4th Semester B.E. / B. Arch. / MCA / M.Tech. Semester End Examination, MAR/APR. 2023-24
Transmission and Distribution (Model Question Paper)
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 100
Instructions: 1. Answer any Five full questions choosing ONE from each unit.
1 a. Explain the effects of high voltage transmission based on the conductor volume,
transmission efficiency and line drop.
(2 ) (1) (1) (6 )
b. Derive an expression for sag of a line conductor suspended between equal level supports
taking into effects of ice and wind loading from fundamental.
(3) (1) (2) (6)
c. A transmission line has a span of 250m between supports, the supports being at the same
level. The conductor has a cross sectional area of 1.29 cm2. The ultimate strength is 4220
kg/cm2 and factor of safety is 2. The wind pressure is 40 kg/cm2. Calculate the height of the
conductor above ground level at which it should be supported if the minimum clearance of
7m is to be kept between the ground and the conductor.
(3) (1) ( 2) (8)
2 a. Define string efficiency. Derive an expression for string efficiency. Mention the methods to
improve string efficiency.
(3 ) ( 1) (2) (8 )
b. Explain the advantages of bundled conductors.
(2 ) (1) (1 ) (6 )
c. In a 3 phase overhead system, each line is suspended by a string of 3 insulators. The voltage
across the top unit and middle unit are 10 kV and 11 kV respectively. Calculate (i) the ratio
of shunt capacitance to self capacitance of each insulator (ii) the string efficiency and (iii)
line voltage.
(3) (1) (2) (6 )
3 a. Determine the inductance of conductor due to internal flux.
(2 ) (2) (1) (7 )
b. The three conductors of a 3 phase transmission line are arranged in a horizontal plane and
are 3 m apart. The diameter of each conductor is 4cm. determine the inductance per km of
each phase. Assume balanced load and R, Y, B sequence.
(3 ) (2) (2 ) (7)
c. A two conductor, single phase line operates at 50 Hz. The diameter of each conductor is
30mm and the spacing between the conductor is 2m, calculate
(i) Inductance of each conductor per km (ii) the loop inductance of the line per km
(iii) the inductive reactance per km
( 3) (2) (2 ) ( 6)
4 a. What is transposition of transmission line? Derive an expression for inductance of a 3-phase
line with unsymmetrical spacing but transposed.
(2) (2) (1 ) (6 )
b. Derive an expression for the line to neutral capacitance for a 3 –phase overhead
transmission line when the conductors are asymmetrically spaced.
(3) (2 ) (2 ) (6 )
c. A 3-phase, 50 Hz, 66kVoverhead line conductors are placed in a horizontal plane as shown
in fig. 2(c). the conductor diameter is 1.25cm. the line length is 100km. calculate the
Note: L (Level), CO (Course Outcome), PO (Programme Outcome), M (Marks)
capacitance per phase and charging current per phase. Assume complete transposition of
the line.
fig.4 (c)
(3) ( 2) (2 ) ( 8)
5 a. Explain how transmission lines are classified. also explain voltage regulation and
transmission efficiency.
(1 ) (3) (1 ) (5 )
b. Explain the nominal T- method for obtaining the performance parameters of medium
transmission line. Draw the corresponding vector diagram and derive expressions for input
voltage and input current.
(3 ) (3) (2 ) (7 )
c. A 3-phase 50Hz, overhead transmission line 100km long has the constants: resistance per
phase per km =0.1 Ω; reactanceper phase per km = 0.2 Ω; susceptance per phase per km =
0.04x10-4 siemens. Determine (i) sending end voltage (ii) sending end current (iii) sending
end p.f. (iv) transmission efficiency when supplying a balanced load of 10MW at 66kV, 0.8
pf lagging. Use nominal PI method.
( 3) (3) ( 2) (8 )
6 a. Obtain A B C D constants of a medium transmission line using nominal T – method and
prove AD –BC = 1.
(3 ) (3 ) (2 ) (7 )
b. Draw the corresponding vector diagram and derive expressions for input voltage and input
current for short transmission line.
( 2) (3) ( 1) ( 5)
c. A 3 – phase line delivers 3600 kW at a p.f. of 0.8 lagging to a load. If the sending end voltage
is 33kV, calculate (i) the receiving end voltage (ii) line current (iii) transmission efficiency.
The resistance and reactance of each conductor are 5.31 Ω and 5.54 Ω respectively.
( 3) (3) (2 ) (8 )
7 a. What is corona? Define. Explain the factors affecting corona.
(2 ) (4) (1) (7)
b. Mention advantages and disadvantages and also methods of reducing corona.
(1 ) (4) (1) (6 )
c. A 3 phase 220 kV, 50 Hz transmission line consists of 1.5 cm radius conductor spaced 2 m
apart in equilateral triangular formation. If the temperature is 400 C and atmospheric
pressure is 76 cm, calculate the corona loss per km of line. Take m0 = 0.85
(3) (4) (2) (7 )
8 a. With a neat diagram, show the various parts of a high voltage single core UG cable and
explain each part.
(2 ) (4) ( 1) (6 )
b. Derive an expression for the capacitance of a single core cable.
(3 ) (4) (2 ) (6 )
c. A single core lead sheathed cable is graded by using three dielectrics of relative permittivity
5, 4 and 3 respectively. The conductor diameter is 2 cm and overall diameter is 8 cm. if the
three dielectrics are worked at the same maximum stress of 40 kV/cm, find the safe working
voltage of the cable. What will be the value of safe working voltage for an ungraded cable,
assuming the same conductor and overall diameter and the maximum dielectric stress?