PAYTM 15032022185921 OCL Disclosure
PAYTM 15032022185921 OCL Disclosure
PAYTM 15032022185921 OCL Disclosure
Pursuant to Regulation 30 and all other applicable provisions of SEBI (Listing Obligations and
Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015, it is hereby informed that Mr. Munish Ravinder
Varma (DIN: 02442753), Non-executive, Non-Independent Director of the Company, has
tendered his resignation vide resignation letter dated March 14, 2022, with effect from the closure
of Business hours on March 14, 2022, due to personal commitments and other pre-occupations.
We also wish to inform that upon resignation of Mr. Munish Ravinder Varma as Non-executive,
Non-Independent Director of the Company, Mr. Vikas Agnihotri (DIN: 08174465), Alternate
Director to Mr. Munish Ravinder Varma, ceased to be Alternate Director of the Company from
closure of Business hours on March 14, 2022.
The details as required under the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
Regulations, 2015 read with SEBI Circular No. CIR/CFD/CMD/4/2015 are enclosed as
"Annexure-I" along with Copy of the resignation letter received from the Directors of the Company.
Thanking you
ications Limited
One 97 Communications Limited Corporate Office - B 121, Sector 5, Naida 201301, India T: +91120 4770770 F: +91120 4770771 CIN: L72200DL2000PLC108985 Registered Office - 136, First Floor, Devika Tower, Nehru Place, New Delhi-110019
Annexure - I
b) Resignation of Mr. Vikas Agnihotri (DIN: 08174465), Alternate Director consequent to the
resignation of Mr. Munish Ravinder Varma
One 97 Communications Limited Corporate Office - B 121, Sector 5, Naida 201301, India T: +91120 4770770 F: +91120 4770771 CIN: L72200DL2000PLC108985 Registered Office - 136, First Floor, Devika Tower, Nehru Place, New Delhi-110019