Chapter 1:-: Introduction:-1. 1. Historical Development of Solar Energy System

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Chapter 1:-


1. 1. Historical development of solar energy system

Solar Energy is a relatively new field of scientific technology Endeavour and particularly so in
sudan. Petroleum products are the main stay of Sudan economy and so far the main source of
energy for the world. But proven discovered reserves indicate that petroleum reserve is unlikely
to last forever. Thus, the need to start looking for alternative sources of energy.

There is no better alternative than the energy from the sun. As long as there are humans there
will be the need for sunshine. lf there is no sun then there may be no life on earth. The sunshine,
is unlimited inexhaustible, clean and has relatively no pollutant.

1.2 Origin and assence

All our fossil fuels were created from the sun. These fuels are energy that has been stored over a
long period of time. In fact, millions of years ago chemical reactions stimulated by sunshine
fonned all fossil fiiels. The oil and natural gas are now termed as the conventional fuels. The
non-conventional fuels also known as renewable energy sources include nuclear energy, solar
energy, biomass, geothermal energy, hydro-electricity, sea tidal and wave energy.

Energy has always been the median to man’s greatest goals and to his dreams of better world. It
is sometimes said that the caveman started along the path of civilization after he has utilized the
energy in fire for heat and light, and the energy in his body for food and survival. In the centuries
since then, man quest for material well being has been tied largely to the hamessing of various
fonns ofcnergy for one purpose or the other. Today's world is living in a very dynamic time of
history — A time when worldwide catastrophe could lie shortly before us in the area of
population explosion, energy shortage, pollution and other environmental effects and shortage of
food supplies, unless worldwide control measures are implemented. There are many other
implications but the principal implication here is regarding energy.)) 1

Szokolay, S.V. (1975) §0lar Energy and Building. The Architectural
Press, London. Holstep Press Division Ihon Willey & Sons, New I

1.3. problem statement
Energy transmitted from the sun in the form of electromagnetic radiation is the source of all solar
energy the major concern of solar energy research program is how to store large quantity of
energy over a long period of time.

The research center of solar and photovoltaic engineering focuses on the generation,
conservation and conversion of renewable energy. In a way to become one of the leading centers
in the field of renewable energy science and engineering, the Center provides the foundation for
low cost high efficiency innovations in photovoltaic and solar energy technologies in Sudan and
globally in general.

in the difficult circumstances of the world in terms of excessive consumption in the Non -
renewable energy, which led to the existence of the danger of world pioneers led to alert
scientists And researchers to the need to search for a source of new energies ...

As a result of the use of unclean energies and lack of rationalization of consumption and lack of
awareness, come the need and importance of rationalization of consumption .From here came
the idea of the project the work of a solar energy research center.

The solar research agency is charged with the following

Objectives namely:- = ' -

- To organize and carry out research in the most economical and effective means available
locally for harnessing solar and other renewable energy as complimentary and/or alternative
sources of power

- To investigate the appropriate designs for solar and other renewable energy equipment and
appliances for domestic agricultural and industrial uses, and to develop, produce and test
Prototypes of same.

-To serve as centre for the development of manpower and training in solar and other renewable
energy technology.

-To investigate the use of solar powered equipment in combination with other energy sources.

-To investigate the efficiencies of solar and other renewable energy systems with a view to
developing more efficient ones and the problems of solar and other renewable energy storage.

- To study environmental factors affecting solar and other renewable energy hamessing and for
this purpose to establish and maintain filed stations elsewhere in the federation for experiments
and data collection. 2
Szokolay, S.V. (1975) §0lar Energy and Building. The Architectural
Press, London. Holstep Press Division Ihon Willey & Sons, New I

1.4. Project objectives:-
the goals of this research are

- To suggest architectural solutions using solar energy as an alternative source

of energy
- To highlight the prospect of solar energy efficiency as a sustainable energy source
- To undertake an intensive study on the Architecture of Passive Solar Energy Research

1.5architectuctural significance :-
The Architectural significance is the creation of a Centre, which is energy conscious. It can be
better conceived as a structural convenience designed to embrace researches on the potency of
solar energy and other renewable energy technologies. Functional spaces will be provided to
encourage development programs as well as facilities for training Sudanese on the benefits of
solar energy. This centre will no doubt act as an arena for exchange of scientific ideas.

Solar energy has the flowing advantages

- It inexhaustible
- It will reduce over dependence on f fossil fuel
- It is an insurance against unpredictable future
- 1.6 scope limitation

The scope of this thesis research is basically to design a solar energy research center in Sudan

the design will lay emphases on the architectural solution to integration of functional spaces for
research convenience ,as applicable to provision for research and development activities such
as laboratories , meeting rooms , libraries ,auditoriums ,administrative offices and documentation
workshops as well as residential accommodation for temporary staff

Chapter 2:-
2.1 Case studies:-


2.1.2.International example :-
scientific collaboration and interaction both in
and outside of the laboratory environment.)) 3
2.1Chu Hall – solar energy research

 Architects : SmithGroupJJR
 Location : Lawrence Berkeley
National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, USA
 General Contractor : McCarthy
Building Companies
 Area : 39000.0 ft2
 Project: Year 2015

2.11 Case study output: Chu Hall has

three architectural components, each situated on
one of the building’s three levels.

Level 1 is the subsurface “Plinth, “which takes up

more than 50 percent of the overall square footage
and designed to be an ultra-low vibration space to
house laboratories sensitive to light and vibration.

Level 2, located on the ground level, is the

“Breezeway.” Designed to foster interdisciplinary
interaction, it is the location for the main door and Figure
entrance lobby, shared office space for principal
investigators, cubicles for Theory researchers and
small and large conference rooms.  

Level 3 is the “Corona,” a simple rectangular form

that houses wet lab spaces as well as research to
develop technology needed to assemble nanoscale
components into active systems Chu Hall is Berkeley Lab’s latest addition to
a collection of buildings that create a hub of
Project component : open offices , open research
interactive and collaborative research.
labs , support labs , private offices .Activity areas
Situated in its Old Town neighborhood, the
and an open, flexible office environment at the
new 39,000-square-foot, three-story building
center of the facility create opportunities for
is the new home for 100 researchers, most


from the Department of Energy-funded Joint
Center for Artificial Photosynthesis (JCAP),
the nation’s largest research program
dedicated to the development of an artificial
solar-fuel generation technology.
Previously, the JCAP researchers worked in
a leased space in West Berkeley. In addition
to JCAP researchers, the building also
houses the administrative offices of the
Kavli Energy NanoSciences Institute, which
explores energy science and nanomaterials.4

Figure 7/7/2016 4:20


Figure 7/7/2016 4:20


Chu Hall has three architectural Level 2, located on the ground level, is the
components, each situated on one of the “Breezeway.” Designed to foster interdisciplinary
building’s three levels. interaction, it is the location for the main door and
entrance lobby, shared office space for principal
Level 1 is the subsurface “Plinth, “which investigators, cubicles for Theory researchers and
takes up more than 50 percent of the overall small and large conference rooms.  
square footage and designed to be an ultra-
low vibration space to house laboratories
sensitive to light and vibration.


Figure 7/7/2016 4:20
Figure 7/7/2016 4:20
Outside, a new courtyard space serves as a central
Level 3 is the “Corona,” a simple
meeting point used by Chu Hall researchers as well
rectangular form that houses wet lab spaces as those from nearby labs in the Old Town
as well as research to develop technology neighborhood.
needed to assemble nanoscale components
into active systems5

Figure 7/7/2016 4:20


Activity areas and an open, flexible office Figure 7/7/2016 4:20
environment at the center of the facility pm
create opportunities for scientific
collaboration and interaction both in and
outside of the laboratory environment. The
new building provides a state-of-the-art
facility that meets all of the specialized
laboratory requirements needed to support
the development of artificial solar-fuel
generation technology,” said Suzanne
Napier, AIA, LEED AP BD+C,
SmithGroupJJR principal in charge and
leader of the firm’s Science & Technology
Studio in San Francisco.6

International example :-
Architects: Henning Larsen Architects
Location: Stuttgart, Germany 
Area: 13,000 m2


The atriums bring daylight far into the building
and function as natural gathering points during the

Figure 7/7/2016 4:20


The new Center for Solar Energy and Hydrogen

Research situated in Stuttgarter Engineering Park Figure 7/7/2016 4:20
(STEP) will house researchers conducting research pm
on sustainable technologies and energy forms. The
The grid structure ensures a high degree of
flexible building design allows for it to be adapted
mobility and freedom to change and expand the
to new, changed research requirements in the
building. The organization in modules allows for
future.The building comprises offices, laboratories,
small expansions over time, as little as 300 m2 at a
meeting and conference facilities. It is designed as
time if required. In addition, the rational building
a grid of small units to meet the requirement for a
design creates visual contact across the atriums
highly flexible workplace that serves as a dynamic
and green oases, which the researchers can use for
framework for the ongoing research and
work or informal meetings.8
innovation activities.7


The individual spaces can easily be connected to
create larger spaces as needed. The different units
are made up of modules – with a large, open
courtyard or atrium in the middle of every module.
This structure accentuates the spatial qualities and
facilitates the users’ orientation in the building.
7 8
solar-energy-and-hydrogen-research-winning- solar-energy-and-hydrogen-research-winning-
proposal-henning-lars proposal-henning-lars

It is a collection of buildings that create a hub of interactive and collective research

It is simple rectangular form that houses open offices ,open research labs support labs

It is lack of both of educational activities like solar classrooms discussion areas ,and teaching labs.

The building mission is to create sustainable , carbon neutral source of energy it also includes a green
roof at the north and south portion of level 1 to provide thermal insulating qualities and minimize heat

Case study 2

It house researchers conducting research on sustainable technologies and energy forms

It comprises offices, laboratories, meeting and conference facilities

The mission of this building is to create sustainable and to research and educate advantages and
benefits of solar energy

Chapter 3:-
3.1. Project analysis:-

3.1.1. Activities:-

3.1.2. Users analysis:-

3.1.3. Project functional components:-

Service unit

A-research labs: Research Laboratories are workplaces for the conduct of scientific research and
it is the vital part of research centers . the research labs of the project consist of different types
of solar energy labs including photolytic production labs , Research lab for solar thermal
technology, Solar power labs, Concentrating solar power, Pv module testing labs , Materials
charactersation labs, Electronics laboratory, Outdoor testing lab
b-The educational unit:- it’s 3floors height, consists of multiple types of classrooms ,discussion
areas , seminar halls , and library .

C-The administration building: - it’s 3 floors height, consists of open plan offices and closed

D- Cultural and social unit: this part consist of outdoor exhibitions and indoor galleries

3.31 Research laboratories
Research labrotories :workplaces for the of casework and equipment (each row 2 ft. 6
conduct of scientific research in. deep) on each wall, a 5 ft. aisle, and 6 in.
for the wall thickness that separates one lab
Over the past 30 years, architects, engineers, from another. The 5 ft. aisle width should be
facility managers, and researchers have considered a minimum because of the
refined the design of typical wet and dry requirements of the Americans with
Disabilities Act (ADA).
labs to a very high level. The following
identifies the best solutions in designing a
 Two-Directional Lab Module—
typical lab. Another level of flexibility can be
achieved by designing a lab module
Lab planning module:
that works in both directions. This
allows the casework to be organized
The laboratory module is the key unit in any in either direction. This concept is
lab facility. When designed correctly, a lab more flexible than the basic lab
module will fully coordinate all the module concept but may require
architectural and engineering systems. A more space. The use of a two-
well-designed modular plan will provide the directional grid is beneficial to
following benefits: accommodate different lengths of
run for casework. The casework may
 Flexibility—The lab module, as have to be moved to create a
Jonas Salk explained, should different type or size of workstation.
"encourage change" within the
building. Research is changing all  Three-Dimensional Lab Module—
the time, and buildings must allow The three-dimensional lab module
for reasonable change. Many private planning concept combines the basic
research companies make physical lab module or a two-directional lab
changes to an average of 25% of module with any lab corridor
their labs each year. Most academic arrangement for each floor of a
institutions annually change the building. This means that a three-
layout of 5 to 10% of their labs.. dimensional lab module can have a
 Expansion—The use of lab planning single-corridor arrangement on one
modules allows the building to adapt floor, a two-corridor layout on
easily to needed expansions or another, and so on. To create a three-
contractions without sacrificing dimensional lab module:9
facility functionality.

A common laboratory module has a width of

approximately 10 ft. 6 in. but will vary in  A basic or two-directional lab
depth from 20–30 ft. The depth is based on module must be defined.
the size necessary for the lab and the cost-
effectiveness of the structural system. The 9
10 ft. 6 in. dimension is based on two rows types/research-facilities/research-laboratory

 All vertical risers must be fully .
coordinated. (Vertical risers include
fire stairs, elevators, restrooms, and
shafts for utilities.)
 The mechanical, electrical, and
plumbing systems must be
coordinated in the ceiling to work
with the multiple corridor
arrangements. Single corridor lab design with
labs and office adjacent to each
Lab Planning Concepts other

The relationship of the labs, offices, and

corridor will have a significant impact on
the image and operations of the building..

 Do the end users want a view from

their labs to the exterior, or will the
labs be located on the interior, with
wall space used for casework and
 Some researchers do not want or Single corridor lab design with
cannot have natural light in their offices clustered together at the
research spaces. Special instruments end and in the middle.
and equipment, such as nuclear
magnetic resonance (NMR)
apparatus, electron microscopes, and
lasers cannot function properly in
natural light. Natural daylight is not
desired in vivarium facilities or in
some support spaces, so these are
located in the interior of the building.
 Zoning the building between lab and
non-lab spaces will reduce costs.
Labs require 100% outside air while
Single corridor lab design with
non-lab spaces can be designed with office clusters accessing main labs
re-circulated air, like an office directly.
 Adjacencies with corridors can be
 Open labs vs. closed labs. An
organized with a single, two corridor
increasing number of research
(racetrack), or a three corridor
institutions are creating "open" labs to
scheme. There are number of
support team-based work. The open lab
variations to organize each type.
concept is significantly different from
that of the "closed" lab of the past,
which was based on accommodating the
individual principle investigator. In

open labs, researchers share not only for industry-scale PV module R&D
the space itself but also equipment, and 11related services.
bench space, and support staff. The
open lab format facilitates
communication between scientists and
makes the lab more easily adaptable for
future needs. A wide variety of labs—
from wet biology and chemistry labs, to
engineering labs, to dry computer
science facilities—are now being
designed as open labs.10

Figure 8/7/2016 5:30

Different types of solar
energy research labs
Photovoltaic production lab : focuses
on sustainable development of photovoltaic Automatic solar cell stringer
technologies by Evaluation of Technical,
(Teamtechnik, TT1800)
Environmental, and Economic performance,
cooperation with institutions and industry,
This machine is used for automatically soldering
testing and standardization
metal ribbons onto solar cells and interconnecting
solar cells into strings. Conventional stringers are
able to interconnect solar cells with up to 3
busbars.’ customised TT1800 stringer is capable
of interconnecting solar cells with 3, 4, 5 or 6
busbars. Both full-size cells and half-cut cells can
be processed. The TT1800 stringer enables SERIS
Figure 8/7/2016 5:30
to work on next-generation high-performance
Pv module development: Module multi-busbar PV modules.
Development Laboratory houses an
industrial PV module production line

10 11
types/research-facilities/research-laboratory lab/outdoor-module-testing.html

 Lay-up station (P.Energy,

This station is used for assembling the various Pv module testing lab: for the
layers of materials (glass, encapsulants, strings of provision of high-precision PV
cells, backsheet) which will be laminated together module testing, including “Golden
in a subsequent process. Another task of this Module” measurement
station is to interconnect the various strings of
cells, by soldering cross connectors.

 PV Module laminator (P.Energy,

L640A) with automatic loading and unloading

This machine performs the lamination process, in

which all the individual layers of the module are
bonded together.

 PV Module framing press

(P.Energy, FA200S)

After lamination and edge trimming, this machine

assembles the aluminium frames onto the

 String repairing station (P.Energy, Figure 8/7/2016 5:30


This station is used for manually repairing 12 Equipment

Hotspot endurance and UV test chamber

Climate chamber tests

Wet leakage current test

12 Mechanical load test

Salt mist testing

Module safety testing

Material characterization laboratory:

A comprehensive set of
characterisation tools operated by
competent scientists fully Figure 8/7/2016 5:30
complements the state-of-the-art
solar cell processing .These tools are
used on a routine basis to Solar electronics laboratories:
characterise optical and passivation Electronics Laboratory is a general
layers, bulk materials, metallisation purpose workshop and laboratory
grids, and to separate a whole host space that enables research and
of cell device parameters that are development in areas including
critical for identification of areas for meteorological observations, PV
improvement. Silicon wafer solar system monitoring, power
cells, thin-film cells, tandem cells, electronics, battery testing, and
and single-cell modules are programming of embedded systems.
measured in the characterisation The following processing and testing
laboratories on a daily basis. Cells equipment is available in this
and materials from the processing laboratory.
lines across the world, go through
the comprehensive characterisation
routines to obtain a breakdown of the
optical, resistive and recombination
losses, as well as other, more
specific, analyses.13


General Purpose Workshop
Mechanical and electronic tools and
workspaces allow general construction and
development of devices for diverse research 
purposes. Tools and components for analysis
of PV systems and support of the network of
meteorological and system monitoring
stations occupy much of the lab space.

Maccor 4600 Battery Testers

The two battery testers in this lab have 64
channels available for the testing of all types
of small- to medium-sized batteries. Battery
voltages of up to five Volts, and
charging/discharging currents of up to one
Ampere can be applied. The testers are
equipped with state-of-the-art testing
functionalities such as impedance testing. In
addition, three thermal chamber boxes are
available for long-term degradation tests of
different kinds of battery technologies at
elevated temperatures.

National Instruments Programmable

Multipurpose Tester
The programmable multipurpose tester is a
computer controlled platform for
measurement and automation. It combines a
chassis with interchangeable hardware
modules which make it highly adaptable for
different testing procedures of batteries and
other electronic components.

Figure 8/7/2016 5:30

3.1.4. Space analysis:-


Areas schedule

Research unit

Space name Numbe Number of Areas space Total space

r of space
Research lab for solar 8 1 6*14.5 87m2
thermal technology
Research lab for 8m 2 6*14.5 87 m2
Solar power lab 8 1 6*14.5 87 m2

Concentrating solar 8 1 6*14.5 87 m2

Pv module testing 6 1 6*10 60 m2

Pv module 6 1 6*10 60 m2
Materials 8 1 6*14.5 87 m2
charactersation lab
Electronics laboratory 6 1 6*14.5 87 m2
Outdoor testing lab 1 96m2 96m2
Total 738m2

Administration unit

Space name Number of Number of Areas space Total area

users space
Head manager 1 1 6*7 42 m2
Secretary 1 1 4*3.5 14 m2
Deputy 1 1 6*5 30 m2
Meeting room 18 1 6*10 60 m2
Finance unit 1 1 4*4 16 m2
Supervision 1 1 3.5*4.5 14 m2
Consultant 1 1 4*4 16 m2
and training

Employers 1 1 4*4 16 m2
affairs office

Security office 4 2 20m2 40m2

General 2 1 20m2 40m2

and exhibition
Total 288m2

Educational unit

Name of space Number of Number of Area per Area of Total area

users space person space
Seminar room 100 1 214m2 214m2
Seminar room 18 1 1.90-2.00 38.5m2 38.5m2
archive ------------ 1 ------------ 35m2 35m2
Library 100 1 220m2 220m2
Lecture halls 20 2 2.5m2 48m2 96m2
Workshop 8 2 60m2 60m2
Laboratories 18 75m2 75m2
Exhibitions 30-50 1 1.25m2 65m2 65m2
Training room 6 4 30m2 120m2
Foyer 62 1 40m2 70m2
total 993.5m2

Service unit

Name of space Number of Number of Area per Area of space Total area
users space person
Multipurpose 200 1 1.25m2 240m2 240m2
Maintenance 5-6 2 60m2 120m2
Electrical room 1 16m2 16m2
Mechanical 1 16m2 16m2
Toilets 250 20 11.22m2per 67.32m2
unit (4toilets)
Restaurant 90 1 1.50m2 115m2
Parking 120 120 15m2 1500m2

Total 2074.32

general bubble diagram

Relationship diagram


3.1.7. Site study:-

Site planning approach

General criteria for site selection:
 Provide adequate space for all activities and future expansion as well.
 Easy access to the site.
 Availability of basic services (electricity, water, sewerage system, waste
disposal systems and communications).
 No constraint to build a legally.
 Environmental aspects (good ventilation and exposure to sunlight).
 The topography of the land (the lack of natural barriers impede the
 Proximity of natural water sources.

Special site selection criteria:

 Away from high buildings.
 Away from sources of pollution.
 The aesthetics of the site.
 Away from residential areas.
 Not in complete isolation from the urban fabric.
Proximity of solar cell production plant if possible

Site Dimensions & Neighborhood:



Total Area = 14,400 m2


-From North government land.

-From South Side Road with Width 15 m & farm

-From East side the Nile street 15 m.

-From West Side future expansion area for the research center.



Total Area =14,400 m2


Road 15 m

Agricultural area

The main access to the site by Madani Street (60 m width) then by Sub Road 20


Total Area = 14,400 m2


Road 15 m

Agricultural area

 Noise





High Noise
Medium Noise Agricultural area
Low Noise





High Noise
Medium Noise Agricultural area
Low Noise

Wind Direction

4 month from north side on summer Wind Direction

Angle 25 d


Angle 40 d
Wind Direction 8 month from south side on winter

Wind Direction

Agricultural area

Chapter 4:-
4.1. Design Concept:-
The concept of the research building is derived the use of clusters of building rather than one building
in order to become a hub of interactive and collaborative activities

The building revolves around an open space that creates a courtyard which is used by all building users’
visitors and employees

Another aspect that affected the concept was the circulation, for optimum circulation should be
achieved. The concept I centralize that the main hall to be centered to all function in order to prevent
random process.

4.2. Developed design:-

Roof plan:-


1 research unit ( consist of different types of research labs including photolytic production lab ,pv
module development lab , pv testing lab ,research offices rest rooms for researchers , workshops and
material stores

2 educational unit including classroom, teaching labs, discussion rooms and seminar halls

3 administration unit : consist of different types of administration offices including open plan offices ,
waiting area

Main hall it consist of reception area and waiting areas

Restaurant consists of seating areas ,kitchen and store




North Elevations

1-The North Elevation is the main elevation of the project It shows the hierarchy of
the skyline from the left to the right side of elevation .

* It shows that the north side of the building are cladded with glazing facade ; in order to get
natural ventilation & day lighting , as well as a nice view to the main entrerence.

Final views

4.3. Technical Solutions:-

Water supply :-

*The main water lines comes from the street flows through ( 4 inch) dia. pipes that comes from
enters from the street to the main underground tanks in ( 2 inch ) dia. pipes , and then pumped to
tanks at the roof.
* There is two tanks in each roof of towers (hot & cold water tanks) , the cold water enters to the
hot water tank after flowing through the boiler ( heater) and then the cold& hot water distributed
to the wet areas (kitchens & w.c) & green areas irrigated by cold water in( 1 inch) dia. pipes.

Electricity supply : -

The electricity enters from the street with (1200v) from the mainlines, and then through the
transformer decreased to (220-240 v) linked with standby generators at the ground floor level,
linked with the main distribution board
to the sub board at different places at ground floor


Package system

It is high efficiency air conditioning system satiable for large wide areas

Cool air is plumbed from chillers through the ducts and distributed to all areas of the building by

Return units air for sucking hot air from inside the building directly to the chillers to be cooled and
circulates again


*Alarm system & smoke detectors & sprinklers (water – foam) are distributed in all buildings .

a-The type of fire fighting system used in ( research labs )

is (foam) that operated through (4inch) dia.

.b-The type of fire fighting that is used in other parts of the building is water, from the water
tanks above at the roof of towers, that flows through copper pipes (2 inch)dia.

Water is pumped through filtering process to main tanks and using tubes water is
Transferred to other different parts of the building.
-water from tanks to fire sprinklers by diffusers pipes.
some part need foam gas which used for some functions that water effect at this functions.
-at labs use FM200 GAZ

Sewerage & surface Drainage:-

* The system used in sewerage is (Dry System) , the waste are all disposed from the
wet zones (w.c+ kitchen) in ( 6 inch) dia.PVC pipe in slope ( 1: 60) , and there is Roding eye for
maintenance every each 12m length, located at the inspection champers , and then flow through
the P.V.C pipe until reaching the last (IC) and then to the public sewerage network.

2- Surface drainage:
* the storm water is drained from the roof of building by slope 1:100 to the down pipe (4 inch
dia.PVC pipe) to the ground trench by slope 1:200 until reaching (water treatment filter ) and
then flows into the underground tanks that are used for green areas irrigation

* the storm water is drained from the ground floor by slope 1:200 to the borders trenches that
goes all around the site to reach to the (water treatment filter) and then finally to
the underground tanks that are used for irrigation and pools water supply .

Structural system :-

Foundation :

According to soil type and building functions pile foundation are used in the building

Floors :for the floors I used deck slab

Roof : for the roof I used conference hall part space frame while I used the other parts of the
building truss system


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