0 14
3 authors, including:
Daitri Tiwary
Birla Institute of Management Technology
All content following this page was uploaded by Daitri Tiwary on 23 December 2024.
1 Department of Information Technology, National Institute of Bank Management, Pune 411048, India;
2 National Payments Corporation of India, Mumbai 400051, India; adashutosh@gmail.com
3 Birla Institute of Management Technology, Greater Noida 201306, India
* Correspondence: daitri.tiwary@gmail.com; Tel.: +91-8076327694
Abstract: Extent ecosystems of crypto financial assets (crypto-assets) lack parity and coherence
across the globe. This asymmetry is further heightened with a knowledge gap in operational risk
management, wherein the global landscape of crypto-assets is characterized by unprecedented
external risks and internal vulnerabilities. In this study, we present a critical examination and
comprehensive analysis of current crypto-asset operational guidelines across geographies. We
benchmark these guidelines to the Basel Committee for Banking Supervision (BCBS) risk classification
framework for crypto-assets, identifying gaps in the operations across organizations. We, hence,
conceptualize a novel institutional framework which may help in understanding and mitigating the
gaps in operational risks’ regulation of crypto-assets. Our proposed Crypto-asset Operational Risk
Management (CORM) framework determines how operational risk associated with crypto-assets of
financial institutions can be mitigated to respond to the increasing demand for crypto-assets, cross
border payments, electronic money, and cryptocurrencies, across countries. Applicable to firms
irrespective of their size and scale of operations, CORM aligns with global regulatory initiatives,
facilitating compliance and fostering trust among stakeholders. Strengthening our argument of
Citation: Roy, Deepankar, Ashutosh CORM’s applicability, we present its efficacy in the form of alternate hypothetical outcomes in two
Dubey, and Daitri Tiwary. 2024. distinct real-life cases wherein crypto-asset exchanges succumbed to either external risks, such as
Conceptualizing an Institutional hacking, or internal vulnerabilities. It paves the way for future regulatory response with a structured
Framework to Mitigate Crypto-Assets’ approach to addressing the unique operational risks associated with crypto-assets. The framework
Operational Risk. Journal of Risk and advocates for collaborative efforts among industry stakeholders, ensuring its adaptability to the
Financial Management 17: 550. rapidly evolving crypto landscape. It further contributes to the establishment of a more resilient
https://doi.org/10.3390/ and regulated financial ecosystem, inclusive of crypto-assets. By implementing CORM, institutions
can navigate the complexities of crypto-assets while safeguarding their interests and promoting
Academic Editors: Ramona sustainable growth in the digital asset market.
Rupeika-Apoga, Cristian Tiu
and Ole Jakob Bergfjord Keywords: crypto-assets; operational risk; operational risk management; risk classification frame-
work for crypto-assets
Received: 28 October 2024
Revised: 22 November 2024
Accepted: 29 November 2024
Published: 9 December 2024
1. Introduction
In recent years, cryptocurrencies have become one of the most intriguing investment
opportunities. A growing number of wealth managers and institutional investors are
Copyright: © 2024 by the authors.
getting ready to make cryptocurrency investments in the upcoming years as prices continue
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
to rise. The global crypto-asset management market is anticipated to grow at a compound
This article is an open access article
annual growth rate (CAGR) of 25.50% from 2022 to 2029, reaching USD 2801.87 million
distributed under the terms and
(Data Bridge Market Research 2022). The market for crypto-asset is shown in Figure 1 as a
conditions of the Creative Commons
percentage of market value.
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
Figure Marketcapitalization
capitalizationofof cryptocurrencies,
cryptocurrencies, including
including stablecoins
stablecoins and and tokens.
tokens. Source:
Source: Au-
thors’ Creation.
Followingthe theFTXFTXscandal
2022, cryptocurrencies
cryptocurrencies went
througha bubble
a bubbleakinakin
to the
the dotcom bubble of theoftwenty-first
bubble century
the twenty-first (KPMG(KPMG
century 2022b). 2022b).
Similar Similar
to how euphoric specula-
to how euphoric
tion caused dotcom
speculation caused company valuationsvaluations
dotcom company to soar before plummeting,
to soar the unexpected
before plummeting, the surge
in interest in cryptocurrencies and other crypto-assets has made
pected surge in interest in cryptocurrencies and other crypto-assets has made them a reg- them a regular feature
ularnews stories
feature in worldwide.
news storiesBased on blockchain
worldwide. Based on technology,
blockchaina technology,
variety of crypto-assets,
a variety of
including cryptocurrencies, fungible tokens, non-fungible
crypto-assets, including cryptocurrencies, fungible tokens, non-fungible tokens, and central bank
tokens, anddigital
currencies (CBDCs), have been created and embraced globally.
tral bank digital currencies (CBDCs), have been created and embraced globally. The ma- The majority of the analysis
is still of
jority abstract; however,
the analysis 90%abstract;
is still of centralhowever,
banks worldwide are currently
90% of central assessing the
banks worldwide arebene-
fits and hazards of issuing CBDC (RBI 2022). Central bankers
rently assessing the benefits and hazards of issuing CBDC (RBI 2022). Central bankers must consider a number of
potentially destabilizing concerns before deciding to engage the
must consider a number of potentially destabilizing concerns before deciding to engage digital currency race. It is
true that there is a race to determine the future of money, currency,
the digital currency race. It is true that there is a race to determine the future of money, and payments and that
currency, and frompayments
all over theand world
that must be clear
authorities andall
from consistent.
over the CBDCs
world mustprovide a distinc-
be clear and
tive substitute for cryptocurrencies. Central banks issue, oversee,
consistent. CBDCs provide a distinctive substitute for cryptocurrencies. Central banks is- and support CBDCs, in
contrast to the decentralized nature of cryptocurrencies. This indicates that they provide
sue, oversee, and support CBDCs, in contrast to the decentralized nature of cryptocurren-
an extra degree of protection and trust and are supported by the government. CBDCs are a
cies. This indicates that they provide an extra degree of protection and trust and are sup-
possibly more effective and economical alternative to cryptocurrencies since they can also
ported by the government. CBDCs are a possibly more effective and economical alterna-
be used to enable payments and transactions between banks. Additionally, by increasing
tive to cryptocurrencies since they can also be used to enable payments and transactions
transaction transparency and trackability, CBDCs can give governments greater insight
between banks. Additionally, by increasing transaction transparency and trackability,
into financial activity. In the end, if created on a blockchain, CBDCs can be categorized as
CBDCs can give governments greater insight into financial activity. In the end, if created
crypto-assets. They provide a safe and regulated substitute for cryptocurrencies and give
on a blockchain, CBDCs can be categorized as crypto-assets. They provide a safe and reg-
central banks a new avenue to communicate with their citizens.
ulated substitute for cryptocurrencies and give central banks a new avenue to communi-
As we commence with mapping of existing regulations for crypto-assets across USA,
cate with their citizens.
Europe, Saudi Arabia, China, and India, we identify gaps in terms of risk mitigation
As we commence
mechanisms. This gap iswith mapping
persistent of existing
in terms regulations
of operational for i.e.,
risks, crypto-assets
the risk ofacross USA,
loss caused
Europe, Saudi Arabia, China, and India, we identify gaps in terms
by weak processes, people, or systems. It is further magnified by systemic risks associated of risk mitigation mech-
with This gap
financial is persistent
institutions, in terms
including legalof risks
operational risks, i.e., technology
and information the risk of loss
Though by
weak processes, people, or systems. It is further magnified by systemic
actual and potential operational risk events are assessed for their reputational, regulatory, risks associated
and financial institutions,
impacts, we including
underscorelegalthe risks and
need ofinformation
a framework technology
which may risks. Though
be adopted
for and potential
managing operational
operational risk events
risk, similar are assessed
to commercial for their
bank’s riskreputational,
management regulatory,
and operational impacts, we underscore the need of a framework
(KPMG 2022a). While we draw similarities of operational risk of crypto-assets with which may be adoptedthe
for managing operational risk, similar to commercial bank’s risk
operational risk built into all banking products, activities, processes, and systems, we management program
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2024, 17, 550 3 of 31
2. Review of Literature
As financial markets become more complex, inter-linked, and sophisticated, we refer
to extent research on risks associated with financial assets to unravel its antecedents,
relevant theories, and implications. Seminal literature defines risk to be an “exposure to
a proposition of which one is uncertain”, thus requiring both exposure and uncertainty
of outcomes (Holton 2004). Broadly classified in the category of systematic risk and
unsystematic risk, the scope, impact, and mitigation strategies widely vary. The focus of
empirical models in terms of assessing risks are dependent on probabilistic and quantitative
estimation of externalities. This includes the probabilistic approach of Knight (1921),
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2024, 17, 550 4 of 31
Markowitz’s (1976) theory of portfolio selection, and the market-benchmarked capital asset
pricing model of Fama and French (1993). Present research on crypto-assets, specifically
cryptocurrencies, have adopted similar approaches, with quantitative models of risks and
returns, hedges, spreads, and network effect with other asset class like gold, crude, etc.
(Chan and Nadarajah 2020; Almeida et al. 2022; Almeida and Gonçalves 2022). There
remains an evident gap in understanding the business-specific risks for crypto-assets. This
is pertinent since measures of portfolio efficiency of traditional financial assets have been
empirically proven to be inefficient in the case of crypto-assets (Juskaite et al. 2024).
Seminal research by Linter and Fama has, however, reduced unsystematic risks, i.e.,
risks unique to a business or industry and pertaining to factors within the asset-class, to
residuals of asset-pricing models, explaining them to be uncorrelated with returns (Beja
1972). This has been addressed in the previous decades, wherein unsystematic risks have
included compliance risk, reputational risk, security risk, competition risk, governance
risk, strategic risk, technological risk, and operational risk (Blackman 2014; Boitnott 2022;
Christiansen 2021). The literature suggests that these are risks which can be mitigated,
thus paving the way for business resilience. We note that while market risks of crypto-
assets have gained attention, operational risks, i.e., “uncertainty related to losses resulting
from inadequate systems or controls, human error or management” (Moosa 2007), emerge as a
persistent problem for crypto-assets, resulting in massive losses, as discussed in Section 1.
We refer to the Copernican shift in perception and estimation of operational risks for
financial assets due to the reforms of Basel II while probing in the context of crypto-assets
(Power 2005).
As definition of operational risk continues to be nebulous, the Commonwealth Bank
of Australia (1999) defined it as “all risks other than credit and market risk, which could
cause volatility of revenues, expenses and the value of the Bank’s business”. In another
contemporary definition by the Reserve Bank of New York (Shepheard-Walwyn and Litter-
man 1998), operational risk is defined as “a general term that applies to all the risk failures
that influence the volatility of the firm’s cost structure as opposed to its revenue structure”.
We therefore note that operational risks may affect both the revenue and cost incurred in a
business. Drawing parallels to the financial asset class, operational risks, such as loss of
storage, security threats, compliance and tax issues, cyber threats, etc., have been affecting
crypto-asset classes. However, empirical models and mitigation strategies are insufficiently
researched in the context of crypto-assets.
Peters et al. (2016) had one of the earliest discussions on operational risks in the
domain of cryptocurrencies. Referring to the Basel II and III banking regulations applicable
to virtual and cryptographic assets, the authors stated that operational risks are “not
incidental” but “fundamental” for crypto-assets, especially when they are accepted and
commence interacting with banking channels and financial networks. Citing the definition
of operational risk as “the risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes,
people, and systems or from external events”, as stated in Basel II, Peters et al. (2016) claim
that the risk will be accentuated as crypto-assets become more active. Tetiana et al. (2022)
substantiate this by stating that operational risks have been influenced and heightened
by “bull runs” of crypto-assets. This presents a significant void in the literature since the
crypto-assets market has experienced exponential growth (see Figure 1), but there is a
dearth of insights on the extent and potency of its operational risks (CoinMarketCap 2024).
Citing recent research by Juskaite et al. (2024), we underscore that lack of knowledge
pertaining to operational risks has led the investor to underestimate the risk. While
empirical studies have applied portfolio optimization on the risk and return of crypto-
assets, the research shows that the results may not conform to traditional financial assets
(Juskaite et al. 2024). As explained by Mueller et al. (2023), this may be due to idiosyncratic
levels of operational risk associated with crypto-assets and their diverse interactions with
financial institutions.
Though technological infrastructure, security assumptions of cryptographic software,
open-source governance, digital asset custody, digital asset valuation, and code mainte-
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2024, 17, 550 5 of 31
nance have been cited as sources of operational risks, lack of regulatory auditing and
nascent stage of cloud forensics remain insufficiently explored in the scientific literature
(Zhao and Duncan 2018; Ikeno et al. 2022; Ward 2023). Theoretically, while operational
risk is well researched, its antecedents, measures, and implications for crypto-assets are
insufficient in the literature. We address this research gap by mapping the operational
risks of crypto-assets and conceptualizing an institutional mitigation framework based
on uncertainty theory (Liu 2009). Unlike probability theory (Kolmogorov 1963), which
dwells in finite outcomes, uncertainty theory, applied in the context of operational risks
in crypto-assets, posits that there may be infinite outcomes with respect to the prevailing
diverse risks. In a novel approach to explore uncertainty theory beyond mathematical repre-
sentations, we propose a framework which is able to address the lack of information about
crypto-assets’ operational risks by (i) defining uncertain variables in terms of operational
risks unique to crypto-assets, (ii) mapping the potentially impacted party, (iii) mapping the
operational risk pillar as per Basel Operational Risk (Loss Category 1), (iv) indicating loss
effect as per Basel Framework, and (v) proposing a mitigation approach.
Figure Crypto-assetecosystem.
ecosystem. Source:
Source: Authors’ Creation.
Table Crypto-assetecosystem.
(Adapted from:
from: Dubey
Dubey et
et al.
al. (2022)).
Layer Description Examples
Layer Description Examples
The settlement layer of a network consists of network hardware, blockchain-based
The settlement
software, and datalayer of a network
management consists ofincluding
mechanisms, network the hardware,
Internet and connected Ethereum, Binance,
Settlement Layer blockchain-based
devices. software,
This layer serves and
as the data management
foundation for all themechanisms,
subsequent layers.including
In thisthe Bitcoin, Hyperledger,
Ethereum, Binance,
layer of theand connected
protocol, devices.
different This layer
consensus serves as such
mechanisms, the foundation
as proof offorworkall and
the R3 Corda, etc.
Settlement Layer Bitcoin, Hyperledger,
proof of stake,layers. In this
are used layer the
to ensure of the protocol,
security different
of the consensus mechanisms,
blockchain. R3 Corda, etc.
such as proof of work and proof of stake, are used to ensure the security of the
This layer includes the creation of different assets over the blockchain layer. Some of
them are
This layer includes
Cryptocurrency the creation
(Fungible token): Aof crypto
different assets
token over the
functions asblockchain
a method to layer.
Some of them
governance, are and non-monetary transaction
Stablecoin: Tokens(Fungible token): A crypto
that are predominantly token functions
a payment settlement as asset
a method to
and intended
support governance, access, and non-monetary transaction
to sustain a steady value of exchange.
Stablecoin: Tokens that are predominantly a payment settlement asset and
Central Bank Digital Currency: A payment settlement token, or digital equivalent of Dogecoin, USDC,
intended to sustain a steady value of exchange.
Banknotes andCurrency:
Digital coins, thatAispayment
issued bysettlement
a central bank
token, andor turns
digitalout to be Digital Rupee, Non
Asset Layer Dogecoin, USDC,
the third form of public money in conjunction with central bank
equivalent of physical bank notes and coins, that is issued by a central bank reserves and cash.
and Fungible Token (NFT)
Non-Fungible Tokens: A variation in tokenization of securities, securities tokens are Digital
for Arts Rupee, Non
Asset Layer turns out to be the third form of public money in conjunction with central bank
Fungible Token (NFT)
types of investment
reserves and cash.assets that only exist, including the proof ownership, in the
for Arts
Non-Fungibleor Distributed
Tokens: ALedger Technology
variation (DLT) of
in tokenization ledger.
securities, securities tokens
are types
Native token:of A
token backedassets
bythat only
assets may exist, including
represent fiat the proof ownership,
currency; expensive in
the blockchain
gems; or Distributed
precious metals like gold, Ledger Technology
silver, and platinum;(DLT)
of assets; or even
interest A token
cashflow backed
in real estate.by assets
Some may represent
represent a right tofiat currency;
claim expensive
an asset, while
gems; precious metals like gold, silver, and
others are digital representations of specific assets. platinum; baskets of assets; or even
interest as cashflow in real estate. Some represent a right to claim an asset, while
others are digital representations of specific assets.
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2024, 17, 550 7 of 31
3.1. GlobalInitiatives
The regulatoryfocus
and thistrend
expected to to continue.
continue. Market
capitalizationand andvolatility
andretail adoption
retail grew.
adoption grew.Consumer
Consumer trust has has
trust beenbeen
damagedby recent high-
by recent
profile cryptocurrency company failures, fraud, scams, and improper
high-profile cryptocurrency company failures, fraud, scams, and improper handling of handling of client
client Because
assets. of this,
Because regulators
of this, have
regulators havecome
focus. The Figure33
The below Figure
(Thomson Reuters2022)
Figure3.3. Global
Figure Global regulations for crypto-assets.
crypto-assets. Source:
Reuters.Cryptos Report
Cryptos Compen-
Report Com-
dium 2022.
pendium 2022.
To guaranteeimproved
Crypto-Assetsby byRegulated
whethera abank’s
Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) established criteria in its second consultation
Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) established criteria in its second consultation
December2022 2022(Basel
on Banking Supervision 2022). Every right and duty associated with thecryptocurrency
Banking Supervision 2022). Every right and duty associated with the cryptocurrency
asset is well defined and enforceable by law. Whether it is a tokenized traditional asset or
has a strong stabilizing mechanism that ties its value to a traditional asset, this also in-
volves settlement finality. According to the standard, crypto-assets shall be continuously
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2024, 17, 550 8 of 31
asset is well defined and enforceable by law. Whether it is a tokenized traditional asset
or has a strong stabilizing mechanism that ties its value to a traditional asset, this also
involves settlement finality. According to the standard, crypto-assets shall be continuously
categorized into two groups, Group 1 crypto-assets: Group 1a crypto-assets which include
tokenized traditional assets and Group 1b crypto-assets with efficient stabilizing mecha-
nisms. Group 1 crypto-assets are subject to Basel Framework capital requirements, which
are determined by the risk weights of the exposures in the portfolio. Group 2 comprises
unbacked crypto-assets. Hedging-recognition criteria are used to identify which Group
2 crypto-assets (Group 2a) can be hedged and which (Group 2b) cannot. Table 2 below
lists the financial and non-financial risks related to crypto-assets that were noted in the
December 2019 (Basel Committee on Banking Supervision 2022) discussion paper published
by BCBS.
Table 2. Basel Committee for Banking Supervision (BCBS) risk classification framework for crypto-
assets (Roy et al. 2023; KPMG 2020).
Financial Risks The valuation and pricing of crypto-assets display a high degree of
Market Risk
volatility, and disjointed trading platforms may hinder price discovery.
Crypto-assets that are legally binding generate counterparty credit and
Credit and counterparty credit risks in the same manner as traditional assets. It points out that
credit risk banks find it challenging to estimate the risk of lending to crypto-asset
businesses due to the lack of historical data on these assets.
Since crypto-assets are digital and not supported by tangible assets,
operational and cyber risks are evident concerns. The technologies behind
Cyber and operational risk
crypto-assets expose financial organizations to a whole new set of
vulnerabilities from a governance and cybersecurity standpoint.
For businesses without a strong regulatory framework, crypto-assets
present new legal and regulatory dangers. Because cryptocurrency assets
are not subject to central regulation, regulatory arbitrage may occur.
Legal and regulatory risk
Furthermore, as blockchain technology facilitates value movement,
financial institutions will need to develop creative methods to adhere to
KYC, AML, and terrorist financing requirements.
Using cutting-edge coin offerings and crypto-asset management
technology carries reputational hazards. Since cryptocurrency assets are
Non-Financial Risks Reputational risk
distributed, unlike traditional assets, any unfavorable opinion or behavior
by one party could have an adverse effect on the ecosystem as a whole.
The majority of crypto-assets are operated by unregulated third parties
with community-driven software. To improve their product offerings,
Third party Risk financial institutions could also look for outside developers, partners, or
solution suppliers. All of these factors contribute to an increase in
third-party risk for a financial institution.
Internal policies and procedures must be created from the beginning and
throughout the lifecycle of a crypto-asset. A crypto-asset cannot be
Implementation Risk
implemented until an accounting treatment, operational method, and other
frameworks are in place.
Financial Action Task Force (FATF) in October 2021” (FATF 2021). Virtual Asset Service
Providers (VASPs) can use this document to better understand and fulfill their anti-money
laundering (AML) and counter-terrorism financing (CTF) obligations, as well as to assist
authorities in creating regulatory and supervisory standards for virtual asset operations.
The German government was one of the first to grant legal certainty to financial
institutions, allowing them to retain bitcoin assets (Federal Financial Supervisory Authority
(BaFin) (2024)). As per the regulations, only authorized exchanges and custodians are
permitted to purchase or trade cryptocurrency assets. The German Federal Financial
Supervisory Authority (BaFin) requires licenses for companies. The nation’s Crypto-assets
Taskforce is composed of the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), the Bank of England,
and HM Treasury (Cryptoassets Taskforce 2018). Regulations created especially for crypto-
assets by the FCA address CFT, AML, and know your customer (KYC). Restrictions have
also been put in place to protect VASPs, but care has been taken to avoid limiting innovation.
Cryptocurrency exchanges need to register with the FCA if they have not already filed
for an e-money license. Cryptocurrencies are subject to activity-based taxes and are not
considered legal tender. The FCA has banned the trading of bitcoin derivatives.
Table 3. Basel Committee Operational Risk events loss classification (Adapted from RBI 2024; BIS 2001).
Operational Risk
Operational Risk Pillar 2 Description Illustrated Event
Pillar 1
This means that at least one internal party may
collude with other internal or external parties in Manipulation of prices
1. Theft and forgery order to deliberately cause loss to the of crypto-assets due to
2. Market manipulation organization. There are numerous reasons centralization of
Internal fraud 3. Improper transaction behind internal fraud. For example, an internal information.
capture, execution, and party may deliberately want to misappropriate Account take-over or
maintenance property owned by the company. In other cases, impersonation on
they can merely be taking more risks by trying to crypto-asset wallets.
by-pass the systems which have been built.
Firms have to deal with a varied variety of third
parties. It is likely that some of these third parties
may not have the intent of having a rational and
1. Hacks associated with Distributed denial of
candid deal with the enterprise. Instead, they
External Fraud theft and forgery service attack on
may intend to cheat the firm by swindling
2. System security crypto exchange.
money from them or by getting the firm to break
the law. In such circumstances, there are no
internal parties involved in the deceitful activity.
Office lawsuits such as those based on
non-observance of laws regarding gender or
1. Unauthorized data
cultural diversity can be put in this group. The
firm may not have pardoned the conduct of its
2. Consuming external
erring worker. However, it will be held
Employment investment for Stealing of user
accountable and may have to pay monetary
Practices and non-business areas information, wallet
compensations. Enterprises may also have
Workplace Safety 3. Unauthorized activity in keys, and tokens.
operational risks arising from non-compliance
with policies concerning the well-being and
4. Discrimination with
safety of workers. As a result, they may have to
pay compensations to the wounded or otherwise
distressed employee.
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2024, 17, 550 11 of 31
Table 3. Cont.
Operational Risk
Operational Risk Pillar 2 Description Illustrated Event
Pillar 1
AML, KYC, regulatory
A company may suffer operational risk because
1. Defects in product breach, and
of the customers it selects to work with. For
2. Improper advisory non-compliance
example, crypto companies like FTX were
Improper Clients, services regarding
punished for fraud when their staffs were found
Products, and 3. Wrong information management of
to be in cryto-asset mismanagement. Likewise, a
Business Practices sharing in market crypto-assets in the
company may have to face operational risk
among clients and geography.
because of non-compliance with its obligations
customers Insider trading of
towards the customer
Organizations all over the globe spend a lot of
Servers hosting
money on building physical assets. Companies
crypto-asset services
1. Failure of hardware have to spend money in order to construct
Losses to Physical became damaged due
2. Theft of physical servers factories, purchase machinery, vehicles, or other
Assets to system failure or
hosting services assets that may be required by their business.
improper business
Yet, these assets may get ruined in unrests,
continuity plan.
terrorist attacks, or even acts of God.
If a company faces any outage or data robbery Servers hosting
1. Damages due to that arises because of the incorrect working of its crypto-asset service
environmental, civic, business systems, it could face extreme losses. got damaged due to
political, and other These losses could be connected to lost business act of god.
disruptions in the income. Nevertheless, they could also be related Outage of network or
business to lawsuits that may arise because of the data electricity stops the
which have been compromised. crypto-asset system.
Table 4. Summary of operational risk pillars associated with crypto-assets. (Adapted from PwC 2023;
BIS 2019).
Table 4. Cont.
Market risk
Internal fraud
Hard forks
Qualitative component
Government institution
End users
Figure 4. 4.
Figure CORM framework.
CORM Source:
framework. Created
Source: byby
Created thethe
Quantitative components
components involve
involve measurable
measurable aspects
aspects ofof
thethe framework,
framework, focusing
focusing onon
the assessmentand
evaluationofof risks.
risks. Loss
Loss effect
effect as
as per
frameworkdescribes the
the impact
potential of the
impact identified
of the risks,
identified aligning
risks, them
aligning withwith
them the loss categories
the loss defined
categories by the
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2024, 17, 550 14 of 31
Basel framework. This can be computed in terms of potential value loss for the institution
if risk is not mitigated. Thus, it can assist senior management to understand the potential
of risk and take decisions accordingly to mitigate said risk. Under the Basel framework,
financial institutions assess loss effects through quantitative and qualitative methods,
such as Basic Indicator Approach (BIA), where operational risk capital is calculated as a
fixed percentage of the institution’s annual gross income; Standardized Approach (SA),
where operational risk capital is determined by dividing business lines and applying
specific risk factors; and Advanced Measurement Approach (AMA), where institutions use
internal data, risk control indicators, and loss event models to estimate potential losses.
Institutions also use historical data and risk assessments to identify and mitigate potential
loss events proactively. The loss effect ultimately serves as a key metric for calculating the
capital reserves required to cover operational risks, ensuring institutions maintain financial
stability and resilience against potential disruptions.
Derived components are the outcomes or strategies derived from the existing global
regulatory frameworks like Basel, Financial Stability Board (FSB), etc., which acts as ref-
erence for building mitigation and management solutions. This classification helps in
understanding the CORM framework’s structure and its approach to managing operational
risks associated with crypto-assets, facilitating a comprehensive risk management strategy
for financial institutions. Basel Operational Loss Pillar refers to the categorization of risks
based on established frameworks, such as the Basel Operational Risk framework, which
helps in identifying and classifying the types of operational risks. The identified risk pillar
associated with crypto-asset emphasizes linking the operational risk identified for crypto-
assets with the risk pillar provided by global regulators associated with the crypto-assets.
This linkage is critical to map the definitions of risk with current regulatory guidelines,
which is crucial in the rapidly evolving landscape of crypto-assets.
Appendix A illustrates the applicability of the CORM framework to the current crypto-
asset ecosystem and its participants. CORM analyzes emerging risks, maps them to the
established BASEL risk framework, and provides mitigation strategies. Mitigation ap-
proaches like this will increase trust, compliance, and stability of crypto-asset management
in financial institutions that use it as a tool for payment, investment, asset allocation, and
portfolio management. CORM is tailored to identify and assess unique risks tied specifically
to crypto-assets, such as key management vulnerabilities, blockchain disruptions, and trans-
action irreversibility. Risk management frameworks like Basel III, designed for traditional
assets, does not fully address these areas. CORM provides crypto-focused risk mitigation
techniques like multi-signature wallets, decentralized governance for decision-making, and
specific key management policies. Risk management frameworks like Basel III’s mitigation
strategies lack specificity for decentralized and cryptographic asset environments. With
CORM, institutions obtain guidance on implementing advanced security practices, such
as hardware-based cryptographic key storage, which is crucial for securing digital assets.
Risk management frameworks like Basel III lacks these measures, as it assumes centralized
asset control. CORM also accommodates the decentralized and rapidly evolving nature
of the crypto landscape by allowing flexibility in managing crypto-related risks like hard
forks or software vulnerabilities. Risk management frameworks like Basel III are more
rigid, focusing on structured financial risks in regulated settings. CORM includes com-
pliance and regulatory practices adapted to crypto-assets, helping institutions navigate
legal ambiguities, tax compliance, and KYC/AML in a mostly unregulated market. Risk
management frameworks like Basel III assumes a regulated environment, making it less
applicable in the crypto space. The CORM framework thus helps financial institutions by
offering a tailored approach to managing the heightened risks of crypto-assets, facilitating
compliance, safeguarding asset integrity, and fostering institutional resilience against cyber,
privacy, and fraud risks in this emerging asset class.
The CORM framework provides a distinct and more comprehensive approach to
managing operational risks associated with crypto-assets, in contrast to the existing global
crypto-asset regulations. The global regulatory landscape and published guidelines spe-
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2024, 17, 550 15 of 31
cially promoted by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the Financial Stability Board
(FSB), the United States, China, India, and the European Union primarily focuses on estab-
lishing the legal status of crypto-assets, implementing taxation frameworks and enforcing
anti-money laundering (AML) and know-your-customer (KYC) requirements. For instance,
countries like Singapore, UAE, and Israel have classified cryptocurrencies as securities,
subject to their securities laws, while Saudi Arabia has warned against dealing in virtual
currencies. Similarly, the FSB and G20 committee has proposed a comprehensive regulatory
framework to address financial stability risks, consumer protection, and market integrity
concerns related to crypto-asset activities. In contrast, the CORM framework delves deeper
into the specific operational risk pillars that financial institutions and crypto-asset service
providers face. It systematically identifies and maps these risks, including internal fraud,
external fraud, technology failures, and compliance issues, to the established Basel Opera-
tional Risk framework. This level of granularity and alignment with industry-recognized
standards sets the CORM framework apart from the broader regulatory initiatives. Fur-
thermore, the CORM framework adopts a proactive and institution-driven approach,
empowering financial institutions to take ownership of their operational risk management
practices. It provides a structured methodology for risk assessment, policy development,
implementation, and continuous monitoring, enabling these organizations to enhance their
operational resilience and adaptability to the rapidly evolving crypto-asset ecosystem. For
example, the CORM framework suggests implementing robust key management systems,
conducting regular audits, and establishing governance structures to mitigate the risks
of internal fraud and unauthorized access. By offering a more specialized and practi-
cal approach to managing operational risks, the CORM framework serves as a valuable
complement to the existing crypto-asset regulations, providing financial institutions and
crypto-asset service providers with a comprehensive tool to navigate the complexities of
the crypto-asset ecosystem while also addressing the broader regulatory concerns around
financial stability, consumer protection, and market integrity.
cryptocurrency exchanges, the CORM framework helps in managing risks such as hacking,
theft, fraud, and operational errors by establishing robust policies and procedures for risk
mitigation, incident response, and business continuity planning. This is crucial for main-
taining user trust and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements. Wallet providers
benefit from the CORM framework by implementing secure key management practices
and safeguarding against risks like hacking and loss of private keys. The framework
emphasizes the importance of regular audits and the establishment of secure environments
for managing cryptographic keys, which are vital for protecting users’ assets. Crypto
payment processors can utilize the CORM framework to address risks related to fraud,
errors, and hacking. By developing comprehensive risk assessment processes and incident
response strategies, these entities can enhance their operational resilience and ensure secure
transactions for their clients’. Investment funds that engage in cryptocurrency investments
can leverage the CORM framework to navigate market volatility, liquidity risks, and regu-
latory uncertainties. The framework provides a systematic approach to risk assessment
and mitigation, enabling funds to make informed investment decisions while managing
potential operational risks. For ICO/STO issuers, the CORM framework aids in ensuring
compliance with regulatory requirements and managing risks associated with fraud and
market volatility. By establishing clear operational guidelines and communication plans,
issuers can enhance transparency and build trust with investors.
Overall, any organization that operates in the cryptocurrency industry, whether di-
rectly or indirectly, is exposed to crypto operational risks and must have effective risk
management strategies in place to mitigate them. CORM is applicable to these institutions.
Implementing the CORM framework for the above institutions involve six steps:
Step 1. Identify the institution’s objectives: Define the institution’s goals and objectives
and ensure that the crypto-asset operational risk management framework aligns with these
Step 2. Assess risks: Conduct a comprehensive risk assessment to identify potential
crypto-asset operational risks that the institution may face. This includes assessing risks
related to the technology, regulatory compliance, security, and other relevant areas.
Step 3. Develop policies and procedures: Develop policies and procedures to man-
age the identified risks. These policies and procedures should cover areas such as risk
mitigation, incident response, business continuity planning, and employee training.
Step 4. Implement the CORM framework: Implement the crypto-asset operational
risk management framework across the institution. This may involve appointing a risk
manager or team to oversee the framework’s implementation and ensure that the policies
and procedures are followed.
Step 5. Monitor and evaluate crypto risks: Continuously monitor and evaluate the
framework’s effectiveness and adjust it as necessary. This may involve regularly reviewing
risk assessments, conducting audits, and gathering feedback from stakeholders.
Step 6. Communication from Operational risk team: Communicate the framework’s
implementation to relevant stakeholders, including employees, customers, and regulators.
This helps to ensure that everyone understands the risks associated with crypto-asset
operations and how the institution is managing these risks.
In order for the framework to be effective, it must be aligned with the institution’s
objectives and continuously evaluated. The coverage of different departments in an institu-
tion’s CORM framework will depend on the size and complexity of the institution, as well
as the nature and scope of its crypto-asset operations. Here are some of the departments
that may be involved in the framework: (i) Risk Management: The risk management depart-
ment should play a central role in the crypto-asset operational risk management framework.
They are responsible for identifying, assessing, and monitoring crypto-asset-related risks
across the institution. They may also develop and oversee policies and procedures related
to risk mitigation and incident response. (ii) IT/Technology: The IT department is responsi-
ble for ensuring that the institution’s technology infrastructure is secure and up-to-date. In
the context of crypto-assets, they may be responsible for implementing and maintaining the
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2024, 17, 550 17 of 31
institution’s crypto-asset wallet systems, exchanges, and other platforms. They may also
be responsible for ensuring that the institution’s systems comply with relevant regulatory
requirements. (iii) Legal/Compliance: The legal and compliance departments are responsi-
ble for ensuring that the institution’s crypto-asset operations comply with relevant laws
and regulations. They may develop and oversee policies and procedures related to com-
pliance with anti-money laundering (AML) and know-your-customer (KYC) regulations.
(iv) Finance/Accounting: The finance and accounting departments are responsible for
managing the institution’s financial risks related to crypto-assets. They may be responsible
for developing and implementing controls around the accounting and reporting of crypto-
asset-related transactions. (v) Operations: The operations department is responsible for
managing the day-to-day activities related to the institution’s crypto-asset operations. They
may be responsible for executing crypto-asset transactions, managing custodial arrange-
ments, and ensuring the safe storage of crypto-assets. (vi) Human Resources: The human
resources department is responsible for ensuring that employees are trained and aware of
the institution’s crypto-asset operational risk management framework. They may also be
responsible for conducting background checks and monitoring employees for compliance
with relevant policies and procedures.
These are just a few examples of the departments that may be involved in an institu-
tion’s CORM framework. The key is to ensure that all relevant departments are involved
in the framework and that there is clear communication and coordination between them.
To measure the effectiveness of CORM framework, organizations should consider key
performance indicators (KPIs) such as (i) Risk exposure: This measures the level of risk
an organization is exposed to at any given time. It can be measured using metrics such as
the number of security incidents, the value of assets at risk, and the impact of any security
breaches; (ii) Risk assessment: This measures the quality of risk assessment processes,
including how well risks are identified, evaluated, and prioritized. KPIs here can include
the percentage of risks identified, the accuracy of risk assessments, and the time taken to
complete risk assessments. (iii) Risk mitigation: This measures the effectiveness of mea-
sures put in place to mitigate identified risks. KPIs here can include the percentage of risks
mitigated, the cost-effectiveness of mitigation measures, and the time taken to implement
mitigation measures. (iv) Incident response: This measures how well an organization
responds to security incidents. KPIs here can include the time taken to detect and respond
to incidents, the effectiveness of incident response procedures, and the impact of incidents
on the organization.
By measuring these KPIs, organizations can continually evaluate the effectiveness of
their CORM and make necessary improvements to ensure the security and success of their
Crypto-asset ecosystems vary in size and complexity. The CORM framework is adapt-
able for both small firms and large corporates, albeit with key differentiators in its applica-
tion. For small firms, CORM can serve as a foundational tool to establish basic operational
risk management practices, focusing on cost-effective measures such as simplified key
management systems and basic compliance protocols. These firms may prioritize agility
and rapid implementation, leveraging CORM to navigate the complexities of crypto-assets
without extensive resources. In contrast, large corporates can utilize CORM to develop a
comprehensive, multi-layered risk management strategy that integrates advanced tech-
nologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning for real-time risk assessment. They
can afford to invest in robust infrastructure, extensive training programs, and detailed
compliance frameworks that align with global regulatory standards. Additionally, large
firms may face more complex operational risks due to their scale, necessitating a more
sophisticated approach to stakeholder communication and incident response. While CORM
provides a structured approach to managing operational risks associated with crypto-assets
for both small and large entities, the scale, complexity, and resource allocation significantly
influence its implementation and effectiveness across different organizational contexts.
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2024, 17, 550 18 of 31
We have identified two specific instances in the recent years where crypto-assets have
succumbed to threats due to heightened operational risks. Hypothetically, we have applied
the CORM framework in these two distinct cases where crypto-asset exchanges succumbed
to either external risks such as hacking or internal vulnerabilities. We have analyzed how
CORM would have helped to mitigate operational risks. Following are the case studies
which show how the framework might function in real-world scenarios, strengthening our
argument of its applicability.
risk management practices. Binance could have established a dedicated risk management
team responsible for continuously assessing the effectiveness of security measures and
adapting to emerging threats in the cryptocurrency landscape. The framework provides
guidance on implementing effective mitigation strategies. For Binance, this could have
included the adoption of advanced security measures such as hardware security modules
(HSMs) for key management, real-time monitoring of transactions for suspicious activities,
and a well-defined incident response plan to address potential breaches swiftly (CoinDesk
2022; Forbes 2022; Livni 2022; TechRadar 2023).
7. Conclusions
For any business involved in the cryptocurrency sector to succeed and last, effective
crypto operational risk management is essential. It entails recognizing, evaluating, and
reducing risks related to the people, procedures, and technology used in crypto operations.
Among the many benefits of cryptocurrencies and other crypto-assets are decentralization,
transparency, and quick transactions. They do, however, have inherent dangers, including
market volatility, security breaches, and regulatory uncertainty, just like any other financial
asset. It is becoming more and more crucial for organizations participating in the financial
ecosystem to have a clear operational risk management strategy for crypto-assets as they
continue to acquire traction and popularity. While still taking advantage of the innovation
that crypto offers, such a framework assists institutions in recognizing, evaluating, and
reducing the risks related to crypto-asset operations.
Paving the way for future policy responses to mitigate operational risk, CORM pro-
vides a structured approach to addressing the unique operational risks associated with
crypto-assets. By aligning with the Basel Committee for Banking Supervision (BCBS) risk
classification, CORM not only aids financial institutions in navigating the complexities
of crypto-asset operations but also serves as a valuable tool for regulators in establish-
ing coherent guidelines. The framework enables institutions to proactively manage risks,
thereby preserving their reputation and safeguarding stakeholder interests. Future research
should focus on refining the CORM framework by incorporating real-time data analytics
and machine learning techniques to enhance risk assessment and mitigation strategies.
Research can explore the incorporation of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning
(ML) to improve risk assessment and mitigation strategies within the CORM framework.
These technologies can facilitate real-time monitoring of operational risks and enhance
predictive analytics, allowing institutions to proactively address vulnerabilities. Also,
empirical studies being conducted to validate the effectiveness of the CORM framework in
various institutional contexts is essential. This could involve case studies of financial institu-
tions that have implemented CORM, assessing its impact on operational risk management
and overall performance. Future research can also focus on comparing the application of
the CORM framework across different regulatory environments and jurisdictions. This
analysis can identify best practices and highlight how varying regulatory landscapes influ-
ence the effectiveness of operational risk management strategies. Research can focus on
creating models that adapt to changes in market conditions, technological advancements,
and emerging threats. Additionally, exploring the integration of CORM with existing
regulatory frameworks across different jurisdictions can provide insights into harmonizing
global standards for crypto-asset management. Research can also be performed on the
development of educational programs and training modules for financial institutions to
effectively implement the CORM framework. This can include creating resources that
enhance understanding of operational risks specific to crypto-assets and best practices for
The industry can contribute to the adoption of the CORM framework by fostering
collaboration among stakeholders, including financial institutions, technology providers,
and regulatory bodies. Engaging in public–private partnerships can facilitate the sharing
of best practices and resources, ultimately leading to the development of a more resilient
and secure crypto-asset ecosystem. Furthermore, industry-led initiatives to standardize
J. Risk Financial Manag. 2024, 17, 550 20 of 31
operational risk management practices can enhance the framework’s applicability and
effectiveness, ensuring that it meets the evolving needs of the crypto-asset landscape. By
working together, stakeholders can create a robust operational risk management framework
that not only addresses current challenges but also anticipates future developments in the
rapidly changing world of crypto-assets.
Theoretically, we extended the realm of uncertainty theory of risks in the context
of crypto-assets, wherein the antecedents, catalysts and outcomes of operational risks
are unprecedented. Since the threats are evolving and pervasive to a finite domain, our
framework paves the way for empirical investigations in the future. This will lead to further
insights into idiosyncrasies of crypto-assets. Academically, we propose a parsimonious
measure in the form of a simple framework. It can complement research on measures of
risks and return of portfolios consisting of crypto-assets. It may further lead to actionable
insights into audits and benchmarks of the operational risks of crypto-assets. CORM as
a framework may lead to a culmination of insights from industry and academia, with its
application to map and measure specific controls for operational risk mitigation, such as
multi-signature wallets, blockchain verification protocols, etc.
The proposed framework helps institutions to navigate the unique challenges posed by
crypto-assets and ensures that they are in compliance with relevant regulatory requirements.
Institutions can reduce the possible impact of operational mishaps involving crypto-assets,
preserve their reputation, and safeguard the interests of their stakeholders by adopting
a proactive approach to operational risk management. Institutions must exercise caution
when handling the dangers connected to crypto-assets, even while they present exciting
prospects for innovation and expansion. For institutions to confidently engage in the crypto
ecosystem while successfully reducing the risks related to crypto-assets, CORM as a clear
operational risk management framework is essential.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, D.R. and A.D.; methodology, D.R. and A.D.; validation,
D.R., A.D. and D.T.; formal analysis, D.R. and A.D.; investigation, D.R. and A.D.; writing—original
draft preparation, D.R., A.D. and D.T.; writing—review and editing, D.R., A.D. and D.T.; visualization,
D.R. and A.D. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Data Availability Statement: The research is based on secondary data published on public domains.
Data sources have been cited in-text and in references with URL.
Conflicts of Interest: Author Ashutosh Dubey is employed by the company National Payments
Corporation of India. The remaining authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence
of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
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