DFU Comments
DFU Comments
DFU Comments
“….The objective of this study is to improve the performance and efficiency of the motor drive system in
electric vehicles…..”
Q) What is the existing performance and efficiency of the proposed vehicle?
Because improvement of these parameters is mentioned as the objective of the thesis. Otherwise, you
have to modify, the title, abstract, objectives, statement of the problem and elsewhere necessary.
“…The literature review cover topics such as electric vehicle, traction motors, and speed control techniques
for induction motors. The theoretical background and methodology involve the use of tools for simulation
and modeling, as well as the construction and operation principles of the squirrel cage induction motor, and
batteries. The thesis also discusses the voltage source inverter, space vector pulse width modulation, and the
direct torque control of the induction motor….”
This part is not necessary to be mentioned here at the abstract part.
Abstract of a thesis should clearly show the following mandatory elements:
The problem
The methodology
The results
The conclusion.
These are mandatory elements to be presented in the abstract part clearly.
In your case the problem is not clearly presented. Please revise it accordingly.
Q) What is main purpose of the FLC?
Q) Is it for the speed control or switching table or both?
It should be clearly presented in the abstract part. Please revise it accordingly.
“….In this thesis the results for stator current can be reduced by 0.61% THD using FLC at 10 milliseconds
with 8Nm of load compared to DTC….”
Q) Is the comparison without any controller?
Or compared with the hysteresis controller?
Or some kind of PID controller from literature. If so please, how much was it before FLC?
Please, make it clear.
“….The simulation result demonstrates the advantages of the suggested controllers in reducing torque and
flux ripple in the event of unexpected load variations…..”
Q) Efficiency improvement is the objective of the thesis. How could you relate the efficiency improvement
in relation to torque and flux ripple reduction?
Q) Is the objective to reduce ripple?
Please, revise it.
“……Generally, the simulation results indicate that the motor speed response is more robust and reached
reference value more quickly when fuzzy speed controller is added.”
Q) How much was the settling time before apply fuzzy logic controller?
The controller used for performance comparison of the proposed controller should be clearly
presented here at the abstract part.
1.1 Background
“A vehicle classified as an electric vehicle (EV) operates by one or more electric motors that run on
electricity either externally supplied by a charging station or stored in batteries…..”
Q) What does it mean?
Q) Do you mean that the batter that cannot be charged can be used for EV?
There are a number of sentences that need grammatical revision.
In recent decades, fuzzy logic control has been found widely applicable, overcoming these disadvantages.
The advantage of FLC in EV IM control is;
Enhanced Performance: When compared to conventional control techniques, FLC can offer quicker
reaction times, more stability, and greater efficiency.
Lower Costs: FLC can cut costs by simplifying the control system and doing away with the need for
pricey sensors, which lowers the cost of hardware.
Ease of Implementation: FLC algorithms are adaptable to various motor types and operating
conditions and are comparatively easy to implement.
Q) What does quick reaction time mean?
Q) What are the criterions to measure speed of the response using fuzzy logic?
Q) Ease is implementation. Do you mean compared to a conventional controller?
A simple PID (conventional) controller can have easy implementation feature than FLC.
Using PID controller can give quicker response than using FLC. Please revise it and put appropriate
1.4 Methodology
Look at “Mengesha, D. M. (2018)..” has research gap of “switching state not fast and ripple due to use only
fuzzy duty ratio controller”
Q) What does slow switching state mean?
Q) What was the expected switching state?
Q) What does “due to only fuzzy duty ratio controller” mean?
Q) How could you identify/get this gap?
Q) For error in speed “NS” and change in error in speed “PS”. The torque output is “ZO”. What does this
Q) What is the physical meaning related to the EV performance?
Q) Why 49 rules? Why not 25?
Q) What is the computation requirement if practically implemented?
Q) How could a FLC can have quick response compared to a conventional (PID) controller for the same
Because, a simple PI controller can do this task and even it has quicker response than FLC based
Please revise it.
“Rotor speed must be able to attain and hold the 8Nm reference torque value with the least amount of
delay….Then decrease to 182.5rpm of the minimum value at 0.1sec and the average rotor speed value results
to 183rpm at 0.09sec. Therefore the over shoot rotor speed value is results 0.016rpm…”
Q) How much is the minimum delay required?
Q) What is the required delay from the manufacturer data sheet?
“….When the load torque changes to 15Nm then rotor speed is decrease to 182rpm at 0.07sec and maintains
constant at 182 rpm after 0.07sec and then the load torque changes to 20Nm at 1.4sec then the speed of the
rotor is becomes simultaneously running at 182rpm. Therefore the load torque increases the induction motor
needs to generate a higher electromagnetic torque to maintain equilibrium shown in figure 5.21….”
Q) How much is the design limit?
You should show the dynamic performance of the complete system for sudden changes in load torque
during steady-state running condition.
6.1 Conclusion
“The simulation results and discussions demonstrated the effectiveness of the fuzzy logic controller (FLC) in
improving motor control…..”
Q) How could you measure the effectiveness of the proposed controller?
Q) What are the required performance measuring requirements and their values to be achieved?
In summary
• The main objective of the thesis is not clear.
• The switching state determination is not known.
• The purpose of FLC is not clearly addressed in abstract, objective (s), statement of the problem,…
• There is no clear performance evaluation criterions set for the proposed controller.
• The methodology sub-section is not clear.
• The review of related section needs major revision.
• The controller design procedure is not clear and needs major revision.
• The thesis needs major revision as per the comments given.