English 9 q3 Week 1 Shem Rejas
English 9 q3 Week 1 Shem Rejas
English 9 q3 Week 1 Shem Rejas
I. Learning Objective:
After going through this learning activity sheet, you are expected to;
Lesso Most Essential Specific Objectives
n No. Learning Competency
1 differentiate biases from 1.1 compare and contrast biases from
prejudices prejudice,
1.2 interpret ideas presented in a poster,
1.3 analyze on the message conveyed in
the material viewed,
1.4 discuss technical and operational
definitions on biases from prejudices,
1.5 explain the importance of biases and
prejudices in a statement.
Please note that bias and prejudice, although they may invalidate an
author's claims, do not necessarily disqualify that author's work as a
suitable subject for consideration. If you do include references to
III. Exercises/Activities
Match the words from column A from its synonyms in column B. Write your
answer on a separate sheet of paper.
Column A Column B
1) epithet a. negative
2) demean b. fabricate
3) unfavorable c. unstated
4) falsify d. designation
5) implicit e. condemn
f. degrade
Direction: Read the lyrics of the song “The Crown” by Slapshock ft. Apl. De. Ap
and prepare to answer the questions that follow.
"The Crown"
(feat. Apl.De.Ap)
Try this!
Areas of A B C D
Ideas Presents ideas in Presents ideas Ideas are too Ideas are vague or
an original in a consistent general unclear
manner manner
Organization Strong and Organized Some No organization; lack
organized beg/mid/end organization; beg/mid/end
beg/mid/end attempt at a
Understandin Writing shows Writing shows a Writing shows Writing shows little
g strong clear adequate understanding
understanding understanding understanding
Word Choice Sophisticated Nouns and Needs more Little or no use of nouns
use of nouns and verbs make nouns and and verbs
verbs make the essay verbs
essay very informative
Sentence Sentence Sentence Sentence No sense of sentence
Structure structure structure is structure is structure or flow
enhances evident; limited;
meaning; flows sentences sentences need
throughout the mostly flow to flow
Mechanics Few (if any) Few errors Several errors Numerous errors
2. What do you think is the implication of this quote to our generation today?
Answer Key
Activity I.
Activity 2. Write Right!
Unlocking of
Difficulty Answer may vary.
1. d
2. f
3. a
4. b
5. c