GSR 54 (E)
GSR 54 (E)
GSR 54 (E)
4., -I:.
ZEhe GaIette of ;:Onclict 3TRT141711
RPT 11—thus 3-37-V1T4 (i)
PART II—Section 3—Sub-section (i)
inftra# #12-+TtfrT
N. 521 fq•ca, ssthat1 23, 2015/RIT1 3, 1936
No.521 NEW DELHI, FRIDAY, JANUARY 23, 2015 /MAGHA 3, 1936
"ITR-thzr tl .il *'M7 *Tr-t-a• Ovi*H-r \341'-cd fib ilia 00 3ft het 1,ci
thR* JR17 20 fr-49- 71k**f47Acti 4-11,14;1 t kAe. I"
ftttrul-: M T2H-41,I ITTTH- * 4 *T.W. 844(30 di 19 vI ci eR, 1986 11 VT-TP[1' f:T7 .17 4
31)-T 31-W19-HT Tf. TT31T. 433(30, 7 -rth1- - 18 3T0- , 1987; #. TT.3Tr. 01(30,
'ff-1-4z1 1 TTi T, 2010; #. TI.31r. 215(30, 7Tft q" 15 i-14, 2011; T. T7.31T. 221(30, 7[4U 18 ,
2011; #. Tr.31-1. 354(30, Titlig- 2 41, 2011; TT. TT.3Tf. 424(30, '11 -N- 1 1-1, 2011; 7,[. 9T.3[[.
446(3T), -Tittu- 131,i, 2011;#. TT.31T. 152(30, 9T -thl 16 4114, 2012; t. T[.311. 266(3T), ii fl 30
4 114, 2012; T[. T7.311. 277(30, 71 -4-q- 31 4114, 2012; #. T[.31T. 820(30, 9-1-t9-U 9 rider, 2012;
T-1.3iT. 176(3T), 91 -414 18 4114, 2013; Tf. TT.3ff. 535(3T), 8 -1ft% 7 317Fff, 2013; It. T7.31T. 771(30,
7t-q- 11 R-#--4--(, 2013; Tf. TT.3IT. 2(3T), 8-ReIT1. 2 79-1--fr, 2014; TT. TT.31T. 229(30, 9 -1O 28 HI
2014; #. TT.3IT. 262(3T), 9-fttU 31 +114, 2014; Tf. T-T.3TT. 612(30, M -fl 28 31 T1Tff, 2014; 3t-T
T[.31T. 789(30, TIC 11 ei cit,R, 2014 q m + RH I
The 113.2 kW diesel gensets manufactured by M/s Kirloskar Oil Engine Limited, Pune for the
purpose of their use in 3D Tactical Control Radars System for use by the Indian Army shall be
exempted from the regulations specified for new diesel engine upto 800 kW for generator set, under
this entry, subject to following conditions, namely:---
the said gensets would comply with emission norms as existing on 30th June 2013,
as per G.S.R. 371(E), dated 17th May, 2002;
the special dispensation for the emission norms shall be only for the diesel gensets,
not exceeding twenty in number, to be used in 3D Tactical Control Radars System,
with the present design or configuration which shall be procured and used on or
before 30th June, 2015;
the General Manager (Radar) and Unit Head, Bharat Electronics Limited, Sahibabad
shall ensure and maintain the serial numbers for twenty gensets and shall direct the
manufacturer of these generator sets to emboss on the engine and main body of the
gensets, the words "For the use of Army only in 3D Tactical Control Radars
a register shall be maintained at the premises of the manufacturer or assembler of
gensets and in the Bharat Electronics Limited, Sahibabad to ensure that only twenty
diesel gensets of 113.2 kW are manufactured under special dispensation and this
exemption shall not be misused elsewhere, for similar or other purpose."
[F.No. Q-15017/08/2012-CPW]
Note:—The principal rules were published in the Gazette of India vide number S.O. 844 (E), dated the 19th
November, 1986 and subsequently amended vide notification numbers S.O. 433 (E), dated the 18th
April 1987; G.S.R. 01 (E), dated the 1st January, 2010; G.S.R. 215 (E), dated the 15th March, 2011;
G.S.R. 221(E), dated the 18th March, 2011; G.S.R. 354 (E), dated the 2nd May, 2011; G.S.R. 424
(E), dated the 1st June, 2011; G.S.R. 446 (E), dated the 13th June, 2011; G.S.R. 152 (E), dated the
16th March, 2012; G.S.R. 266(E), dated the 30th March, 2012; G.S.R. 277 (E); dated the 31st March,
2012; G.S.R. 820(E), dated the 9th November, 2012; G.S.R. 176(E), dated the 18th March, 2013;
G.S.R. 535(E), dated the 7th August, 2013; G.S.R. 771 (E), dated the 11th December, 2013, G.S.R.
2(E), dated the 2nd January, 2014; G.S.R. 229(E), dated the 28th March, 2014; GSR 262(E) dated
31st March 2014; GSR 612(E) dated 28th August; 2014 and G.S.R 789 (E) dated
11th November 2014 .
Printed by the Manager, Government of India Press, Ring Road, Mayapuri, New Delhi-110064
and Published by the Controller of Publications, Delhi-110054.