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1 author:
Djamal-Eddine Aissa
University of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene
All content following this page was uploaded by Djamal-Eddine Aissa on 01 September 2022.
Algerian Alpine
1 orogenic gold deposit 2 Porphyry Cu-Mo-Au mineralization 3 PGE showings 4 REE showings
Geological map of Eglab shield (Peucat et al 2005, Mahdjoub and Kahoui, 2007 BENRAMDANE, 2007,) showing main ore
Black gold quartz vein in shear zone at Akilet Deilel
Gold quartz veinlets cutting a granite
Perspective and predictive mineral discovery for the Eglab shield
The Junction zone that separates the Yetti from the
Eglab terrane is highly promising for :
- anorogenic-alkali granites (REE ,Nb,Ta,Zr,U, P),
-carbonatite-syenite complexes * the Chenachene shear zone
and deep faults is also
promsing ring alkali granite
(REE mineralsation )
Compilation of West African mineral deposits: Spatial distribution and mineral endowment
Vanessa Markwitz Kim A.A. Hein , John Miller 2016 Precambrian Research 274 (2016) 61–81
Moreover, by comparison with similar Eburnean geodynamic context in West Africa (
Melcher et al. 2015) ; REE linked with syenites and pegmatites must be also
prospected at the margins craton and the intra-cratonic lithospheric
REE Pegmatite
Ediacaran period
Hanana cupola
In Ebegui cupola
The Tan Chafao alkali cupolas
Rare-metal mineralization
(W–Sn–Ta–Li–Be) are
spatially associated with
evolved Li–F-granites that
are members of the latest
stage of Pan-African felsic
magmatism =Taourirt
granites . 539– 523 Ma (
ORGM, Cheilletz et al. 1992 ; Chalal
et al. , Kesraoui et al., ,Nedjari et al. ,
Bouabsa et al. ; Marignac et al. 2016 ).
More than 50 rare-metal
occurrences (Sn–W–Ta–Li–
Be) that were prospected
by the ORGM in the
Hoggar shield, only about
five are of economic
The mineralogy of the albite–topaz
RMG at the Laouni Terrane leucogranite is constant:
quartz, albite, K-feldspar,
protolithionite or
zinnvaldite,topaz and locally
fluorite and columbite-tantalite
These leucogranites are spatially
associated with Sn–W
mineralizations (cassiterite and
wolframite) in greisenized
quartz dykes or in diffuse or
fissured greisens
ORGM, Cheilletz et al. 1992 ; Chalal et al. , Kesraoui
et al., ,Nedjari et al.2012 , Bouabsa et al. ;
Marignac et al. 2016 )..
• The granites comprises cluster of about 20 granitic subcircular
zoned plutons . Four major felsic rock types have been defined
in the Silet-Taourirt granites (Azzouni et al 2003):
Mn4(Sn>Ta, i, Fe)(Ta>Nb)8O32
Li Micas
Microscopic views ( Transmited light, 1Nicol))
300 µm
The Rare Metals mineralisations in the Hoggar shield were
directly linked to the late post -collisional evolved granites A- Post-orogenic calc-
(540- 520 Ma). We distinguish 2 mains petrographic and alkaline granites Laouni terrane
metallogenic groups: Sn-W (±Ta)
They represent a true peraluminous
F-Na-Li-rich Rare Metal Granites
(RMGs) 540-520Ma . They are
spatially associated with Sn–W
mineralizations (cassiterite and
wolframite) in quartz veins,
greisenized quartz dykes or in diffuse
or fissured greisens. Ta and Be minerals
accompany sometimes these
B- Anorogenic
Alkaline to peralkaline granites
Iskel terrane
Nb-Ta- REE –U-Th
(‘SILET group) <520Ma ) They are
constituted by the metaluminous
granites and belong to the A- type
granites). evolving towards F-rich
(topaz-bearing) alaskites), generating a
disseminated Nb-Ta- REE
•Rare Metal
Until now, only one type of RMP is known in the Hoggar : Taourirt RMP
that’s the one linked to the late post -collisional evolved granites
(Taourirts) ( 540-520 Ma), ; Their development is llimited and they are
essentially characterized by the presence of coarse minerals of beryl
2- Pre-Taourirt RMP
• There are more than 100 pegmatite dykes, linked to the huge
batholith HKCA granite 620-580Ma The pegmatite dykes
display a clear mineral zonation and are composed chiefly of
up to half-metre long quartz and microcline megacrysts set in
a coarse- to very coarse-grained matrix (quartz, feldspars, Li-
micas, schorl , garnet, beryl, topaz). Accessory apatite,
fluorite, zircon, Ti-oxides and acicular columbo-tantalite (the
latter included in feldspars, topaz and micas) . These
pegmatites are representative of the LCT pegmatite class
B- Pre-Taourirt RMP
A total of more than 600 gold occurrences and deposits have been identified by ORGM.
The Hoggar gold mineralisations may be globally classified in orogenic vein type. They consist in quartz vein
containing : native gold, pyrite, galena , sericite, miuscovite
200 km
But only four of them are of economic interest .
Why? Because many factors controls the gold mineralisations
A world class Tirek and Amesmessa gold deposits are
sited in the East-Ouzzal Mega Shear Zone (EOSZ)
trending 2°30
Structural map showing that the high gold grades are under the control of
the Transtensional dilational bends and extensional overstep
Bagui 2015
Transtensional dilational bends
Woodcock et Fisher, 1986 .
5 Tiririne- 6-9 t -Partly Proterozoic terrane (1.92 Lithospheric fault , Shear Zone
Hanane Ga) - Gold veins -low hydrothermal alteration
>600 veins -Partly juvenile terranes : barren
Within the mafic-ultramafic rocks , The ORGM organism,
has prospected many Cr ± Ni mineralisations apparently
without economic importance . Two main types are
-1 mineralisations linked with the ‘‘ophiolitic
remnants’’ marking the boundaries between
the different terranes (Aderniba, Tihaliouine. ).
It consits in chromite (± Ni)
pods (Boukhalfa,1987, 1992).; rarely including
scarce PGE (Os, Ru, Ir) traces (T. augé et M.
Joubert , 2012)
Like their counterparts in Africa , The Hoggar Neoproterozoïc volcano sedimentary basins are promising
for a VMS Cu, Zn, Au , W , Mo mineralisations.
Data base of Hoggar mineral resources (Guessoum et Aissa, 2006,2008,2010, 2012, 2014)
Economic ore deposits are located in corridors with extensional structures
(Aissa and Marignac, 2017)
An other metallogenic control is due to the Lithospheric delamination process
and asthenospheric rising
-Cu-Mo -Ag-Mn-Au of porphyry
type linked to the hypo-volcanic
granites: (γ5 Granites described by
Caby 1977) skel and In Tedeini
Rare Metals skarns and
Paleoskarns(In Ouzzal terrane),
Peralkaline circular complex and Rhyolite–Ignimbrite calderas at Adrar Denat (Caby 2003)
REE Nb Zr linked to
the Cenozoic-- Alkali
volcanism (syenites
tholeiites ,phonolites )
and the residual REE
resulting from the
alteration of these rocks
Placers Au , Nb, Ta, REE
District de Tin Adakatine-Idahidane (Ta-Nb-REE-Au)
Deschamps 2013
There is not a real opportunity to find economic
concentration of diamond and PGE at Hoggar
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