Robotics is a branch of Engineering that involves the conception, design, manufacture, and operation of
robots. This field overlaps with electronics, computer science, artificial intelligence, mechatronics, nanotechnology,
and bioengineering.
Parts of a Robot
Robots come in many shapes and sizes. The industrial robots resemble an inverted human arm mounted on
a base. Robots consist of a number of components that work together: the controller, the manipulator, an end
effector, sensors, a power supply, and a means for programming.
1. Controller:
a. The controller is the part of a robot that coordinates all movements of the mechanical system. It also
receives input from the immediate environment through various sensors. The heart of the robot's
controller is generally a microprocessor linked to input/output and monitoring devices.
2. Manipulator
a. The manipulator consists of segments that may be jointed and that move about, allowing the robot to
do work. The manipulator is the arm of the robot which must move materials, parts, tools, or special
devices through various motions to provide useful work.
3. End Effector
a. The end effector is the robot's hand, or the end-of-arm tooling on the robot. It is a device attached to the
wrist of the manipulator for the purpose of grasping, lifting, transporting, maneuvering, or performing
operations on a workpiece.
4. Sensors:
a. Robot Vision Sensors are what allow a robot to gather information about its environment. This
information can be used to guide the robot's behavior. Some sensors are relatively familiar pieces of
Classification of Robots
• Robots are categorized depending upon the circuits of the Robots and the variety of application it can
perform. The robots are classified into 3 types:
– Simple level Robots
– Middle level Robots
– Complex level Robots
Types of Robots
A robot needs to be above all functional and designed with qualities that suit its primary tasks. It depends
on the task at hand whether the robot is big, small, and able to move or nailed to the ground. Generally robots
can be divided into following categories-
• Mobile Robots - Mobile robots are able to move, usually they perform task such as search areas. A prime
example is the Mars Explorer, specifically designed to roam the mars surface. Further mobile robots can
be divided in two categories:
– Rolling Robots: Rolling robots have wheels to move around.
– Walking Robots: Robots on legs are usually brought in when the terrain is rocky and difficult to enter
with wheels.
• Stationary Robots - Robots are not only used to explore areas or imitate a human being. Most robots
perform repeating tasks without ever moving an inch. Most robots are 'working' in industry settings.
• Autonomous Robots - Autonomous robots are self supporting or in other words self contained. In a way
they rely on their own 'brains'. Autonomous robots run a program that give them the opportunity to decide
on the action to perform depending on their surroundings. At times these robots even learn new behavior.
Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
• The term "artificial intelligence" is defined as systems that combine sophisticated hardware and software
with elaborate databases and knowledge-based processing models to demonstrate characteristics of effective
human decision making.
The criteria for Artificial Systems include the following:
Functional: The system must be capable of performing the function for which it has been designed.
• Able to manufacture: The system must be capable of being manufactured by existing manufacturing
• Designable: The design of the system must be imaginable by designers working in their cultural context;
• Marketable: The system must be perceived to serve some purpose well enough, when compared to
competing approaches, to warrant its design and manufacture.
1. Industrial Sector: Industrial robots are electronically controlled, both programmable and reprogrammable
to carry out certain tasks with high precision and accuracy.
2. Aerospace: Another application of robots is in aerospace for outer space exploration. Aerospace robots
or unmanned robotic spacecraft play a key role in outer space probe.
3. Healthcare Delivery: A highly possible advancement in healthcare is using robots in robotic surgery. Due
to technological advancement, this is possible even if the patient is located in remote areas. This possibility
defies distance.
4. Outer Space: Robotic arms that are under the control of a human being are employed to unload the
docking cove of outer-space shuttles to launch satellites or to build a space station.
5. The Intelligent Home: Robotic systems can nowadays scrutinize home safety, ecological circumstances
and energy consumption.
6. Exploration: Robots can enter the environments that are injurious to human beings. An illustration is
observing the atmosphere within a volcano or investigating our deep marine life.
7. Military Robots: Flying robot drones are brought into play for close watch in present time's modern
armed force.
8. Disaster Areas: Observation robots built-in with superior sensing and imaging gears. This robot can work
in dangerous environments like urban site spoiled by earthquakes by inspecting floors, walls and roofs for
structural reality.
9. Entertainment: Interactive robots that shows behaviors and education capability. One such robot is owned
by SONY which moves around freely, responds to all your commands, carries your luggage and even
that are alert 24 hours per day. It can detect intruders using machine vision and fire at targets 3 miles away.
The system requires no human presence
killing missions without putting pilots at risk OR
Drone Aircraft Carriers: The sky-based aircraft carrier would be useful for releasing surveillance and
Cyborg Super Soldiers: Instead of replacing humans with robots, why not augment humans with wearable
computers, helmet visors with a heads-up display and night vision as well as robotic exoskeletons for
super-human strength.
Medical Robots (Robotic Medicine)
• A medical robot is a robot that allows surgeons greater access to areas under operation using more precise
and less invasive methods.
• In the field of medical robotics, the word robot is just as fuzzily defined, with many different applications.
These range from simplistic laboratory robots, to highly complex surgical robots that can either aid a
human surgeon or execute operations by themselves.
• Applications The use of robots is not confined to the operating theatre. Other application areas where
medical robots prove useful include:
• Laboratory Robots: Laboratory robots carry out hundreds of tests (e.g. blood testing for HIV) in parallel,
saving time and freeing manpower for other purposes.
• Hospital Robots: As hospital staff is in short supply, mobile robots in hospitals can help by fetching or
distributing medicine, while patient handling robots may assist in the lifting and positioning of patients
that are difficult to manage.
• Rehabilitation Robots: Rehabilitation robots are robots that help permanently or temporarily disabled
people with the matters that they cannot deal with themselves.
• Robotic Surgery: Robotic surgery is the process whereby a robot actually carries out a surgical procedure
under the control of nothing other than its computer program. Although a surgeon almost certainly will
be involved in the planning of the procedure to be performed and will also observe the implementation
of that plan, the execution of the plan will not be accomplished by them - but by the robot.
solve the problems of the acute shortage of the Blue Collar talent in India and that will develop separate
robotics industry in India.