Linley andWell–Being
Therapist Joseph
University of Nottingham
We thank Beth Hudnall Stamm for her helpful comments on our use of the Compassion
Satisfaction–Fatigue Self Test, and Mohammedreza Hojat for his helpful comments on our
use of the Jefferson Scale of Physician Empathy.
Address correspondence to P. Alex Linley, Ph.D., Centre for Applied Positive Psychol-
ogy, Barclays Venture Centre, University of Warwick Science Park, Coventry, CV4 7E2,
United Kingdom; E–mail: alex@cappeu.org
provide the trigger for both positive and negative changes, a phenome-
non that has also been documented in husbands of women with breast
cancer (Weiss, 2002).
In one of the early empirical studies that documented the potential for
positive change in therapists as a result of their clinical work, Linley, Jo-
seph, and Loumidis (2005) explored the role of the personality construct
sense of coherence. They hypothesized that, on the basis of a previous in-
tegrative theoretical review of personality constructs associated with
adversarial growth (Linley, 2003), therapists with a higher sense of co-
herence would report less negative changes and more positive changes
as a result of their trauma work. This hypothesis was supported.
The present study set out to investigate salient factors that may be as-
sociated with positive and negative aspects of therapist well–being. Pos-
itive well–being in therapists was conceptualized and measured by the
variables of personal growth, positive psychological changes, and com-
passion satisfaction. Negative well–being in therapists was conceptual-
ized and measured by the variables of negative psychological changes,
burnout, and compassion fatigue.
We considered nine occupational factors drawn from the previous lit-
erature: personal psychotherapy (previous or current); clinical supervi-
sion; personal trauma history; therapist gender; therapeutic training ori-
entation; therapeutic practice orientation; the length of time
respondents had been working as therapists; and their current workload
as therapists. We also identified four psychological factors for investiga-
tion in their relation with adversarial growth in therapists: the sense of
coherence personality construct; empathy; the bond from the working
alliance; and social support. Taken together, these occupational and psy-
chological factors begin to suggest some of the variables that may
influence positive and negative well–being in therapists.
Four hundred questionnaire packs were distributed by mail to individ-
ual practitioners. Participants were selected from the clinical psycholo-
gist and counselling psychologist sections of The Directory of Chartered
Psychologists & The Directory of Expert Witnesses 2002/2003 (British Psy-
chological Society, 2002), and the Counselling and Psychotherapy Resources
Directory 2002 (British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy,
2002). Two hundred individual practitioners were randomly selected
from each directory using the online Research Randomizer
Participants were 156 therapists (122 women, 34 men), ranging in age
from 27 to 85 years (M = 53.67, SD = 10.90). Participants were predomi-
nantly white (97%), and were married (64%), divorced (17%), or single
(10%). They were qualified to diploma level (39%), Masters level (32%),
or doctoral level (14%), and worked as therapists either part time (58%)
or full time (42%). They had been working as therapists for between two
and 40 years (M = 15.10, SD = 8.71), and were currently spending an av-
erage of between one and 30 hours per week with their clients (M = 12.64,
SD = 6.60). The majority of the sample had received personal therapy in
the past (78%), but were not receiving personal therapy currently (77%),
although they did have formal supervision or support for their work as a
therapist (90%). Therapists either worked in individual practice (41%),
in more than one practice setting (42%; i.e., individual practice as well as
either group, clinic, or hospital settings), or in a group (3%), clinic (4.5%),
or hospital (4.5%) setting.
Crisis Support Scale (Joseph, Andrews, Williams, & Yule, 1992). A seven
item measure of social support that taps both practical (“Are people help-
ful in a practical sort of way?”) and emotional (“Are you able to talk about
your thoughts and feelings?”) support, and social support satisfaction
(“Overall, are you satisfied with the support you receive?”). Participants were
asked about the “support that you receive during your work as a thera-
pist.” Test–retest reliabilities have not been reported, but a recent review
treated unfairly?” scored 1 = very often, 7 = very seldom or never), and mean-
ingful (four items, e.g., “How often do you have the feeling that there’s little
meaning in the things you do in your daily life?” scored 1 = very often, 7 = very
seldom or never). Higher scores indicate a greater sense of coherence (i.e.,
that the world is perceived as comprehensible, manageable, and mean-
ingful). Test–retest reliability over six months was reported at r = .77
(Antonovsky, 1993).
Posttraumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI; Tedeschi, & Calhoun, 1996). A
21–item self–report measure of personal growth, scored using a 6–point
Likert format scale (0 = “I did not experience this change as a result of my ther-
apy work”; 5 = “I experienced this change to a very great degree as a result of my
therapy work”). Sample items include “A sense of closeness with others” and
“Appreciating each day.” All 21 items are positively scored, yielding a po-
tential range of 0 to 105, where higher scores indicate greater experience
of growth. Test–retest reliability over two months was reported at r = .71
(Tedeschi & Calhoun, 1996), and at r = .53 over six months (Linley & Jo-
seph, 2006). The PTGI was conceptualised as a measure of personal
Changes in Outlook Questionnaire (CiOQ; Joseph, Williams, & Yule, 1993).
A 26–item self–report measure of positive and negative psychological
changes “following your work as a therapist,” scored using a six–point
Likert format scale (1 = strongly disagree; 6 = strongly agree). The CiOQ has
two sub–scales: positive psychological changes (11 items, e.g., “I value
my relationships much more now”; “I don’t take life for granted anymore”),
and negative psychological changes (15 items, e.g., “I have very little trust
in other people now”; “I feel very much as if I’m in limbo”). The positive
change subscale has a range of 11 to 66, and the negative change subscale
a range of 15 to 90, with higher scores indicating greater reports of posi-
tive and negative psychological changes respectively. A recent study
supported the factor structure, internal reliability, and validity of the
measure (Joseph et al., 2005). Test–retest reliabilities over six months
have been reported at r = .58 for both the positive change subscale and
the negative change subscale (Linley & Joseph, 2006).
Group differences according to the occupational factors clinical supervi-
sion, personal therapy (previous or current), personal trauma history
(all dichotomized, yes or no), and gender were assessed using
multivariate analysis of variance. Associations between therapeutic
training orientations, therapeutic practice orientations, length of time
working as a therapist, hours worked per week as a therapist, and the
outcome variables (personal growth, positive changes, compassion sat-
Table 1 provides the descriptive statistics for the study variables.
Negative Changes (CiOQ) .80 24.95 7.87 15–60
Compassion Fatigue .70 10.27 4.80 2–26
Burnout .61 18.56 4.68 8–31
Note. SOC = Sense of coherence. JSPE = Jefferson Scale of Physician Empathy. WAI–B = Working Alliance Inventory—Bond subscale. CSS = Crisis Support Scale. PTGI =
Posttraumatic Growth Inventory. CiOQ = Changes in Outlook Questionnaire.
TABLE 2. MANOVA Showing Differences in Positive and Negative Therapist Well–Being According to Previous and Current Personal Therapy
No 37.68 5.37 No 37.03 5.94
Negative Well–Being
CiOQ–N Yes 24.54 7.97 .80 Yes 24.40 7.56 .10
No 26.35 7.58 No 25.17 7.99
CF Yes 10.25 4.86 .00 Yes 9.91 5.00 .28
No 10.53 4.55 No 10.39 4.77
Burnout Yes 18.19 4.41 4.46* Yes 17.06 4.21 4.66*
No 20.09 5.22 No 19.04 4.74
Note. PTGI = Posttraumatic Growth Inventory. CiOQ–P = Changes in Outlook Questionnaire – Positive changes. CS = Compassion Satisfaction. CiOQ–N = Changes in Out-
look Questionnaire – Negative changes. CF = Compassion Fatigue. *p < .05; **p < .01.
swered no (M = 61.70, SD =20.56), F(1, 136) = 5.60, p < .05. All other group
comparisons for the personal trauma history variable were
nonsignificant, largest F(1, 136) = 2.56, p > .10.
Gender. Women reported greater levels of personal growth (M = 66.97,
SD = 19.61) than did men (M = 55.21, SD = 19.30), F(1,141) = 8.41, p < .01.
This was also the case for positive changes, with women reporting more
positive changes (M = 48.29, SD = 6.68) than did men (M = 45.15, SD =
9.21), F(1, 141) = 5.62, p < .05. All other gender comparisons were
nonsignificant, largest F(1, 141) = 3.57, p > .05.
Therapeutic Training and Practice Orientations. Therapists whose train-
ing was primarily transpersonal in orientation were more likely to re-
port positive psychological changes as a result of their therapeutic work.
In contrast, therapists whose training was primarily cognitive–behav-
ioral in orientation were less likely to report positive psychological
changes as a result of their therapeutic work. Similarly, therapists from a
cognitive–behavioral training orientation were significantly more likely
to report symptoms of burnout as a result of their therapeutic work. This
same pattern of findings also held for therapists’ current therapeutic
practice orientation (see Table 3).
Lifetime Therapy Work. Therapists who reported a greater length of
time working as a therapist reported more negative psychological
changes (r = .16, p < .05) and more compassion fatigue (r = .20, p < .01). All
other correlations were nonsignificant.
Current Therapy Workload. Therapists who reported a greater number
of hours per week spent with clients in therapy reported more personal
growth (r = .23, p < .01) and more positive psychological changes (r = .19,
p < .05). All other correlations were nonsignificant.
This study provides a broad analysis of possible occupational and psy-
chological factors that influence both positive and negative aspects of
therapist well–being. The literature dealing with the effects of therapy
TABLE 3. Therapeutic Training and Current Practice Orientation Correlates with Positive and Negative Therapist Well–Being
Current Practice
Client–centered .14* .17* .05 –.08 .03 .01
Psychodynamic .10 .10 –.02 –.09 –.07 –.09
Cognitive–behavioral –.16* –.14* .02 .11 .05 .20**
Existential .13 .07 –.08 .05 .11 .11
Transpersonal .24*** .19** .18* .03 .07 –.10
Integrative .10 .11 .03 –.05 .10 .09
Eclectic –.01 .04 .14* .01 .07 .08
Note. PTGI = Posttraumatic Growth Inventory. CiOQ–P = Changes in Outlook Questionnaire—Positive changes. CS = Compassion Satisfaction. CiOQ–N = Changes in
Outlook Questionnaire—Negative changes. CF = Compassion Fatigue. *p < .05; **p < .01; ***p < .001. All one–tailed tests.
B SE (B) t
Positive Well–Being
Posttraumatic Growth (PTGI)
SOC –.29 .21 –.13 –1.38
JSPE .44 .17 .22 2.53*
WAI–B .45 .30 .14 1.49
CSS .23 .29 .07 .78
Positive Changes (CiOQ)
SOC .00 .07 –.03 –.33
JSPE .00 .06 .12 1.48
WAI–B .37 .11 .31
CSS .23 .10 .18 2.22*
Compassion Satisfaction
SOC .00 .05 –.44 –5.10***
JSPE .00 .05 .16 2.20
WAI–B .43 .08 .45 5.53***
CSS .00 .07 .06 .85
Negative Well–Being
Negative Changes (CiOQ)
SOC –.41 .07 –.47 –5.96***
JSPE –.20 .06 –.26 –3.54***
WAI–B .00 .10 .04 .48
CSS –.13 .10 –.10 –1.30
Compassion Fatigue
SOC –.23 .05 –.44 –5.10***
JSPE .00 .04 .05 .62
WAI–B .00 .07 –.13 –1.49
CSS .00 .06 .04 .49
SOC –.15 .04 –.27 –3.40***
JSPE .00 .04 .03 .42
WAI–B –.26 .06 –.34 –4.22***
CSS .00 .06 –.12 –1.58
Note. Sense of coherence, empathy, therapeutic bond, and social support were entered simultaneously to
predict each positive and negative therapist change variable. PTGI = Posttraumatic Growth Inventory.
CiOQ = Changes in Outlook Questionnaire. SOC = Sense of coherence. JSPE = Jefferson Scale of Physi-
cian Empathy. WAI–B = Working Alliance Inventory—Bond subscale. CSS = Crisis Support Scale. *p <
.05; ***p < .001.
seling and clinical practice that are mindful of the experiences of the
therapist. From an occupational perspective, personal therapy and su-
pervision appear to be good facilitative experiences for positive well–be-
ing in therapists, and should be encouraged as a regular part of any ther-
apist’s clinical work (cf. Macran, Stiles, & Smith, 1999). Personal therapy
also appears protective against burnout, replicating previous research
in this area. The finding that practitioners working from a cognitive–be-
havioral perspective were less likely to report positive changes and
more likely to report burnout suggests an important need for awareness
of these issues, given the prevalence of the cognitive–behavioral orienta-
tion in current clinical training and practice. Cognitive–behavioral prac-
titioners may particularly benefit from interventions to facilitate their
personal growth and relieve their sense of burnout.
The sense of coherence personality construct appears to be a good pro-
tective factor against negative psychological changes, compassion fa-
tigue, and burnout. As such, it may usefully be considered for assess-
ment and screening of therapists who, low in sense of coherence, may
find themselves at risk for the negative psychological effects of provid-
ing therapy. In contrast, the therapeutic bond appears to be the best pre-
dictor of positive therapist well–being, and may be usefully conceptual-
ized as the empathic channel through which therapists can
constructively engage with their vicarious experience of the suffering
and distress of their clients (cf. Martin, Garske, & Davis, 2000).
Overall, these findings point to a range of factors that are associated
with both positive and negative well–being in therapists. While further
research is clearly needed, there are clear implications for counseling and
clinical practice. Given that the therapist is second only to the client as a
factor predictive of therapeutic success (Wampold, 2001), it is imperative
that therapists take steps to ensure that they are functioning at their best in
the therapeutic relationship. Facilitating their own personal well–being
and avoiding burnout is clearly one way in which this can be achieved.
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