BOW Template
BOW Template
BOW Template
Department of Education
GRADE LEVEL STANDARDS: Learners use systems to analyze and explain natural phenomena and explain the dynamics of faults and earthquakes. They identify and
assess the earthquake risks for their local communities using authentic and reliable secondary data. They use national and local disaster awareness and risk reduction
management plans to identify and explain to others what to do in the event of an earthquake and/or tsunami. Learners explain the cause and effects of secondary impacts
that some coastal communities may experience should a tsunami be produced by either a local or distant earthquake. Learners identify and explain how Solar energy
influences the atmosphere and weather systems of the Earth and that these are the dominant processes that influence the climate of the country.
The learners learn that:
1. Sunlight is the Earth’s external source of energy.
2. Solar energy influences the atmosphere and weather patterns.
By the end of the quarter, learners use reliable scientific information to identify and explain how solar energy influences the atmosphere and weather systems of the
Earth and use such information to appreciate and explain the dominant processes that influence the climate of the Philippines.
Week Learning Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Competency/ies (Monday) (Tuesday) (Wednesday) (Thursday) (Catch-Up Friday)
(1 Lesson) (1 Lesson) (1 Lesson) (1 Lesson) Reading Peace Education Health Education Values
6 LC9. Explain LC9 LC9 LC9 LC9 LC12 LC12 LC12 LC12
how energy from
the Sun interacts Specific Specific Specific Specific Reading Skills: Subtheme: Subtheme: Subtheme:
with the Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective: (Choose 2-3) Good Stewardship Reasons for Good
atmosphere At the end At the end At the end of At the end of • Noting Details using and not Stewardship
of the of the the lesson, the lesson, the • Making Specific using cigarettes
lesson, the lesson, the the learners learners shall Inference Objectives: and alcohol Specific
learners learners shall be able be able to: • Analyzing At the end of the Objectives:
shall be shall be to: • describe and lesson, the Specific At the end of
able to: able to: explain the the Evaluating learners shall be Objectives: the lesson, the
describe the differentiate interaction types of • Drawing able to: At the end of the learners shall
different the layers of of solar clouds. Conclusion • identify lesson, the learners be able to:
layers of the the energy with • Synthesizing and shall be able to: • identify and
atmosphere. atmosphere the layers of • Applying describe • identify and describe the
in terms of Earth's Knowledge the effects describe the effects of
temperature atmosphere of different effects of different
and altitude Specific monsoons different monsoons in
Objectives: in the monsoons in the
Philippines. Philippines.
4/F Bonifacio Building, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City
Direct Line: (632) 8636-6540/8637-4347 E-mail:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
At the end of the Relate the the • Relate the
lesson, the learners importance of Philippines. importance
shall be able to: identifying the • relate the of identifying
• identify and effects of the connection the effects of
describe the different of cigarette the different
effects of monsoons in the and alcohol monsoons in
different Philippines consumption the
monsoons in through with weather Philippines
the mitigation. patterns. by
Philippines. resiliency,
• make adaptability,
inference and and,
conclusion on
the effects of
the different
monsoons in
• Engage in an
reading on
occurrence of
zone (ITCZ) in