no. system shortcut
no. system shortcut
no. system shortcut
1. Divisibility Shortcut Tricks
1. Divisible by 2: Check if the last digit is even.
2. Divisible by 4: Look at the last two digits.
Example: 132132132 → Last two digits 323232 → 32÷4=832 \div 4 = 832÷4=8, so
3. Divisible by 8: Check the last three digits.
4. Divisible by 11:
Find the difference between the sum of digits in odd positions and even positions.
If the difference is divisible by 11, so is the number.
Example: 483271483271483271 → Odd: 4+3+7=144+3+7=144+3+7=14, Even:
8+2+1=118+2+1=118+2+1=11. Difference: 14−11=314-11=314−11=3 → Not
3. Finding Remainders
1. Power Modulus Shortcut:
Use Cyclic Pattern:
Example: Find remainder of 781÷97^{81} \div 9781÷9.
7mod 9=77 \mod 9 = 77mod9=7.
Powers of 777: 71=77^1 = 771=7, 72=49mod 9=47^2 = 49 \mod 9 =
472=49mod9=4, 73=343mod 9=17^3 = 343 \mod 9 = 173=343mod9=1.
Cycle: 7,4,17, 4, 17,4,1.
81mod 3=081 \mod 3 = 081mod3=0 → 781mod 9=17^{81} \mod 9 =
2. Last Digit Shortcut:
Find the last digit of 2202^{20}220:
Powers of 2 repeat in cycles of 4: 2,4,8,62, 4, 8, 62,4,8,6.
20mod 4=020 \mod 4 = 020mod4=0 → Last digit = 666.
7. Prime Numbers
1. Shortcut to Check Primality:
A number nnn is prime if it is not divisible by any prime number ≤n\leq \sqrt{n}≤n.
Example: Check if 979797 is prime.
97≈9.8\sqrt{97} \approx 9.897≈9.8. Check divisors 2,3,5,72, 3, 5, 72,3,5,7:
Not divisible → Prime.
8. Modular Arithmetic in Cyclic Problems
Example: Find the day of the week after 500 days, if today is Monday.
500mod 7=3500 \mod 7 = 3500mod7=3.
3 days after Monday = Thursday.
9. Miscellaneous Tricks
1. Product of Consecutive Numbers:
The product of nnn consecutive integers is divisible by n!n!n!.
2. Digit Root Shortcut:
To check divisibility by 999, find the digital root (sum of digits until a single digit
Example: 198→1+9+8=18→1+8=9198 → 1+9+8 = 18 → 1+8 =
9198→1+9+8=18→1+8=9 → Divisible by 999.
1. Divisibility Shortcut Tricks
1. Divisible by 2: Check if the last digit is even.
2. Divisible by 4: Look at the last two digits.
Example: 132132132 → Last two digits 323232 → 32÷4=832 \div 4 = 832÷4=8, so
3. Divisible by 8: Check the last three digits.
4. Divisible by 11:
Find the difference between the sum of digits in odd positions and even positions.
If the difference is divisible by 11, so is the number.
Example: 483271483271483271 → Odd: 4+3+7=144+3+7=144+3+7=14, Even:
8+2+1=118+2+1=118+2+1=11. Difference: 14−11=314-11=314−11=3 → Not
7. Prime Numbers
1. Shortcut to Check Primality:
A number nnn is prime if it is not divisible by any prime number ≤n\leq \sqrt{n}≤n.
Example: Check if 979797 is prime.
97≈9.8\sqrt{97} \approx 9.897≈9.8. Check divisors 2,3,5,72, 3, 5, 72,3,5,7:
Not divisible → Prime.
9. Miscellaneous Tricks
1. Product of Consecutive Numbers:
The product of nnn consecutive integers is divisible by n!n!n!.
2. Digit Root Shortcut:
To check divisibility by 999, find the digital root (sum of digits until a single digit
Example: 198→1+9+8=18→1+8=9198 → 1+9+8 = 18 → 1+8 =
9198→1+9+8=18→1+8=9 → Divisible by 999.
1. Divisibility Shortcut Tricks
1. Divisible by 2: Check if the last digit is even.
2. Divisible by 4: Look at the last two digits.
Example: 132132132 → Last two digits 323232 → 32÷4=832 \div 4 = 832÷4=8, so
3. Divisible by 8: Check the last three digits.
4. Divisible by 11:
Find the difference between the sum of digits in odd positions and even positions.
If the difference is divisible by 11, so is the number.
Example: 483271483271483271 → Odd: 4+3+7=144+3+7=144+3+7=14, Even:
8+2+1=118+2+1=118+2+1=11. Difference: 14−11=314-11=314−11=3 → Not
3. Finding Remainders
1. Power Modulus Shortcut:
Use Cyclic Pattern:
Example: Find remainder of 781÷97^{81} \div 9781÷9.
7mod 9=77 \mod 9 = 77mod9=7.
Powers of 777: 71=77^1 = 771=7, 72=49mod 9=47^2 = 49 \mod 9 =
472=49mod9=4, 73=343mod 9=17^3 = 343 \mod 9 = 173=343mod9=1.
Cycle: 7,4,17, 4, 17,4,1.
81mod 3=081 \mod 3 = 081mod3=0 → 781mod 9=17^{81} \mod 9 =
2. Last Digit Shortcut:
Find the last digit of 2202^{20}220:
Powers of 2 repeat in cycles of 4: 2,4,8,62, 4, 8, 62,4,8,6.
20mod 4=020 \mod 4 = 020mod4=0 → Last digit = 666.
7. Prime Numbers
1. Shortcut to Check Primality:
A number nnn is prime if it is not divisible by any prime number ≤n\leq \sqrt{n}≤n.
Example: Check if 979797 is prime.
97≈9.8\sqrt{97} \approx 9.897≈9.8. Check divisors 2,3,5,72, 3, 5, 72,3,5,7:
Not divisible → Prime.
9. Miscellaneous Tricks
1. Product of Consecutive Numbers:
The product of nnn consecutive integers is divisible by n!n!n!.
2. Digit Root Shortcut:
To check divisibility by 999, find the digital root (sum of digits until a single digit
Example: 198→1+9+8=18→1+8=9198 → 1+9+8 = 18 → 1+8 =
9198→1+9+8=18→1+8=9 → Divisible by 999.
Example: For 121212 and 151515:
HCF = 333, Product = 12×15=18012 \times 15 = 18012×15=180.
LCM = 180÷3=60180 \div 3 = 60180÷3=60.
3. Finding Remainders
1. Power Modulus Shortcut:
Use Cyclic Pattern:
Example: Find remainder of 781÷97^{81} \div 9781÷9.
7mod 9=77 \mod 9 = 77mod9=7.
Powers of 777: 71=77^1 = 771=7, 72=49mod 9=47^2 = 49 \mod 9 =
472=49mod9=4, 73=343mod 9=17^3 = 343 \mod 9 = 173=343mod9=1.
Cycle: 7,4,17, 4, 17,4,1.
81mod 3=081 \mod 3 = 081mod3=0 → 781mod 9=17^{81} \mod 9 =
2. Last Digit Shortcut:
Find the last digit of 2202^{20}220:
Powers of 2 repeat in cycles of 4: 2,4,8,62, 4, 8, 62,4,8,6.
20mod 4=020 \mod 4 = 020mod4=0 → Last digit = 666.
4. Sum of Digits Shortcut
To find the sum of digits quickly:
Example: Sum of digits of 985439854398543: 9+8+5+4+3=299 + 8 + 5 + 4 + 3 =
Shortcut: Group numbers for mental math: (9+8=17),(5+4=9),(17+9+3=29)
(9+8=17), (5+4=9), (17+9+3=29)(9+8=17),(5+4=9),(17+9+3=29).
7. Prime Numbers
1. Shortcut to Check Primality:
A number nnn is prime if it is not divisible by any prime number ≤n\leq \sqrt{n}≤n.
Example: Check if 979797 is prime.
97≈9.8\sqrt{97} \approx 9.897≈9.8. Check divisors 2,3,5,72, 3, 5, 72,3,5,7:
Not divisible → Prime.