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WMS:Routing HEC-1 Cards

XMS Wiki ‫من‬

1 HEC-1 Routing Data
2 Compute NSTPS Dialog
2.1 Muskingum (RM)
3 HEC-1 Output Control
4 Reservoir Routing Data
5 Channel Data
5.1 Channel Routing
6 Hydrographs
7 Related Topics

HEC-1 Routing Data

Outlet points are used to define
Edit HEC-1 Parameters dialog
locations where hydrographs are
combined and then routed
downstream. The appropriate
combined hydrograph (HC
cards) stations are generated
automatically when writing a
HEC-1 file. However, routing
data must be entered in order to
simulate the movement of a
flood wave through the river
reaches or reservoirs. The
effects of storage and flow
resistance are accounted for in
the shape and timing of the
flood wave. In addition to these HEC-1 Output Control dialog
changes, volume may be lost
due to channel infiltration. Most
of the routing methods available in HEC-1 are based on the continuity equation and some relationship between
flow and storage or stage.

Routing data is entered by selecting an outlet and then selecting the Routing Data button from the Edit HEC-1
Parameters dialog.

Routing name – Enter the defined routing name here.

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Combining name – Enter combining name here.

Routing Type – Enter the type of routing being currently used.

"No Routing (RN)" – Select if there is no routing data attached to the current project.
"Muskingum-Cunge (RD)" – Define the channel geometry using an eight point cross-section
Normal Muskingum Cunge parameters – Select to turn on the option to enter parameters.
L – Channel length.
S – Channel slope.
N – Manning's roughness.
SHAPE: – Characteristic channel shape.
TRAP – Select this when the channel shape is trapezoidal.
DEEP – Select this when the channel shape is deep.
CIRCULAR – Select this when the channel shape is circular.
WD – Base width of the channel.
Z – Side slope of channel.
Defined Cross Section – Select to bring up the Define Cross Section Option in this dialog.
Enter RC Record – Select to bring up the RC Chennel Record dialog to define Manning and
channel data.
"Kinematic wave (RK)" – Select to define Kinematic Wave routing data.
L – Channel length.
S – Channel slope.
N – Manning's roughness.
Shape – Characteristic channel shape.
TRAP – Select this when the channel shape is trapezoidal.
DEEP – Select this when the channel shape is deep.
CIRCULAR – Select this when the channel shape is circular.
WD – Base width of the channel.
Z – Side slope of channel.
"Muskingum (RM)" – Select to define Muskingum routing data. It is dependent primarily upon an input
weighting factor.
Compute NSTPS – Select to compute the number of integer steps for the Muskingum routing.
NSTPS – The number of integer steps for the Muskingum routing.
AMSK – Muskingum K coefficient in hours for entire reach (measured in hours).
X – Muskingum x coefficient.
"Straddler/Stagger (RT)" – Select to define Straddler/ Stagger routing data.
Compute NSTPS – Select to compute the number of integer steps for the Muskingum routing.
NSTPS – The number of integer steps for the Muskingum routing.
AMSK – Muskingum K coefficient in hours for entire reach (measured in hours).
X – Muskingum x coefficient.
"Storage (RS)" – Select to define storage data.
Compute NSTPS – Select to compute the number of integer steps for the Muskingum routing.
NSTPS – The number of integer steps for the Muskingum routing.
Type – Define which of the following types is being used in this project.
STOR – Storage in acre-feet.
FLOW – Discharge in cfs.
ELEV – Elevation in feet.
RSVRIC – This measurement changes depending on the initial condition type that is set. STOR
is measured in ac-ft, FLOW is measured in cfs, and ELEV is measured in feet.
X – Muskingum x coefficient.
Channel – Long strip of water.
Reservoir – Stagnent body of water.
Define – Select to open either the Channel dialog, or the Reservoir dialog and define each.
"Convex (RV)" – Similar to the Kinematic Wave Routing Method in necessary data entry.
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L – Channel length.
S – Channel slope.
N – Manning's roughness.
Shape – Characteristic channel shape.
TRAP – Select this when the channel shape is trapezoidal.
DEEP – Select this when the channel shape is deep.
CIRCULAR – Select this when the channel shape is circular.
WD – Base width of the channel.
Z – Side slope of channel.

Channel Loss – Total water loss of the channel after the computation of three different factors which are listed

QLOSS – Constant channel loss in entire routing in cfs (cms). This value is subtracted from every ordinate of
the inflow hydrograph.
CLOSS – Ratio of remaining flow (after QLOSS) which is lost for entire routing.
PERCRT – Percolation rate cfs/acre (cu m/sec-acre) for wetted surface area of channel. This option is used in
conjunction with storage routing and requires SA or SV/SE records to be defined.
ELVINV – Average invert elevation of channel L used to compute flow surface area for PERCRT.

Direct input hydrograph (QI) – A hydrograph defined by specific input.

Define QI – Select to bring up the XY Series Editor dialog.

Observed hydrograph (QO) – A hydrograph defined by specific observations.

Define QO – Select to bring up the XY Series Editor dialog.

Pattern hydrograph (QP) – A hydrograph defined by specific patterns.

Define QP – Select to bring up the XY Series Editor dialog.===Outlet Names (KK)===

Since outlets are used for both types (combining and routing) of hydrograph stations in the HEC-1 input file, a
separate name for each type of hydrograph must be entered. The name should be six characters or less and
correspond to the name used on the KK card to represent the appropriate hydrograph station. By default WMS uses
the basin ID number followed by a "R" for the name, but a descriptive name is generally more useful.

Compute NSTPS Dialog

Accessed by Selecting Compute NSTPS in the HEC-1 Routing Data dialog.

NSTPS is the number of routing sub-reaches used to route the hydrograph in the Muskingum (RM), Straddler
Stagger (RT), and Storage (RS) routing methods. To insure the Muskingum method's computational stability and
the accuracy of computed hydrograph, the routing reach should be chosen so that:

Where X is the Muskingum weighting factor (0 ≤ X ≤ 0.5), AMSKK is the travel time through the reach in minutes
(multiply by 60), and Δt is the computation time interval defined in the HEC-1 Job Control dialog in minutes.

For storage routing, NSTPS is usually about equal to (reach length / average velocity) / Δt, where Δt is described
above. Set NSTPS to 1 for a reservoir.
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From Upstream and Routed Hydrographs – Select to

allow the definition of variables associated with
Upstream and Routed Hydrographs.

Compute for all outlets – Select to compute for all


Turn on Muskingum routing – Select to apply

Muskingum routing.

Upstream Hydrograph – Select to choose an

Upstream Hydrograph.

Estimated AMSKK – Select to find the estimated

Muskingum k coefficient in hours for entire reach.

For Channel Velocity Estimate – Select to find the

estimate for the channel velocity.

Compute for currently selected outlet – Select to

compute the outlet that has been chosen. Compute NSTPS dialog (From Upstream and Routed Hydrographs)

Compute for all outlets – Select to compute for all


Turn on Muskingum routing – Select to apply Muskingum routing.

Channel Velocity Estimate: – An estimation of the channel velocity measured in feet per second.

Muskingum (RM)

The Muskingum method is dependent primarily upon an input weighting factor. The parameters along with short
descriptions of their meanings follow:

NSTPS – The number of integer steps for the Muskingum routing.

AMSKK – Muskingum K coefficient in hours for entire reach.
X – Muskingum x coefficient.

Using the basin data computed by WMS when a TIN or DEM is used to delineate the watershed, the AMSKK and
NSTPS coefficients can easily be estimated. AMSKK is essentially the travel time for the reach, which can be
estimated by noting the length of the stream segment (displayed in the Muskingum Cunge dialog even though it is
dimmed) and dividing by an assumed channel velocity (1–5 ft/s would be appropriate for most natural channels).
Of course it is necessary to convert the estimated travel times from seconds to hours before entering it into the
AMSKK edit field. The NSTPS value is the number of time steps the flood wave is in the channel and can be
determined by dividing AMSKK by the computational time step found in the Job Control dialog (again, be sure that
units are consistent).

The Muskingum method computes outflow from a reach using the following equation:

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where QIN is the inflow to the routing reach in cfs (m3/sec), QOUT is the outflow from the routing reach in cfs
(m3/sec), AMSKK is the travel time through the reach in hours, and X is the Muskingum weighting factor (0 ≤ X ≤
0.5). The routing procedure may be repeated for several subreaches (designated as NSTPS) so the total travel time
through the reach is AMSKK.

HEC-1 Output Control Dialog

Dialog is accessed by selecting HEC-1 | Edit
Parameters... in WMS and then choosing
Output Control... from the Edit HEC-1
Parameters dialog.

For each hydrograph station (basin

hydrographs, combined hydrographs, and
routed hydrographs) different output controls
can be specified. This dialog is accessed by
selecting the outlet, basin, reservoir, or
diversion for which to edit data and then
selecting the Output Control dialog button
from the Edit HEC-1 Parameters dialog. Entries
that can be defined in this dialog are described
HEC-1 Output Control dialog
Comment Lines section – Section that allows
comments to be written out.

New – Select to add a new comment.

Delete – Select to delete an existing comment.

Output Control (KO)

Print Control (field 1) – controls how the data collected is printed.

"Use IO record (O)" – Default setting, prints the entire IO record.
"Print all output (1,2)" – When selected, prints all output.
"Print input and summaries" – When selected, it will just print input and summaries of the data.
"Print input data only (4)" – When selected, it will print the input data only.
Plot Control (field 2) – Section where plots can be controlled.
"Use IO record (O)" – Plots are dependant on the IO record.
"No printer plots (1)" – Select if there are no printer plots.
"Plot hydrograph (2)" – Select to receive output on the plot hydrograph.
Plotting Scale (field 3) – Section to specify the plotting scale.
Unit 7 Control (field 4) – If the unit 7 control should be on select yes, if not select no.
Hydrograph Control (field 5) – Section designated to control the output of hydrographs.
"TAPE22 file (22)" – The file read by WMS for the display of hydrographs. This should only be
changed to suppress particular hydrographs.

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"TAPE 21 file (21)" – The file used to suppress particular hydrographs.

Reservoir Routing Data Dialog

If the reservoir routing option is specified then one method for
volume and one method for outflow must be defined.

Reservoirs in HEC-1 can be defined in a few different ways,

depending on the storage routing techniques that need to be modeled.
The tutorial on creating topologic trees outlines the different methods
that can be used to represent reservoirs. The parameters required to
define the reservoir are the same in all cases. The main difference is
whether the reservoir stands alone by itself or whether the routing
option of the outlet is used to define the reservoir.

Define Reservoir Routing – Select to activate the ability to define

specific data pertaining to reservoir routing.

Reservoir Name – Enter the name of the reservoir here.

NSTEPS – Should be one for Straddler/Stagger method or
integer number of routing steps to be used.
Initial Condition Type – Indicates which type of reservoir is
being defined. Reservoir Routing Data dialog
STOR – Storage in acre-feet.
FLOW – Discharge in cfs.
ELEV – Elevation in feet.
RSVRIC – This measurement changes depending on the initial condition type that is set. STOR is measured in
ac-ft, FLOW is measured in cfs, and ELEV is measured in feet.
X – Muskingum x coefficient.
Type of Storage Routing – Used to specify the type of storage routing being used in the defining of the
reservoir data.
Channel– By selecting this you are associating the storage routing type to be specific to a channel.
Reservoir– By selecting this you are associating the storage routing type to be specific to a reservoir.
Define – Upon selecting either Channel or Reservoir as the type of storage routing, select this box to
bring up the the Channel Dialog for Channel, or the HEC-1 Reseroir Routing Options Dialog for

Channel Reservoir
[‫]أظهر‬ [‫]أظهر‬

Known volume – Define a known volume (SV) record using the XY Series Editor. Optionally, define the
elevations (SE) which correspond to the known volumes.
Computed volume – By defining an area (SA) elevation (SE) relationship the volume can be computed
automatically by HEC-1. Both * records are defined using the XY Series Editor.

If a TIN has been used to define the watershed a storage capacity curve can be generated and the information used
to set up the volume/elevation (SV, SE) or area/elevation (SA, SE) data. See Storage Capacity Curves for more

The available methods for outflow include:

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Known outflow – Define a known outflow (SQ) record using the XY Series Editor.
Computed Weir Spillway – A combination of data records are used to define spillway characteristics (SL, SS,

Channel Data
Constant channel losses may be defined by defining values for the RL record. These parameters include the

QLOSS – Constant channel loss in entire routing in cfs (cms). This value is subtracted from every ordinate of
the inflow hydrograph.
CLOSS – Ratio of remaining flow (after QLOSS) which is lost for entire routing. After subtracting QLOSS
each inflow hydrograph ordinate is multiplied by (1-CLOSS).
PERCRT – Percolation rate cfs/acre (cu m/sec-acre) for wetted surface area of channel. This option is used in
conjunction with storage routing and requires SA or SV/SE records to be defined.
ELVINV – Average invert elevation of channel L used to compute flow surface area for PERCRT.

Channel Routing

If the channel routing option is specified, the Define button will access a dialog which allows choosing between
Normal depth and Modified-Puls methods. If Normal depth is specified, the following parameters must be defined
for the RC record.

Manning's coefficients – Manning roughness coefficients for the channel and left and right overbanks.
Length – The length of the river reach.
Slope – The slope of the river reach.
Max Elevation – The maximum elevation for which storage and outflow values are to be computed.

In addition to these parameters an eight point cross section must be defined using the XY Series Editor. The first
two points define the left overbank, the third point defines the left bank, the fourth and fifth points define the
channel itself, the sixth point defines the right bank, and the last two points define the right overbank.

If the modified-Puls method is chosen the volume (SV) outflow (SQ) relationship must be defined. Both records
are defined using the XY Series Editor.

Direct Input Hydrograph (QI) – Hydrographs can be input directly using the QI record, and then routed
downstream using the different routing options. To do this, select the Direct Input Hydrograph option and define
the QI record using the XY Series Editor.

Pattern Hydrograph (QP) – This option is used to input a pattern hydrograph for an optimization job (OR record). A
QP hydrograph can be used in conjunction with a QI and QO hydrograph to optimize routing parameters. This
hydrograph can be input by selecting the check box and then defining the hydrograph using the XY Series Editor.

Related Topics
HEC-1 Parameters
XY Series Editor

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