Numbers - Numeri
1. Uno - [oo-no)
2. Due - [doo-e]
3. Tre - [trel
4. Quattro - kwa-ttro]
5. Cinque - [cheen-kwe]
6. Sei - (say)
7. Sette - [set-te]
8. Otto - [ot-to]
9. Nove - [no-ve]
10. Dieci - [dee-e-chee]
Italian Basic Greetings, Farewell, Expressions and Self Introduction for daily Interactions
Arrivederci Goodbye
Good luck
In bocca al lupo ("in the mouth of the wolf")
A:Come stai?
Translation: How are you?
B: Studio a Westmead. E tu?
B: Sto bene, grazie! E tu? Translation: I study at Westmead. And you?
Translation: I'm good, thank you! And you?
A: Anch'io sto bene. Che fai nella vita? A:Ahh okay. Io studio studio all'Università di
Translation: I'm good too. What do you do in
Batangas. Mi piace molto!
life? Translation: Ahh okay, I study at University
of Batangas. I really like it!
Kissing on Cheek Italians often greet friends and family with a kiss on both cheeks.
The number of kisses may vary by region, but it's a common
non-verbal greeting.