Advanced Java Programming
Advanced Java Programming
Advanced Java Programming
Course Title Advanced Java Programming
Course Code CoSc3051
Credit Hours 3
Lecture Hours 2
Laboratory Hours 3
Prerequisites CoSc2052
Program BSc Degree in Computer Science
Academic Year
Instructors’ Name
Course Coordinator
Department Head
Course Description This course covers topics on Java which includes: AWT and Swing, I/O
Streams, Multi-threading, Network Programming, Java database
connectivity (JDBC), RMI, and Introduction to Servlets.
Course Objective At the end of this course, students will be able to:
Carry out design and development of complex elements, such as user
interfaces, multiprocessing, and fault-tolerant components;
Practice TCP/IP Client Server applications using Sockets;
Write Java applications using the JDBC to make database
independent queries; and Call methods remotely.
Course Contents
Chapte TOPIC Time
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1 Overview of Java Programming d 6hrs.
1.1. Data types and variables
1.2. Arrays
1.3. Decision and Repetition statement
1.4. Exception Handling
1.4.1. Exception handling overview
1.4.2. Syntax
2 Java Applet 4hrs.
2.1. Overview of Java Applets
2.2. Java Applets Vs Java Application
6. Servlets 4hrs.
8.1. Servlet overview and architecture
8.2. Handling HTTP methods (GET and POST requests)
8.3. Request redirecting
8.4. Multi-tier applications using JDBC from servlet
Text books:
Java 5.0 Program Design,1st Edition. James Cohoon, Jack Davidson cGraw-Hill
Science/Engineering/Math, 2005
Cay Horstmann, Core Java, Volume II--Advanced Features (Core Series), 11th
Edition, Pearson, February 2019
Paul Deitel, Harvey M. Deitel , Java: How to Program, 9th Edition, Pearson
College, 2011