Week 2
Spelling Practice Home Reading Mathletics Word Work Special tasks and
My words are: Read your home reader Each week log onto Please complete the This week complete the
every night. Read aloud to All about Me Poster. On
1. Mathletics and reading comprehension Monday come ready to present
someone and practice using
expression and fluency when complete tasks, compete task for the week. a short talk to the class about
2. you read. Don’t forget to in challenges and test Don’t forget to read the information on your poster.
Remember to make your poster
3. record your book in your your learning. Try and the text carefully and neat and appealing to the
reading log and aim for audience to look at. Use colours,
4. your first reading award.
complete as many answer the questions. textas, collage, glitter, photos,
5. Remember the more you activities as possible to drawings etc. to make your
read the better you’ll get! gain your bronze, silver poster extra special.
and gold awards.
7. Tick each night you
8. read. My Mathletics Log in
9. Tues is:
10. Wed
Every night write out your words Thurs
on the practice sheet. Remember to
carefully look at each word, cover the Fri
word and then write it. Test your
spelling in the last column.