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Kyriacos Agapiou
All content following this page was uploaded by Kyriacos Agapiou on 07 October 2016.
tructural integrity is at the heart of
every wellbore architecture design
in the energy industry – and cement
plays a key role in wellbore integrity.
These wells are essentially pressure
containment vessels. As such, they are
called on throughout the life of the well
to resist failure by deformation, fatigue,
fracturing and corrosion. Cyclic loading
from geo-mechanical and geo-chemical
stresses occur daily. Wells are subject to:
• temperature changes that vary by
hundreds of degrees Fahrenheit
• formation pressure changes
compounded by concussive forces that
fluctuate by up to 10,000psi during
completion operations
• naturally-occurring and operationally-
introduced hydrogen sulphide, carbon
dioxide, brines and water.
The downhole environment is routinely
harsh. Wellbore architecture must be
resiliently designed for use and abuse.
Wellbore integrity challenge Cement additive Mechanical/chemical properties resulting from additives
Corrosive elements Non-Portland systems To increases acid resistance and resistance to corrosion
down hole (ie CO2 injector that can destabilise the bonding
wells/CO2 storage wells)
High formation pressures Latex systems To reduce permeability of the cement sheath and improve
Corrosive elements the ability for solids to remain suspended in the slurry
Deep offshore wells Retarders To control the time for a slurry to remain fluid and
Long horizontal wells pumpable
High temperatures Dispersants Ultra-deep wells commonly have a tight clearance
Ultra-deep wells between the annulus and casing, contributing to
increased friction pressures. Dispersants make a slurry
easier to mix and lower friction during pumping.
Fluid loss additives Helps the slurry retain proper water levels rather than allow
pressure differential to reduce the water content. This
helps ensure the integrity of the designs for viscosity,
thickening time, rheology and compressive-strength
High formation pressures Weighting agents For increasing cement density to restrain formation-
fluid flowback while improving mud displacement and
cement placement
Gas migration Gel strength modifiers To shorten the transition time from slurry to hard set to
resist gas channeling through the unset cement
Weak formations Lightweight additives Some formations cannot support even a water column
in the open wellbore prior to casing/cementing.
Lightweight additives can yield slurries 25 per cent lighter
than water yet will maintain desired mechanical properties
Staged casing operations Accelerators To control the time for a slurry to set.
advance the alternative energy industry source. Methane hydrates can form as the existing wellbore fluids for full
by contributing to the structural integrity solid crystalline compounds in deepwater placement without bridging off, loss of
of the wellbore in an environment sediments and Arctic permafrost. The free water, or setting up, amongst other
presenting the corrosive effects of CO2 in challenge for the hydrate-producing properties it must retain while pumping.
downhole temperatures exceeding 316˚C well was to predict the geo-mechanical Once set, it becomes the primary
(600°F). More geothermal wells come changes from subsidence during barrier for the upward migration of any
online annually with countries like Iceland production. Thus, the cement sheath had unwanted fluids in the annular space.
deriving 26 per cent of its electricity from to be designed not only for strength,
geothermal power plants. but also capable of reducing the thermal Overcoming corrosion –
In 2012, Halliburton helped one conductivity to avoid destabilisation of the mitigating risk
operator successfully cement a well hydrates and mitigate casing deformation. Recently, an operator in Colombia
offshore Japan to explore the promise of In each instance, wellbore integrity is developing a heavy-oil asset approached
methane hydrates as an alternative energy dependent on the cement fully displacing Halliburton to help provide wellbore
Figure 4: recovery of heavy oil is difficult. Heavy oil is so thick it will not flow to surface. This can be overcome with in-situ combustion, or fireflood, in
an offset well above the production well relying on gravity, gas-driven pressure and heat to induce flow
architecture integrity for a fireflood extreme temperature fluctuations between which Thermalock cement is blended
recovery method. The downhole the bottom hole static temperature (BHST) allows it to retain strength even in ultra-
environment presented ultra-high of 52˚C (126°F) to a fireflood temperature high-temperature environments, and,
temperatures and highly-corrosive above 260°C (500°F). During fireflood unlike Portland cement, it does not
elements. All of this could weaken the cycles, the resulting casing expansion retrogress. In the aforementioned fireflood
cement and compromise the wellbore could fracture or even crush the cement operation, this cement set quickly at the
integrity. Fireflood, also known as in-situ and during cool-down between cycles, lower temperature and achieved early
combustion, is an enhanced oil recovery the contraction could lead to debonding, compressive strength. Nine fireflood wells
(EOR) method that helps heavy oil to creating microannuli through which the have been constructed for this operator
flow and always involves two wells: one corrosive elements could attack. with ThermaLock cement and all are
for the fireflood that serves as an injection A conventional Portland cement system resiliently withstanding all the stresses of
well and the second for recovering/ was not recommended in these conditions. the in-situ combustion. ______________I
producing the hydrocarbon. A section of The extreme high temperatures and the
the formation is ignited and combustion corrosive environment meant that the References
is maintained by injecting oxygen down only viable option for delivering long- 1 US Energy Information
the injection well. This creates a fire term zonal isolation for this customer was Administration – EIA (2011),
front. Downhole heat from the fire front Halliburton’s ThermaLock™ cement International Energy Outlook 2011.
converts injected fluids (like water) to gas. (see Figure 3). Washington, DC, USA: Department of
The heat ‘melts’ the heavy oil allowing it Thermalock cement is a non- Energy.
to flow while the expanding gases push Portland, specially-designed calcium 2 Rodengen, JL (1996 ) The Legend of
it to the producing well. Hydrocarbon is aluminophosphate cement capable of Halliburton. ISBN 0-945903-16-2. Fort
recovered and any unwanted produced resisting corrosive attacks while creating Lauderdale, Florida, USA: Write Stuff
fluids are separated at surface. a hydraulic seal that withstands dynamic Syndicate Inc.
However, while inducing flow, the temperature fluctuations. Resistance to 3. Berard, B, et al (2009) 'Foamed
fireflood would threaten the wellbore corrosion from carbonic acid is achieved Calcium Aluminate Phosphate Cement
architecture integrity. It would create by Thermalock cement forming a tightly- Enables Drilling and Cementation of
carbonic acid from the CO2 native to bonded ceramic network of calcium California Geothermal Wells' in: SOCIETY
the formation. Carbonic acid is known to phosphate when set and exposed to the OF PETROLEUM ENGINEERS (2009)
attack the cement sheath and any metal downhole temperatures of the well. The 2009 SPE Western Regional Meeting, San
it touches. Additionally, there would be refractory calcium aluminate cement from José, California, USA, 24-26 March.