programmare una 18U42
programmare una 18U42
programmare una 18U42
Durante la modifica di un vecchio RTX civile Bosch ho avuto la necessità di programmare la eprom
in cui sono memorizzati i dati dele frequenze di ogni canale.
E qui sono nati i primi problemi, la eprom è una CDP18U42P, di cui allego anche il datasheet, è un
elemento da 256 byte, ovvero 2kbit, i cui segnali sono mal gestibili da un vecchio, ma comune,
programmatore di eprom
Dunque uno zoccolo adattatore non funziona.
In aiuto mi è venuto lo schema di un semplice programmatore dedicato, con annesso software, ad
opera di Richard Newton G0EWH, che ringrazio.
Le righe che seguono, lo schema e il software sono opera sua.
Da parte mia una sola affermazione, se si legge quanto Richard ha scritto, se non si commettono
errori, il programmatore e il suo software funzionano perfettamente.
During the modification of an old RTX Bosch (for civil bands), I had the need to program its
EPROM, in which are stored data of the frequencies for the channels.
Just at this point I found the first problem because the EPROM is a CDP18U42P, (please find
enclosed its datasheet), it is a 256 bytes, ie 2kbit, but its signals are not easy manageable
Neither a socket adapter works!
It came to my aid a simple diagram of dedicated programmer, with software included, a work made
by Richard Newton G0EWH, that I thank very much.
The next text, the diagram and software are made by him.
One statement in addition: if you read what Richard wrote, if you do not make mistakes, the
programmer and its software work perfectly!
PC Asus “S-presso”, 2Gb ram, 3 GHz (sw –h necessary…) running in DOS (win98), boot from the
flash disk ( )
LPT port integrated on M.B. $0378 (LPT1)
The 18U42 is a simple EPROM burner and reader intended for amateur use. The project has been
designed in order to program the CDP18U42CD EPROM as used in Bosch transceivers such as the
KF163 DigX .
Hardware design, control software and interface firmware are © Copyright 2006 by Richard Newton.
They are licensed as FREELY DISTRIBUTABLE software and used at your own risk as the author
cannot accept any responsibility as it was developed for own use and made available for the benefit of
fellow radio amateurs.
Most grateful thanks are due to P. Dowie G8PZT, who helped me with the source code.
This project is based on EPROMr 2.0, (C) Copyright 1998 Lewin A.R.W. Edwards who can be
contacted at, and has released EPROMr into the public
System Requirements
The DOS software bundle comprises the executable control program, 18U42.EXE.
Note: If running this software inside OS/2, your CONFIG.SYS file must specify IOPL=YES, and the
DPMI_DOS_API property of your DOS box must be set to ENABLED.
-f Use software timing (NOT recommended; but may be necessary on some PCs).
-h Use special timing to fix problems with certain Pentium(r)-class PCs. Do not use this switch
unless it is necessary for your system; refer to the FAQ.
-paddress Use LPT port at base I/O address (default is 378h, LPT1). There should be no space
between the -p switch and the address, and the address should be specified in hexadecimal.
-n (Used in conjunction with -w) Do not verify after write operation. The use of this switch is
not recommended.
-v Verify EPROM Specify size of generic device in bytes (decimal), or override programmed
size of one of the default chip types. This parameter should be specified after the -ttype parameter.
-w Write EPROM (if this parameter is not specified, a read operation is assumed).
© Copyright 2006 by Richard Newton. All rights reserved. All trademarks, service marks and other registered marks
are the property of their respective owner.
Problem: Burn operations are always partially unsuccessful the first time around.
The 18u42 design does not permit fast burn/verify, burn/verify operation. This has occured on the odd EPROM.
Running the same burn operation again resulted in a perfectly burned chip.
You must run the burn operation again until it verifies successfully. Because of this design artifact in the parallel 18u42,
it is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that you do NOT disable auto-verify-after-burn mode.
© Copyright 2006 by Richard Newton. All rights reserved. All trademarks, service marks and other registered marks
are the property of their respective owner.
Example of file ascii for Bosch KF163 dig X:
01 1456250 1450250
02 1456500 1450500
03 1456750 1450750
04 1457000 1451000
05 1457250 1451250
06 1457500 1451500
07 1457750 1451750
08 1456125 1450125
09 1455750 1455750
10 1456000 1450000
11 1456375 1450375
12 1456675 1450675
13 1456875 1450875
14 1457125 1451125
15 1457375 1451375
16 1457675 1451675
17 1457875 1451875
18 1452000 1452000
19 1452250 1452250
20 1452500 1452500
21 1452750 1452750
22 1453000 1453000
23 1453250 1453250
24 1453500 1453500
25 1453750 1453750
26 1454000 1454000
27 1454250 1454250
28 1454500 1454500
29 1454750 1454750
30 1455000 1455000
31 1455250 1455250
32 1455500 1455500
KF163X.EXE scans this file and produces KF163X.BIN, a binary image of the
CDP18U42CD EPROM for a 12.5kHz reference frequency ONLY. Receive data is
stored in addresses 00 to 7F (0 to 127) and the Transmit data is stored in
addresses 80 to FF (128 to 255), four addresses for each channel.
For the 10kHz reference frequency models, please use KF163X10.exe found in
the KF163X10.ZIP archive
An example KF163X.PRG and its .BIN file are included. Use DEBUG.EXE to view
the binary file, i.e "DEBUG KF163X.BIN" then "d" to dump twice and then "q"
to quit DEBUG, again using the commamd prompt.
The program was written by Richard Newton, 2nd March 2006. (
Istruzioni per l'uso KF163X.EXE per ottenere l’immagine della eprom CDP18U42CD utilizzata
nella versione Bosch KF163 DigX .
Il suo un programma basato su DOS e può essere eseguito dal prompt dei comandi in Windows 98
ad esempio : -
01 1455000 1455000
02 1456125 1450125
Un esempio KF163X.PRG e il file . BIN sono inclusi. Utilizzare DEBUG.EXE per visualizzare
il file binario , vale a dire " DEBUG KF163X.BIN " poi " d " per scaricare due volte e quindi " q "
per uscire DEBUG , sempre da DOS