Khed Solapur-413255
Evolution sheet for Micro Project
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Roll No Name of students performance
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in oral/
group activity of 10
Name and
Signature of Ms. Sarade R. P.
SVP’s Swami Vivekanand Institute of Technology(Polytechnic),
(Ms.Waghmare P.U.)
(Ms. Sarade R. P.) (Dr. Bhosale )
HOD Principal
Place: Solapur
Date: / /
“Techniques of Black Box Testing” has been developed successfully with a great contribution of
two students in a period of two months. We like to appreciate their guidance, encouragement and
willingness since without their support the project would not have been a success. We would like to give
our heartfelt gratitude to Principal Dr. Bhosale ., Guide Ms. Sarade R. P.. & HOD Ms.Waghmare
P.U.who is the supervisor of our project for helping and encouraging us in many ways to make our
project a success. We would never been able to finish our work without great support and enthusiasm
from friends and support from our family. We would like to thank the department of Computer
Engineering, for giving us permission to initiate this project and successfully finish it.
Black Box Testing is a software testing method in which the functionalities of software
applications are tested without having knowledge of internal code structure, implementation
details and internal paths. Black Box Testing mainly focuses on input and output of software
applications and it is entirely based on software requirements and specifications. It is also
known as Behavioral Testing.
For Example , an operating system like Windows, a website like Google, a database like
Oracle or even your own custom application. Under Black Box Testing, you can test these
applications by just focusing on the inputs and outputs without knowing their internal code
Black Box Testing and Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
Black box testing has its own life cycle called Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC) and it is
relative to every stage of Software Development Life Cycle of Software Engineering.
Requirement – This is the initial stage of SDLC and in this stage, a requirement is
gathered. Software testers also take part in this stage.
Test Planning & Analysis – Testing Types applicable to the project are determined.
A Test Plan is created which determines possible project risks and their mitigation.
Design – In this stage Test cases/scripts are created on the basis of software requirement
Test Execution– In this stage Test Cases prepared are executed. Bugs if any are fixed
and re-tested.
Black Box Testing Techniques
1. Equivalence Partitioning:
Equivalence class partitioning is a technique used in software testing to divide the possible
inputs into a set of equivalence classes, or partitions, with the goal of finding and testing a
representative set of inputs from each class. All the elements belonging to an equivalence
class are expected to give out the same output, so testing a single value from the set should
be enough.
This helps to reduce the number of test cases that need to be created and executed while still
providing good coverage. The classes are defined based on functional or non-functional
requirements and can take into account factors such as data types, ranges, and relationships
between input values.
When defining the equivalence classes, you should always make sure to also include the
invalid ones, too, to cover the negative test scenarios as well. In my experience, I’ve found
that most defects are found when using invalid inputs rather than positive ones.
You have an optional field that only allows integer values between 1 and 10. You would
have the following equivalence classes:
It is process-oriented
It helps to decrease the general test execution time and also reduce the set of test data.
2. Boundary Value Analysis:
Testers can identify that a system has a special response around a specific boundary value. For
example, a specific field may accept only values between 0 and 99. Testers can focus on the
boundary values (-1, 0, 99 and 100), to see if the system is accepting and rejecting inputs
Boundary analysis is a technique used in software testing to identify and test the input values
at or near the edge or "boundary" of the program's input domain. The idea is that these values
are more likely to cause errors or unexpected behavior because they often involve special
cases or edge cases that the program may not have been designed to handle properly.
For example, testing a program that accepts a range of integers between 1 and 100, the
boundary values would be 1, 100, and all the values just outside the range, such as 0 and 101.
Inner Boundary Testing: focuses on the input values that are just inside the edge of the
input domain, such as the minimum and maximum values that are allowed.
Outer Boundary Testing: focuses on the input values that are just outside the edge of the in
put domain, such as values that are slightly above or below the minimum and maximum
allowed values.
Boundary analysis is an important technique for finding errors and ensuring that a program
behaves correctly for all inputs, not just those in the middle of the input domain. This can
help to identify and fix bugs that might otherwise go unnoticed.
It is easier and faster to find defects using this technique. This is because the density of
defects at boundaries is more.
Instead of testing will all sets of test data, we only pick the one at the boundaries. So, the
overall test execution time reduces.
Resources Used:
Black-box testing is testing the software from the end-users perspective. If done correctly, it
is an excellent way to ensure the system works in line with end-users expectations without
worrying about the system's inner workings.