V3.2 Microbial Life Simu Added

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import random

import pygame

#global variables for screen dimensions, to be called everytime in the future



screen=pygame.display.set_mode((screen_w, screen_h)) #with pygame initialized we

can now set up our screen variable using the library
pygame.display.set_caption("Game of Life")

#color library
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)

# Microbe types with their corresponding colors

MICROBE_TYPES = {"Producer": GREEN, "Consumer": BLUE, "Predator": RED}

# Holographic() function defined for generating random colors

def holographic():
return random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255)

class Grid: #grid class containing all the set-up & update functions
def __init__(self, rows, cols, cell_size):
self.rows=rows #assigning values to instance variables for grid mapping,
all the values here should be integers
self.manualgrid=self.create_empty_grid() #creates an instance variable for
an empty grid that we can call later on
self.currentgrid=self.randomgrid #instance variable to be called as the
grid placeholder, we choose the random grid as the default
self.microbe_grid = self.create_empty_grid() # Track microbe types

def set_random_grid(self): #function to set the random grid as the one we are
working with

def set_manual_grid(self): #function to set the manual grid as the one we are
working with

def create_empty_grid(self): #empty grid for manual placement mode, only

depends on # of rows & columns, calls initialized object
return [[0 for _ in range(self.cols)] for _ in range(self.rows)]

def create_random_grid(self): #random grid for random mode

grid = [[random.choice([0, 1]) for _ in range(self.cols)] for _ in
self.microbe_grid = [[random.choice(list(MICROBE_TYPES.keys())) if cell ==
1 else None
for cell in row] for row in grid] # Assign random
microbe types
return grid

def count_neighbors(self, row, col): #neighbor positioning & detection system,

row & col corresponds to cell coordinate location
neighbors = [
(-1, -1), (-1, 0), (-1, 1),
(0, -1), (0, 1),
(1, -1), (1, 0), (1, 1)
count = 0
for dr, dc in neighbors:
r, c = row + dr, col + dc
if 0 <= r < self.rows and 0 <= c < self.cols: #makes sure the computer
doesn't go beyond the limits of the window
count += self.currentgrid[r][c]
return count

#dynamic method that updates grid based on neighbor information

def update_grid(self):
new_grid = [[0 for _ in range(self.cols)] for _ in range(self.rows)]
new_microbe_grid = [[None for _ in range(self.cols)] for _ in
range(self.rows)] # Update microbe types
for row in range(self.rows):
for col in range(self.cols):
live_neighbors = self.count_neighbors(row, col)
if self.currentgrid[row][col] == 1: # possibilities for life
holding cells
if live_neighbors in [2, 3]:
new_grid[row][col] = 1 # cell has 2 or 3 neighbors,
preserves life value
new_microbe_grid[row][col] = self.microbe_grid[row][col] #
Preserve type
else: # possibilities for dead cell
if live_neighbors == 3:
new_grid[row][col] = 1 # dead cell has 3 neighbors, new
cell holding life value created
new_microbe_grid[row][col] =
random.choice(list(MICROBE_TYPES.keys())) # Assign new type
self.currentgrid = new_grid
self.microbe_grid = new_microbe_grid

#grid drawing
def draw_grid(self):
for row in range(self.rows):
for col in range(self.cols):
if self.currentgrid[row][col] == 1:
microbe_type = self.microbe_grid[row][col]
color = MICROBE_TYPES[microbe_type] if microbe_type else
color = BLACK
pygame.draw.rect(screen, color,(col * self.cell_size, row *
self.cell_size, self.cell_size, self.cell_size))

class Settings: #settings class designed to allow user to alter game parameters
def __init__(self):
self.fps = 10 #creation of a fps instance variable to replace our
time.sleep fps config function
self.resolution = (800, 600)
self.grid_size = (20, 20)

def update_settings(self):
running = True
options = [
"Grid Size",
selected = 0
font = pygame.font.SysFont("sans-serif", 36)

while running:

#display settings options

for i, option in enumerate(options):
# we want to use arrow keys to navigate the settings menu, have to
use colors to distinguish between selected option & rest
color = WHITE if i == selected else (100, 100, 100) #grey chosen
out of convention
#render and positioning of settings text, similar to what we did
for the menu
text = font.render(f"{option}: {self.get_setting_value(option)}",
True, color)
screen.blit(text, (screen_w // 2 - text.get_width() // 2, 150 + i *


for event in pygame.event.get():

if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:
selected = (selected + 1) % len(options)
#we add %len(options) to have the computer return to the first
option once the end of the index is reached, inverse is true below
if event.key == pygame.K_UP:
selected = (selected - 1) % len(options)
if event.key == pygame.K_RETURN:
if options[selected] == "Back":
running = False #breaks settings loop and returns user
to menu

def get_setting_value(self, option): #method that displays the current game

parameters to the user
if option == "FPS":
return self.fps
elif option == "Resolution":
return f"{self.resolution[0]}x{self.resolution[1]}"
elif option == "Grid Size":
return f"{self.grid_size[0]}x{self.grid_size[1]}"
return ""
def adjust_setting(self, option): #method that allows user to input his own
values to modify config settings
if option == "FPS":
self.fps = self.number_input("Enter FPS:", self.fps)
elif option == "Resolution":
self.resolution = self.resolution_input("Enter Resolution (WIDTH x
HEIGHT):", self.resolution)
elif option == "Grid Size":
self.grid_size = self.grid_size_input("Enter Grid Size (ROWS x COLS):",

def number_input(self, prompt, current_value):

return self.input_prompt(prompt, str(current_value), int)

def resolution_input(self, prompt, current_value):

def parse_resolution(input_str):
width, height = map(int, input_str.lower().split('x'))
return width, height
#parse_resolution method takes the string of the user input and converts it
into width & height (implied integer values)
return self.input_prompt(prompt, f"{current_value[0]}x{current_value[1]}",

def grid_size_input(self, prompt, current_value):

def parse_grid_size(input_str):
rows, cols = map(int, input_str.lower().split('x'))
return rows, cols
return self.input_prompt(prompt, f"{current_value[0]}x{current_value[1]}",

def input_prompt(self, prompt, default_value, parser):

input_active = True
user_input = str(default_value)
font = pygame.font.SysFont("sans-serif", 36)
# we use input_prompt as a static method to ask the user for a new integer
value all the while displaying the current one

while input_active:
#loop to support the method's functionality through handling user input
values, updating game and preserving game consistency in case of parsing failure
prompt_text = font.render(prompt, True, WHITE)
input_text = font.render(user_input, True, GREEN)
screen.blit(prompt_text, (screen_w // 2 - prompt_text.get_width() // 2,
screen.blit(input_text, (screen_w // 2 - input_text.get_width() // 2,

for event in pygame.event.get():

if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_RETURN:
return parser(user_input)
except ValueError:
user_input = str(default_value)
elif event.key == pygame.K_BACKSPACE:
user_input = user_input[:-1]
elif event.unicode.isprintable():
user_input += event.unicode

#the below methods prompt the user for values, updates them and essentially
communicate the results of the loop above
def change_fps(self):
new_fps = input("Enter new FPS (current: {}): ".format(self.fps))
self.fps = int(new_fps)
except ValueError:
print("Invalid input! FPS remains unchanged.")

def change_resolution(self):
new_res = input("Enter new resolution as WIDTH x HEIGHT (current: {}):
width, height = map(int, new_res.lower().split('x'))
self.resolution = (width, height)
except ValueError:
print("Invalid input! Resolution remains unchanged.")

def change_grid_size(self):
new_size = input("Enter new grid size as ROWSxCOLS (current: {}):
rows, cols = map(int, new_size.lower().split('x'))
self.grid_size = (rows, cols)
except ValueError:
print("Invalid input! Grid size remains unchanged.")

def exit_settings(self):
print("Exiting settings menu.")

class Menu:
def __init__(self, title, font):
self.title=title #menu title, data type=string
self.screen=screen #global screen config variable called to be applied to
self.options={"1": "Random Game", "2": "Manual Game", "3": "Add Nutrients",
"ESC": "Quit"} #menu options index, defined as dict

def render_text(self, text, y):

rendered_text = self.font.render(text, True, WHITE)
x= screen_w // 2 - rendered_text.get_width() // 2 #to center our text we
take the middle line where the screen would be split in half and then shift each
half of our text in both screen halves
self.screen.blit(rendered_text, (x, y)) #we use the pygame surface
rendering function to put our text at coordinate (x,y), with x being fixed

def display(self, start_y=175):

while True:
self.render_text(self.title, 50)
for i, (key, description) in enumerate(self.options.items()): #iterates
through items of our index
y = start_y + i * 100
self.render_text(f"{key} - {description}", y) #renders str value of
dictionary alongside key int

for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
key_pressed = pygame.key.name(event.key).upper() #.upper() used
to avoid having to capitalize numerical inputs to access game
if key_pressed in self.options:
return key_pressed

class Game:
def __init__(self, settings):
self.settings = settings
self.rows, self.cols = self.settings.grid_size
self.cell_size = self.settings.resolution[0] // self.cols #we get cell_size
to depend on resolution & columns due to newly added dynamism of game
self.fps = self.settings.fps
self.grid = Grid(self.rows, self.cols, self.cell_size)
self.menu = Menu(
title="Game of Life",
font=pygame.font.SysFont("sans-serif", 48)
self.running = True
self.actions = {
"1": self.start_random_game,
"2": self.start_manual_game,
"3": self.add_nutrients, # Add nutrients
"ESC": self.quit_game

def show_settings(self):
#update game config after settings change
self.rows, self.cols = self.settings.grid_size
self.cell_size = self.settings.resolution[0] // self.cols
self.fps = self.settings.fps
self.grid = Grid(self.rows, self.cols, self.cell_size)

def start_random_game(self):
print("Starting Random Game...") #debugging, was having issues with this
part can remove

def start_manual_game(self):
print("Starting Manual Game...") #debugging

def add_nutrients(self):
print("Adding nutrients...")
for _ in range(random.randint(5, 10)):
row, col = random.randint(0, self.rows - 1), random.randint(0,
self.cols - 1)
self.grid.currentgrid[row][col] = 1
self.grid.microbe_grid[row][col] = "Producer" # Add Producer

def quit_game(self):
print("Quitting the game...") #debugging

def manual_placement(self):
placing = True
while placing:
self.grid.draw_grid() #draw the grid based on the current state in
manual mode

for event in pygame.event.get():

if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
if pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0]: #left click to toggle cell on
pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
col = pos[0] // self.cell_size
row = pos[1] // self.cell_size
self.grid.manualgrid[row][col] = 1 #cell is activated
self.grid.microbe_grid[row][col] =
if pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[2]: #right click to toggle cell off
pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
col = pos[0] // self.cell_size
row = pos[1] // self.cell_size
self.grid.manualgrid[row][col] = 0 #cell is deactivated
self.grid.microbe_grid[row][col] = None
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_RETURN:
placing = False #quit manual mode and launch simulation
if event.key == pygame.K_m:
return "menu" #go back to menu if 'M' is pressed

def run_game_loop(self):
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
while True:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_m:

clock.tick(self.fps) #use our newly defined dynamic FPS value
def run(self):
while self.running:
choice = self.menu.display()
if choice in self.actions:
self.actions[choice]() #dynamically call the associated action

if __name__ == "__main__":
settings = Settings() #instance of the settings class, brings forth contents &
methods defined in it as an object
game = Game(settings) #instance of the game class running our settings object
as a parameter, makes sure the game runs based on the defined configs

class MicrobialGame:
def __init__(self):
self.settings = Settings()
self.grid = Grid(self.settings.grid_size[0], self.settings.grid_size[1],
self.settings.resolution[0] // self.settings.grid_size[1])
self.running = True

def mutate_microbes(self):
Introduces random mutations to existing microbes.
for row in range(self.grid.rows):
for col in range(self.grid.cols):
if self.grid.currentgrid[row][col] == 1: # Only mutate live cells
if random.random() < 0.05: # 5% chance of mutation
self.grid.microbe_grid[row][col] =

def add_random_events(self):
Introduces random events like toxins or resource booms.
if random.random() < 0.1: # 10% chance per cycle
event_type = random.choice(["toxins", "resources"])
for _ in range(random.randint(3, 7)): # Affect 3-7 cells
row = random.randint(0, self.grid.rows - 1)
col = random.randint(0, self.grid.cols - 1)
if event_type == "toxins":
self.grid.currentgrid[row][col] = 0 # Kill the cell
self.grid.microbe_grid[row][col] = None
elif event_type == "resources":
self.grid.currentgrid[row][col] = 1 # Add a Producer
self.grid.microbe_grid[row][col] = "Producer"

def run(self):
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
while self.running:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
self.running = False


if __name__ == "__main__":
microbial_game = MicrobialGame()

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