22101759 CN Scheme
22101759 CN Scheme
22101759 CN Scheme
Part A
Answer any six questions
Each question carries three marks
1. Datagram Segmentation. Dividing a single datagram into multiple units to keep each
unit in the range of maximum transfer unit. Network segmentation can also be
considered here as the question doesn't specify which one it is.
2. A line code is the code used for data transmission of a digital signal over a transmission
line. This process of coding is chosen so as to avoid overlap and distortion of signal
such as inter-symbol interference.
3. Multiplexing and Spread Spectrum
4. network switch is a networking hardware that connects devices on a computer network.
Circuit switch, packet switch and message switching
5. Datagrams are data packets created in the network layer which contain adequate header
information so that they can be individually routed by all intermediate network
switching devices to the destination.
6. CRC is a linear block error detecting code. A group of reminder error control bits
generated by the polynomial division of the message polynomial by a generator
polynomial is appended to the message
7. The flow and error control protocols in DLL requires the destination to acknowledge
the proper arrival of a packet. If the packet is not properly received various ARQ
protocols ensure that the packets are retransmitted
8. Technique for using a specified range of frequencies more than once in the same radio
system so that the total capacity of the system is increased without increasing its
allocated bandwidth.
9. Address space is the unique number of identifiers that can be allotted to the participating
systems in a network. With 32 bits, the address space of Ipv4 is 2 32Q
10. The internet protocol is a set of standards for addressing and routing packets in a
11. Congestion Control is a mechanism that controls the entry of data packets into the
network, enabling a better use of a shared network infrastructure and avoiding
congestive collapse.
12. The inverse domain is used for mapping an address to a name. When the server has
received a request from the client, and the server contains the files of only authorized
clients. To determine whether the client is on the authorized list or not, it sends a query
to the DNS server and ask for mapping an address to the name.
Part B
Answer any four questions
Each question carries eight marks
13. OSI reference mode- Application layer- Presentation layer- Session layer- Transport
layer- Network layer - Data Link layer- Physical layer- TCP/IP- Application layer-
Transport layer- Network layer - Data Link layer- Physical layer-a clear description
about the responsibilities of each layer.
14. Phase Shift Keying-In Phase Shift Keying, the phase of the carrier is varied to
represent 2 or more different signal elements-Binary Phase Shift Key uses 2 bits at a
time in each signal elements --It decreases baud rate and band width. QPSK uses 2
separate BPSK modulations. -The one is in-phase and the other outer phase. -The
incoming bits are first passed through a serial to parallel conversion that sends 1bit to
1 modulator and other bit to the other modulator. --If the duration of each bit in the
incoming signal T, duration of each bit sends to the corresponding BPSK signal 2T. -
The 2 composite signals created by each multiplier phases. When they are added the
result is another Sin wave with one of four possible phases 45°, -45°,135°, -135°.
Is a process of various analogue message signals or digital data streams are converted
to a single signal over one shared medium like cable, multiplexing has less resistance
to natural noise, interference and jamming. -Types 1) Wavelength-Division
2)Frequency-Division Multiplexing-3) Synchronous Time-Division Multiplexing
Multiplexing combines signals from several sources to achieve bandwidth efficiency;
the available bandwidth of a link is divided between the sources. In spread spectrum,
we-also combine signals from different sources to fit into a larger bandwidth, but our
goals are somewhat different. Spread spectrum is designed to be used in wireless
applications-(LANs and WANs). In these types of applications, we have some
concerns that outweigh bandwidth efficiency. In wireless applications, all stations use
air (or a vacuum) as the medium for communication. Stations must be able to share
this medium without interception by an eavesdropper and without being subject to
jamming from a malicious intruder-(in military operations, for example).-To achieve
these goals, spread spectrum techniques add redundancy; they spread the original
spectrum needed for each station. If the required bandwidth for each station is B,
spread spectrum expands it to Bss' such that Bss » B. The expanded bandwidth allows
the source to wrap its message in a protective envelope for a more secure
transmission. -Types-1) Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS)-2) Direct
Sequence Spread Spectrum- (Explain).
16. CSMA -Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) is a
network protocol for carrier transmission that operates in the Medium Access Control
(MAC) layer. It senses or listens whether the shared channel for transmission is busy
or not, and defers transmissions until the channel is free. -Various persistent methods:
-* 1-persistent CSMA-* p-persistent CSMA-* Non-persistent CSMA-
1. 1-persistent CSMA -Definition: -In this method, to transmit data the station wants
to continuously sense the channel to check whether the channel is busy or idle.
2. p-persistent CSMA- Definition: -This is the method that is used when channel has
time-slots and that time-slot duration is equal to or greater than the maximum
propagation delay time. When the station is ready to send the frames, it will sense the
3. Non - persistent CSMA- Definition: - In this method, the station that has frames to
send, only that station senses for the channel. In case of an idle channel, it will send
frame immediately to that channel. In case when the channel is found busy, it will
wait for the random time and again sense for the state of the station whether idle or
20. If a label is terminated by a null string, it is called a fully qualified domain name
(FQDN). It contains the full name of a host. It contains all labels that uniquely define
the name of the host. - ex: challenger.ate.tbda.edu. -A DNS server can only match an
FQDN to an address. - The name must end with a null label.
Partially Qualified Domain Name -If a label is not terminated by a null string, it is
called a partially qualified domain-name (PQDN). A PQDN starts from a node, but it
does not reach the root. It is used when the name to be resolved belongs to the same
site as the client. Here the resolver can supply the missing part, called the suffix, to
create an FQDN. For example, if a user at the jhda.edu. site wants to get the IP
address of the challenger computer, he or she can define the partial name challenger
The DNS client adds the suffix atc.jhda.edu. before passing the address to the DNS
server. -The DNS client normally holds a list of suffixes.
21. Complex block cipher- Algorithm encryption 64-bit plane text block using 64-bit key
Triple DES- Triple DES purpose to lengthen the key-This uses Triple DES block -
2different version 3 DES are in use-3 DES with 2 key and 1 key
Part C
Answer any three questions
Each question carries fifteen marks. Maximum 30 marks
-Definition-Analog signals can have an infinite number of values in a range
-Comparison of analogue and digital--Comparison figure--periodic and analogue
signals--Sine Wave-figure—Wavelength--Time and Frequency Domain
-Composite Signals--Bandwidth
* Disadvantages
. bandwidth very low-. susceptible to interference and noise -. time consuming
. not suitable for long distance-*Unguided media:
* Disadvantages;
. susceptible to weather condition-. eavesdropping creates insecure- communication
. It is generally expensive-. transmission speed is generally slow
*Features of guided and Unguided media-.data transmission-. Alternative name
. suitability-. Network topologies-. Transmission speed-. Nature of signals-. Security
. Cost
24. Framing in data link layer separates a message from one source to destination or from
other messages to other destinations by adding a sender address and a destination
-Fixed size framing
Here is no need for defining the boundaries of frames. The size itself can be used as a
delimiter. --Variable size framing: -In variable size framing we need a way to define
the end of the frame and beginning of next. --character oriented: To separate one frame
from next an 8-bit flag is added at the beginning and end of frame. - - byte stuffing
-bit oriented protocols: Here protocols use a special 8-bit pattern flag 01111110 as the
delimiter to define the beginning and end of frame. --Bit stuffing
(Proper explanation)