The Royal Society
The Royal Society
The Royal Society
Author(s): G. W. Bryan
Source: Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences, Vol. 177, No.
1048, A Discussion on Biological Effects of Pollution in the Sea (Apr. 13, 1971), pp. 389-410
Published by: The Royal Society
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Accessed: 05/05/2014 12:23
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Heavy metals such as copper, zinc and lead are normal constituents of marine and estuarine
environments. When additional quantities are introduced from industrial wastes or sewage
they enter the biogeochemical cycle and, as a result of being potentially toxic, may interfere
with the ecology of a particular environment. In different marine organisms, the behaviour
of heavy metals is described in terms of their absorption, storage, excretion and regulation
when different concentratio-ns are available in the environment. At higher concentrations,
the detrimental effects of heavy metals become apparent and their different toxic effects and
factors affecting them are also described.
Heavy metals in trace amounts are normal constituents of marine organisms and
some of them such as zinc, copper and cobalt are absolutely essential for normal
growth and development. In coastal regions, these metals are normally supplied
to the sea in river water or as wind blown material following the weathering of
rocks (see, for example, Schutz & Turekian I965). However, at the present time,
additional quantities of metals are being added to estuaries and coastal regions
from industrial effluents, from sewage and from atmospheric pollution. For example,
high concentrations of zinc may occur in wastes from synthetic fibre production,
from mining, from electroplating or from sewage, and lead in unusually high con-
centrations in sea water off the coast of California has been attributed to atmos-
pheric pollution above the Los Angeles Basin (Brooks, Presley & Kaplan I967).
At sufficiently high concentrations, heavy metals are toxic to living organisms
and so it is important to know by how much their concentrations may be increased
above the normal range in the environment before effects on marine or estuarine
populations can be detected or commercial species become unsuitable as food.
in solution concentration
possible form after several in coastal
metal of precipitate weeks (parts/106) seawater (parts/106)
Zn ZnCO3 1.2-2.5 0.004*
Cu CuCO3 0.4-0.8 0.005*
Pb PbCO3 0.3-0.7 0.00t
Cd Cd(OH)Cl 4-1000 0.00006*
Ni Ni(OH)2 20-450 0.004*
Co Co(OH)3 25-200 0.0001*
Ag AgCl 2.0-2.5 0.00015T
Cr(6) CaCrO4? high 0.0004?
Riley & Taylor (I968). t Loveridge et al. (I960).
Soyer (I963). ? Fukai & Vas (I967).
.;~~~~~~~- ,'
/ /
0~ ~~~
10-3 lo- 2 1002
x ~~~~~~~0
200 -
100 0
4 0
? 50
20 -
N -| \
2 /- \
1 l
0 25 50 100 300 500
FIGURE 2. Absorption of 3 mg of zinc from stomach fluid in 300 g lobsters Homarus vulyaris
(after Bryan i964). Concentrations in: x, stomach fluid; *, blood; o, hepatopancreas;
?, urine.
(d) Storage
A fourth method of removing metals is by storage, usually for a temporary
period, in a particular tissue. In the lobster, for example, excess zinc in the blood
can partially be removed by absorption in the hepatopancreas (see figure 2) and
can then be lost gradually either in the urine or across the body surface. Other metals
are also stored in crustaceans and in the shrimp, Crangon vulgaris, excess copper
appears to be stored as granules in the cells of the hepatopancreas (Djangmah
1970). Several different sites for storing metals have been recognized in bivalve
molluscs. In Scrobicularia plana zinc, lead and cadmium are stored in the hepato-
pancreas but in the scallop, Chlamys opercularis, storage occurs in the renal organs.
These organs account for about 0.5 0 of the mass of the scallop without its shell
but, even under normal conditions, they may contain more than 50 % of the body
burden of some metals (see table 2). Extremely high concentrations of zinc and
manganese occur in these organs and they appear to be stored and probably
excreted as granules. In oysters it has long been known that excess copper is stored
as granules in wandering leucocytes (Boyce & Herdman I898) and it seems likely
Mean values for animals collected at six intervals during one year.
concentration proportion
in whole concentration of total
body minus in renal metal in
shell (parts/106 organs (parts/106 renal organs
metal wet mass) wet mass) (%)
Zn 71 8582 60
Mn 21.9 3547 81
Fe 16.4 66.4 2
Cu 2.3 240 52
Pb 1.7 148 43
Ni 0.22 15.8 39
Co 0.05 3.4 34
(e) Regulation
By combining the processes of absorption, excretion and storage, the higher
animals, at least, should potentially be capable of regulating the concentrationsof
heavy metals in the body despite changes in their availability in the environment.
How well organisms are able to do this can be checked by exposing them to
different concentrations of a metal and then analysing the tissues.
aD240 -
(b) A
120 /
0. s*l 1t I @* l l l ^ l,,
lo-, 10-2 iff-I 100
ZFiGuRE 3. Zinc in the tissues of the crab, Carcinus rnaenas, after exposure to different con-
centrations in seawater for 32 days at about 13 'C. Points are mean values for at least
2 crabs. (a) Concentrations in: o, blood; (i), excretory organs; *, muscle; *, male
gonad ; G, urine. (b) Concentrations in : *, shell ; x, gills ; o, hepatopancreas ;
whole crab.-
0 0.1 0.2
lead in seawater (part/106)
Frwuim 4. Lead in the tissues of the oyster Crassostrea virgini$caafter exposure to different
concentrations in seawat;er for 49 days (after Pringle et al. I968). Concentrations in:
*, muscle; x, gills; (@,gonad; o, hepatopancreas.
10 0.1 0.2 J
100 -1 --I I4
I601 -
Although very few species have been studied, it seems fairly clear that some
organisms or individual tissues will reflect the concentrations of heavy metals in
the environment and may be suitable as indicator species, whereas others will
not. Even in animals whexrethe concentration of a metal is regulated, some tissues
such as the gills or hepatopancreas may accumulate high concentrations and this
raises the question of the detrimental effects of heavy metals either on the organ-
isms themselves or on their use as food.
6 0
depend on its stability and how easily it can dissociate and give up the metal to
the absorption system of the organism. This reasoning has been used by Herbert &
Vandyke (I964) to explain why the copper-ammonium complex appears to have a
toxicity to rainbow trout which is similar to that for copper ions, whereas the more
stable copper-cyanide complex is less toxic to fish than copper ions (Doudoroff
I956). On the other hand, at concentrations where ions would be precipitated,
metal complexes can remain in solution and in effect become more toxic (hence the
use of copper citrate in figure 7). Other forms of a metal may be more toxic than
the inorganic ions and organo-mercury compounds, which are lipid soluble and
penetrate rapidly into aquatic organisms, are much more toxic than mercuric
chloride (Corner & Sparrow I957). It might be expected that precipitated metals
or those adsorbed onto particles would have a low toxicity, except perhaps in
filter feeders, but Lloyd (I960) and Herbert & Wakeford (I964) found that pre-
cipitated zinc exerted a toxic action on fish. Others, including Sprague (I964a),
have explained their results on the basis that precipitated metals exert very little
toxicity and so there is a strong case for studying this question of the toxicity of
particulate materials in more detail.
In the absence of much evidence to the contrary, it seems reasonable to suppose
that most of the factors affecting toxicity owe their influence to changing the rates
at which metals are absorbed and this could easily be checked if radioisotopes
were used more often in toxicity experiments. For example, using isotopic mercury,
Corner & Rigler (I958) showed that the difference between the resistance of the
larvae of Artemia saluna and Elminius modestus to mercury depends on differences
between the permeabilities of the two organisms, and hence on the rates of uptake,
rather than on differences between the resistance of the tissues.
The antagonistic or synergistic influence of one metal on another may be
explained in the same way. For example, the rate at which zinc is absorbed is
reduced by calcium in the freshwater crayfish and by manganese in the brown
seaweed Laminaria digitata (Bryan I967, I969). Alternatively, one metal may
increase the rate of absorption of another by increasing the permeability of the
body surface and this has been proposed as a possible explanation of the synergistic
behaviour of copper and mercury in small crustaceans by Corner & Sparrow (I956).
Changes in salinity with the tidal cycle would be expected to be a particularly
important factor in relation to metal toxicity in estuaries. However, experiments
with different organisms have given completely different answers. In the amphipod
]arinogammarus marinus Hunter (I949) found that the toxicity of copper in-
creased with decreasing salinity, but Pyefinch & Mott (I948) found that in the
cyprid larva of the barnacle Balanus balanoides the toxicity of copper was lower in
diluted seawater. It was noted that this last result might be explained by the lack
of activity shown by larvae in dilute seawater, because active animals are generally
more susceptible to poisons (see table 4). In contrast to these results, Herbert &
Wakeford (I964) found that smolts of the salmon, Salmo salar, were more resistant
to zinc in 30 to 40 % seawater than in higher or lower concentrations. The reason
w O) Q)Ot a
9 'TI .,.q
I- P)~ ~~P
Q NN 0
?1 bO '0o+
E- !g , Pg R 5C a9 ; 4-
H ;, 2o
H~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4C -
~ O
3H, ~ ~ ~ ~B ~ a~ 9 ~g ~c ~ ~
~~~~~~ j
4 -
$a4 4 I2;c
(i) Morphologicalchanges
Some effects of metals may be recognized as changes in the shape or colour or
even the taste of edible organisms and the classical example of this is that of
oysters turning green with accumulated copper (see, for example, Boyce & Herd-
man I898). In the oyster Crassostrea virginica this greening has been shown to
occur at a soluble copper concentration of about 0.025 part/106 which is roughly
an order of magnitude higher than the concentration in coastal seawater (Shuster
& Pringle I969).
Histological changes have been found in the tissues of freshwater fish and
crustaceans after exposure to moderate concentrations of metals such as copper,
zinc and lead (see, for example, Crandall & Goodnight I963; Hubschmann I967;
Brown, Mitrovic & Stark I968). Recent work by Baker (I969) using the winter
flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanu,s, showed that chronic exposure to copper
concentrations of the order of 1 part/106 in seawater produced changes in the ap-
pearance of the gills and a variety of other effects including necrosis of the kidneys
and fatty metamorphosis of the liver. At a concentration of 0.18 part/106 the
principal effects were seen- in the gills and one of the changes involved the replace-
ment of the mucus cells of the gill epithelium by the so-called chloride cells. Baker
speculates that these chloride cells might excrete copper, and this could explain
why, in some fish, acclimatization to sublethal concentrations of a metal can sub-
sequently increase the resistance of the fish to higher concentrations.
For many years heavy metals have been used in experiments on the development
of sea-urchin eggs (see, for example, Rulon I957; Lallier I959; Wilson & Arm-
strong I96I; Timourian I968). Timourian studied the development of the fertilized
eggs of Lytechinus pictu8 and showed that, when embryos were exposed to
0.06 part/106 of zinc in seawater from fertilization until the formation of the pluteas
larva, development was slowed and 250 of the larvae were structurally abnormal.
Even at 0.006 part/106 of zinc, which is a concentration that might be encountered
26 Vol. I77. B.
(iii) Behaviourchanges
Laboratory experiments with young salmon, Salmo salar, have shown that in
soft tapwater containing 0.002 part/106 of copper and 0.003 part/106 of zinc, the
fish are able to detect and avoid additions of only 0.0023 part/106 of copper and
0.053 part/10 of zinc (Sprague I964b). Also, migrating salmon in a river were turned
back by sublethal concentrations of zinc and copper although the avoidance
thresholds were not as low as in the laboratory (Sprague, Elson & Saunders I965).
increase increase
in length/mm in mass (%)
120 '
/ ,
/ ,
.40122 ~02 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~"
FiG-uRE 8. Effect of copper on growth in Bugula6 neritina ancestrulae after 5 days (after Miller
I 946) a
FIGURE 9. Effect of different concentrations of lead and copper on growth of pieces of Lamib-
naria digitata. ---, Lead experiment: *, nearly 0 part/106; o, 0.1 part/106; x, 0.5
part/106. -, Copper experiment: *, 0.0012 part/106, o, 0.011 part/106, x, 0.051
It is clear from the last three sections that in some instances remarkably low
concentrations of heavy metals in solution can produce detrimental effSects.
Despite the fact that experiments with marine organisms tend to be carried out
with fairly tough species, effects of metals such as copper, silver and zillc have
been recognized at conce-ntrations which are only an order of magnitude higher
5. DiscussioN
Far too little is known, particularly about the ecological effects of heavy metals,
to draw any hasty conclusions. Results from experiments should certainly lead
Baker, J. T. P. I969 Histological and microscopical observations on copper poisoning in the
winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) J. Fi,sh Res. Bd Can. 26, 2785-2793.
Barnes, H. & Stanbury, F. A. I948 The toxic action of copper and mercury salts both
separately and when mixed on the harpactacid copepod, Nitocra spinipes (Boek). J. exp.
Biol. 25, 270-275.
Bernard, F. J. & Lane, C. E. I96I Absorption and excretion of copper ions during settlement
and metamorphosis of the barnacle Balanus amphitrite niveus. Biol. Bull. mar. biol. Lab.,
Woods Hole 121, 438-448.
Bougis, P. I965 Effet du cuivre sur la croissance du pluteus d'Oursin (Paracentrotus lividus).
C. r. hebd. Seanc. Acadc.Sci., Pari,s 260, 2929-2931.
Boyce, R. & Herdman, W. A. I898 On a green leucocytosis in oysters associated with the
presence of copper in leucocytes. Proc. Roy. Soc. Londt. 62, 30-38.
Brooks, R. R., Presley, B. J. & Kaplan, I. R. I967 APDC-MIBK extraction system for the
determination of trace elements in saline waters by atomic-absorption spectrophoto-
metry. Talanta 14, 809--816.