P (A ∧ B) =P ( A | B ) P ( B )
=P ( B | A ) P ( A )
Important terminology:
• A random variable X describes an outcome that cannot be determined in
– E..g. The roll of a die
– E.g. Number of e-mails received in a day
• The sample space (domain) S of a random variable X is the set of all possible
values of the variable
– E.g. For a die, S = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
– E.g. For number of emails received in a day, S is the natural numbers
• An event is a subset of S.
– E.g. e = {1} corresponds to a die roll of 1
– E.g. number of e-mails in a day more than 100
The above sentence expresses the belief that the temperature at noon is
distributed uniformly between 18 and 26 degrees Celsius. We call this a
probability density function.
Independent :
Now, unless one is in the deity business, one should not imagine that one’s dental
problems influence the weather. And for indoor dentistry, at least, it seems safe to
say that the weather does not influence the dental variables. In particular, the
weather is independent of one’s dental problems. (Refer class notes)
Weather and dental problems are independent
Often, we perceive as evidence the effect of some unknown cause and we would
like to determine that cause. In that case, Bayes’ rule becomes.
The conditional probability P (effect | cause) quantifies the relationship in the
causal direction, whereas P (cause | effect) describes the diagnostic direction. In
a task such as medical diagnosis, we often have conditional probabilities on
causal relationships (that is, the doctor knows P (symptoms | disease)) and want
to derive a diagnosis, P (disease | symptoms).
• You go to the doctor complaining about the symptom of having a fever
• The doctor knows that bird flu causes a fever 95% of the time.
• The doctor knows that if a person is selected randomly from the population,
there is a 10−7 chance of the person having bird flu.
• In general, 1 in 100 people in the population suffer from fever.
• What is the probability that you have bird flu (hypothesis)?
To calculate the probability that each of the three squares contains a pit.
(For this example we ignore the wumpus and the gold.) The relevant properties
of the wumpus world are that
(1) a pit causes breezes in all neighboring squares, and
(2) each square other than [1,1] contains a pit with probability 0.2.
Let We are interested in answering queries such as P(P1,3 | known, b): how
likely is it that [1,3] contains a pit, given the observations so far?
To answer this query, Let Unknown be the set of Pi,j variables for squares other
than the Known squares and the query square [1,3].