Date Chapters Comments Responses Page Sign
14/12/2024 One No references for most work. All citations used were 1-57 added to the reference list Add some results in your The results of analysis xiv abstract. were added to the abstract Clarify on the theory the study The theory of the 4-5 adopted, is it “equality” or study was specified “equity” theory. which is equity” theory. The problem statement is Evidence was added to 8 clear; the candidate should the statement of the add more evidence. problem Objectives, questions, The study objectives, 9 hypothesis and literature show questions, hypotheses that you are studying equal revisited and improved service provision but the model shows distribution. Provide clear source for your Clear source for the 10 conceptual model. The conceptual framework sources provided are not was added and referenced anywhere. referenced 14/12/2024 Two Clarify on which theory you The theory of the 14 used. study was revised You are requested to indicate the corrections which have been made in the dissertation for Final dissertation Submission. Please attaché if information is detailed. which is equity” theory. 14/12/2024 Three Specify clearly your unit of The unit of analysis 32 analysis and unit of inquiry. wa specified which is correlation analysis Remove document review Document review 29-30 from data collection method and instrument instruments since it has no was removed from the method for data analysis. study since were not Instead just cite the used documents used in your study.
Methodology lacks The section of 33
measurement of variables measurement of section (how did the candidate variables was added measure his/her variables and and how variables where did he/she adopt the were measured measurements from).
What tool did you use to The tool for analyzing 32
analyze qualitative data? qualitative data was Vivo program 14/12/2024 Four Candidate’s Findings are The findings were 50 well-presented and clearly revised and improved. discussed. However he/she The moderating introduces a moderating variables was removed variable on page 54, please clarify if you have a moderating variable, if not remove the word moderating from table 4.12. You are requested to indicate the corrections which have been made in the dissertation for Final dissertation Submission. Please attaché if information is detailed. Five Add more Recommendations Recommendation on 56 that reflect on policy not only policy were added practice. Provide clear limitations Limitations of the 57 section to study and give study were added suggestions on what should be done for those limitations. Elaborate more on areas for The areas for the study 58 further research. were revisited and improved