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Object-Oriented Programming
A language that is object oriented must provide support for three key language features:

• Abstract data types

• Inheritance
– Inheritance is the central theme in OOP and languages that support it
• dynamic binding of method calls to methods


• The process of acquiring properties from base class to subclass

• The syntactic form of a derived class is

class derived_class_name : derivation_mode base_class_name

{data member and member function declarations};

The derivation_mode can be either public or private.

As a simple example of inheritance, consider the following: Suppose we have a class named
Vehicles, which has variables for year, color, and make. A natural specialization, or subclass, of
this would be Truck, which could inherit the variables from Vehicle, but would add variables for
hauling capacity and number of wheels. Figure 12.1 shows a simple diagram to indicate the
relationship between the Vehicle class and the Truck class, in which the arrow points to the
parent class.
There are several ways a derived class can differ from its parent. Following are the most
common differences between a parent class and its subclasses:

1. The parent class can define some of its variables or methods to have private access, which
means they will not be visible in the subclass.
2. The subclass can add variables and/or methods to those inherited from the parent class.
3. The subclass can modify the behavior of one or more of its inherited methods. A modified
method has the same name, and often the same protocol, as the one of which it is a modification.
The new method is said to override the inherited method, which is then called an overridden

Classes can have two kinds of methods and two kinds of variables. The most commonly used
methods and variables are called instance methods and instance variables. Every object of a
class has its own set of instance variables, which store the object’s state. The only difference
between two objects of the same class is the state of their instance variables. For example, a class
for cars might have instance variables for color, make, model, and year. Instance methods
operate only on the objects of the class. Class variables belong to the class, rather than its
object, so there is only one copy for the class. For example, if we wanted to count the number of
instances of a class, the counter could not be an instance variable—it would need to be a class

• Productivity increases can come from reuse

– ADTs are difficult to reuse—always need changes
– All ADTs are independent and at the same level
• Inheritance allows new classes defined in terms of existing ones, i.e., by allowing them
to inherit common parts
• ADTs are usually called classes.Class instances are called objects
• A class that inherits is a derived class or a subclass
• The class from which another class inherits is a parent class or superclass
• In the simplest case, a class inherits all of the entities of its parent
• Inheritance can be complicated by access controls to encapsulated entities
• A class can hide entities from its subclasses
• A class can hide entities from its clients
• A class can also hide entities for its clients while allowing its subclasses to see them
• Besides inheriting methods as is, a class can modify an inherited method
• There are two kinds of methods in a class:
– Class methods – accept messages to the class
– Instance methods – accept messages to objects
• One disadvantage of inheritance for reuse:
Creates interdependencies among classes that complicate maintenance

Inheritance Example in C++

class base_class
int a;
float x;
int b;
float y;
int c;
float z;
class subclass_1 : public base_class { … };
// In this one, b and y are protected and
// c and z are public
class subclass_2 : private base_class { … };
// In this one, b, y, c, and z are private,
// and no derived class has access to any
// member of base_class

Abstract data types

Data hiding is known as encapsulation. It is a procedure of forming objects. An encapsulated

object is often called as an Abstract data type. We need to encapsulate data because programmer
often makes mistakes and data get changed accidentally. Thus to protect data we need to
construct a secure wall to protect the data. Data hiding is nothing but making data variable of the
class private. C++ classes are abstract data types. A C++ program unit that declares an instance
of a class can also access any of the public entities in that class, but only through an instance of
the class. This is a cleaner and more direct way to provide abstract data types

Dynamic binding
Member functions that must be dynamically bound must be declared to be virtual functions by preceding
their headers with the reserved word virtual, which can appear only in a class body. A method can be
defined to be virtual, which means that they can be called through polymorphic variables and
dynamically bound to messages. A pointer variable that has the type of a base class can be used to
point to any heap-dynamic objects of any class publicly derived from that base class, making it a
polymorphic variable. A polymorphic variable can be defined in a class that is able to reference (or point
to) objects of the class and objects of any of its descendants C++ does not allow value variables to be
polymorphic. A pure virtual function has no definition at all . A class that has at least one pure
virtual function is an abstract class
Example of dynamic binding

class Shape
virtual void draw() = 0;
. . .
class Circle : public Shape
void draw() { . . . }
. . .
class Rectangle : public Shape
void draw() { . . . }
. . .
class Square : public Rectangle
void draw() { . . . }
. . .
Given these definitions, the following code has examples of both statically and dynamically bound calls:
Square* sq = new Square;
Rectangle* rect = new Rectangle;
Shape* ptr_shape;
ptr_shape = sq; // Now ptr_shape points to a
// Square object
ptr_shape->draw(); // Dynamically bound to the draw
// in the Square class
rect->draw(); // Statically bound to the draw
// in the Rectangle class
This situation is shown in Figure 12.6.

dynamic binding allows the code that uses members like draw to be written before all or even any of the
versions of draw are written. New derived classes could be added years later, without requiring any
change to the code that uses such dynamically bound members. This is a highly useful feature of object-
oriented languages.

Uses of dynamic binding

Abstract classes and inheritance together support a powerful technique for software development.

Dynamic bindingAllows software systems to be more easily extended during both development
and maintenance e.g., new shape classes are defined later

Design Issues for OOP Languages

 The exclusivity of objects

 Are subclasses subtypes?
 Type checking and polymorphism
 Single and multiple inheritance
 Object allocation and deallocation
 Dynamic and static binding
 Nested classes
 Initialization of objects

The exclusivity of objects

• Everything is an object
– Advantage - elegance and purity
– Disadvantage - slow operations on simple objects
• Add objects to a complete typing system
– Advantage - fast operations on simple objects
– Disadvantage - results in a confusing type system (two kinds of entities)
• Include an imperative-style typing system for primitives but make everything else objects
– Advantage - fast operations on simple objects and a relatively small typing system
– Disadvantage - still some confusion because of the two type systems

Are subclasses subtypes?

 Does an ―is-a‖ relationship hold between a parent class object and an object of subclass?
 If a derived class is-a parent class, then objects of derived class behave same as
parent class object
subtype small_Int is Integer range 0 .. 100;
 Every small_Int variable can be used anywhere Integer variables can be used
 A derived class is a subtype if methods of subclass that override parent class are type
compatible with the overridden parent methods
 Subclass can only add variables and methods and override inherited methods in
―compatible‖ ways

Type Checking and Polymorphism

 Polymorphism may require dynamic type checking of parameters and the return value
 Dynamic type checking is costly and delays error detection
 If overriding methods are restricted to having the same parameter types and return type,
the checking can be static
 Dynamic type checking is costly and delays error detection

Single and Multiple inheritance

 Multiple inheritance allows a new class to inherit from two or more classes
 Disadvantages of multiple inheritance:
 Language and implementation complexity (in part due to name collisions)
 Potential inefficiency - dynamic binding costs more with multiple inheritance (but
not much)
 Advantage:
 Sometimes it is quite convenient and valuable

Object Allocation and Deallocation

 From where are objects allocated?

 If behave like ADTs, can be allocated from anywhere
 Allocated from the run-time stack
 Explicitly created on the heap (via new)
 If they are all heap-dynamic, references can be uniform thru a pointer or reference
variable simplifies assignment
 If objects are stack dynamic, assignment of subclass B’s object to superclass A’s
object is value copy, but what if B is larger in space?
 Is deallocation explicit or implicit?

Dynamic and Static Binding

 Should all binding of messages to methods be dynamic?

 If none are, you lose the advantages of dynamic binding
 If all are, it is inefficient
 Alternative: allow the user to specify

Nested Classes

• If a new class is needed by only one class, there is no reason to define so it can be seen by
other classes
– Can the new class be nested inside the class that uses it?
– In some cases, the new class is nested inside a subprogram rather than directly in
another class
• Other issues:
– Which facilities of the nesting class should be visible to the nested class and vice
12.11 Implementation of Object-Oriented Constructs

There are at least two parts of language support for object-oriented programming

 storage structures for instance variables (Instance Data Storage)

 dynamic bindings of messages to methods
12.11.1 Instance Data Storage

In C++, classes are defined as extensions of C’s record structures—structs. This similarity
suggests a storage structure for the instance variables of class instances—that of a record. This
form of this structure is called a class instance record (CIR). The structure of a CIR is static, so
it is built at compile time and used as a template for the creation of the data of class instances.
Every class has its own CIR. When a derivation takes place, the CIR for the subclass is a copy of
that of the parent class, with entries for the new instance variables added at the end. Because the
structure of the CIR is static, access to all instance variables can be done as it is in records, using
constant offsets from the beginning of the CIR instance. This makes these accesses as efficient as
those for the fields of records.

12.11.2 Dynamic Binding of Method Calls to Methods

• Methods in a class that are statically bound need not be involved in the CIR; methods that
will be dynamically bound must have entries in the CIR
– Calls to dynamically bound methods can be connected to the corresponding code
thru a pointer in the CIR
– The storage structure is sometimes called virtual method tables (vtable)
– Method calls can be represented as offsets from the beginning of the vtable

Consider the following Java example, in which all methods are dynamically bound:

public class A
public int a, b;
public void draw() { . . . }
public int area() { . . . }
public class B extends A
public int c, d;
public void draw() { . . . }
public void sift() { . . . }
The CIRs for the A and B classes, along with their vtables, are shown in Figure 12.7. Notice that
the method pointer for the area method in B’s vtable points to the code for A’s area method. The
reason is that B does not override A’s area method, so if a client of B calls area, it is the area
method inherited from A. On the other hand, the pointers for draw and sift in B’s vtable point to
B’s draw and sift. The draw method is overridden in B and sift is defined as an addition in B.

Multiple inheritance complicates the implementation of dynamic binding.

Consider the following three C++ class definitions:

class A {
int a;
virtual void fun() { . . . }
virtual void init() { . . . }
class B {
int b;
virtual void sum() { . . . }
class C : public A, public B {
int c;
virtual void fun() { . . . }
virtual void dud() { . . . }
The C class inherits the variable a and the init method from the A class. It redefines the fun
method, although both its fun and that of the parent class A are potentially visible through a
polymorphic variable (of type A). From B, C inherits the variable b and the sum method. C
defines its own variable, c, and defines an uninherited method, dud. A CIR for C must include
A’s data, B’s data, and C’s data, as well as some means of accessing all visible methods. Under
single inheritance, the CIR would include a pointer to a vtable that has the addresses of the code
of all visible methods.
There must also be two vtables: one for the A and C view and one for the B view. The first part
of the CIR for C in this case can be the C and A view, which begins with a vtable pointer for the
methods of C and those inherited from A, and includes the data inherited from A. Following this
in C’s CIR is the B view part, which begins with a vtable pointer for the virtual methods of B,
which is followed by the data inherited from B and the data defined in C. The CIR for C is
shown in Figure 12.8.

An example of a subclass CIR with multiple parents

13 Concurrency

13.1 Introduction
13.2 Introduction to Subprogram-Level Concurrency
13.3 Semaphores
13.4 Monitors
13.5 Message Passing
13.6 Ada Support for Concurrency
13.7 Java Threads
13.8 C# Threads
13.9 Concurrency in Functional Languages
13.10 Statement-Level Concurrency

• Concurrency can occur at four levels:

– Machine instruction level
– High-level language statement level
– Unit level
– Program level
• Because there are no language issues in instruction- and program-level concurrency, they
are not addressed here
Multiprocessor Architectures
• Late 1950s - one general-purpose processor and one or more special-purpose processors
for input and output operations
• Early 1960s - multiple complete processors, used for program-level concurrency
• Mid-1960s - multiple partial processors, used for instruction-level concurrency
• Single-Instruction Multiple-Data (SIMD) machines
• Multiple-Instruction Multiple-Data (MIMD) machines
– Independent processors that can be synchronized (unit-level concurrency)
Categories of Concurrency
• A thread of control in a program is the sequence of program points reached as control
flows through the program
• Categories of Concurrency:
– Physical concurrency - Multiple independent processors ( multiple threads of
– Logical concurrency - The appearance of physical concurrency is presented by
time-sharing one processor (software can be designed as if there were multiple
threads of control)
• Coroutines (quasi-concurrency) have a single thread of control
Motivations for Studying Concurrency

• Involves a different way of designing software that can be very useful—many real-world
situations involve concurrency
• Multiprocessor computers capable of physical concurrency are now widely used
Introduction to Subprogram-Level Concurrency
• A task or process is a program unit that can be in concurrent execution with other
program units
• Tasks differ from ordinary subprograms in that:
– A task may be implicitly started
– When a program unit starts the execution of a task, it is not necessarily suspended
– When a task’s execution is completed, control may not return to the caller
• Tasks usually work together
Two General Categories of Tasks
• Heavyweight tasks execute in their own address space
• Lightweight tasks all run in the same address space – more efficient
• A task is disjoint if it does not communicate with or affect the execution of any other task
in the program in any way
Task Synchronization

• A mechanism that controls the order in which tasks execute

• Two kinds of synchronization
– Cooperation synchronization
– Competition synchronization
• Task communication is necessary for synchronization, provided by:
- Shared nonlocal variables
- Parameters
- Message passing
Kinds of synchronization

Cooperation synchronization

• Task B must wait for task A to complete some specific activity before task B can
continue its execution, e.g., the producer-consumer problem

Competition synchronization

• Two or more tasks must use some resource that cannot be simultaneously used, e.g., a
shared counter
– Competition is usually provided by mutually exclusive access (approaches are
discussed later)
Need for Competition Synchronization

• Providing synchronization requires a mechanism for delaying task execution
• Task execution control is maintained by a program called the scheduler, which maps task
execution onto available processors
Task Execution States
• New - created but not yet started
• Rready - ready to run but not currently running (no available processor)
• Running
• Blocked - has been running, but cannot now continue (usually waiting for some event to
• Dead - no longer active in any sense

Liveness and Deadlock

• Liveness is a characteristic that a program unit may or may not have
- In sequential code, it means the unit will
eventually complete its execution
• In a concurrent environment, a task can easily lose its liveness
• If all tasks in a concurrent environment lose their liveness, it is called deadlock
Design Issues for Concurrency
• Competition and cooperation synchronization
• Controlling task scheduling
• How and when tasks start and end execution
• How and when are tasks created
Methods of Providing Synchronization
• Semaphores
• Monitors
• Message Passing
• Dijkstra - 1965
• A semaphore is a data structure consisting of a counter and a queue for storing task
• Semaphores can be used to implement guards on the code that accesses shared data
• Semaphores have only two operations, wait and release (originally called P and V by
• Semaphores can be used to provide both competition and cooperation synchronization
Cooperation Synchronization with Semaphores

• Example: A shared buffer

• The buffer is implemented as an ADT with the operations DEPOSIT and FETCH as the
only ways to access the buffer
• Use two semaphores for cooperation: emptyspots and fullspots
• The semaphore counters are used to store the numbers of empty spots and full spots in the
• DEPOSIT must first check emptyspots to see if there is room in the buffer
• If there is room, the counter of emptyspots is decremented and the value is inserted
• If there is no room, the caller is stored in the queue of emptyspots
• When DEPOSIT is finished, it must increment the counter of fullspots
• FETCH must first check fullspots to see if there is a value
• If there is a full spot, the counter of fullspots is decremented and the value is
• If there are no values in the buffer, the caller must be placed in the queue of
• When FETCH is finished, it increments the counter of emptyspots
• The operations of FETCH and DEPOSIT on the semaphores are accomplished through
two semaphore operations named wait and release
Semaphores: Wait Operation
if aSemaphore’s counter > 0 then
decrement aSemaphore’s counter
put the caller in aSemaphore’s queue
attempt to transfer control to a ready task
-- if the task ready queue is empty,
-- deadlock occurs

Semaphores: Release Operation

if aSemaphore’s queue is empty then
increment aSemaphore’s counter
put the calling task in the task ready queue
transfer control to a task from aSemaphore’s queue

Cooperation Synchronization with semaphores

Producer Code

semaphore fullspots, emptyspots;

fullstops.count = 0;
emptyspots.count = BUFLEN;
task producer;
-- produce VALUE –-
wait (emptyspots); {wait for space}
release(fullspots); {increase filled}
end loop;
end producer;

Consumer Code

task consumer;
wait (fullspots);{wait till not empty}}
release(emptyspots); {increase empty}
-- consume VALUE –-
end loop;
end consumer;

Competition Synchronization with Semaphores

• A third semaphore, named access, is used to control access (competition synchronization)

– The counter of access will only have the values 0 and 1
– Such a semaphore is called a binary semaphore
• Note that wait and release must be atomic!

producer code

semaphore access, fullspots, emptyspots;

access.count = 0;
fullstops.count = 0;
emptyspots.count = BUFLEN;
task producer;
-- produce VALUE –-
wait(emptyspots); {wait for space}
wait(access); {wait for access)
release(access); {relinquish access}
release(fullspots); {increase filled}
end loop;
end producer;
Consumer Code

task consumer;
wait(fullspots);{wait till not empty}
wait(access); {wait for access}
release(access); {relinquish access}
release(emptyspots); {increase empty}
-- consume VALUE –-
end loop;
end consumer;

Evaluation of Semaphores

• Misuse of semaphores can cause failures in cooperation synchronization, e.g., the buffer
will overflow if the wait of fullspots is left out
• Misuse of semaphores can cause failures in competition synchronization, e.g., the
program will deadlock if the release of access is left out

One solution to some of the problems of semaphores in a concurrent environment is to
encapsulate shared data structures with their operations and hide their representations—that is, to
make shared data structures abstract data types with some special restrictions

• The idea: encapsulate the shared data and its operations to restrict access
• A monitor is an abstract data type for shared data

Competition Synchronization

• Shared data is resident in the monitor (rather than in the client units)
• All access resident in the monitor
– Monitor implementation guarantee synchronized access by allowing only
one access at a time
– Calls to monitor procedures are implicitly queued if the monitor is busy at
the time of the call
Cooperation Synchronization

• Cooperation between processes is still a programming task

– Programmer must guarantee that a shared buffer does not experience
underflow or overflow
Fig: A program using a monitor to control access to a shared buffer

Evaluation of Monitors

• A better way to provide competition synchronization than are semaphores

• Semaphores can be used to implement monitors
• Monitors can be used to implement semaphores
• Support for cooperation synchronization is very similar as with semaphores, so it
has the same problems

Message Passing

Message passing is a general model for concurrency
– It can model both semaphores and monitors
– It is not just for competition synchronization
• Central idea: task communication is like seeing a doctor--most of the time she
waits for you or you wait for her, but when you are both ready, you get together,
or rendezvous
Message Passing Rendezvous
• To support concurrent tasks with message passing, a language needs:

- A mechanism to allow a task to indicate when it is willing to accept messages

-If task A is waiting for a message at the time task B sends that message, the message can be
transmitted. This actual transmission of the message is called a rendezvous.

Ada Support for Concurrency

• The Ada 83 Message-Passing Model

– Ada tasks have specification and body parts, like packages; the spec has the
interface, which is the collection of entry points:
task Task_Example is
entry ENTRY_1 (Item : in Integer);
end Task_Example;

Task Body
• The body task describes the action that takes place when a rendezvous occurs
• A task that sends a message is suspended while waiting for the message to be
accepted and during the rendezvous
• Entry points in the spec are described with accept clauses in the body

Example of a Task Body

task body Task_Example is

accept Entry_1 (Item: in Float) do
end Entry_1;
end loop;
end Task_Example;

The task executes to the top of the accept clause and waits for a message
During execution of the accept clause, the sender is suspended

The Concept of Synchronous Message Passing

Message passing can be either synchronous or asynchronous.

The basic concept of synchronous message passing is that tasks are often busy, and when busy, they
cannot be interrupted by other units. Suppose task A and task B are both in execution, and A wishes to
send a message to B. Clearly, if B is busy, it is not desirable to allow another task to interrupt it. That
would disturb B’s current processing. . The alternative is to provide a Linguistic mechanism that allows a
task to specify to other tasks when it is ready to receive messages.
If task A is waiting for a message at the time task B sends that message, the message can be
transmitted. This actual transmission of the message is called a rendezvous. Note that a rendezvous can
occur only if both the sender and receiver want it to happen. During a rendezvous, the information of the
message can be transmitted in either or both directions.

Asynchronous message passing

- Provided through asynchronous select structures

- An asynchronous select has two triggering alternatives, and entry clause or a delay - The entry
clause is triggered when sent a message; the delay clause is triggered when its time limit is

task WATER_MONITOR; -- specification

task body WATER_MONITOR is -- body
end if;
delay 1.0; -- No further execution
-- for at least 1 second
end loop;

Both cooperation and competition synchronization of tasks can be conveniently handled with the
message-passing model, as described in the following section.

Cooperation Synchronization with message Passing

- Provided by Guarded accept clauses
-Guarded commands are the basis of the construct designed for controlling message passing.

- Example:
task body buf_task is

when not FULL(BUFFER) =>


end loop;
end buf_task;
Def: A clause whose guard is true is called open.
Def: A clause whose guard is false is called closed.

Competition Synchronization with Message Passing:

- Example--a shared buffer
- Encapsulate the buffer and its operations in a task
- Competition synchronization is implicit in the semantics of accept clauses
- Only one accept clause in a task can be active at any given time
Ex: The tasks for the producer and consumer that could use buf_task have the following form
task Buf_Task is
entry Deposit(Item : in Integer);
entry Fetch(Item : out Integer);
end Buf_Task;

task body Buf_Task is

Bufsize : constant Integer := 100;
when Filled < Bufsize =>
accept Deposit(Item : in Integer) do
Buf(Next_In) := Item;
end Deposit;
when Filled > 0 =>
accept Fetch(Item : out Integer) do
Item := Buf(Next_Out);
end Fetch;
Filled := Filled - 1;
end select;
end loop;
end Buf_Task;
In this example, both accept clauses are extended. These extended clauses can be executed
concurrently with the tasks that called the associated accept clauses.The tasks for a producer and a
consumer that could use Buf_Task have the following form:
task Producer;
task Consumer;
task body Producer is
New_Value : Integer;
-- produce New_Value --
end loop;
end Producer;

task body Consumer is

Stored_Value : Integer;
-- consume Stored_Value --
end loop;
end Consumer;

Java Threads
• The concurrent units in Java are methods named run
– A run method code can be in concurrent execution with other such methods
– The process in which the run methods execute is called a thread
Class myThread extends Thread
public void run () {…}

Thread myTh = new MyThread ();

Controlling Thread Execution

• The Thread class has several methods to control the execution of threads
– The yield is a request from the running thread to voluntarily surrender the
– The sleep method can be used by the caller of the method to block the
– The join method is used to force a method to delay its execution until the
run method of another thread has completed its execution
Thread Priorities
• A thread’s default priority is the same as the thread that create it
– If main creates a thread, its default priority is NORM_PRIORITY
• Threads defined two other priority constants, MAX_PRIORITY and
• The priority of a thread can be changed with the methods setPriority

Competition Synchronization with Java Threads

• A method that includes the synchronized modifier disallows any other method
from running on the object while it is in execution

public synchronized void deposit( int i) {…}
public synchronized int fetch() {…}

• The above two methods are synchronized which prevents them from interfering
with each other
• If only a part of a method must be run without interference, it can be synchronized
thru synchronized statement
synchronized (expression)
Cooperation Synchronization with Java Threads

• Cooperation synchronization in Java is achieved via wait, notify, and notifyAll

– All methods are defined in Object, which is the root class in Java, so all
objects inherit them
• The wait method must be called in a loop
• The notify method is called to tell one waiting thread that the event it was waiting
has happened
• The notifyAll method awakens all of the threads on the object’s wait list
Java’s Thread Evaluation
• Java’s support for concurrency is relatively simple but effective
• Not as powerful as Ada’s tasks
C# Threads
• Loosely based on Java but there are significant differences
• Basic thread operations
– Any method can run in its own thread
– A thread is created by creating a Thread object
– Creating a thread does not start its concurrent execution; it must be
requested through the Start method
– A thread can be made to wait for another thread to finish with Join
– A thread can be suspended with Sleep
– A thread can be terminated with Abort

Synchronizing Threads

• Three ways to synchronize C# threads

– The Interlocked class
• Used when the only operations that need to be synchronized are
incrementing or decrementing of an integer
– The lock statement
• Used to mark a critical section of code in a thread
lock (expression) {… }
– The Monitor class
• Provides four methods that can be used to provide more
sophisticated synchronization
C#’s Concurrency Evaluation
• An advance over Java threads, e.g., any method can run its own thread
• Thread termination is cleaner than in Java
• Synchronization is more sophisticated
Statement-Level Concurrency
• Objective: Provide a mechanism that the programmer can use to inform compiler
of ways it can map the program onto multiprocessor architecture
• Minimize communication among processors and the memories of the other

High-Performance Fortran

• A collection of extensions that allow the programmer to provide information to the

compiler to help it optimize code for multiprocessor computers
• Specify the number of processors, the distribution of data over the memories of
those processors, and the alignment of data

Primary HPF Specifications

• Number of processors
!HPF$ PROCESSORS procs (n)
• Distribution of data
!HPF$ DISTRIBUTE (kind) ONTO procs :: identifier_list
– kind can be BLOCK (distribute data to processors in blocks) or CYCLIC
(distribute data to processors one element at a time)
• Relate the distribution of one array with that of another
ALIGN array1_element WITH array2_element

Statement-Level Concurrency Example

REAL list_1(1000), list_2(1000)

INTEGER list_3(500), list_4(501)
!HPF$ PROCESSORS proc (10)
!HPF$ DISTRIBUTE (BLOCK) ONTO procs ::list_1, list_2
!HPF$ ALIGN list_1(index) WITH list_2 (index)
!HPF$ ALIGN list_3(index) WITH list_4 (index+1)

list_1 (index) = list_2(index)
list_3(index) = list_4(index+1)

• FORALL statement is used to specify a list of statements that may be executed

FORALL (index = 1:1000)
list_1(index) = list_2(index)
•Specifies that all 1,000 RHSs of the assignments can be evaluated before any
assignment takes place
• Concurrent execution can be at the instruction, statement, or subprogram level
• Physical concurrency: when multiple processors are used to execute concurrent
• Logical concurrency: concurrent united are executed on a single processor
• Two primary facilities to support subprogram concurrency: competition
synchronization and cooperation synchronization
• Mechanisms: semaphores, monitors, rendezvous, threads
• High-Performance Fortran provides statements for specifying how data is to be
distributed over the memory units connected to multiple processors

Introduction to Exception Handling

• In a language without exception handling
• When an exception occurs, control goes to the operating system, where a
message is displayed and the program is terminated
• In a language with exception handling
• Programs are allowed to trap some exceptions, thereby providing the
possibility of fixing the problem and continuing
Basic Concepts

• Many languages allow programs to trap input/output errors (including EOF)

• An exception is any unusual event, either erroneous or not, detectable by either
hardware or software, that may require special processing
• The special processing that may be required after detection of an exception is
called exception handling
• The exception handling code unit is called an exception handler

Advantages of Built-in Exception Handling

• Error detection code is tedious to write and it clutters the program

• Exception handling encourages programmers to consider many different possible
Exception Handling Control Flow

Exception Handling in Ada

• The frame of an exception handler in Ada is either a subprogram body, a package

body, a task, or a block
• Because exception handlers are usually local to the code in which the exception
can be raised, they do not have parameters
Ada Exception Handlers
• Handler form:
when exception_choice{|exception_choice} => statement_sequence
[when others =>

exception_choice form:
exception_name | others
• Handlers are placed at the end of the block or unit in which they occur


type Age_Type is range 0..125;

type Age_List_Type is array (1..4) of Age_Type;
package Age_IO is new Integer_IO (Age_Type);
use Age_IO;
Age_List : Age_List_Type;
. . .
for Age_Count in 1..4 loop
loop -- loop for repetition when exceptions occur
begin -- compound to encapsulate exception handling
Put_Line("Enter an integer in the range 0..125");
when Data_Error => -- Input string is not a number
Put_Line("Illegal numeric value");
Put_Line("Please try again");
when Constraint_Error => -- Input is < 0 or > 125
Put_Line("Input number is out of range");
Put_Line("Please try again");
end Except_Blk;
end loop; -- end of the infinite loop to repeat input
-- when there is an exception
end loop; -- end of for Age_Count in 1..4 loop
. . .

Predefined Exceptions

• CONSTRAINT_ERROR - index constraints, range constraints, etc.

• NUMERIC_ERROR - numeric operation cannot return a correct value (overflow,
division by zero, etc.)
• PROGRAM_ERROR - call to a subprogram whose body has not been elaborated
• STORAGE_ERROR - system runs out of heap
• TASKING_ERROR - an error associated with tasks


• Ada was the only widely used language with exception handling until it was added
to C++

Exception Handling in C++

• Added to C++ in 1990
• Design is based on that of Ada, and ML

C++ Exception Handlers

• Exception Handlers Form:

try {
-- code that is expected to raise an exception
catch (formal parameter) {
-- handler code
catch (formal parameter) {
-- handler code

C++ Exception Handling example

int main()
int a,b;
cout<<―enter a,b values:‖;
cout<<―result is:‖<<(a/b);
throw b;
catch(int e)
cout<<―divide by zero error occurred due
to b= ― << e;

The catch Function

• catch is the name of all handlers--it is an overloaded name, so the formal

parameter of each must be unique
• The formal parameter need not have a variable
– It can be simply a type name to distinguish the handler it is in from others
• The formal parameter can be used to transfer information to the handler
• The formal parameter can be an ellipsis, in which case it handles all exceptions not
yet handled
Binding Exceptions to Handlers

• Exceptions are all raised explicitly by the statement:

throw [expression];
• The brackets are metasymbols
• A throw without an operand can only appear in a handler; when it appears, it
simply re-raises the exception, which is then handled elsewhere
• The type of the expression disambiguates the intended handler
• After a handler completes its execution, control flows to the first statement after
the last handler in the sequence of handlers of which it is an element

Exception Handling in Java

• Based on that of C++, but more in line with OOP philosophy
• All exceptions are objects of classes that are descendants of the Throwable class

Classes of Exceptions

• The Java library includes two subclasses of Throwable :

– Error
• Thrown by the Java interpreter for events such as heap overflow
• Never handled by user programs
– Exception
• User-defined exceptions are usually subclasses of this
• Has two predefined subclasses, IOException and RuntimeException
(e.g., ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException and NullPointerException

Java Exception Handlers

• Like those of C++, except every catch requires a named parameter and all
parameters must be descendants of Throwable
• Syntax of try clause is exactly that of C++, except for the finally clause

Binding Exceptions to Handlers

• Exceptions are thrown with throw, as in C++, but often the throw includes the new
operator to create the object as : throw new MyException();

Checked and Unchecked Exceptions

• The Java throws clause is quite different from the throw clause of C++
• Exceptions of class Error and RunTimeException and all of their descendants are
called unchecked exceptions; all other exceptions are called checked exceptions
• Checked exceptions that may be thrown by a method must be either:
– Listed in the throws clause, or
– Handled in the method

finally clause

• Can appear at the end of a try construct

• Form:
finally {
• Purpose: To specify code that is to be executed, regardless of what happens in the
try construct
• A try construct with a finally clause can be used outside exception handling
try {
for (index = 0; index < 100; index++) {

if (…) {
} //** end of if
} //** end of try clause
finally {

} //** end of try construct

Example of Exception Handling in java

import java.io.*;
class Test
public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException
int a[],b,c;
DataInputStream dis=new DataInputStream(System.in);
a=new int[5];
for(int i=0;i<5;i++)
//displaying the values from array
for(int i=0;i<7;i++)
catch(Exception e)

System.out.println("The run time error is:"+e);



System.out.print("100% will be executed");


O/P: 1 2 3 4 5

The runtime error is : ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 5
100% wiil be executed


• Statements in the program declaring a boolean expression regarding the current

state of the computation
• When evaluated to true nothing happens
• When evaluated to false an AssertionError exception is thrown
• Can be disabled during runtime without program modification or recompilation
• Two forms
– assert condition;
– assert condition: expression;

• The types of exceptions makes more sense than in the case of C++
• The throws clause is better than that of C++ (The throw clause in C++ says little to
the programmer)
• The finally clause is often useful
• The Java interpreter throws a variety of exceptions that can be handled by user

Introduction to Event Handling

• Event handling is a basic concept of graphical user interfaces.
• An event is created by an external action such as a user interaction through a GUI
• The event handler is a segment of code that is called in response to an event

Java Swing GUI Components

• Text box is an object of class JTextField

• Radio button is an object of class JRadioButton
• Applet’s display is a frame, a multilayered structure
• Content pane is one layer, where applets put output
• GUI components can be placed in a frame
• Layout manager objects are used to control the placement of components

The Java Event Model

• User interactions with GUI components create events that can be caught by event
handlers, called event listeners
• An event generator tells a listener of an event by sending a message
• An interface is used to make event-handling methods conform to a standard protocol
• A class that implements a listener must implement an interface for the listener
• One class of events is ItemEvent, which is associated with the event of clicking a
checkbox, a radio button, or a list item
• The ItemListener interface prescribes a method, itemStateChanged, which is a handler for
ItemEvent events
• The listener is created with addItemListener
• /* RadioB.java
• An example to illustrate event handling with interactive
• radio buttons that control the font style of a textfield
• */
package radiob;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class RadioB extends JPanel implements
ItemListener {
private JTextField text;
private Font plainFont, boldFont, italicFont,
private JRadioButton plain, bold, italic, boldItalic;
private ButtonGroup radioButtons;
// The constructor method is where the display is initially
// built
public RadioB() {
// Create the test text string and set its font
text = new JTextField(
"In what font style should I appear?", 25);
// Create radio buttons for the fonts and add them to
// a new button group
plain = new JRadioButton("Plain", true);
bold = new JRadioButton("Bold");
italic = new JRadioButton("Italic");
boldItalic = new JRadioButton("Bold Italic");
radioButtons = new ButtonGroup();
// Create a panel and put the text and the radio
// buttons in it; then add the panel to the frame
JPanel radioPanel = new JPanel();
add(radioPanel, BorderLayout.LINE_START);
// Register the event handlers
// Create the fonts
plainFont = new Font("Serif", Font.PLAIN, 16);
boldFont = new Font("Serif", Font.BOLD, 16);
italicFont = new Font("Serif", Font.ITALIC, 16);
boldItalicFont = new Font("Serif", Font.BOLD +
Font.ITALIC, 16);
} // End of the constructor for RadioB
// The event handler
public void itemStateChanged (ItemEvent e) {
// Determine which button is on and set the font
// accordingly
if (plain.isSelected())
else if (bold.isSelected())
else if (italic.isSelected())
else if (boldItalic.isSelected())
} // End of itemStateChanged
// The main method
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Create the window frame
JFrame myFrame = new JFrame(" Radio button
// Create the content pane and set it to the frame
JComponent myContentPane = new RadioB();
// Display the window.
} // End of RadioB

Output oRadioB.java

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