the flowers. Calyx campanulate, deeply 4 partite. Disc fleshy, green, surrounding
the androgynophore. Stamens 8-10, free, exserted; filaments filiform, white; anthers ovoid. Ovary
superior, ellipsoid, unilocular, with many ovules on the parietal placentae; stigma discoid.
Baccate ovoid, glabrous; seeds fleshy.
Distribution : This species was recorded in Myanmar (Kress et al. 2003).
HMO-13, HMO-14 and HMO-15) showed starch hydrolyzing activities. The rest four fungi (HMO-
01, HMO-04, HMO-07, HMO-08) do not show the starch hydrolyzing activities(Figure-18).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
First of all, we intend to declare our gratefulness to Rector and Prorectors, Yadanabon University,
for their permission us to use the research laboratory at Yadanarbon University. We are stretch my sincere
thanks to Professor and Head, Department of Botany, Yadanabon University, for her permission to do this
research and for supporting departmental facilities. We are also grateful to Professors and associate
Professors, Botany Department Yadanabon University for their incitement to write this research paper.
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