1. Showing possible register configuration in I/O interface, explain Program controlled I/O.
2. Write a program to read a line of character from the keyboard and display it.
(Equivalent of 1 and 2 Explain I/O interface for input device and also write the assembly
program that reads one line from keyboard and echoes it back to display)
5. Write a note on (i) interrupt hardware (ii) interrupt nesting. (iii) vectored interrupts.
6. Define interrupt. Point out and explain the various ways of enabling and disabling interrupts.
7. With neat diagram, discuss implementation of interrupt priority using individual request and
acknowledgement lines.
8. With neat sketches, explain various methods for handling multiple interrupt requests raised by
multiple devices/ Explain the following methods of handling interrupts from multiple devices (i)
Daisy chain method (ii) Priority structure. / Explain how simultaneous interrupts are handled
using the concept of Daisy chain.
(ii) Explain the operation of DMA with neat diagram/ Explain use of DMA controllers in a
computer system, with neat diagram.
Module 4
1. Explain the internal organization of the memory with example
2. With a neat diagram, (i) Explain the internal organization of 128 x 8 memory chip. (ii) Explain
the internal organization of 16 x 8 memory chip
6. Explain the working of single transistor dynamic memory cell and internal organization of 16
Megabit DRAM chip configured as 2M x 8 cells
7. Analyze how data can be written into read only memories (ROM). Discuss different types of
read only memories.
9.(i) Briefly explain secondary storage devices. (ii) Describe the principles of magnetic disk. (iii)
What are the major functions of disk controller.
Memory latency (ii) Memory Bandwidth (iii) Memory Access time (iv) Memory cycle time
Module 5