Ch3: Public, Private and Global Enterprises
1. ‘Global enterprises may issue equity shares, debentures or bonds to public’ identify this feature:
(a)Foreign collaboration (b)Huge capital resource
(c) Product innovation (d)Centralized control
2. MNC’s are able to conform to international standards and quality specifications because of their
(a)Marketing strategies (b)Centralised control
(c) Huge capital resource (d)Advanced technology
3. MNC’s are in a position to exercise massive control of world economy because of their
(a)Capital resources and latest technology (b)Political interference
(c) Low cost of production (d)Established brand name
4. With the enactment of LIC Act,1956, an autonomous body, Life Insurance Corporation of India was
formed. This act defines its powers, duties and functions. It has a separate legal entity. It is fully owned by
Government. It has independent financial policy and can raise funds by borrowing from public and
government. However, it is not subject to any budgetary accounting and audit control like Railways.
Its annual report is presented in parliament every year. Which public sector form is being referred here?
(a)Government Company (b)Statutory Corporation
(c) General Contracts (d)Public Private Partnership
5. After 1991, government wanted to speed up the infrastructure development that required huge
investment & expertise. In the coming years, govt. devised a new way for it in which public sector
enterprises, through clear agreements. Like terminal 3 of Indira Gandhi International Airport. What such
agreement/arrangements are called?
(a)Contractual Joint venture (b)PPP
(c) Particular partnership (d)None of the above
6. Maharashtra Pharmaceuticals Ltd, registered under the companies Act, 1956, was started with a paid-up
capital of Rs50,00,000. 60% of this paid-up capital is in the hands of private individuals and balance is held
by the government of Maharashtra. Maharashtra Pharmaceuticals Ltd belongs to which form of public
sector enterprise.
(a)Public corporation (b)Government company
(c) Public company (d)Joint stock company
7. In your neighbourhood market, there are shops owned by sole proprietors or big retail organisations
run by a company. They belong to which sector?
(a)Public (b)Private
(c) Social (d)Mixed
8. The Statement ‘MNCs are characterised by possessing huge financial resources’, suggests that……
(a) They enjoy credibility in the capital market
(b) They are able to tap funds from various sources
(c) Qualitative research requires huge investment which only global enterprises can afford
(d) Both(a)and(b)
10. Global enterprises thus are huge industrial organizations which extend their industrial and marketing
operations through a network of their branches in several countries. Their branches are also called
(a)MOA (b)Subsidiaries
(c) MOFA (d)None of the above
11. Which of the following points depicts the suitability of Government company form of PSU?
(a) These enterprises provide goods and services at reasonable prices are able to control the market and
curb unhealthy business practices
(b) It is a valuable instrument for economic development. It has the power of the government,
combined with the initiative of private enterprises.
(c) Where national security is concerned, this form is most suitable since it is under the direct control
and supervision of the concerned Ministry.
(d) All of the above
1.Classify the following companies as departmental undertakings, statutory corporations and government
companies: RBI, HMT Ltd., Defence, Maruti Udyog Ltd. Also, give names of four MNC’s operating in India.
2.Distinguish between public sector and private sector on any 4 basis.
3. Can the public sector companies compete with the private sector in terms of profits and efficiency? Give
reasons for your answer.