Discrete mathematics

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(Pinted Pajes 4)

Roil No.
B.Sc. (C.S.) ÜI Sem.

B.Sc. Computer Science
Examination, Dec. 2010

Time: Three Hours ] {Maximum Marks: 75

Note:.Attempt all sections as per instructions.


Note :Atternpt all questions.

1. f A={1, 2, 3, 4, 5),B={2,4,6, 8}
and C {3, 5, 7}, Find
) An(BoC)
() A-(B-C
(i) (AuB;nc
tion that for all ne N 7
Define Grour with exama
Leii:R -R and g:R-R be iefined by 12 + 22 + 32 + --t n2= 6 n (n + 1) (2n

f(x) =x-1and g(x) = x² + i, find

(b) State the Pigeonhole Principle. !f any 51 inte
(fog) (2)
gers are chosen fromthe set{1,2,3, ----, 100}
(Ü) (gog) (2)
4. Defne Regular Graphs with exanple. then show that among the choosen integers
5. Defre Disjuction statement with example and construct there exist twö integers such that one is mul
the irun table. 3
tiple of the other.
Section -B
Define Normal Subgroup. Shew that the set of
Note : Attempt any two questions
all positive rational numbe.rs forms an abelian
6. Explain OR', AND &'NOT kgic gates with logic dia
gram and truth table. 7.5 group uñder the Codiposition defined by
7. By iruth table show that 7.5
a "b - (ab)
~pva) =~paq(De Morgan's Law)
8. Use generating functions to solve the recurrence rela
Define Ring. If R is aring, then for al a, be R
a0=0a =0 7
(), (-a) (-b) =ab
a=a,t a, with a, = 2and a, = 3
Section -C n(a) In any Boolean algebra, show that 7

(a + b) {b+ c) (c +a) = ab + bc + ca
Note: Atempt any three qustions. (b) Define.Bounded Latice with example. . . 8

9. (a) Prove by the principle of mathematical induc Prove that If (L, s)is alattice then for any
NP-3602\8013 P.T.0.
a, be L, the followig resuils iold :

a abbaa
(i) a (avb)- a
Prove that the number of odd vertices (i.e. Ver
tíces of dd degree) in agraph is always even.

(b) Shw that the follcwing stalement (proposition)

is a lautology 7

(pvq)vr o pv(r)
13. Define with example ay ive of tne toilownig.

(a) Chromatic Numi

(b) Graph Coloring
(c) Euler Graphs 3 200
3 M
(d) Tree
(e) Boolean Algebre
() Cyclic Groups
(g) Biconditional Staiement

[rinted Pages 4]
Rell N6,
>.Sc. (Cem. )- ISem.

SSc. Cemuter Sc.
Exáminatien, Dec. 211
Siscrete Structures
(BCS -3$1}
Time: Tiree Hours }
fMaximun larks : 75
Section -Â
1. Define Normal Subgroup,
2. Define
Conjunction Statement with exampie atd
construct the truth table.
3. Deine Graphs with example. 3

4. if U= (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7,
8},A={1,3, 5, 7} and
B= {1,2,4, 5, 6, 7, 8} 3 Sectisn -C
verify that (AU B =A'o .
in a Boolean algebra (B,
+,.,), prove that
Let the functions f:R’R and g:R-’Rbe defined
by f(= 2x. (() (a + b) +(a b)= a' P- 204 8

g(x)= x+2y xeR a.b+b.c+b.c'= b

(b) Define bounded latice, Prove that Dual of a
Obtain the valuesof (fog) (2) and (gog).(1). lattice lattice-b

Section -B 10. (a) / Show that if a, b are any twO

elements of a group
6. Use generating functions to solve the recurrence G then (ab) = ab if and onty if G is abelian. 7
relation 7.5 ((b)) IfR is a ring, then for all a, b, ce R

a, 2+a, with a, =2and a, =3 () (-a)(- b) = ab

7. Using the principle of mathematical (ii) (b-c)a = ba - ca 8
induction, prove
7.5 .a)
.11. LetA, B and C be subsets of an universal set U.'
Then prove the following property:
1.2 + 2.3 +3.4 + .. +n(n +1)
Au(BoC) = (AUB)n(AUC)
8. Prove that the following
statement is a contradjction (b) LetX={1, 2, 3, 4,5} and the functions be defined
(Pyq) ^ [(-p) a (-q)) 7.5
as f: X’ X, g:X’ X
NP-3602\36012 NP-36$213s813 TO.
f{1) = 3, f(2) = 5, í(3) = 3, i(4) = 1, (5) = 2,
g(1) 4, g(2) =1, g(3) =1, g(4) =2, g'5)-3
Find the composite functions
gof and fog.
12. fa) Prove that if J graph (connected or

disconnected) has exactly twO. vertiçes of odd

degree, then there exists a path joining these
two vertices. 8

(b) Prove that every connected graph with

vertices and n -1 edges is atree. 7

13 Write short r3tes on any *hree of the fo!!owing :


Li) HamiionianGraph and Chromatic Number

Universal and Existential Quantifiers

LV) Ring and Field

Tree andTree Traversal

Roll No. 3223.S22
B. Sc. (Comp: Sc.)III Sem.
B. Sc. (Computer Science) Examination, Dec. 2012


Time: Three Hours] [Maximum Marks: 75

Note : Attempt all the Sections asper instructions.

(Very Short Answer Questions)
Attempt all the five questions. Each question carries
3 marks. 3x5=15
1. Define ring with example.

2. Define biconditional statement with example and

construct the truth table.

3. State the pigeonhole principle.

4. Let the
functionsf:R»R, g:R ’ Rbe defined
by f)-2x+1, g(x)=*-2, find gofandfog.

(b) The intersection of any two normal subgroups

S. IfA= {1, 3, 5, 7}, B= (2, 3, 5}, C= (5, 6, 8, 9} 7
and u= {1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,9, 10}, find:
of a group is anormal subgroup.
(i) (AUBU C)
(1) (B-FC. 10. (a) Define siaple graph. Show that the graphs
given below are not isomorphic :
(Short Answer Questions)
Attempt any two questions. Each question carries
7½x2=15 Vs
7½ marks.
6. Using the principle of mathematical induction, prove (b) Prove thata graph Gis a tree iff there is one and
that : only one path between any two vertices ofG. 8
1.3+3.5+5.7+....+(2n-1)(2n +1) =÷n(4n +6n-1)
11. (a) Simplifyingthe Boolean function:
7. Use generating functions to solve the recurrence f=ab'cd + ch + cd' + ac'+a'bc'+b'c'd'.
relationa, =a,_tn with a,=1.
(b) Define Lattices as partially ordered sets (poset).
pv(gqvr) Let X= {2, 3, 6, 12, 24, 36} and the relation
8 By truth table to showthat (pv)vr
is a tautology. <be such that xsy if xdivides y(i. e. xy).
Draw the Hasse diagram of(X, <).
(Detailed Answer Questions) 12. (a) LetX= {1, 2, 3} andfand gbe functions from
Attempt any three questions. Each question carries Xto Xgiven by :
15 marks. f={(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 1)} and
9. (a) Show that the set of all positive rational g={(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 1)}
numbers forms an abelian group under the
composition defined bya + b=(ab)/4. Findfog and gof and also show that fog* gof. 8

(b) Let A, Band Cbe subsets of an universal setu.

Then prove the following property : 7

(AU B)'=4'^ B

13. Write short notes on any three of the following: 5x3

(i) Graph colouring and chromatic number
(ii) Group and normal subgroup
(üi) Logical implicational and logical equivalence
(iv) Universal and existential quantifiers
(v) Planar graphs and bipartite graph.

B. Se. (C.S.)-III Sem.

B. Sc. (Computer Science)
Examination, Dec. 2013
Time : Three Hours]
[Maximum Marks : 75
Note : Attempt questions from
each Section as per
(Very Short Answer
Attempt all the five questions of this
Each question
carries 3 marks. Very short answer
is required.
1. Show that the set of all bit
strings is countable. 3
2. Prove that the set {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}
is a finite
abelian group of order 5
under addition modulo 5
as composition.
(2 )
(3 )
3. Let f:R’R and g:R’R be defined by 9. (a) Use mathematical induction to
f(r) =x-l and g(x) =x*+1, find : show that:7
11 1
(fog) (2) -t...tVn; n22,
()-(gog) (2). 3
4. (b) State the pigeonhole principle. If any 51
When is a simple graph G bipartite? Given an
example. integers are chosen from the set
S. Show that the proposition p’q and {1, 2, 3, ., 100} then show that among the
logically equivalent. 3
choosen integers there exist two integers
Section-B such that one is multiple of the other. 8
(Short Answer Questions)
This Section contains three 10. (a) Let, (S, *) be a semigroup. Then prove that
questions, attempt there exists a homomorphism g:S’,
any twoquestions. Each question carries 7½ marks.
where (S, 0) is a semigroup of functions
Show that Vx(P(*)v Q(*) ’ (txP(*) v(Vxg(*) from S to S under the operation of (left)
by indirect method of proof. 7½ composition. 8
7. Prove thatJ2 is irrational by giving a proof (b) Prove that every finite group of order n is
using contradiction. 7½
8. Solve the recurrence relation : isomorphic to a permutation group of

order n. 7
Cn+1-a,=3n -n, n > 0, ao =3.
Section-C 11. (a) Prove that DeMorgan's laws hold good for
(Detailed Answer Questions) a complemented distributive lattice
This Section contains five
questions, attempt any
three questions. Each question carries 15
(L, A v) viz(avb) =dab and (anbj=dv8.7
marks. (b) In any boolean algebra, show that : 8
(atb) (b+c) (cta) = abtbc+ca.
(4 )
12. (a) Prove that the maximum number of edges in
a simple disconnected_graph G with n
vertices and k components is : 8

(b) Prove that a graph is bipartite iff all its
circuits are of even length. 7
13. Define with example any five of the following: 3x5
(ay Complete graph
(6) Abelian groyp
(c Lattice
d) Platonic graph
(e) Petersen graph
() Biconditional statement
Isomorphism between two algebraic systems.

(Printed Pages 7)
(20115) RollNo. 305o)S
B.Sc. (C.S.) - III Sem.

B.Sc. (Computer Science)
Examination, Dec - 2014
Time : Three Hours ]
[Maximum Marks : 75
Note : Attempt questions from each section as
per instructions.

Section - A
(Very Short,Answer Questions)
Note: Attempt all the five questions. Each ques
tion carries 3 marks. Very short
answer is
1. The bit strings for the sets {1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
and {1, 3, 5, 7, 9} (with universal set {1, 2,
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}) are 11 1110 0000

3. Suppose that f is defined recursively by
and 10 1010 1010, respectively. Use bit f (0) = 3,
strings to find the union and intersection of f (n+1)=2f(n)+3.
these sets. Find f (1), f (2), f (3), and f (4).
2. In the graph below, determine whether the 4. The Pigeonhole principle states that iff:A’B
is a function from a set A to a set B and if
following sequences are paths, simple paths,
circuits, or simple circuits. |A|>|B| then :
(a) f is not onto
(b) fis not one-one

(c) fis neither one-one nor onto

Vo e40
(d) f may be one-one
5. Show that x, (3*-1)/2 is a solution to
eg V

e6 the recurrence relation xo+Xn = 3 .

(a) V,e,v,e,oVse,V,e,V,$ Section - B

(b) v,e,V,e,Ve,oV{e,V P (Short Answer Questions)

Note: This section contains three questions. At
(c) v,e,V,e,Vi
tempt any two questions. Each question
(d) v,e,V,e,V,e;V,e;V4egVs C C NP-3602140013 P.T.O.
is of 7V2 marks.
tempt any three questions. Each ques
6. Show that the premises "It is not sunny this tion is of 15 marks.

afternoon and it is colder than yesterday," 9. Use mathematical induction to prove the fol
"We will go swimming only if it is sunny," "If lowing generalization of one of De Morgan's
we do not go swimming, then we will take a laws

canoe trip," and "If we take a canoe trip,

then we will be home by sunset" lead to the i=1

Conclusion "we will be home by sunset."

whenever A1, A2, ..., An are subsets of a
7. Define a homomorphism between two
universal set Uand n 2.
groups. Let :G’G be ahomomorphism
of a group G into a group G.Show that the 10. Consider the recurrence relation

kernel of is a normal subgroup of G.

a, = -a,-1t 8 an-t 12 a,_ n 3.
8. If R, and R, are equivalence relations de
(a) Write the corresponding characteristic
fined on the same set A. Prove that R, o R,
is an equivalence relation on A. equation and verify that one of its roots
equals 3.

(Detailed Answer Questions) (b) Find all roots of the

characteristic equa
Note: This section contains five questions. At
NP-3602140014 NP-3602\40015 P.T.O.
(c) Showthat the particular solution of the
recurrence relation subject to the initial V3

conditions a, = a, = 1 and a, = 17 is
found by a, = n (-2)" + 3n.
11. In agroup of 400 students, 300 are doing
mathematics, 250 are doing physics and 200
are doing chemistry. Furthermore, 210 are
doing mathematics and physics, 120 are
doing mathematics and chemistry and 80
are doing physics and chemistry. Only 40 are
doing al three subjects. How many students
13. (a) Given the truth value of p and q as T
are not doing any of these subjects?
and those of r and s as F, find the truth
12. (a) If a graph G has an Euler circuit then
value of
every vertex of the graph has even de
(pv (q =(ra(~ p)))) > (qv (~ s)).
(b) Prove that in aBoolean Algebra
(b) Does the following graph has an Euler
() a+ (a. b) =a
(ii) a. (a + b) = a

(20116) RollNo. 2&6O03
B. Sc. (Com. Sc.)-IIISem.

B. Sc. (Computer Science) Examination,
Dec. 2015
Time : Three Hours] [Maximum Marks: 75
Not : Attempt questions from all Sections as per

(Very Short Answer Questions)
Attempt all the five questions of this Section.
Each question carries 3 marks. Very short answer
is required. 3×5=15
1. Define a binary relation. Illustrate it with
example. 3
(2) (3),
7. Prove the following by PMI :
2. Prove that the function f:C’ IR, defined by 72

f(z)z| is neither one-one nor onto. 3


3. Show that the union of two equivalence 8. Define :

relation need not be an equivalence relation. 3
(i) A finite multigraph

4. Prove that a Boolean algebra is a self dual. 3 (ii) The trivial graph
(ii) An isoláted vertex
5. If Aand B are non-empty sets, prove that Give an example in each case. 72
Ax B=BxA iff A=B. 3
(Detailed Answer Questions)
(Short Answer Questions)
This Section contains five questions, attempt
This Section contains three questions, attempt any three questions. Each question carries 15
any two questions. Each question carries 7½ marks. Answer is required in detail. 15x3=45
marks. Short answer is required. 7½x2=15
6. Let A, B, C and D be sets. Suppose R is a 9. (a) Let R be a relation on the set z of
relation from A to B. S is a relation from B to integers defined by x= y(mod S). Prove
Cand Tis a relation from C to D. Prove that that it is an equivalence relation. Find
(RoS)oT =Ro(SoT). 7%
the induced equivalence classes. 7

NP-3602 NP-3602
(4 ) (5 )

(b) Let f:IR’ IR defined by

11. (a) Search the following tree is pre-order,
post-order and in-order: 72
fo)= x+b, a, b, xe IR and a#0.
Show that f is invertible and find the
inverse of f.

(c) Let f and g be functions from IR to

IR defined by f(r)=x] and g(r)4x|.
Determine whether fog = gof . 3

10. (a) Define a POSET. Let z be the set of

(b) Findthe minimal spanning tree for the
integers. Define R on z by aRb iff a
following weighted connected graph : 7h
divides b. Is R a partial ordering on z?

(b) Does the logic circuit with inputs A, B,

C and output Y which corresponds to 16

each Boolean expression :

(i) Y= ABC+AC+BC 13

(ii) Y= AB'C+ ABC' + AB'C

NP-3602 NP-3602
(6 )
12. (a) Apply Fleury's algorithm to construct an
Euler circuit for the following graph : 72
13. (a) Let R be a congruence relation on the
semigroup (S, *). Then show that
0:SIRx S/R’ SIR defined by

O([a], [b]) =[a]0[b] =[a*b], a, beS is a

binary operation on S/R and (S/R,O)
is a semigroup. 7½

(b) Let gbe a group in which (ab)' = a'b' for

three consecutive integers i for all
a, beG. Prove that G is abelian. 7½

(b) Does the graph G given below have

Hamiltonian circuit? Justify your answer :


NP-3602 NP-3602-7
(Printed Pages 4)
(20222) Roll No.
B.Sc.(Com.Sci.)-III Sem.
NP-3602 (CV-III)
B.Sc. (Computer Science)
Examination, Dec.-2021
Time : 1% Heurs
Maximum Marks : 75
Atteptall the
setinnsas Ar
Note Attempt any two

question carries 7.5 marks.

qestions. Fach

Consider the function f: N’N, 2x7.5=15
given by f(0)=1 and recursively
f(10). f(n+)=2-f(a). Find
many Lattice
and end at (10, pathstart as (3, 3)
3. Findthe order of the elements of (Z, t) 9. (a) Prove that the maximum number of
4 Define multi graph with example. nodes in a binary tree of depth a is
5. Use a membership table to show that: 2a-1, where a Xi.
An(BUC)=(AnB)U(AnC) (b) Show that the set M of all elements
Section-B {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5} with addition
Note : Attempt any one question out of
modulo 6 and multiplication modulo
the following three questions. Each
6 as a composition is a ring with
question carries 15 marks. 1x15=15
zero divisors.
6. Show that: there are only two non
isomorphic groups of order 4.
7. Show that, ina Boolean algebra, the Show that the set M of àl! matrice
fdempotent taws XvX=X and XAX=X
of the form where nez is a
holds for eyery element X.
8 Give an example of a graph which is semigroup unde multiplication and
Hamiltonian but not Eulerian and vice it is isomorphic to (Z, +).
10. (a) Prove that prodúct of two lattices is
a lattices.
Note : Attempt any two questions out of
the following five questions. Each
(b) State and prove DeMorgan's law of
question carries 22.5 marks.
2x22.5=45 Boolean Algebra.
NP-3602(CV-III)/2 NP-3602(CV-III)/3 P.T.0.
i1. (2) Define K-reqular graph. Give
example of 2 regular, 3-regular,
4-regular gíaphs.
(b\Show that the function f<x, y>
X+y is prirnitive recessive.
(c) Use
mathematicalinduction to show
SK'= n(n+ 1)(2n+1)
K=1 6

12. (a) State and prove pigeonhole

(b) Define minimum spanning tree.

(c) Negate the statement: Every city in
Canada is clean.
13. (a) Prove that a simple graph has a

spanning tree iff it is connected.

(b) If agroup ras four elements, show

that it must be abetian.

tP-3602(CV-III) /4

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