School of Art
Illustrations show Steven Holl’s first sketch for the circuit of connection and
the actual circuit of connection being constructed in the new building
Along the South elevation, at the same height as the
Mackintosh main studios, there is a landscape loggia
in the form of a Machair that gives the school an
exterior social core open to the city. Natural
vegetation with some stonework routes water into a
small recycling water pond which will also reflect
dappled sunlight onto the ceiling inside.
Construction view looking down a driven Image one & a description of what we are
void looking at in the context of the project.
What are the spatial outcomes for the new art The section is both simple and complex. As the
school building that creates a new teaching sun rotates around the building, light and shadow
environment? fill the spaces creating different moods and
atmospheres in different times of the day, and
The new art school building is in essence a there is an impact of the sky, clouds and sun on
section of studio volumes that are linked the glass.
vertically and horizontally .
The analysis of these spaces the observation of
They are set out on a 15m grid which echoes the these changes and their relationship back to the
dimensions of the studios in the original art architectural principles that frame the project are
school building by Charles Rennie Mackintosh. worthy of investigation.
The plans are enfilade in nature with views up
and down and along depending on their position
in the section.
We completed the design and access statement - We had design workshop sessions with SHA in
with SRM, for the planning application, this New York and Glasgow to review the design
included a forensic analysis of the existing and progress of the detailing
Mackintosh building: - extensive solar studies in
relation to all seasons and issues of glare, a - We were involved in the sampling and
detailed urban analysis of the site and Garnet Hill approval process for all the materials
in relation to the city, studying the cityscape and
impact of the new building, and the essence of - We researched the making and detailing of
the new work to ensure that the scale, form and the glass façade ‘thin skin’
materiality would not have a deleterious impact
on the Mackintosh Building. - We researched the making and detailing of
various bespoke fittings for the new building .
- We designed and provided the majority of the
content in the design of the ‘written - We researched shutter types and the finish to
challenge’ an element of the competition, this the concrete, for an extreme smooth finish for
was presented as a book. the driven voids, to a rough board finish.
The building is the subject of numerous academic View in context; looking up Renfrew Street