Background. Plastic pollution is a significant issue on the East Coast of Surabaya,
emphasizing the need to develop microplastic monitoring programs. Barnacles became
one of the potential microplastic bioindicator species on the East Coast of Surabaya.
This study aimed to characterize the visual and polymers of microplastics found in
barnacles and assess their potential as a bioindicator species for microplastic pollution
on the East Coast of Surabaya.
Methods. Microplastic polymer analysis was performed using ATR-FTIR.
Results. A total of 196 microplastic particles were found in barnacles, water, and
sediment. The size of microplastics in barnacles, water, and sediment varied, with the
size in barnacles dominated by class 1 (1–10 µm), in water by class 2 (10–50 µm), and
in sediments by class 3 (50–100 µm). Fragments dominated the shape of microplastics
in barnacles, while water and sediment were dominated by fiber. The microplastic
color in barnacles, water, and sediment was dominated by blue, and the microplastic
polymer composition on barnacles, water, and sediments was dominated by cellophane
(36%). Amphibalanus amphitrite was found to be predominant and identified as a
potential microplastic bioindicator because it is a cosmopolitan species. Its population
was found to correlate positively with cellophane (CP) accumulation. The Pearson’s
correlation test between barnacle length and microplastic length at a = 0.05 was inversely
Submitted 15 September 2023
Accepted 20 May 2024 proportional to r = −0.411 (p < 0.05), categorized as a strong enough correlation.
Published 24 June 2024 These findings are essential in developing monitoring programs and mitigating the
Corresponding author impact of microplastics on the marine environment.
Aunurohim Aunurohim,
Subjects Ecology, Marine Biology, Ecotoxicology, Environmental Impacts, Biological
Academic editor
Haider Mahmood Oceanography
Keywords Barnacle, Bioindicator, Microplastics, Monitoring, Marine debris, Pollution,
Additional Information and Amphibalanus amphitrite, Plastic, Cellophane, FTIR-ATR
Declarations can be found on
page 17
DOI 10.7717/peerj.17548 INTRODUCTION
Copyright The issue of plastic pollution in marine waters has gained significant attention from the
2024 Raufanda et al.
scientific community and the public due to its potential dangers. About 10% of plastic
Distributed under produced ends up in the oceans, where it accumulates and does not decompose (Saeed et al.,
Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0
2020). Indonesia is considered the second-largest plastic waste contributor globally, with an
OPEN ACCESS estimated 0.48−1.29 million metric tons of plastic waste in the sea per year, following China
How to cite this article Raufanda MS, Aunurohim A, Prabowo RE. 2024. Barnacle analysis as a microplastic pollution bioindicator on
the East Coast of Surabaya. PeerJ 12:e17548
(Jambeck et al., 2015; Kurniadi & Hizasalasi, 2017). The breakdown of plastic into smaller
fragments occurs when exposed to ultraviolet radiation from the sun, surface waves, and
turbulence of water currents (Li et al., 2019; Saeed et al., 2020). These small fragments with
dimensions less than 5 mm are known as microplastics. Microplastics can be categorized
into two classifications—primary and secondary microplastics. The main categories of
microplastics include molded plastic powders, surface blast cleaning scrubbers, industrial
plastic nanoparticles, and microbeads commonly present in cosmetic items. Moreover,
spherical or cylindrical virgin resin pellets are widely used in plastic production processes.
Secondary microplastics are generated by the breakdown or fragmentation of bigger plastic
trash (Foo et al., 2022). Microplastics can present a significant danger to ecosystems and
marine species due to their widespread distribution and the possibility of being consumed
by marine organisms (Li et al., 2019).
There are several ways aquatic organisms can be exposed to plastic materials, including
entanglement, ingestion, and interaction. Entanglement refers to the entrapment of
the organism, including ghost fishing (Law, 2017). Ingestion of plastic debris could be
intentional, accidental, or indirect (via ingesting organisms that have ingested the plastic).
It has been observed in various animals, from planktonic invertebrates to large aquatic
mammals (Al-Thawadi, 2020). The negative impacts of microplastics on aquatic animals
have been identified to suppress growth performance, hinder reproductive functions,
potentially induce neurotoxicity, depress feeding and foraging activity, alter oxidative
stress, destroy metabolic responses (Jimoh et al., 2023), and alternatively increase mortality
rates among aquatic organisms with an accumulation as low as 184 µg/L (Li et al., 2021).
Microplastics accumulated in the neural system are also known to interfere with the defense
mechanisms of aquatic animals, thereby acting as highly high-risk stressors by decreasing
phagocytic activity (Mallik et al., 2021) and disrupting the lysosomal membrane (Sharifinia
et al., 2020). The impacts of microplastic pollution extend to human health, the economy,
tourism, and beach aesthetics (Joesidawati, 2018). Furthermore, microplastics can act as
vectors for metal pollutants. Therefore, it is urgent to develop microplastic monitoring
programs for marine ecosystems’ different components, such as water, sediment, and biota
(Xu et al., 2020; Welden, 2020).
A monitoring program for environmental quality using bioindicators is crucial to
assess the toxic effects on an organism. The bioindicator species selected for such a
program should have a wide distribution, be abundant and tolerant to environmental
conditions, and be easily sampled (Xu et al., 2020). Macrozoobenthos are advantageous as
bioindicators due to their sedentary habitat and their sensitivity to changes in the ecological
conditions of aquatic environments (Sidik, Dewiyanti & Octavina, 2016). There are two
compartments from which benthic species can directly take up microplastics, depending on
the animal’s feeding behavior: the sediment and the water column. Epifaunal filter feeders,
for example, will uptake microplastics suspended in the water above the sediment, while
infaunal deposit feeders will uptake microplastics within the sediment. Also, microplastics
deposited on the sediment can be resuspended by mechanical forces and become available
to the water column and its turbulent processes at different scales (Pinheiro, Sul & Costa,
2020). Because organisms inhabiting and feeding in benthic habitats are at the base of food
labeled plastic bags and stored in a cool box for further analysis in the laboratory (Wang &
Wang, 2018; Prata et al., 2019).
Quality control
To ensure quality control, all materials were washed with distilled water and ethanol
to eliminate any cross-contamination. Additionally, the work surface was disinfected
using ethanol. In addition, distilled water and NaCl solutions used for MPs separation
in sediment samples were also analyzed for contamination and identified as being free of
Data analysis
The data were analyzed to determine if there were significant differences between
microplastics in barnacles, water, and sediment. Before the test, the data were analyzed
normally using the Shapiro–Wilk test. When the data is distributed normally, the Pearson
Correlation test is performed. All statistical tests were conducted at a significant level of
5% (a = 0.05). Pearson correlation of barnacle species was used to analyze the correlation
between the size of microplastics and the size of barnacles. All statistical analysis was done
using SPSS (Armonk, NY, USA).
Barnacles on the East Coast of Surabaya
Only one barnacle species, A. amphitrite, was found at the research site because this species
has a significantly higher resistance to disease. The hard shells of A. amphitrite protect the
soft parts of the barnacle against predators and adverse conditions. The relatively higher
resistance to physical stress may give A. amphitrite a competitive advantage over other
more fragile species (Encarnação & Calado, 2018). A. amphitrite is found living attached to
rigid natural substrates in the bridge pillars (see Fig. 2). The vertical density of barnacles
found in this study is thought to be related to their harmful phototactic properties, which
means that barnacles tend to stay away from light, resulting in a higher population of
barnacles in the water column than at the water’s surface (Nasution & Mudzni, 2016).
The morphology of A. amphitrite is characterized by a six-sided shell that appears to be
pursed or condensed. The body’s exterior is smooth and white with a vertical purple
pattern, and there are no horizontal striations (see Fig. 3).
± 5 particles per replication. The average abundance of microplastics in barnacles was 5.37
particles per gram (see Table 1).
Water and sediment samples contained microplastics, with as many as 17 and 24
particles, respectively. The total abundance of microplastics in the waters off the East
Coast of Surabaya was 0.38 particles/m3 , while the total abundance in sediments was 60
Microplastic size
The most commonly found size class of microplastics was class 1, with 79 particles
identified (78 in barnacles, 1 in water). Class 2 had 61 particles (45 in barnacles, nine
Number of Microplastic
microplastics abundance
Barnacles 155 5.37 particles/g
Water 17 0.38 particles/m3
Sediments 24 60 particles/kg
Total 196
Figure 4 Microplastic size in barnacles, water, and sediments in East Coast of Surabaya.
Full-size DOI: 10.7717/peerj.17548/fig-4
in water, and seven in sediment), class 4 had 35 particles (21 in barnacles, six in water,
and eight in sediment), and class 3 had 21 particles (11 in barnacles, one in water, and
nine in sediment) (See Fig. 4). The correlation test results between barnacle length and
microplastic length showed a negative correlation value or were inversely proportional to
r = −0.411 (p < 0.05), categorized as having a strong enough correlation.
Microplastic shapes
Visual observations of microplastics in barnacles, water, and sediments along the East
Coast of Surabaya revealed the presence of three types of microplastics: fragments, fibers,
and pellets. In barnacles, fragments (104 particles), fibers (47 particles), and pellets (four
particles) were the dominant shapes of microplastics. In water and sediments, most
microplastics were in the shape of fibers (10 particles and 18 particles), followed by
fragments (seven particles and six particles), with no pellets found (See Fig. 5).
Microplastic color
This study identified six different colors of microplastics: blue, red, yellow, black, brown,
and green. In the barnacle samples, blue was the dominant color (69.7%), followed by
brown (12.9%), black (10.9%), red (5.1%), and yellow (1.3%). In the water samples,
blue was also the dominant color (41.2%), followed by brown (23.5%), red (11.8%),
black (11.8%), and green (11.8%). Sediment samples were primarily blue (91.6%), with
smaller amounts of red (4.2%) and black (4.2%). Figure 6 provides a detailed graph of the
percentage and color of microplastics.
Microplastic in barnacles, water, and sediment in the East Coast of
This is likely due to the pollution of the East Coast of Surabaya by various types of garbage,
mainly plastic waste. Plastic waste dominates about one-third of the debris found in the
waters (Anjarwati et al., 2017). Microplastics are small particles, typically micrometers in
size, that result from the breakdown of larger plastic materials and fibers released during
laundry and cleaning (Anjarwati et al., 2017). This assertion is supported by the condition
of the research site, where plastic waste is observed floating on the water’s surface, and a
significant amount of plastic waste is present on the coast (see Fig. 8).
Barnacles, being filter feeders, catch food by sticking out their cirri to capture food
particles (Xu et al., 2020). Previous studies have shown that adult barnacles can digest
microplastics (Browne et al., 2008). Other field studies conducted in three different sites in
Thailand have found 0.23−0.43 particles per gram of tissue in Amphibalanus amphitrite
(Thushari et al., 2017). Microplastics originate from the fragmentation of larger plastics
transported by river run-offs, tides, and wind are sourced from the ocean, including
fishing gear, aquaculture equipment, and clothing fibers from household waste. The high
concentration of microplastics is also attributed to the passing ships that significantly
contribute to microplastic pollution (Ayuningtyas, 2019). The amount of microplastics
found at the bottom of the sediment was greater than on the water’s surface, which is
affected by factors such as gravity, currents, waves, and density. Microplastics settle in
sediment when the water density is lower than that of microplastics (Laksono, Suprijanto &
Ridlo, 2021). Microplastics with lower densities in the water will float in the water column,
while those with higher densities will sink and settle in the sediment (Victoria, 2017).
Regarding the abundance of microplastics in the water, this study found levels of 0.38
particles/m3 . Natural factors that affect the abundance of microplastics in the water include
currents and waves, as the magnitude of waves can cause stirring and lift debris from the
bottom of the water to accumulate on the surface (Muchlissin et al., 2020). The movement
of waste particles occurs due to the deflection of currents and waves in the ocean, with
the weight and amount of microplastics determining their trajectory. Lighter microplastics
are carried away by currents and tides (Febriani, Amin & Fauzi, 2020). Anthropogenic
activities around the waters are another factor causing microplastic pollution. For instance,
microplastics can originate from domestic activities such as washing clothes or from
agricultural activities where wastewater from farms is often untreated and becomes a
source of pollutants that empties into the ocean (Permatasari & Radityaningrum, 2020).
This study identified 196 microplastic particles in Amphibalanus amphitrite, water, and
sediments. Barnacles had the highest concentration of microplastics (155 particles),
followed by sediment (24 particles) and water (17 particles). The size, shape, and color
of the microplastics varied across the samples, with barnacles dominated by class 1 size
(1–10 µm), fragments, and blue color. Water and sediment were dominated by class 2
and 3 sizes (10–50 µm and 50–100 µm, respectively) and fiber shapes, with blue being
the most common color. Cellophane was the most dominant chemical composition
found in all samples. Based on the findings, Amphibalanus amphitrite shows promise as
a potential bioindicator for microplastics, particularly the cellophane type. Although we
did not calculate correlations due to the lack of sample replication across environmental
compartments, our observations suggest a linear relationship between its population and
the accumulation of this specific type of microplastic.
Miftakhul Sefti Raufanda received a scholarship from the Indonesia Endowment Fund for
Education (LPDP), under the supervision of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of
Indonesia. LPDP also supports facilitating the publication of this article. This work was
supported by the Department of Biology FSAD ITS and the Directorate of Research and
Community Service while facilitated the research activities through Research Contract No.
1882/PKS/2022 Batch 2. The external funders had a role in the decision to publish. The
funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, or preparation of the
Grant Disclosures
The following grant information was disclosed by the authors:
the supervision of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia.
Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP) under the supervision of the Ministry
of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia.
The Department of Biology FSAD ITS and the Directorate of Research and Community
Service: 1882/PKS/2022.
Competing Interests
The authors declare there are no competing interests.
Author Contributions
• Miftakhul Sefti Raufanda conceived and designed the experiments, performed the
experiments, analyzed the data, prepared figures and/or tables, authored or reviewed
drafts of the article, and approved the final draft.
• Aunurohim Aunurohim conceived and designed the experiments, analyzed the data,
authored or reviewed drafts of the article, and approved the final draft.
• Romanus Edy Prabowo conceived and designed the experiments, analyzed the data,
authored or reviewed drafts of the article, and approved the final draft.
Data Availability
The following information was supplied regarding data availability:
The raw data is available in the Supplemental File.
Supplemental Information
Supplemental information for this article can be found online at