CLASS XII(2024-25)
Question: Research on child Labour in India in general and also focus on children like
Saheb-E-Alam, from Seemapuri, who forage the garbage dumps, and Mukesh, from
Firozabad, who works in bangle making factory.
Prepare a project (15-20 pages) based on your research. The salient points to be focused
upon are as follows:
Introduction/Definition of child labour
Child labour causes and consequences
Reference to Lost Spring
a. Diamond industry
b. Bangle making industry
c. Firework or crackers
d. Carpet weaving
e. Silk manufacturing
Working conditions and kind of injuries and diseases they suffer from
Initiatives taken to eradicate child labour by Indian government and various international level
Graph depicting children’s involvement in child labour
Add pictures wherever required.
Use A4 size ruled sheets for making the report for the project.
Sheets should be punched and strung to file neatly.
The whole file including the cover should be decently decorated as per the topic.
1.Investigatory Project :- Prepare a project on Bijective functions (i.e Injective and Surjective
functions) by drawing their neat and well labelled graphs (atleast five functions) and investigate
graphs of these functions for their domain, range and properties. Present the project in the
form of a Spiral bound booklet containing 10 -15 pages (use the headings – History,
significance, shapes, Domain, range, conclusion, applications in daily life, Bibliography).
2.Practical activities :- write the following ten practical activities, prescribed by C.B.S.E in your
mathematics practical file. (Not to use any other subject practical file)
To verify that the relation R in the set L of all lines in a plane, defined by R = { (l, m) : l
m } is an equivalence relation.
To demonstrate a function which is one-one but not onto.
To draw the graph of sin-1x, using the graph of sin x and demonstrate the concept of
mirror reflection (about the line y = x).
To draw and sketch the graphs of ax and loga x, a > 0, a ≠ 1 and to examine that they are
mirror images of each other.
To draw and establish a relationship between common logarithm (to the base 10) and
natural logarithm (to the base e) of the number x.
To find analytically the limit of the given function f(x) at x = c and also to check the
continuity of the function at that point.
To understand the concepts of local maxima, local minima and point of inflection.
To verify that amongst all the rectangles of the same perimeter, the square has the
maximum area.
To measure the shortest distance between two skew lines and verify it analytically.
To explain the computation of conditional probability of a given event A, when event B has
already occurred, through an example of throwing a pair of dice.
Note : - Please refer to NCERT Laboratory manual which is available on the link : the above activities or refer to the pdf
provided : (Double click on the following pdf icons for detailed instructions on the activities)
3.Practice for Perfection :- Give a practice to your subject in an interesting way by solving
questions from the topics covered in class from NCERT Exemplar book for class XII
(Mathematics), published by NCERT.
1. Relations and Functions
2. Inverse Trigonometric Functions
3. Matrices
4. Determinants
4.Innovation,creation and fun : - Using your innovative and creative approach and making use of
matrices make a project based on the information provided and find answers to the questions
following the situation:
Ramlal and Gurbaksh singh are two farmers who cultivates only three types of varieties of rice
namely Basmati, Permal and Naura. The sale (in Rupees) of these varieties of rice by both
farmers in the month of September and October are given by the following matrices A and B (First
row in both matrices is for Ramlal and second row for Gurbaksh singh)
September Sales (in Rupees)
Basmati Permal Naura
��, ��� ��, ��� ��, ���
��, ��� ��, ��� ��, ���
October Sales (in Rupees)
Basmati Permal Naura
�, ��� ��, ��� �, ���
��, ��� ��, ��� ��, ���
Explore the different varieties of rice – Basmati, Permal and Naura and write the difference
between these varieties and the climate suitable to grow this crop.
Find the combined sales in september and october for each farmer in each variety.
If both farmers receive 2% profit on gross sales, compute the profit for each farmer and for
each variety sold in october.
Name the state which is the largest producer of rice in India.
Write five lines on the topic : “ Rice – a meal of wise”
Making use of colours, woolen threads and plywood sheets make a model of above two
matrices in a creative way and use a scrapbook to represent the above project.
1. Art Integration Project
Create a Power point presentation for the formulae of the following chapters :
Objectives – The nature & scope of the problem should be presented with clarity.
Methodology - This heading provides enough details so that a competent worker can
repeat the experiment and should include the method technology used to complete the
task or work.
Materials / Equipment – Under this heading the student will write the exact technical
specifications, quantities and source of method of preparation for all materials used
should be given.
General Procedure – The manner & sequence by which each experiment or set of
observations were done & how measurements were obtained should be described in
Results and Discussion – This may be divided into sub-sections describing each set of
experiment or observations.
Findings – Under this heading the data maybe presented in full & discussed descriptively
in the test or these maybe summarized in tables, pictures & graphs.
Analysis of Data – The interpretation of the findings are discussed & the significant
features shown in the tables, figures or graphs are pointed out.
Conclusions – the general truth implied or illustrated by the results should be clearly stated.
The evidence based on the results should be summarized for each statement.
Applicability and correlation with daily life- Under this heading suggests at least few
examples of the chosen assignment in the daily life.
Bibliography – a list of the references used in guiding the research work and writing and
Analyze - which dishes are rich in carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids
Create - a menu (using Canvas, hand-drawn) for the general public and a menu option
for dietary restrictions!-INTEGRATION OF ARTS
1) Project can be in the form of PPT/ PDF FILE (IN A PEN DRIVE) OR PRINT OUT/ HAND
2) Spiral binding to be done of the sheets IF PRINT OUTS OR HAND WRITTEN.
3) Project should have formal look,maximum 10 pages/slides.
4) On FIRST PAGE/SLIDE following things to be mentioned-
a)School Name
c)Student name,Class
e)Name of the project
B. Students are required to make Scientific Investigatory Project (SIP) on any one of the
following topic-
1.Study of the presence of oxalate ions in guava fruit at different stages of ripening.
2. Study of quantity of casein present in different samples of milk.
3.Preparation of soybean milk and its comparison with the natural milk with respect to curd
formation, effect of temperature, etc.
4.Study of the effect of Potassium Bisulphate as food preservative under various
conditions (temperature, concentration, time, etc.)
5.Study of digestion of starch by salivary amylase and effect of pH and temperature on it.
6.Comparative study of the rate of fermentation of following materials: wheat flour, gram
flour, potato juice, carrot juice, etc.
7.Extraction of essential oils present in Saunf (fennel), Ajwain (carum), Illaichi (cardamom).
8.Study of common food adulterants in fat, oil, butter, sugar, turmeric power, chilli powder
and pepper.
9.Determination and Extraction of Caffeine in Multiple Tea Samples and Other Edible Items
10. Chemistry Project on Rusting of Iron
11. Investigatory Project on Electrochemical Cell
12. Green Chemistry – Biodiesel and Biopetrol
13. Investigatory Project on Analysis of Fertilizers
14. Effect of Heat on Vitamin C in Tomatoes
15. Investigatory project on Impact of Dyes on Varied Kinds of Fabrics
1.Consider the following reaction :
Cu(s) + 2Ag+(aq) -------------2Ag(s) + Cu2+(aq)
(i) Depict the galvanic cell in which the given reaction takes place.
(ii) Give the direction of flow of current.
(iii) Write the half-cell reactions taking place at cathode and anode.
2.Write the name of the cell which is generally used in hearing aids. Write the reactions
taking place at the anode and the cathode of this cell.
3.How many electrons flow through a metallic wire if a current of 0·5 A is passed for 2
hours ? (Given : 1 F = 96,500 C mol-1)
4.From the given cells :
Lead storage cell, Mercury cell, Fuel cell and Dry cell Answer the following :
(i) Which cell is used in hearing aids?
(ii) Which cell was used in Apollo Space Programme?
(iii) Which cell is used in automobiles and inverters?
(iv) Which cell does not have long life?
5.Calculate emf of the following cell at 25 °C :
Fe | Fe2+(0.001 M) || H+(0.01 M) | H2(g) (1 bar) | Pt(s)
Eo(Fe2+ | Fe) = –0.44 V, Eo(H+ | H2) = 0.00 V
6.What type of a battery is lead storage battery? Write the anode and cathode reactions and
the overall cell reaction occurring in the operation of a lead storage battery.
7.A voltaic cell is set up at 25° C with the following half-cells -AI3+(0·001 M) and Ni2+(0·50 M).
Write an equation for the reaction that occurs when the cell generates an electric current
and determine the cell potential.
(Given : EoNi2+/Ni = - 0·25 V, E0Al3+/ AI = - 1·66 V)
8.The conductivity of 0.20 M solution of KCl at 298 K is 0.0248 S cm-1. Calculate its molar
9.Explain how rusting of iron is envisaged as setting up of an electrochemical cell.
10.Define conductivity and molar conductivity for the solution of an electrolyte. Discuss
their variation with concentration.
"Learning is the beginning of health, wealth and spirituality. Searching and learning is where the
miracle process all begins".
Keeping this objective in mind we have designed above diverse and fruitful activities and art
integrated project as part of CHEMISTRY HOLIDAY HOMEWORK .
The basic elements used in designing the homework aim
To develop basic mental and scientific abilities and skills
To develop scientific temper and scientific skills
To develop power of searching various resources of learning
To develop understanding to design ,conduct, record, analyse and explain scientific
projects which students will appropriately integrate in to their writing.
Q7 1
Q8 Assertion : For sequencing ,the total DNA from cell is isolated and converted into random fragments 1
Reason: DNA is a very long polymer.
(a) If both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
(b) If both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion.
(c) If Assertion is true but Reason is false.
(d) If both Assertion and Reason are false.
Q9 Assertion : In order to cut DNA with restriction enzyme, it needs to be released from the membrane 1
which encloses it.
Reason: A plant cell was treated with chitnase to achieve this.
(a) If both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
(b) If both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion.
(c) If Assertion is true but Reason is false.
(d) If both Assertion and Reason are false.
Q10 Assertion : Darwin showed that how even a slow growing animal like an elephant could reach enormous 1
Reason: When resourses in habitat are unlimited , its species has the ability to realise its innate potential
(a) If both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
(b) If both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion.
(c) If Assertion is true but Reason is false.
(d) If both Assertion and Reason are false.
Q11 a)From which end of ovule and how does the pollen tube gain its entry into the embryo sac of a hibiscus 2
b) State the fate of male nuclei present in pollen tube.
Q12 2
Q13 a)Expand the abbrevations given below used for different modes of assisted reproductive technologies: 3
b) Which one out of them cannot be considered as a procedure for IVF. Give reasons in support of your
Q14 Differentiate between the following- 3
a)perisperm and pericarp b) Syncarpous pistil and apocarpous pistil c) Plumule and radicle
Q15 a)Name the two primate ancestors of the present day humans, who existed approximately about 15
million years ago.
b) According to geological records when and where did australopithecus live?
c) Give two differences between Homo habilis and Homo erectus.
Q16 With help of a schematic diagram only show in three steps the formatiom of recombinant DNA by the 3
action of restriction endonuclease-EcoRI and DNA ligase.
Q20 5
Computer Science
Students are advised to make a project file on a real-world problem that is worthwhile to solve.
Before selecting and starting a project, visit local businesses and ask them about the problems
that they are facing. For example, if a business is finding it hard to create invoices for filing GST
claims, then you can do a project that takes the raw data (list of transactions), groups the
transactions by category, accounts for the GST tax rates, and creates invoices in the appropriate
Students can be extremely creative here. Students can use a wide variety of Python libraries to
create user friendly applications such as games, software for their school, software for their
disabled fellow students, and mobile applications, of course to do some of these projects, some
additional learning is required; this should be encouraged. Students should know how to teach
Learning Objectives
The aim of this project is to create something that is tangible and useful using Python file
handling/ Python-SQL connectivity.
This Instructions.
Holiday Homework should be done in groups of two to three students.
Avoid plagiarism and violations of copyright issues while working on projects.
Marks to the student will be awarded on following basis:
criteria for Assessment MARKS
defined the theme well? 222
Creativity 222
Originality 222
Maximum use of software features 222
Neatness 222
Total 1010
Fashion studies
a) Body Adornment
b) Ancient Draped Garments
c) Hand looms and Power looms
d) Films, Fashion and Designers
Procedure, Benefits & contraindications for Tadasana, Katichakrasana, Pavanmuktasana,
Matsayasana, Halasana, Pachimottansana, Ardha – Matsyendrasana, Dhanurasana,
Ushtrasana, Suryabedhan pranayama.
Procedure, Benefits & contraindications for
Katichakrasana, Pavanmuktasana,Bhujangasana, Shalabhasana, Dhanurasana, Supta-
vajarasana, Paschimottanasan-a, Ardha-Mastendrasana, Mandukasana, Gomukasana,
Yogmudra, Ushtrasana, Kapalabhati.
Procedure, Benefits & contraindications for Tadasana, Urdhwahastottansana,
UttanMandukasan-a, Bhujangasana, Dhanurasana, Ushtrasana, Vakrasana, Kapalbhati,
Gomukhasana Matsyaasana, Anuloma-Viloma.
Procedure, Benefits & contraindications for Tadasana, Katichakransan, Uttanpadasana,
Ardha Halasana, Sarala Matyasana, Gomukhasana, UttanMandukasan-a, Vakrasana,
Bhujangasana, Makarasana, Shavasana, Nadi- shodhanapranayam, Sitlipranayam.
Prepare Two Canvas paintings ( Size 16”×20”)
Topic –
1. Nature Study
2. Indian Contemporary Art
Preparing a canvas board properly is crucial to ensure the success of your
painting. Following these five tips, you can create a smooth, even surface that will
allow your paint to adhere correctly and produce the desired effect.