[52], sterically stabilized colloidal systems are stabilized by By substituting eq. 3 in eq. 2 we obtain the model for the
means of chains that do not interpenetrate. By adding an onset of asphaltene flocculation:
antisolvent the overall solvent mixture gets worse, and
(v1/RT) (δ2 − δ1)2 = χθ ................................................... (4)
flocculation occurs when the theta point (of paraffinic tails) is
attained. The theta point is defined as the condition for which Of course properties of pseudo-component 1 are to be
the side-chain/solvent interactions become equivalent to the evaluated as average properties:
side-chain/side-chain interactions: the side-chains can v1 = zovo+ zdvd+ zpvp........................................................ (5)
interpenetrate and flocs are formed. This point only depends
of the solvent quality, and does not depend of the solute
concentration. δ1 = φoδo+ φdδd+ φpδp ....................................................... (6)
So we can explicate the behavior at the onset with this
model: the onset of precipitation corresponds to the
attainment of the asphaltene theta point. where vi = molar volume of component i;
The previously reported “steric-stabilization” models zi = molar fraction of component i;
correctly described the stabilizing mechanism, while they were δi = solubility parameter of component i;
not correct in describing the destabilization: asphaltene onset φi = volumetric fraction of component i.
corresponds to the formation of flocs due to the attainment of
theta conditions and not to the resins desorption from and, with regard to indexes,
asphaltenic micelles. d = of diluent (solvent added)
On the other hand the Buckley model [50,51] now turns o = of the oil;
out to be physically justified: this model is the correct one, as p = of the paraffin (antisolvent);
theta conditions correspond to the attainment of a certain χ 1 = of the overall solvent mixture;
value. 2 = of asphaltenes
The onset model. In order to explain the model, hereafter we Till now we have described the model, that was also
refer to a titration experiment: an antisolvent (a n-paraffin) is previously empirically employed by others [50,51,53,54]; in
added to a stock-tank oil. the following we will demonstrate that such a model can give
We decided to use a pseudo-binary model: asphaltenes are rise to straight lines like eq. 1. We must demonstrate that
considered as a single component (component 2), dissolved in equation 1 is equivalent to equation 4; in order to do so, we
another single component (component 1). The non-asphaltene substitute eqs. 5 and 6 into eq. 4. With some algebraic steps, it
component (component 1) is a mixture of oil, antisolvent, and is possible to obtain the following equation:
other “asphaltenic” molecules, which do not separate at the aYY Y2 + (aXY X + aY) Y + (aXX X2 + aX X + a1) = 0........ (7)
onset. Thermodynamic properties of such a mixture are
average properties: the solubility parameter is volume- The factors used are explained in the Appendix.
averaged, while the molar volume is mole-averaged. The equation 7 is not linear, but if numerical values are
The θ (or onset) condition can be expressed as substituted to the variables a linear trend in the range of
practical interest (0 < X < 10) is observed. It is possible to
χ = χθ .............................................................................. (2) obtain the straight line equation by means of an approximate
where method:
χ = Flory dimensionless interaction parameter; Intercept: by putting X=0 the intercept is obtained as:
χθ = interaction parameter at theta conditions. α0 = (-aY + (aY2 – 4a1aYY)1/2)/(2 aYY) ............................. (8)
A generally accepted value for χθ is 0.5, deriving from the Slope: when X>1 the 2nd order term (in eq. 7) is dominant, so
Flory-Huggins theory for polymeric solutions. We could either that the slope can be calculated as
keep this value or use χθ as a pivoting parameter to better fit
the experimental data; as the latter choice would result in an α1 = (-aXY + (aXY2 – 4 aXXaYY)1/2)/(2 aYY) ...................... (9)
ill-posed estimate problem, we preferred the former. We have thus shown how equation 4 can give rise to the
Now, χ can be expressed in terms of solubility parameters observed straight lines.
by mean of the expression
χ = (v1/RT) (δ2 − δ1)2 ...................................................... (3) Amount of precipitate
As already said, the experimental evidence on the onset of
precipitation led us to identify the separation as a colloidal
where R = gas constant; phenomenon, i.e. the precipitation of a sterically stabilized
T = absolute temperature; dispersion. This means that the “precipitating” phase is
v1 = solvent molar volume; constituted only by asphaltenes. When the titration with
δ2 = asphaltene solubility parameter; antisolvent is carried out after the onset, the precipitation goes
δ1 = solvent solubility parameter. on and higher and higher quantities of asphaltenes separate
Soave-Redlich-Kwong EOS [56], calibrated in the third 1. Asphaltenes are precipitated by adding the antisolvent
step. mixture to the stock tank oil (volume ratio 30/1).
6. Calculation of the asphaltene phase boundary. At each T, 2. The whole mixture is ultrasonically mixed and filtered by
p condition χ is calculated with equation 3; if χ > χθ then using a Watman 42 filter. A filtrate and a filter cake are so
at these conditions the asphaltenes are not stable. In such obtained.
a way it is possible to obtain a phase envelope in the T,p 3. The filter cake is vacuum-dried at 100°C and weighed.
Table 2: Calculated oil and asphaltene solubility worth to note that it is the only case in which we found an
parameters at 22 °C asphaltene solubility parameter lower than that of the stock
Oil #1 Oil #2 tank oil (see Table 2).
Oil solubility parameter (Hil) 10.03 8.31
Asphaltene solubility parameter (Hil) 9.53 9.78
1100 stability boundary
bubble press.
A more extensive discussion on the experimental linear 900
behavior is given in [57]. 800
Such data have been used, together with the physical 700
P (Bar)
characterization of the oils, to evaluate the solubility 500
parameters of both live oils and asphaltenes at the 400
experimental temperature, using the data as presented in figs. 1 300
and 2. 200
0 100 200 300 400 500
14 T (°C)
y = 0.7566x - 0.9434
mass of diluent / mass of oil
12 R2 = 0.9871
Figure 3: Oil #2 asphaltene deposition envelope
As shown in figure 3, at reservoir temperature Oil #2 it is
6 found to be unstable between 5 and 742 bar; the last one is
4 close enough to the pressure, where asphaltene problems
2 occur, to consider the results satisfactory. Moreover, at room
0 temperature the oil is predicted to be unstable at any pressure
0 5 10 15 20 tested; the prediction is confirmed by the presence of a solid
mass of precipitant / mass of oil asphaltenic residue in such conditions.
Oil #1 is a very heavy oil and, as expected, doesn’t present Amount of precipitate. Besides onset of precipitation,
any asphaltene problem during production. In fact, it turned quantity of asphaltene determinations were performed on the
out to be stable in the whole range investigated. Besides, it is oils #1 and #2. In table 3 the quantity of precipitate are
reported; for each point we also report the calculated Table 4: statistical parameters of
δ̂ 2 parameter. asphaltene distribution
Oil n. δ2 avg. Std. Dev. δ2
It is worthwhile to note that the experiments were
hil hil
performed by using different antisolvents, to show the
generality of the approach. 1 9.17 0.17
2 9.07 0.03
A colloidal model predicting both the precipitation onset
and the amount of asphaltene separated has been developed. It
yields predictions of live oil behavior using only a few
experimental data on stock tank oils, two of which are reported
0.2 The model describes asphaltenes as sterically stabilized
colloids, and is consistent with the empirical observations of
0 many authors about the precipitation onset. The amount of
8.40 8.60 8.80 9.00 9.20 9.40 9.60 precipitate is calculated by taking into account the
polydispersion of asphaltenes properties.
Figure 4: Oil #1 amount of precipitate Its comparatively simple mathematical form, the need for a
limited amount of experimental data on stock tank oils,
together with its agreement with available experimental data
Figures 4 and 5 show the experimental Q vs. δ̂ 2 curves; on live oils, make this model a powerful tool for predicting
they were fitted by assuming that the q(δ2)distribution is a asphaltene problems in the field.
Gaussian one. The best fit results are shown in the figures as a
continuous line, while the average value and the standard Acknowledgments
deviation of the Gaussian distribution are reported in Table 4. We would especially thank Dr. T. P. Lockhart and Dr. C.
Carniani for their helpful suggestions; Mr. E. Radaelli, Dr. A.
1 .2 Delbianco and Mr. F. Stroppa for their experimental work.
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