SAT Advanced - Reading Practice Test 5

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Practice Test 5
1 1
During a period of protracted illness, the 1

sick can become infirm, ________ both the Which choice completes the text with the
strength to work and many of the specific most logical and precise word or phrase?
skills they once possessed.
A) regaining
B) denying
C) pursuing
D) losing

Linguists have now confirmed what 2

experienced users of ASL—American Sign Which choice completes the text with the
Language—have always implicitly known: ASL most logical and precise word or phrase?
is a grammatically ________ language in that it
is capable of expressing every possible syntactic A) limited
relation. B) economical
C) complete
D) abstract

A recent survey shows that, while ninety- 3

four percent of companies conducting Which choice completes the text with the
management training programs open them most logical and precise word or phrase?
to women, women are ________ only
seventy-four percent of those programs. A) protesting against
B) participating in
C) displeased by
D) allowed in

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1 1
Although economists have traditionally 4

considered the district to be solely an Which choice completes the text with the
agricultural one, the ________ of the most logical and precise word or phrase?
inhabitants’ occupations makes such a
classification obsolete. A) productivity
B) diversity
C) profitability
D) stability

To ensure the development and 5

exploitation of a new technology, there must Which choice completes the text with the
be a constant ________ of several nevertheless most logical and precise word or phrase?
distinct activities.
A) interplay
B) implementation
C) comprehending
D) improvement

Some customs travel well; often, however, 6

behavior that is considered the epitome of Which choice completes the text with the
________ at home is perceived as impossibly most logical and precise word or phrase?
rude or, at the least, harmlessly bizarre abroad.
A) novelty
B) eccentricity
C) urbanity
D) coarseness

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1 1
Given the existence of so many factions in 7

the field, it was unrealistic of Anna Freud to Which choice completes the text with the
expect any ________ of opinion. most logical and precise word or phrase?

A) freedom
B) uniformity
C) expression
D) formation

The new biological psychiatry does not 8

deny the contributing role of psychological Which choice completes the text with the
factors in mental illnesses, but posits that most logical and precise word or phrase?
these factors may act as a catalyst on existing
physiological conditions and ________ such A) disguise
illnesses. B) impede
C) constrain
D) precipitate

Usually the first to spot data that were 9

inconsistent with other findings, in this Which choice completes the text with the
particular experiment she let a number of most logical and precise word or phrase?
________ results slip by.
A) inaccurate
B) verifiable
C) redundant
D) anomalous

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1 1
There is perhaps some truth in that waggish 10

old definition of a scholar — a siren that calls Which choice completes the text with the
attention to a fog without doing anything to most logical and precise word or phrase?
________ it.
A) describe
B) cause
C) analyze
D) dispel

The newborn human infant is not a 11

passive figure, nor an active one, but what Which choice completes the text with the
might be called an actively ________ one, most logical and precise word or phrase?
eagerly attentive as it is to sights and sounds.
A) receptive
B) adaptive
C) selective
D) inquisitive

Scholars’ sense of the uniqueness of the 12

central concept of “the state” at the time when Which choice completes the text with the
political science became an academic field most logical and precise word or phrase?
quite naturally led to striving for a
correspondingly ________ mode of study. A) thorough
B) dependable
C) distinctive
D) dynamic

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1 1
The breathing spell provided by the 13

________ arms shipments should give all the Which choice completes the text with the
combatants a chance to reevaluate their most logical and precise word or phrase?
A) moratorium on
B) reciprocation of
C) concentration on
D) development of

The notion that cultural and biological 14

influences ________ determine cross-cultural Which choice completes the text with the
diversity is discredited by the fact that, in most logical and precise word or phrase?
countless aspects of human existence, it is
cultural programming that overwhelmingly A) jointly
accounts for cross-population variance. B) completely
C) directly
D) equally

There is some ________ the fact that the 15

author of a book as sensitive and informed as Which choice completes the text with the
Indian Artisans did not develop her interest in most logical and precise word or phrase?
Native American art until adulthood, for she
grew up in a region rich in American Indian A) irony in
culture. B) satisfaction in
C) doubt about
D) concern about

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1 1
The struggle of the generations is one of the 16

obvious constants of human affairs; therefore, Which choice completes the text with the
it may be presumptuous to suggest that the most logical and precise word or phrase?
rivalry between young and old in Western
society during the current decade is ________ A) perennially
critical. B) disturbingly
C) uniquely
D) archetypally

At first, I found her gravity rather 17

intimidating; but, as I saw more of her, I Which choice completes the text with the
found that ________ was very near the most logical and precise word or phrase?
A) seriousness
B) confidence
C) laughter
D) determination

The proponents of recombinant DNA 18

research have decided to ________ federal Which choice completes the text with the
regulation of their work; they hope that by most logical and precise word or phrase?
making this compromise they can forestall
proposed state and local controls that might A) protest
be even stiffer. B) institute
C) deny
D) encourage

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1 1
Hydrogeology is a science dealing with the 19

properties, distribution, and circulation of Which choice best states the main purpose of
water on the surface of the land, in the soil and the text?
Line underlying rocks, and in the atmosphere. The
5 hydrologic cycle, a major topic in this science, A) To present a hypothesis
is the complete cycle of phenomena through B) To refute an argument
which water passes, beginning as atmospheric C) To correct a misconception
water vapor, passing into liquid and solid form
as precipitation, thence along and into the D) To describe an enigma
10 ground surface, and finally again returning to
the form of atmospheric water vapor by means
of evaporation and transpiration.
The term “geohydrology” is sometimes
erroneously used as a synonym for “hydro-
15 geology.” Geohydrology is concerned with
underground water. There are many
formations that contain water but are not part
of the hydro-logic cycle because of geologic
changes that have isolated them underground.
20 These systems are properly termed
geohydrologic but not hydro-geologic. Only
when a system possesses natural or artificial
boundaries that associate the water within it
with the hydrologic cycle may the entire system
25 properly be termed hydrogeologic.

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1 1
Visual recognition involves storing and 20

retrieving memories. Neural activity, triggered Which choice best states the main purpose of
by the eye, forms an image in the brain’s the text?
Line memory system that constitutes an internal
5 representation of the viewed object. When an A) To synthesize hypotheses of visual
object is encountered again, it is matched with recognition
its internal representation and thereby B) To examine the evidence supporting the
recognized. Controversy surrounds the serial-recognition hypothesis
question of whether recognition is a parallel,
C) To discuss visual recognition and some
10 one-step process or a serial, step-by-step one.
hypotheses proposed to explain it
Psychologists of the Gestalt school maintain
that objects are recognized as wholes in a D) To report on recent experiments dealing
parallel procedure: the internal representation with memory systems and their
is matched with the retinal image in a single relationship to neural activity
15 operation. Other psychologists have proposed
that internal representation features are
matched serially with an object’s features.
Although some experiments show that, as an
object becomes familiar, its internal
20 representation becomes more holistic and the
recognition process correspondingly more
parallel, the weight of evidence seems to
support the serial hypothesis, at least for objects
that are not notably simple and familiar.

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1 1
Although genetic mutations in bacteria and 21

viruses can lead to epidemics, some epidemics Which of the following best describes the
are caused by bacteria and viruses that have organization of the text?
Line undergone no significant genetic change. In
5 analyzing the latter, scientist have discovered A) A generalization is stated and is then
the importance of social and ecological factors followed by three instances that support
to epidemics. Poliomyelitis, for example, the generalization.
emerged as an epidemic in the United States in B) Two opposing explanations are
the twentieth century; by then, modern presented, argued, and reconciled.
10 sanitation was able to delay exposure to polio C) A theory is proposed and is then
until adolescence or adulthood, at which time followed by descriptions of three
polio infection produced paralysis. Previously, experiments that support the theory.
infection had occurred during infancy, when it D) An argument is described and is then
typically provided lifelong immunity without followed by three counterexamples that
15 paralysis. Thus, the hygiene that helped prevent refute the argument.
typhoid epidemics indirectly fostered a paralytic
polio epidemic. Another example is Lyme
disease, which is caused by bacteria that are
transmitted by deer ticks. It occurred only
20 sporadically during the late nineteenth century
but has recently become prevalent in parts of
the United States, largely due to an increase in
the deer population that occurred
simultaneously with the growth of the suburbs
25 and increased outdoor recreational activities in
the deer’s habitat. Similarly, an outbreak of
dengue hemorrhagic fever became an epidemic
in Asia in the 1950’s because of ecological
changes that caused Aedes aegypti, the mosquito
30 that transmits the dengue virus, to proliferate.
The stage is now set in the United States for a
dengue epidemic because of the inadvertent
introduction and wide dissemination of another
mosquito, Aedes albopictus.

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1 1
The new school of political history that 22

emerged in the 1960's and 1970's sought to go
Which of the following best describes the
beyond the traditional focus of political
structure of the text?
Line historians on leaders and government
5 institutions by examining directly the political A) Two rival schools of thought are
practices of ordinary citizens. Like the old contrasted and a third is alluded to.
approach, however, this new approach B) Two scholarly approaches are compared,
excluded women. The very techniques these and a shortcoming common to both is
historians used to uncover mass political identified.
10 behavior in the nineteenth-century United
C) An outmoded scholarly approach is
States—quantitative analyses of election
described, and a corrective approach is
returns, for example—were useless in analyzing
called for.
the political activities of women, who were
denied the vote until 1920. D) An argument is outlined, and
counterarguments are mentioned.

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1 1
From the beginning, this trip to the high 23

plateaus in Utah has had the feel of a last visit. Which choice best describes the function of
We are getting beyond the age when we can the underlined portion in the text as a whole?
Line unroll our sleeping bags under any pine or in
5 any wash, and the gasoline situation throws the A) It laments past mistakes.
future of automobile touring into doubt. I B) It reinforces the author's own sentiments.
would hate to have missed the extravagant C) It shows how poetry enhances
personal liberty that wheels and cheap gasoline civilization.
gave us, but I will not mourn its passing. It was
D) It emphasizes the complexity of the
10 part of our time of wastefulness and excess.
Increasingly, we will have to earn our admission
to this spectacular country. We will have to
come by bus, as foreign tourists do, and at the
end of the bus line use our legs. And if that
15 reduces the number of people who benefit every
year, the benefit will be qualitatively greater, for
what most recommends the plateaus and their
intervening deserts is not people, but space,
emptiness, silence, awe.
20 I could make a suggestion to the road
builders, too. The experience of driving the
Aquarius Plateau on pavement is nothing like so
satisfying as the old experience of driving it on
rocky, rutted, chuckholed, ten-mile-an-hour
25 dirt. The road will be a lesser thing when it is
paved all the way, and so will the road over the
Fish Lake High-top, and the one over the
Wasatch Plateau, and the steep road over the
Tushar, the highest of the plateaus, which we
30 will travel tomorrow. To substitute comfort and
ease for real experience is too American a habit
to last. It is when we feel the earth rough to all
our length, as in Robert Frost’s poem, that we
know it as its creatures ought to know it.

1 1
Sergeant Blake was a man to whom memories 24

were an encumbrance and anticipations a Which choice best describes the function of
superfluity. That projection of consciousness the underlined portion in the text as a whole?
Line into days gone by and to come, which makes the
5 past a synonym for the pathetic and the future a A) It's a sincere expression of esteem for
word for circumspection, was foreign to Blake. Blake’s character.
With him the past was yesterday; the future, B) It's an ironic recognition of the
tomorrow. advantages of Blake’s limitations.
On this account he might, in certain lights, C) It's a contradiction of what the author
10 have been regarded as fortunate. For it may be later says about Blake.
argued with great plausibility that reminiscence
D) It's an indication of the author’s belief
is less an endowment than a disease, and that
in the power of fate.
expectation in its only comfortable form—that
of absolute faith— is practically an
15 impossibility; whilst in the form of hope and the
secondary compounds, patience, impatience,
resolve, curiosity, it is a constant fluctuation
between pleasure and pain.
Sergeant Blake, being entirely innocent of the
20 practice of expectation, was never disappointed.
To set against this negative gain there may have
been some positive losses from a certain
narrowing of the higher tastes and sensations
which it entailed. But limitation of the capacity
25 is never recognized as a loss by the loser
therefrom: in this attribute, moral or aesthetic
poverty contrasts plausibly with material
poverty, since those who suffer do not mind it,
whilst those who mind it soon cease to suffer.
30 What Blake had never enjoyed, he did not miss.

1 1
Imagine listening to an orchestra out in 25

space. Then imagine that space filled with Which choice best describes the function of
ordinary air, the material medium necessary for the underlined portion in the text as a whole?
Line sound to be transmitted from the instruments
5 of the orchestra to our eardrums. Sound leaving A) It allows the reader to hear music from
each instrument in the form of waves spreads in the same vantage point as a conductor.
all directions. If there is nothing to absorb the B) It establishes the contradictory notions
energy of the waves, they travel on forever, but of direction and endless space.
their intensity diminishes as they travel farther C) It prevents the reader from thinking of
10 from their source. The natural law of sound waves as a visual phenomenon.
diminution is in effect. Nevertheless, the
D) It suggests a situation in which sound
harmonics of sound remain constant. That is,
waves would meet no interference.
the pitches of notes sounded by the orchestra
remain the same even as the amount of sound
15 diminishes.

All of Francoise Duparc's surviving paintings 26

blend portraiture and genre. Her subjects
If the history of Duparc’s artistic reputation
appear to be acquaintances whom she has asked
were to follow that of the Le Nain brothers
Line to pose; she has captured both their self-
and Georges de La Tour, present-day
5 consciousness and the spontaneity of their
assessments of her work would be likely to
everyday activities, the depiction of which contain which of the following?
characterizes genre painting. But genre
painting, especially when it portrayed members A) An evaluation that accords high status to
of the humblest classes, was never popular in her work
10 eighteenth-century France. The Le Nain B) Acknowledgement of her technical
brothers and Georges de La Tour, who also expertise but dismissal of her subject
chose such themes, were largely ignored. Their matter as trivial
present high standing is due to a different, more
democratic political climate and to different C) Agreement with assessments made in her
15 aesthetic values: we no longer require artists to own time but acknowledgements of the
provide ideal images of humanity for our moral exceptional quality of a few of her
edification but rather regard such idealization as paintings
a falsification of the truth. Duparc gives no D) A reclassification of her work as
improving message and discreetly refrains from portraiture rather than genre painting
20 judging her subjects. In brief, her works neither
elevate nor instruct. This restraint largely
explains her lack of popular success during her
lifetime, even if her talent did not go completely
unrecognized by her eighteenth-century French
25 contemporaries.

1 1
Warm-blooded animals have elaborate 27

physiological controls to maintain constant If it were to be determined that “similar
body temperature (in humans, 37° C). Why phenomena occur in warm-blooded animals”,
Line then during sickness should temperature rise, which of the following, assuming each is
5 apparently increasing stress on the infected possible, is likely to be the most effective
organism? It has long been known that the level treatment for warm-blooded animals with
of serum iron in animals falls during infection. bacterial infections?
Garibaldi first suggested a relationship between
fever and iron. He found that microbial A) Injecting the animals with an iron
10 synthesis of siderophores— substances that solution
bind iron—in bacteria of the genus Salmonella B) Administering a medication that makes
declined at environmental temperatures above serum iron unavailable to bacteria
37°C and stopped at 40.3°C. Thus, fever would C) Providing the animals with reduced-iron
make it more difficult for an infecting diets
15 bacterium to acquire iron and thus to multiply. D) Keeping the animals in an environment
Cold-blooded animals were used to test this with temperatures higher than 37° C
hypothesis because their body temperature can
be controlled in the laboratory. Kluger reported
that of iguanas infected with the potentially
20 lethal bacterium A. hydrophilia, more survived
at temperatures of 42°C than at 37°C, even
though healthy animals prefer the lower
temperature. When animals at 42°C were
injected with an iron solution, however,
25 mortality rates increased significantly. Research
to determine whether similar phenomena occur
in warm-blooded animals is sorely needed.

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1 1
The transplantation of organs from one 28

individual to another normally involves two Which of the following new findings about
major problems: (1) organ rejection is likely strains of rats that do not normally reject liver
Line unless the transplantation antigens of both transplants, if true, would support the
5 individuals are nearly identical, and (2) the authors’ hypothesis?
introduction of any unmatched transplantation
antigens induces the development by the I. Stomach transplants are accepted by the
recipient of donor-specific lymphocytes that recipients in all cases.
will produce violent rejection of further
10 transplantations from that donor. However, we II. Increasing the strength of the recipient’s
have found that among many strains of rats immune-response reaction can induce liver-
these “normal” rules of transplantation are not transplant rejection.
obeyed by liver transplants. Not only are liver
transplants never rejected, but they even induce III. Organs from any other donor can be
15 a state of donor-specific unresponsiveness in transplanted without rejection after liver
which subsequent transplants of other organs, transplantation.
such as skin, from that donor are accepted
permanently. Our hypothesis is that (1) many IV. Preventing lymphocytes from being
strains of rats simply cannot mount a concentrated at the liver transplant produces
20 sufficiently vigorous destructive immune- acceptance of skin transplants.
response (using lymphocytes) to outstrip the
liver’s relatively great capacity to protect itself A) II only
from immune-response damage and that (2) B) II and IV only
the systemic unresponsiveness observed is due C) I, II, and III only
25 to concentration of the recipient’s donor- D) I, III, and IV only
specific lymphocytes at the site of the liver

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1 1
Volcanic rock that forms as fluid lava chills 29

rapidly is called pillow lava. This rapid chilling The author implies that the “controversy”
occurs when lava erupts directly into water (or might be resolved if
Line beneath ice) or when it flows across a shoreline
5 and into a body of water. While the term A) geologists did not persist in using the
“pillow lava” suggests a definite shape, in fact term “pillow”
geologists disagree. Some geologists argue that B) geologists did not rely on potentially
pillow lava is characterized by discrete, misleading information
ellipsoidal masses. Others describe pillow lava C) two-dimensional cross sections of eroded
10 as a tangled mass of cylindrical, interconnected pillows were available
flow lobes. Much of this controversy probably
D) existing pillows in land outcroppings
results from unwarranted extrapolations of the
were not so badly eroded
original configuration of pillow flows from
two-dimensional cross sections of eroded
15 pillows in land outcroppings. Virtually any
cross section cut through a tangled mass of
interconnected flow lobes would give the
appearance of a pile of discrete ellipsoidal
masses. Adequate three-dimensional images of
20 intact pillows are essential for defining the true
geometry of pillowed flows and thus
ascertaining their mode of origin. Indeed, the
term “pillow,” itself suggestive of discrete
masses, is probably a misnomer.

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1 1
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings is a 1969 30

novel written by Maya Angelou. In the novel, Which quotation from I Know Why the
the main character struggles to accept her Caged Bird Sings most effectively illustrates
Line African American race while growing up in this claim?
5 the Southern United States.
A) “The dress I wore was light purple. As I’d
watched Momma make it, putting fancy
stitching on the waist, I knew that when I
put it on I'd look like one of the sweet
little white girls who were everyone's
dream of what was right with the world."
B) “When people saw me wearing it, they
were going to run up to me and say,
‘Marguerite [sometimes it was ‘dear
Marguerite’], forgive us, please, we didn't
know who you were,' and I would answer
generously, ‘No, you couldn’t have
known. Of course I forgive you."'
C) “Wouldn’t they be surprised when one
day I woke out of my black ugly dream,
and my real hair, which was long and
blonde, would take the place of the kinky
mass that Momma wouldn’t let me
D) “If growing up is painful for the
Southern Black girl, being aware of her
difference is worse. It is an unnecessary

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1 1
In her essay entitled, “Slouching Towards 31

Bethlehem,” Joan Didion describes her Which quotation from “Slouching Towards
experiences in California during the 1960s and Bethlehem" most effectively illustrates the
Line 1970s while proving a darker side of this claim?
5 period existed even though it is often admired
for its claimed pursuit of peace and love. A) “It was a country of bankruptcy notices
and public-auction announcements and
commonplace reports of casual killings
and misplaced children and abandoned
homes and vandals who misplaced even
the four-letter words they scrawled."
B) “It was the United States of America in
the cold late spring of 1967, and the
market was steady and the G.N.P. high
and a great many articulate people
seemed to have a sense of high social
purpose and it might have been a spring
of brave hopes and national promise, but
it was not, and more and more people
had the uneasy apprehension that it was
C) “San Francisco was where the missing
children were gathering and calling
themselves 'hippies.' When I first went to
San Francisco in that cold late spring of
1967,1 did not even know what I wanted
to find out, and so I just stayed around
awhile, and made a few friends.”
D) “Adolescents drifted from city to torn
city, sloughing off both the past and the
future as snakes shed their skins, children
who were never taught and would never
now learn the games that had held the
society together."

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1 1
Text 1 32

The “well-known school of acting" (Text 1)
According to one well-known school of would most likely consider what Mamet
acting, actors must work to generate specific believes (Text 2) to be
feelings that will allow them to play their roles
Line most effectively. They must bring to life A) limiting, since there are multiple ways to
5 feelings appropriate to their character's prepare for a role
situation, using whatever means necessary to B) problematic, because learning a script is a
do so, including the actual lines in the scripts, laborintensive process
their own life experiences, recollections from C) ambitious, since few actors can achieve
books, and even imaginative projections. sublime performances
10 Then, after a series of gradual exercises and
D) accurate, since the playwright is the
rehearsals, actors are ultimately able to call
ultimate authority on the play’s meaning
upon these feelings at will and to retain them
for as long as necessary for their performances.

Text 2

Playwright David Mamet has nothing

15 against actors who are in touch with their
feelings; he simply feels it is a waste of time for 33
them to try to make a connection with Those holding the view presented in Text 1
something that can be as fickle as genuine, would most likely maintain that the "genuine,
repeatable emotion. He has written caustically repeatable emotion” referred to in Text 2, is
20 about techniques that, at their center, train
actors to reach their emotions and that place A) possible to achieve through repeated
emphasis on the primacy of the actor. practice
Undoubtedly, he has encountered actors who B) evoked mainly by close study of the script
are searching for the subtext in his plays at the
25 expense of the action. As might be expected, C) a barrier to presenting the intended
he believes that the only salvation for an actor action in a scene
is study of the text. D) difficult to distinguish from a purely
mechanical performance

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1 1
Text 1 34

Which best describes the relationship between
One of the strangest and most enthralling the two text?
aspects of blogs (online journals) is just how
intensely personal they can be. People like me A) The author of Text 1 views personal blogs
Line maintain personal blogs because they like the as unique and individual, whereas the
5 idea that there’s a place where a record of their author of Text 2 is interested in their
existence is kept—a house with an always-open broader cultural significance.
door where people who are looking for you can B) The author of Text 1 is a self-effacing
check on you, compare notes with you, and tell blogger, whereas the author of Text 2
you what they think of you. Sometimes that believes that writing blogs is a self-
10 house is messy, sometimes horrifyingly so. In aggrandizing pursuit.
real life, we wouldn’t invite any passing C) The author of Text 1 finds the intimacy of
stranger into these situations, but the remove personal blogs compelling, whereas the
of the Internet makes it seem OK. author of Text 2 is ambivalent about that
Text 2
D) The author of Text 1 argues that most
blogs consider overarching social issues,
Something about the personal blog makes
whereas the author of Text 2 feels that too
15 me distinctly uncomfortable. After several
many blogs focus on mundane minutiae.
hours of reading these blogs, I often feel sick, as
if I’ve watched too many tell-all talk shows on
daytime television. I’ve learned too much I
didn’t need to know about too many people’s
20 everyday lives— lives without anything
particularly extraordinary to recommend them,
except the bloggers’ own sense of importance.
Some blogs make me feel guilty, as if I have
been looking at texts that are too personal and
25 not intended for me to see. But I must confess
that when I find a blog I like, I frequent the site
daily, anxious for new entries.

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1 1


Nursing is one of the fields in most demand, 35

with an anticipated annual growth rate of 7 Which choice most effectively uses data from
percent through 2029. Although some nurses the graph to complete the example?
Line work only in hospitals, there are actually many
5 options, especially as the population ages and A) educational services employed about 3
nurses are needed to tend to the daily needs of percent of the registered nurses in 2021.
seniors. For example, ________ B) fewer registered nurses worked for the
government than in ambulatory care.
C) the percentage of registered nurses
working in nursing homes increased by 7
percent in 2021.
D) about 7 percent of registered nurses in
2021 worked in nursing or residential

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1 1

“Scientists ran an experiment where they 36


found that a diverse set of students believed Which choice most effectively uses data from
gender-interest stereotypes favoring boys in the graph to complete the text?
Line computer science and engineering. Students
5 developed these stereotypes at a very young A) less skilled than interested in computer
age. They also found that: Gender-interest science and engineering.
stereotypes were stronger than gender-ability B) equally skilled and interested in
stereotypes. Girls who believed the stereotypes computer science and engineering.
were." C) less interested in participating in
computer science and engineering.
D) more interested in participating in
computer science and engineering.

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1 1

The median annual wage for urban and 37


regional planners was $73,050 in May 2018. Which choice most effectively completes the
The median wage is the wage at which half the example using information from the graph?
Line workers in an occupation earned more than
5 that amount and half earned less. The lowest A) higher for state government employees
10 percent earned less than $45,180, and the than for local government employees
highest 10 percent earned more than $114,170. B) greater for those in architectural,
The median rate varies depending on the field engineering, and related fields than for
of the planning as well. For instance, the those in any government position
10 median income is ________. C) lower for those working in the
government than for those who work in
private industries such as engineering or
related services
D) not as high for management, scientific,
and technical consulting service
employees as it is for local government

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1 1

This study, authored solely by Sugiura


Shinji, an ecologist from Kobe University in Which choice most effectively uses data from
Japan, describes how the Japanese water the graph to complete the text?
Line scavenger beetle (Regimbartia attenuate)
5 manages to extricate itself from inside several A) a maximum of 65% of swallowed beetles
species of frog within 6 hours of being were excreted were still alive.
swallowed. Active escape of the aquatic beetle B) on average the swallowed beetles were
Regimbartia attenuata from the vents of five excreted did not survive.
frog species via the digestive tract. Although C) it took less than 6 hours for the
10 adult beetles were easily eaten by frogs, swallowed beetles to be extracted.
D) an average of 90% of swallowed beetles
were excreted were still alive.

1 1

When people envision sharks, they often 39


imagine deadly carnivores that attack people on Which choice most effectively completes the
sight. In reality, sharks tend to avoid encounters example using data from the graph?
Line with humans unless provoked, and the actual
5 number of deaths per year is typically below 10 A) but fewer non-fatal attacks than earlier in
for the entire world per year. Of course, it is the decade.
incorrect to judge the number of dangerous B) down by 1 from the previous year.
encounters just by looking at deaths. For C) but there were 64 non-fatal attacks.
example, there were 9 deaths from shark attacks
D) which was more than in 2018 and 2019
10 in 2021, ________

1 1

Employment of urban and regional planners is


projected to grow 11 percent from 2018 to Based on the text, what can be reasonably
2028, much faster than the average for all inferred about the percentage of urban and
Line occupations. Demographic, transportation, and regional planners employed by the federal
5 environmental changes will drive employment government in the table?
growth for planners. Within cities, urban
planners will be needed to develop A) The percentage is extremely low because
revitalization projects and address issues there is very little demand for urban
associated with population growth, planning outside of large cities.
10 environmental degradation, the movement of B) The percentage does not reflect the actual
people and goods, and resource scarcity. number of planners employed by the
Planners will also be needed as new and federal government compared to those
existing communities require extensive employed in other sectors.
development and improved infrastructure,
C) The percentage will remain
15 including housing, roads, sewer systems, parks,
approximately the same level because
and schools. However, federal, state, and local
federal government positions are very
government budgets may affect the stable.
employment of planners in government,
because development projects are contingent D) The percentage has the potential to
20 on available funds. decrease if the federal government
receives fewer tax dollars and revises its
spending plans.

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1 1
Department Store Manager: Since 1985, 41

when our department store enjoyed its highest Which of the following, if true, most
sales figures ever, customers have increasingly supports the viability of the department
Line turned to mail-order merchants for clothing store's plan?
5 and household appliances. We plan to halt this
trend by reorganizing those departments in our A) Many department stores have increased
store, simplifying our displays, and making their sales by placing small luxury items
individual items easier to find. near cash registers, where customers
waiting to pay are tempted to buy them
on impulse.
B) Some consumers who receive mail-order
catalogs consider them to be a good
source of information about current
fashion and new products.
C) Former customers indicated that they
had often been frustrated trying to locate
individual items in the department store's
merchandise displays.
D) Since 1985, there has been a sharp rise in
the number of mail-order merchants who
sell clothing and household goods.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) – a 42

noninvasive diagnostic procedure – can be Which of the following, if true, would most
used to identify blockages in the coronary support the recommendation in the text?
Line arteries. In contrast to angiograms – the
5 invasive procedure customarily used – MRI’s A) Angiograms can be used to diagnose
pose no risk to patients. Thus, to guarantee conditions other than blockages in
patient safety in the attempt to diagnose arteries.
arterial blockages, MRI’s should replace B) MRI’s were designed primarily in order to
angiograms in all attempts at diagnosing diagnose blockages in the coronary
10 coronary blockages. arteries.
C) Angiograms reveal more information
about the nature of a blockage than an
MRI can.
D) An MRI is just as likely as an angiogram
to identify an arterial blockage.

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1 1

A public-service advertisement advises that 43
people who have consumed alcohol should not Which of the following, if true, most strongly
drive until they can do so safely. In a hospital supports the argument?
Line study, however, subjects questioned
5 immediately after they consumed alcohol A) Many people, if they plan to drink alcohol,
underestimated the time necessary to regain make arrangements beforehand for a
their driving ability. This result indicates that nondrinker to drive them home.
many people who drink before driving will B) The subjects in the hospital study
have difficulty following the advertisement’s generally rated their abilities more
10 advice. conservatively than would people
drinking alcohol outside a hospital setting.
C) The subjects in the hospital study were
also questioned about the time necessary
to regain abilities that do not play an
important role in driving safely.
D) Awareness of the public-service
advertisement is higher among the general
population than it was among the subjects
in the hospital study.

Over the last century, paleontologists have 44

used small differences between fossil Which of the following, if true, would enable
specimens to classify triceratops into sixteen the conclusion of the argument to be properly
Line species. This classification is unjustified, drawn?
5 however, since the specimens used to
distinguish eleven of the species come from A) Not every species that lived in a given
animals that lived in the same area at the same area is preserved as a fossil.
time. B) At least one individual of every true
species of triceratops bas been discovered
as a fossil specimen.
C) No geographical area ever supports more
than three similar species at the same
D) Differences between fossil specimens of
triceratops that came from the same area
are no less distinctive than differences
between specimens that came from
different areas.
1 1
Some species of dolphins find their prey by 45

echolocation; they emit clicking sounds and Which of the following, if discovered to be
listen for echoes returning from distant objects true, would most undermine the correctness
Line in the water. Marine biologists have speculated of the speculation described in the text?
5 that those same clicking sounds might have a
second function: particularly loud clicks might A) Dolphins that use echolocation to locate
be used by the dolphins to stun their prey at distant prey also emit frequent clicks at
close range through sensory overload. intermediate distances as they close in on
their prey.
B) The usefulness of echolocation as a means
of locating prey depends on the clicking
sounds being of a type that the prey is
incapable of perceiving, regardless of
C) If dolphins stun their prey, the effect is
bound to be so temporary that stunning
from far away, even if possible, would be
D) The more distant a dolphin's prey, the
louder the echolocation clicks must be if
they are to reveal the prey's presence to the
hunting dolphin.

The recent upheaval in the office-equipment 46

retail business, in which many small firms have Which of the following, if true, would most
gone out of business, has been attributed to the weaken the argument that the analysis is
Line advent of office equipment “superstores” flawed?
5 whose high sales volume keeps their prices low.
This analysis is flawed, however, since even A) Most of the larger customers for office
today the superstores control a very small equipment purchase under contract directly
share of the retail market. from manufacturers and thus do not
participate in the retail market.
B) The superstores’ heavy advertising of their
low prices has forced prices down
throughout the retail market for office
C) Some of the superstores that only recently
opened have themselves gone out of
D) Most of the office equipment superstores
are owned by large retailing chains that also
own stores selling other types of goods.

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1 1
Purebred cows native to Mongolia produce, 47

on average, 400 liters of milk per year; if Which of the following, if true, most
Mongolian cattle are crossbred with European weakens the viability of the agency's plan?
Line breeds, the crossbred cows can produce, on
5 average, 2,700 liters per year. An international A) Mongolia's terrain is suitable for grazing
agency plans to increase the profitability of native herds but not for growing the fodder
Mongolia's dairy sector by encouraging needed to keep crossbred animals healthy.
widespread crossbreeding of native Mongolian B) Not all European breeds of cattle can be
cattle with European breeds. successfully bred with native Mongolian
C) Cowhide and leather products, not milk,
make up the bulk of Mongolia's animal
product exports to Europe.
D) Many European breeds of cattle attain
average milk production levels exceeding
2,700 liters.

The recycling of municipal solid waste is 48

widely seen as an environmentally preferable Which of the following, if true, most seriously
alternative to the prevailing practices of weakens the advisability of implementing the
Line incineration and of dumping in landfills. proposal?
5 Recycling is profitable, as the recycling
programs already in operation demonstrate. A A) Existing recycling programs have had
state legislator proposes that communities recurrent difficulties finding purchasers
should therefore be required to adopt for their materials usually because of
recycling and to reach the target of recycling quantities too small to permit cost-
10 50 percent of all solid waste within 5 years. effective pickup and transportation.
B) Some of the materials that can be recycled
are the very materials that, when
incinerated, produce the least pollution.
C) Many of the materials that cannot be
recycled are also difficult to incinerate.
D) Existing recycling programs have been
restricted to that 20 percent of solid waste
that, when reprocessed, can match
processed raw materials in quality and

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1 1
“Government” does not exist as an 49

independent entity defining policy. Instead, Which choice most logically completes the
there exists a group of democratically elected text?
Line pragmatists sensitive to the electorate, who
5 establish policies that will result in their own A) the majority of voters do not strongly
reelection. Therefore, if public policy is hostile wish for a different policy .
to, say, environmental concerns, it is not B) environmentalists would be extremely
because of governmental perversity but because difficult to satisfy with any policy,
elected officials believe that ________ however environmentally sound.
C) the public is overly anxious about
environmental deterioration.
D) the majority of voters vote for certain
politicians because of those politicians’
idiosyncratic positions on policy issues.

Left-handed persons suffer more frequently 50

than do right-handed persons from certain Which choice most logically completes the
immune disorders, such as allergies. Left- text?
Line anders tend to have an advantage over the
5 right-handed majority, however, on task A) most people who suffer from allergies or
controlled by the right hemisphere of the brain, other such immune disorders are left-
and mathematical reasoning is strongly under handed rather than right-handed.
the influence of the right hemisphere in most B) if a left-handed person suffers from an
people. If the information above is true, it best allergy, that person will probably be good
supports the hypothesis that _________ at mathematics.
C) there are proportionally more left-
handers among people whose ability to
reason mathematically is above average
than there are among people with poor
mathematical reasoning ability.
D) there are proportionally more people who
suffer from immune disorders such as
allergies than there are people who are
left-handed or people whose
mathematical reasoning ability is
unusually good.

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1 1

Adding ethanol to the gasoline used in cars 51
reduces exhaust emissions while slightly Which choice most logically completes the
increasing evaporation from gasoline tanks in text?
Line cars and service stations. These evaporative
5 emissions are a major component of the smog A) the benefits of using gasoline to which
found in many large cities in the hot summer ethanol has been added are greater in hot
months but, except in hot weather, evaporative weather than in cold weather.
emissions pose less of a pollution problem than B) it is not necessary to work at reducing
exhaust emissions do. Therefore, if air exhaust emissions in large cities.
10 pollution were the only consideration, one C) adding ethanol to the gasoline used in
could conclude that ________ large cities will improve air quality in the
cities in hot weather.
D) the disadvantages of adding ethanol to
gasoline are likely to be outweighed by
the advantages, at least in cold weather.

Naturally occurring chemicals cannot be 52

newly patented once their structures have been Which choice most logically completes the
published. Before a naturally occurring text?
Line chemical compound can be used as a drug,
5 however, it must be put through the same A) once a naturally occurring compound has
rigorous testing program as any synthetic been approved for use as a drug, it can no
compound, culmination in a published report longer be newly patented.
detailing the chemical’s structure and observed B) synthetically produced chemical
effects. Therefore, ________ compounds cannot be patented unless
their chemical structures are made public.
C) if proven no less effective, naturally
occurring chemicals are to be preferred to
synthetic compounds for use in drugs.
D) a naturally occurring chemical cannot be
patented unless its effectiveness as a drug
has been rigorously established.

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Extra Vocab
1 1
During the last few years many ambitious 1

entrepreneurs have ________ working for Which choice completes the text with the
established companies, preferring instead to most logical and precise word or phrase?
create their own start-up businesses.
A) embraced
B) reaffirmed
C) eschewed
D) vindicated

Baz Luhrmann's film The Great Gatsby is a 2

powerful ________: it calls forth the Which choice completes the text with the
extravagant sights and sounds that made the most logical and precise word or phrase?
Roaring Twenties such a memorable decade.
A) demarcation
B) exhortation
C) compunction
D) evocation

Saying that all the leading economic 3

indicators were favorable, Varun announced Which choice completes the text with the
that it was ________ time to launch his new most logical and precise word or phrase?
Internet company.
A) an enigmatic
B) a perfunctory
C) a quiescent
D) an auspicious

Historians praise the settlement house 4

movement for successfully using English and Which choice completes the text with the
vocational classes to ________ the condition of most logical and precise word or phrase?
the urban poor in late 19th-century America.
A) ameliorate
B) bemoan
C) stigmatize
D) reaffirm

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1 1
Alexander Fleming's discovery of penicillin 5

was ________; he was actually investigating the Which choice completes the text with the
properties of staphylococci at the time. most logical and precise word or phrase?
A) clandestine
B) inadvertent
C) tenuous
D) lighthearted

The renowned science fiction writer had a 6

well-deserved reputation for creating Which choice completes the text with the
________ characters whose puzzling actions most logical and precise word or phrase?
were shrouded in mystery.
A) condescending
B) enigmatic
C) blithe
D) caustic

Gertrude Stein helped ________ the 7

development of early 20th-century avant-garde Which choice completes the text with the
artists by promoting, displaying, and most logical and precise word or phrase?
purchasing their works.
A) eschew
B) circumscribe
C) foster
D) confound

Although cats are as ________ as many 8

other animals, some people think of them as Which choice completes the text with the
solitary creatures. most logical and precise word or phrase?
A) gregarious
B) reclusive
C) multifarious
D) malevolent

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1 1
Novelist David Fan is well known for 9

creating profoundly moving characters who Which choice completes the text with the
experience ________, unexpected moments of most logical and precise word or phrase?
sudden inspiration, that help them overcome
tragic situations. A) epiphanies
B) reaffirmations
C) litanies
D) debacles

Cedric was bewildered by the unexpected 10

turn of events, so ________ that he did not Which choice completes the text with the
know what to think, say, or do. most logical and precise word or phrase?
A) consoled
B) habituated
C) confounded
D) mollified

The new personnel officer vowed to 11

eliminate the insensitive, outrageous, and at Which choice completes the text with the
times ________ violations of basic rules of most logical and precise word or phrase?
courtesy that plagued his predecessor's
administration. A) vivacious
B) onerous
C) egregious
D) anthropomorphic

The autocratic government enforced 12

repressive policies that became so repulsive that Which choice completes the text with the
dissidents demanded that the detestable most logical and precise word or phrase?
officials be promptly removed for their
________ actions. A) shrewd
B) impulsive
C) insipid
D) execrable

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1 1
The College Board insists that its 13

procedures for grading AP essays are very Which choice completes the text with the
________; readers must follow detailed most logical and precise word or phrase?
procedures that are very strict.
A) skewed
B) enthralling
C) untenable
D) stringent

Never ________, Ankit treated everyone he 14

knew with respect and consideration. Which choice completes the text with the
most logical and precise word or phrase?
A) onerous
B) tactless
C) visceral
D) discreet

Emily was a remarkably ________ 15

commodities trader: she impressed her clients Which choice completes the text with the
with her quick thinking, clever calculations, most logical and precise word or phrase?
and astute judgment.
A) impulsive
B) snide
C) distraught
D) shrewd

Junko Tabei, the world's first woman to 16

reach the summit of Mount Everest, was Which choice completes the text with the
considered ________ because she boldly chose most logical and precise word or phrase?
a risky, little-used path to the summit.
A) opaque
B) audacious
C) overbearing
D) dilatory

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1 1
Opened in 1872, Yellowstone National Park 17

established a model of park design that other Which choice completes the text with the
impressed nations rushed to ________. most logical and precise word or phrase?
A) discredit
B) emulate
C) undermine
D) admonish

"Bedlam," a popular name for the first 18

English insane asylum, has come to signify any Which choice completes the text with the
________ scene of turmoil and confusion. most logical and precise word or phrase?
A) subtle
B) paradoxical
C) chaotic
D) ingenious

The term "funny bone" is actually ________, 19

since this part of the body is actually a nerve. Which choice completes the text with the
most logical and precise word or phrase?
A) a misnomer
B) an allusion
C) an understatement
D) a paradox

Despite high expectations, the popular 20

novelist's new blog was surprisingly ________: Which choice completes the text with the
every entry was ordinary and commonplace. most logical and precise word or phrase?
A) mundane
B) divisive
C) poignant
D) lucrative

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1 1
While not completely nonplussed by the 21

unusually caustic responses from members of Which choice completes the text with the
the audience, the speaker was nonetheless most logical and precise word or phrase?
visibly ________ by their lively criticism.
A) humiliated
B) discomfited
C) deluded
D) disgraced

The paradoxical aspect of the myths about 22

Demeter, when we consider the predominant Which choice completes the text with the
image of her as a tranquil and serene goddess, most logical and precise word or phrase?
is her ________ search for her daughter.
A) extended
B) comprehensive
C) heartless
D) agitated

Few of us take the pains to study our 23

cherished convictions; indeed, we almost Which choice completes the text with the
have a natural ________ doing so. most logical and precise word or phrase?
A) aptitude for
B) interest in
C) repugnance to
D) ignorance of

Nearly two-thirds of the country’s 24

mushroom crop is produced by 160 growers in Which choice completes the text with the
a single county, the greatest ________ growers most logical and precise word or phrase?
A) agreement among
B) indication of
C) interaction between
D) concentration of

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