Assistant Professor
Department of Horticulture
K.K.Wagh College Of
Agriculture ,Nashik
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1 Spices – uses – properties and classification – importance 3-4
of spice industry in India
2 Ginger 6-7
3 Turmeric 8-14
4 Black pepper
5 Cardamom 15-18
6 Coriander 19-22
7 Fenugreek and cumin 23-25
8 Aromatic crops introduction and Lemon grass 26
9 Palmrosa and citronella 27-28
10 Geranium and davanam 29-32
11 Vettiver 33-36
12 Plantation crops introduction and Areca nut 37-40
13&14 Cacao 41-44
15&16 Cashew nut 45-49
17&18 Coffee 50-55
19&20 Coconut 56-59
21 Oil palm 77-83
22&23 Medicinal plants introduction and Diascorea and rauvolfia 84-87
24 Opium and stevia 90-94
25 Ocimum and periwinkle 95-97
26 Aloe and solanum 98-100
27 Nuxvomica and guggal 101-102
28 Aonla 103-110
29 Senna 111-112
30 Coleus and plantgo 113-118
31 Acorus and belladonna 119-124
32 Aswagandha 125-126
BS Publication
LECTURE-1: Spices – uses – properties and classification – importance of spice industry
in India
Spices are those plants, the products of which are made use of as food adjuncts o
add aroma and flavour (ex. Pepper, Cardamom, Clove, Nutmeg etc), while cond ime nts
are those plants, the products of which are used as food adjuncts to add taste only. Both
spices and condiments contain essential oils, which provide the flavour and taste. They
are of little nutritive value. They are used as whole, ground, paste or liquid form,
mainly for flavouring and seasoning food. Most spices increase the shelf- life of food.
Uses of spices:
1. The principal use of spices is to season the insipid foods to impart flavour, aroma
and taste.
2. They are also used as preservatives and fumigants.
3. Spices also find use in pharmacy and indigenous medicines.
4. Spices are also used in perfumery, soaps, cosmetics, tooth paste,
confectionery, insenses, dyes, etc.
Properties of spices:
1. Spices are well known as appetizers.
2. They add a tang (taste) and flavour to otherwise insipid foods.
3. Some of them also possess anti-oxidant properties.
4. Some of them have preservative qualities (clove and mustard)
5. Some have strong anti- microbial and anitbiotic activities.
6. Several of them possess medicinal properties.
Classificatio n of spices:
There are about 70 spices grown all over the world, which are classified in
different ways.
I. Botanica l classificatio n (family wise)
Piperaceae - pepper.
Zingiberaceae – Ginger, Cardamom,
Apiaceae – Coriander, Fennel, Cumin.
Myrtaceae – Clove, Nutmeg
Fabaceae – Fenugreek
Lauraceae – Cinnamom II. Plant part useful as spice:
Root spice - Angelica, Horse radish.
Rhizome spice – Turmeric, Ginger.
Bulbo us spices – Onion, Garlic. Bark
spice – Cinnamom, Cassia
Leafy spices – Mints, Coriander, Methi
Aril spices – Mace.
Seedy spices – Coriander, Celery, Methi
Fruit spice – i) Capsules – Cardamom,
ii) Berries – Pepper, Allspice.
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III. Depending upon the longevity of spice plants.
Annual spice – Coriander, Mints, Methi
Biennial spices – Onion, Garlic
Perennial spices – Clove, Nutmeg, Pepper etc
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LECTURE-2 Ginger – botanical name – family – origin – plant parts used – introduction
– botany – varieties – propagation – climate- soil – preparation of land – planting
season – seed rate – spacing – mulching – irrigation – manuring
– intercultural operations – harvesting and processing – preservation of seed material
Ginger is one of the fine most important major spices of India. India is the largest
producer of dry zinger in the world, accounting for more than 60% of world
production. 1/3rd of the production of Ginger in the country is exported. Kerala is the
largest producer of ginger accounting for more than 40% of the total countries
production. In Andhra Pradesh, it is cultivated in Nellore, East and West Godavari,
Medak, Visakhapatnam and Srikakulam districts. Dried rhizomes scraped or peeled are
greatly esteemed for their aroma, flavour and pungency.
Varieities: Varieties are named after their places. They are mainly clones.
The following are some of the clones grown in the respective states.
Assam: Jorhat, Nadia, Maran.
Andhra Pradesh: Narsipatnam, Siddipet and Tuni.
Kerala: W yanad local, Ernad, Kuruppampadi, Thoduphuza.
Exotic varieties:
China: Introduced from China. This variety has got 3.43% fibre. It has too much
moisture. The yield of dry Ginger from green ginger is 13- 15%.
Rio- de-janeiro: This variety was introduced from Brazil. It has 5.19 % fibre. It consists
more moisture. The yield of dry to green ginger is 16-18%. It became more popular
where Ginger is used in green form.
High Altitude Research Station, Pottangi has released the following varieties.
1. Suprabha: It is a clonal selection from Kanduli local. Rhizomes have plumpy fingers
and bright grey skin. It yields about 3.4 tonnes per ha. It has got 4.4% fibre.
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2. Suruc hi: It is a clonal selection from Kanduli local. The Rhizomes are
greenish yellow. Its yield is 2.7 tonnes per ha. It has 3.8% fibre.
3. Surari: It was developed as a mutant. Fingers are cylindrical. Yields about 4 t per ha.
Durations of the above varieties vary from 220 to 230 days.
Propagated by seed rhizomes. Rhizomes are cut into small pieces (setts)
of 2.5 to 5.0 cm. They may weigh about 15 – 20 grams having one or two buds.
It requires warm humid climate. It grows upto 1500 m above MSL. It requires
moderate rainfall from sowing to sprouting. It requires fairly heavy and well distributed
rains during crop growth period. It requires dry weather from 28 –
350 C for about a month before harvesting. Prevalence of high humid ity and
shade are necessary during crop growth period.
It requires deep, well drained, humus rich soil. It is sensitive to water
logging. It can be grown well on sandy loams, clay loams and laterite soils.
Systems of cultivatio n / pla nting techniq ue: Ginger is raised by 2 methods viz. bed and
ridge system depending upon rainfall and soil type
Heavy rainfall areas : Beds or ridges.
Low rainfall areas : Flat beds or ridges.
Irrigated crop : Ridges & Furrows 40 – 45 cm apart to a height of
30 cm
Rainfed crop : Raised beds of convenient length and 100 cm
wide are prepared with an inter space of 30-40 cm in
between the beds for irrigation and drainage
i) Season: In Andhra Pradesh, first fortnight of May. Early planting is
ii) Seed rate : 1500 – 1800 kg per ha. iii)
Spacing : 45 x 15 cm
iv) Sowing : Treat with Dithane M 45 0.3 percent for 30 min.
After treating, seed rhizomes are kept in moist gunny cloth for 2 –
3 days to promote early sprouting.
The crop is mulched after sowing. Sprouting starts within a week and continues for
another 3-4 weeks.
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v) Mulchi ng:
In ginger cultivation, mulching the field is an important operation. Mulching has
several advantages 1. Source of organic manure 2. Prevents washing of soil
3. Conserves soil moisture 4. Smoothers weed growth. 5. Improves the physical
properties of soil 6. Protects the setts and sprouts from hot sun 7. Provides favourable
conditions for the sprouting of the setts.
First mulching is to be done at planting with 10-12 tonnes of green leave per ha.
Second mulching is done at 40-60 days after first mulching with 5 tonnes of green leaves.
Farm yard manure is spread over the green leaves. In irrigated crop – raise cow pea and
black gram as live mulches. Remove the mulches 60 days after sowing during rains.
Castor seeds are sown on bunds at 9 m intervals, to serve as wind breaks.
Irrigate at 4- 10 day interval. During mid September to 3rd week of
December irrigate at fortnightly interval.
At the time or before planting 25 – 30 tonnes of cattle manure 50 kg P2 O5 ;
25 kg K 2 O are applied as basal dressing. At 60 and 90 days after planting
Nitrogen is applied in two splits @ 37.5 and 37.5 kg per ha along with 25 kg K 2 O.
In Andhra Pradesh:
Yield: Average yield under rain fed condition is 10-15 tonnes per ha.
Average yield under irrigated condition is 15 – 25 tonnes per ha.
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I. Dry Ginger: Preparation of commercial dry zinger involves a series of steps. Fully
developed rhizomes are harvested after 8 months of planting for preparation of
Dry Ginger.
1. Soaking in water: The rhizomes are soaked overnight in cement tubs for easy removal
of skin.
2.Tramp ling: The rhizomes are trampled under feet in the tub. Avoid damage to
epidermal cells containing flavouring oil.
3. Peeling: The skin is peeled off, with sharp bamboo knives. Don‟t rupture epidermal
cells. This step hastens drying process.
4.Washing and Drying: The peeled rhizomes are wahsed and sundried for 3-4 days on
cement floors.
5.Polishing: After drying the rhizomes are polished by rubbing with a coarse cloth
to remove all bits of skin or dirt. These are called unbleached ginger.
To get bleached Ginger, peeled rhizomes are soaked in 2% lime water for 6 hours,
fumigated with sulp hur for 12 hours.
Yield of dry Ginger is 16 to 25% of the fresh Ginger.
II. Preserved Ginger: Ginger is harvested at 7 months after planted for preparing
the Preserved Ginger. It is preserved in syrup or brine.
Rotations and mixed cropping:
Continuous Ginger cultivation – promote exhaustion of fertility and favour the incidence
of diseases.
In Irrigated lands – Ginger is rotated with betelvine, banana, turmeric, Onion, Garlic,
Chillies, Vegetables, Sugarcane, Maize etc
Ginger can be grown as intercrop in Coconut, Arecanut, coffee, Mandarin, Mango,
Guava and Grapes.
Preservation of seed rhizo mes:
1. Ginger rhizomes are harvesting during December – January.
2. They are to be planted during April – May. Hence, there is a
need to preserve the seed rhizomes for a period of about 4 -5 months.
3. The selected healthy rhizomes are treated with a solution of
0.1 % Quino lphos and 0.3% Dithane M 45 for 30 min.
4. The rhizomes are stored in pits dug in a cool and protected place.
5. Pits of 1 m depth, 1m width and of convenient length are prepared.
6. Walls are plastered with cow dung.
7. Layer of sand is spread at the bottom of the pit.
8. Layer of rhizomes are alternated with dry sand or saw dust layers.
9. Some gap is left at the top for aeration.
10. Pits are covered with wooden planks giving one or two holes for
11. Entire pit is plastered with mud leaving a hole.
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LECTURE-3 : Turmeric – scientific name – family – plant parts used – origin and
distribution – importance – botany – varieties – propagation – climate – soil –
preparation of land - systems of planting – planting seasons – seed rate – spacing –
sowing – mulching – irrigation – manuring – intercultural operations – provision of shade
– intercropping – rotations – harvesting – processing – preservation of seed material
Curcuma has 42 species. C. longa is cultivated in large area in A.P. C.
aromatica is grown in some parts locally known as kasturi used for the
preparation of kum kum. Erect herbaceous perennial 60-100 cm rhizome with fingers.
Rhizome is brown on out side and dull orange coloured inside. Leaves are broadly
lanceolate with long leaf stalk.
Kasturi and kesari are good in curcumin content, but poorer in curing
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Through rhizomes, mother rhizomes, cut mothers, primary fingers.
Planting primary fingers has become a common practice in A.P., because they keep
better in storage, more tolerant to wet soil and involve low seed rate.
Tropical herb.Grows well 1200 m above MSL. Requires warm and moist
climate. Rainfall 100 to 200 cm. Temperature range preferable is 20 to 300 C
Can be grown on various soils. Thrives best in well drained, friable, rich
sandy or clay loam soils. Crop stands neither water logging nor alkalinity.
Preparation of land:
Give 4-6 deep ploughings to get fine tilth up to 20 -25 cm depth. Field is laid
out into beds or ridges and furrows. Bed system gives higher yield by 54 to
80%. Beds of 1 m width and convenient length with a spacing of 40 to 50 c m
between beds where natural drainage does not exist, ridges and furrows are prepared at 45
to 60 cm spacing.
Time of sowing:
Short duration var ieties : second fortnight of may
Mid duratio n varieties: first fortnight of June
Long duration var ieties : second fortnight of June to second fortnight of July.
Seed rate: mother rhizomes 2000 – 2500 kg per ha
Primary fingers 1500 to 2000 kg per ha
Red loamy soils – 30 x 15 cm
Black heavy soils – 46 x 23 cm
Method of sowing: sown behind the plough in ridges and furrow system
In bed system, rhizomes are dibbled at 5-10 cm pits.Treat with dithane m 45
0.3% for 30 minutes before sowing. Germination starts in 10-20 days and will be over by
60 days.
Mulc hing: To protect sprouts.
To conserve moisture
To reduce weed growth
To enhance germination by mulching with dry leaves. Mulch with dry
leaves thickly on which a layer of cow dung is spread. Second mulching is done after
weeding and application of fertilizers, after 50 -60 days of sowing. 10
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A good soaking irrigation is given immediately after sowing.Thereafter, irrigate at
weekly interval.
20-25 to of FYM during land preparation
60kg N, 60 kg P, 60 kg K per ha before planting the rhizomes.
60 kg N ---------65 kg K per ha 60 das
60 kg N ---------per ha 120 das
50% of top dressed Nitrogen may be applied in the form of oil cakes. Top
dressing should be completed within 120 days after sowing.
After fertilization, the field is given a light hoeing and the clumps are earthed up and
3 – 4 weedings are required at 60, 90, 120 and 150 days of planting. Weedings
and hoeings are done simultaneously. Plants are earthed up and mulch is replaced.
Provision of shade. By raising castor on the bunds and within the crop. Daincha is also
grown for shade purpose.
Maize or chillies are grown as inter crops.Turmeric can also be raised as an inter
crop in coconut and arecanut plantations.
Turmeric is a heavy feeder. Hence depletes soil nutrients.
Continuous cropping results in build up of diseases.
It is rotated with rainfed paddy, sugarcane, banana, betelvine, vegetables.
Depending upon the varieties, the crop comes to harvest in 7-9 months.
1. Main season of harvesting falls in February – April.
2. Maturity indication is complete yellowing and drying up of plants
3. Above ground parts are cut close to the ground level.
4. Field is irrigated 1-2 days in advance of harvesting the crop.
5. Crop is harvested by Ploughing or digging.
6. Rhizomes are gathered by hand picking and cleaned.
7. Rhizomes are washed.
8. Mother rhizomes are separated from the fingers before they are cured.
Yield: Indian average yield is 20,000 to 22,000 kg per ha
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Fresh rhizomes are not useful for marketing. Curing makes fresh rhizomes
marketable. Curing involves boiling, drying and polishing.
B. Drying:
The boiled rhizomes are sun dried in 5.7 cm thick layers for 10 – 15 cm layers.
Rack frequently for uniform drying. Dry until they become hard, brittle, break with a
metallic sound. After drying they should possess only 8 – 10 % moisture.
C. Polishing:
The dried rhizomes are smoothened by manual or mechanical rubbing. Manually
they rubbed on hard surface or trampled under feet. Mechanically they are polished by
mechanically operated polishing drums.
D. Colouring:
They are coloured to improve the appearance.
Rhizomes are artificially coloured in two ways. Dry and wet colouring. Half
polished fingers are coloured.
In dry process – turmeric powder is added in the last 10 min to polishing drum.
In wet process – turmeric powder is suspended in water and mixed by sprinkling. For
brighter colour – boiled, dried, half polished fingers are taken in baskets and shaken
continuously with an emulsion of
2 kg turmeric powder,
0.04 kg alum,
0.14 kg castor seed oil,
30 g of sodium bisulphate and
30 ml HCl.
BS Publication
LECTURE-4: Black pepper – scientific name – family – plant parts used – origin and
distribution – introduction – botany – varieties – climate – soil – selection of site –
systems of cultivation - propagation – planting of standards and vine – shade and shade
regulation – training and pruning of pepper vine – manuring – irrigation – intercultural
operations – harvesting – yield – processing of pepper
Pepper is the most important of all spices and popularly known as the
„king of spices‟. Black pepper is a dried mature fruit of perennial ever green climbing
woody vine. It is one of the most important earliest known spices produced and exported
from India. It is the most valuable and important foreign exchange earner among the
important spices earning nearly 50% of the total export earnings from all the spices,
because of its importance in the spices and unique position in trade and large share in
export earnings, it is popularly referred as king of spices and black gold in trade.
Black Pepper is an evergreen. Perennial woody climber reaching to a height of 10
m or more. It has extensive but shallow root system. The vines branch horizontally from
the nodes but do not grow longer. Based on the growth habits morphological characters
and biological functions, five distinct types of stem portions can be defined in the
shoot system of a pepper vine.
1. Mainstem:
It originates from a seed or from a stem cutting. It climbs on a support with the aid
of aerial or adventitious roots.
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2. Runner shoots:
They are produced from the basal portion of the main stem, growing at right
angle to the main stem, usually restricted up to 50 cm from the ground.
3. Fruiting branches (plagiotropics):
They are produced from the nodes of the main stem and they grow
laterally more or less at right angles to the main stem, bearing the spikes.
4.Topshoots (orthtropics):
vegetative shoots which arise on the top portion of the main shoots. It gives a
bushy appearance with stouter, thicker internodes and with large number of adventitious
roots at the nodes. They are used for the propagation.
5. Hanging shoots (geo tropics):
In a fully grown vine, some of the plagio tropics at the top portions are seen
to give rise to special type of shoots which hang down and grow geotropically.
Leaves are broadly lanceolate, alternate, simple, dark green and shiny above, pale
green and gland dotted under neath. Size and shape vary according to the variety.
The inflorescence is a catkin. Born on opposite side to the leaves on Plagiotropic
branches, 5-15 cm long, bearing 50-150 minute flowers. The flowers are monoecious or
Dioecious or hermaphrodite (bisexual) forms occurs in different varieties.
High yielding forms should have more percentage of bisexual flowers and in
cultivated varieties these plants will be more than 80%. Male flowers are very few 1-19%
in different varieties. The fruit is a single seeded berry, sessile, small globose or oval.
It has thin pulpy pericarp around the seed. It takes approximately 6 months to
mature after flowering. Each spike produce 50-60 fruits. The skin (exocarp) turns from
green to red on ripening and black on drying.
More than 75 cultivars of pepper are being cultivated in India. Majority of the
cultivated types of Pepper are monoecious.
Karimunda : most popular variety throughout Kerala. A prolific and regular bearer.
Dry recovery is 35%. Yields good quality of Pepper. Suitable for intercropping as well
as for high density cropping.
Kalluva lly: This is grown in North Kerala. It is hardy and regular bearer. It
withstands water stress and is moderately tolerant to Phytophthora wilt. Spikes
are medium long and have a characteristic twisting due to very thick setting. Driage
is 40%. It is grown either alone or mixed with other cultivars. Kottandan, Narayakkodi,
Aimpiriyan, Neelamundi, Kuthiravally, Balankottah, Malligesara and Uddagare.
Recently a number of improved cultivars have been evolved and released. They are
Panniyur 1, 2 (Krishna), 3 (shima), 4 and 5 : released from Kerala Agricultural University,
Pepper Research Station, Panniyur.
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Improved varieties of black pepper :
Black pepper is used for a variety of purposes. One of the principal values
of Pepper is its ability to enhance the seasoning of dishes. It is valued for its characteristic
aroma, hot pungent and biting taste and is mainly used for flavouring and seasoning. It is
largely used as preservative by meat packers and in canning, pickling and baking
confectionery and preparation of beverages. Oil and black pepper is a valuable adjunct in
flavouring of certain beverages and liquors. The oil absorbed in soaps and in
perfumes.It is considered a powerful remedy for various disorders such as dyspepsia,
malaria, delirium treatments
The aromatic odour of pepper is due to an essential oil, while the pungency is due to
oleoresin.The Egyptians used it for embalming. The Asians are said to have used it as
an aphrodisiac.It is extensively used in Ayurvedic medicines and pharmacological
studies. Alcoholic extract of black pepper was found to be highly toxic to several
weevils on stored food products. Pepper extract acts as a effective repellent. The
alkaloid „piperine‟ is considered to be the major constituent responsible for the bitter
taste of black pepper, it is absent in the leaves and stems. Piperine has insecticidal effect
on its own.
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Pepper is a tropical plant it requires warm humid climate for commercial
production.It grows successfully between 200 N and South latitude and from sea level up
to 1500 m above MSL. The crop tolerates temperature between 100 C to
400 C. But it requires an optimum temperature of 25 to 35 degrees Celsius. A well
distributed annual rainfall of 125 to 200 cm is considered ideal for pepper. Prolonged
droughts stop the vegetative growth of the vines.
Pepper can be grown in a wide range of soils such as clay loam, red loam,
sandy loam and lateritic soils with a pH of 4.5 to 6.0. It thrives better in soils rich in
organic matters.
Pepper is invariably propagated vegetatively (stem cuttings).This is because of
variation shown by the seedling progenies and also that the seedlings become diocious
and come to bearing very late (7-8 years). Pepper is propagated by cuttings
raised mainly for the runner shoots. Cuttings from lateral branches are seldom used,
because reduced number of fruting shoots, short living and bushy in habit. He selection
of mother vine for perpetuation is done as follows;
1. A variety suitable for locality should be selected for instance Panniyur-1 for open
place and Ballankottah for shady location.
2. A variety should be selected depending upon the system of cultivation to be followed
for instance, Kalluva lly, Panniyur-1 for monocrop system. Balankottah,
Karimunda for mixed cropping.
3. A high yielder with high %of bisexual flowers should be selected.
The runner shoots are separated from the vine in February – March and after
trimming in leaves, cuttings of 2-3 nodes each are planted either in nursery beds or
polythene bag filled with fertile soil. Cuttigs from middle 1/3rd of the shoots are desirable
as they are high yielding. Adequate shade is provided and irrigated frequently. The
cutting which become ready for planting in May – June.
A rapid multiplication techno logy has been developed by NRCS, Calicut. In this a
trench of 0.75 m deep 0.3 m wide having convenient length is made. The trench is filled
with rooting medium (preferably forest soil, sand, cow dung 1:1:1). Split halves bamboos
with septa having 8 – 10 cm diameter and 1.25 to 1.5 m length are fixed at 450 angle on a
strong support. The bamboos can be arranged touching one another. Rooted cuttings
are planted in the trench at the rate of one cutting each for one bamboo.
The 10 cm portion of the bamboo are filled with a rooting medium (coir dust
and cattle manure at 1 : 1 ratio) and the growing vine is tied to the bamboo
in such a way as to keep the nodes pressed into the rooting medium. The tying
could be done with dried banana sheath fibre. The vines are irrigated regularly. As the
vines grow up, filling up the bamboo with rooting medium and tying each
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node, pressing it down to the rooting medium are to be continued regularly. For rapid
growth each vine is fed at 15 day interval with 0.25 litres of nutrient solution prepared by
dissolving Urea (1kg), 0.75 kg SSP, Mop (0.5 kg) and Megnesium sulphate (0.25 kg) in
250 litres of water. When the vine reaches the top in about
3 to 4 months, the terminal bud is nipped off and the vine is crushed at about 3 nodes
above the base, in order to activate the axillary buds. After about 10 days, each vine is cut
at the crushed point and removed from the rooting medium and each node is separated.
Such cuttings with bunch of roots intact is planted in poly bags filled with pot mixture
and kept in cool humid place. Care should be taken to keep the axil above the soil. The
buds start developing in about 3 weeks when the poly bags can be removed and kept in
semi shade. Subsequent harvesting can be had at every 2 – 2 ½ months time.
Multiplication is rapid
The root system is well developed.
Better field establishment and more vigorous growth as a result of better root system
Selection of site:
Well drained leveled land and hill slopes are suitable for growing pepper. When
the grown on a sloppy land, the slopes facing south should be avoided and the lower half
of north and north eastern slopes are preferred for planting. So that the vines are not
subjected to the scorching effect of the sun during summer.
System of cultivation:
Pepper cuttings are generally planted with onset of South west monsoon. When
pepper is grown as pure crop, pits of 0.5 m3 are dug at a spacing of 2.5 x
2.5 m. Erythrina stem cuttings of 2 m length are its 2 year old seedlings are planted on
receipt of early monsoon showers. Certain other trees like silver oak, Aila nthus excelsa
and Garuga pinnata are also used. With onset of regular rains, 2 or 3 rooted cuttings
are planted around the base of the standard nearly
30 cm away. But in case of coconut and arecanut which have a thick intercoiled root net
close to the trunk, pepper cuttings are to be planted 100 to 120 cm away from the tree
trunk. Initially the vines may be allowed to climb on a stick or pole about 2 m tall which
is tied to the trunk in a slanting position. After one year when the vine has attained
sufficient length it may be separated from the temporary stake and the lower leaves
may be nipped off. A narrow trench of 15 cm deep and wide should be prepared from
the base of the vine to the base of the tree trunk. The vines may be placed in the trench in
such a way that the growing tip is tied to the trunk while other parts of vine are covered
with soil. A small ridge is formed over the trench, which should not be disturbed while
doing intercultural operations to the palm.
Cultural operations:
The pepper vines are tied firmly as and when they grow. The tying is done around
the node, so that the nodal region is firmly attached and pressed against
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the standards so as to allow the roots to cling to the standards. This is an important
operation which has to be attended to carefully as otherwise the vine will have no
support. The another practice is that when vine reaches at a height of 75 to 100 cm
without branches all the leaves are removed except the terminal
3-4 leaves. The defoliated portions are covered with friable fine soil. This aid in
establishing a well developed root system and lateral branches may arise out of them.
Regulation of shade:
In Pepper plantation, shade is given to the pepper vines, especially during the hot
weather to keep the soil cool and moist and to allow sun light during cool weather to
encourage production of flowers and fruits.
The young vines should be protected from hot sun during the summer months by
providing them with artificial shade. Regulation of shade by lopping the braches of
standards is necessary not only for optimum light to the vines but also for enabling the
standards to grow straight. Excessive shading during flowering and fruiting encourages
pest infestation. Adequate mulch with green leaves, saw dust or coir dust or organic
matter should be given towards end of the north east monsoon. The base of the vine
should not be disturbed to avoid root damage.
During the second year, practically the same cultural operations are repeated.
Lopping of standards should be done carefully from 4th year onwards. From the 4th
year, usually 2 diggings are given one during May – June and the other towards the end
of South West monsoon in October and November. Growing cover crops like
Calapogonium mucanoides, Mimosa invisa are also recommended under west coast
conditions to provide an effective cover to prevent soil erosion during rainy season.
Further, they dry away during summer leaving thick organic mulch.
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Judicious and regular manuring is necessary to get good yields. About 10 kg of
well rotten cattle manure or compost is given in April – may. Fertilizers to supply 100 g
Nitrogen, 40 grams phosphate and 140 grams of Potash per standard for vines at 3 years
and above age may be applied annually in 2 split doses in April-May and August –
September. During the first year of planting
1/3rd of above dose and in second year 2/3 rd of the above dose may be given. Manures
are applied around the vines at a distance of 30 cm and forked in to the soil. Lime may be
applied at the rate of 500 grams per standard. During April in alternate years
Pepper vines start yielding usually from the 3rd or 4th year. The vines flower in
May-June. It takes 6-8 months from flowering to ripening stage. Harvesting is done from
November to February in plains and January to March in hills. When one or two berries
on spike turn red in early the whole spike is plucked. Yields vary with the variety and
season. A full bearing vine yields one kg of dry pepper. However, individual vines
recorded yields up to 3-5 kg of dried pepper.
Harvesting of pepper is carried out according to the purpose for which it is
For preparation of white pepper the berries are harvested at a slightly advanced
stage of ripeness i.e when the berries turn red (bright orange). To get black pepper the
berries are gathered at younger stages.
Pepper vine attain full bearing stage in the 7th or 8th year after planting.
And yield starts decline after 20-25 years and replanting has to be done thereafter. 7th or
8th year old pepper vine gives 800 to 1000 kg of Black Pepper per ha.
Processing of pepper:
Almost all the produce in India is processed in to black pepper and only a very
limited quantity is converted in to white pepper.
Black pepper:
It consists of fully developed, but unripe dried berries of Pepper. The harvested
spikes are sun dried for 7 to 10 days on cement floor or mats, until the outer skin
becomes tough black, shrink and wrinkled. Drying is carried till the moisture content gets
reduced to 10-15%. Then the dried berries are separated from the spikes by beating or
rubbing between hands or trampling them under the feet. For making good quality
of Black pepper of uniform colour, the separated berries are collected in a perforated
bamboo basket or vessel and the basket with the berries is dipped in boiling water for 1
minute. The basket is then taken out and drained. The treated berries are sun dried on a
clean bamboo net
BS Publication
or cement floor. The recovery of black berry is about 33 % (26 to 36%
depending upon the variety).
White pepper:
This consists of dried is prepared by removing the outer skin along with the
pulp before drying. White pepper is prepared by one of the two methods
BS Publication
LECTURE-5 : Cardamom – botanical name –family – plant parts used – origin and
distribution – introduction – botany – varieties – climate – soil – preparation of land –
propagation - planting of standards and cardamom – shade and shade regulation –
manuring – irrigation – intercultural operations – cropping – harvesting – processing and
Out of the above species, most popular species occupying a premier position is
small cardamom.Large cardamom is mainly cultivate in Dargeeling, Assam, Himalayas,
Nepal, Bhutan,Thailand, Indonesia.Bengal cardamom is grown in Northern Bengal.
Cardamom is popularly known as the Queen of Spices and also Green Gold.
It is one of the ancient species of India and is also one of the most valued spices of the
world. It is next only to black pepper as the largest foreign exchange earner
among various Indian spices.
Cultivation of Cardamom is mostly concentrated in the evergreen forests of
western ghats in South India. Besides India, Cardamom is cultivated in Guatemala,
Tanzania, Srilanka, Vietnam, Combodia and Newguinea.
Among three cardamoms small one is the most popular species.India has the
largest area (90% of the world area) and is also largest producer (70%).But of late India
is facing still competition from Guatemala in the world market for the top position.
In India the cultivation of small cardamom is mainly confined to the southern
states viz., kerala (60%), Karnataka (30%), Tamilnadu (10%).
Among the different spices, exported from India cardamom ranks second after black
pepper. Nearly 40% of the production is exported to more than 60 countries.
Importance/ uses:
Cardamom is used for flavouring and seasoning various food stuffs,
confectionery, beverages and liquors. In arab countries, beverage cardamom flavoured
coffee is called „Gawa‟. It is generally offered to guests at social and religious
functions. In srilanka cardamom is used in manufacturing liquors.
BS Publication
The essential oil of cardamom is used for medicinal purposes both in allelopathy
and in Ayurveda. It is used as powerful aromatic stimulant, carminative, stomachic and
diuretic. Cardamom seeds are chewed to prevent the bad bread, indigestion, Nausia and
vomiting. Eating one cardamom daily with a table spoon of honey improve eye sight and
strengthens the nervous system and keeps one healthy. It is believed by some people
that excessive use of cardamom causes impotency.
Cardamom is a herbaceous perennial plant. A fully grown plant is about 2-
4 m height.The real stem of the plant is the under ground rhizome. The aerial
pseudostem is made up of leaf sheaths. Leaves are lanceolate with dark green colour. It
has shallow root system inflorescence is a long panicle with racemose clusters arising
from the under ground stem but comes up above the soil. Flowers are bisexual, pale
white fragrant flowers. Fruit is triloc ular capsule. Flower initiation takes place in
March – April and from initiation to full bloom it takes nearly 30 days; from bloom to
maturity it takes 5 – 6 months. Honey bee is the principle pollinating agent.
Based on the size of the fruit, two varieties are broadly recognized in
Elettaria cardamo mum var major – comprise of wild indigenous type
Elettaria cardamo mum var minor – comprise of all cultivated types The
cultivated types are identified mainly based on the nature of panicle shape and size of the
fruits as follows.
S.No Particulars Mysore type Malabar type Vazhukka
1. Most common Natural hybrid
and widely between
cultivated mysore and
malabar type
2. Plant stature robust medium robust
3. Panicle erect prostrate semi erect
4. Capsule bold, round to oblong round to
elongated oblong.
5 Adaptability high altitudes low altitudes wide range
(900 – 1200 m) (600 – 900 m)
6 Productivity More Less Less
7 Resistance Withstand to More tolerant to
winds thrips and less
susceptible to
8 Fruits shape Pods are bold Roundish or egg Roundish to
and elongated shaped long
BS Publication
Improved varieties:
Coorg cardamom malabar selection – 1 (CCS – 1)(malabar type): it yields
408 kg per ha dry capsules under rainfed conditions. It was released by National
Cardamom Research Station (NCRS), Appangala.
Mudigere – 1(malabar type): it yields 250 to 300 kg per ha dry capsules. It was
released by regional agricultural research station, Mudigere (Karnataka).
ICRI – 1(malabar type): it yields 265 to 650 kg of dry capsule. Released by
Indian Cardamom Research Institute, Myladumpara.
ICRI – 2 (mysore type): it yields 375 to 760 kg of dry capsule.Released by
Indian cardamom Research Institute, Myladumpara.
PV – 1(malabar type): it yields 500 kg of dry capsule. Released by Cardamom
Research Station, Pampadumpara.
SKP – 14 (malabar type): it yields 430 to 590 kg dry capsule per ha. Released by ICRI
Regional station, Saklespur, Karnataka.
Climate :
Small cardamom is a humid tropical plant.It is grown under natural conditions of
ever green forests at an elevation from 600 to 1500 m above MSL.Optimum elevation is
900 to 1200 m.The plant prefers temperature of 10 to
350 C and a well distributed rainfall of 1500 mm per annum.Summer showers are
essential during summer i.e. February – April for panicle initiation. Otherwise it affects
yield.It does not stand drought and is highly sensitive to winds. Under exposed
conditions, the plant does not attain its full vegetative growth because of sun scorching. It
grows luxuriantly under shade. Shade trees besides providing shade create a congenial
micro climate in the plantation. It keeps the surroundings humid and cool.
Moderate shade high humidity cool surroundings well distributed rainfall and wind less
areas are very essential for the satisfactory performance of Cardamom.
Grows best on well drained humus rich forest soils. Water logging and
excessive soil moisture conditions are detrimental. Moisture level should be 40 to
50% of the field capacity of the soil. An ideal site is a sloppy land with good drainage.In
India cardamom is grown on red, deep and good textured laterite forest soils having plenty
of humus and leaf mould.Ideal pH is 5. to 6.5
Cardamom can be propagated by seeds, rhizomes and suckers. Out of which seed
propagation is most preferred because of certain advantages over vegetative propagation.
By seed:
Propagation by seeds prevents spread of khatte disease.This is the most common
and widely prevalent method. A large number of seedlings can be raised within a
short time. The main disadvantage is that the progeny is highly variable with no
uniformity in the yield.The seeds also do not remain viable for longer time.
By rhizomes:
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Planting material of rhizomes is collected by up rooting 2 to 2 ½ year old clumps.
These material are noted for their high yields. The advantage of this material is greater
uniformity and earlier bearing habit compared to seedlings.One of the very serious
disadvantage is that Cardamom Mosaic Disease spreads through rhizomes. Plantations
raised by vegetative means are short lived. Getting adequate plant material is another
difficulty. If rhizomes are used for propagation continuously. The plants tend to loose
their vigour after a few generations. Due to these limitations farmers use seedlings only.
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Rapid clonal multip lication techniq ue developed by Cardamom Research
Centre, Appangala:
Cardamom is propagated mainly through seeds and also through suckers each
consisting of at least one old and a young aerial shoot. The suckers are commonly
used for gap filling but suckers may not be available in larger numbers.
Therefore rapid clonal multiplication technique evolved by NRCS, Cardamom
Research Centre, Appangala is proved to be quick, reliable and economic for
production of large number of quality planting materials. The site selected for their
method should have a gentle slope and must be nearer to the water source. Trenches of
45 cm width 45 cm depth and of any convenient length may be taken across the
slope or along the contour at 1-8 m apart. The top 20 cm depth soil is excavated
separately and heaped on the upper side of the trench. The lower 25 cm soil is excavated
and heaped on lower side of the trenches all along the line.
The top soil is mixed with equal portions of humus rich jungle soil, sand and
cattle manure and filled back by leaving a depression of 5 cm at the top to facilitate
mulching for retentions of soil moisture. Suckers each consisting of one grown up tiller
and a growing young shoot are placed at a spacing of 0.6 m in the trenches during march
– October. Regular cultural operations are to be followed including a high fertilizer dose
of 100: 50: 200 kg NPK / ha in 6 split doses at 60 days interval along with neem cake at
250 g per plant. Irrigation should be provided at least twice a week. Overhead pandal at
a height of 3.6 m covered with coir mat or leafy twigs of any shade tree may be
provided during non-rainy season, within a period of 12 months, a plant could
produce at least 32-42 suckers which may yield at least 16-21 planting units i.e. about
1.5 lakh planting units per ha.
The best season of planting seedlings or suckers is May- June after the receipt of
monsoon showers. The seedlings or suckers are planted in the pits up to collar region for
better growth. Cloudy days with light drizzle are ideal for panting.
Shade and shade regulation:
Cardamom is a shade loving plant (pseophyte). Shade help to regulate soil
moisture as well as temperature and provides congenial micro climate for cardamom.
Shade protects plants from sun-scorching, rains and winds. Shade trees provide mulch
material through fallen leaves on the surface and prevent soil erosion through their root
system. Excess shade is also quite detrimental and shade has to be regulated so as to
provide 50-60% filtered sunlight.
In South India, many trees are available in the natural habitat to provide shade but
an ideal shade tree should have a wider canopy, minimum side branching and it should
not shed the leaves during flowering phase of Cardamom, so as not to affect
pollination. Some of the common shade trees in cardamom estates are karimaram
(Diospyros ebenum and D. elongi) , Mimusops elangi, Balangi (Artocarpus fraxinifolius),
Jack, Red cedar (Cedrella toona). The temporary shade trees like Erythrina lithosperma
and E. indica are the most
BS Publication
unsuitable as they compete for nutrients and soil moisture.In order to provide adequate
light during monsoon, shade regulation may be taken up before the on set of monsoon. A
two tier canopy with a height of not more than 3 m between the lower and higher
canopy may be maintained. Areas exposed to western side should have adequate shade.
Cardamom is a surface feeder and its growing areas are usually
subjected to heavy rain fall conditions, the top soil is subjected to frequent leaching,
resulting in the loss and plant nutrients, even though there is annual replenishment of
nutrients through the incorporation of fallen leaves of shade trees and cardamom
plants. Therefore manuring is very essential.
Under irrigated conditions – 75 kg N; 75 kg P and 150 kg K per ha. Under
rainfed conditions – 30 kg N + 60 kg P and 30 kg K per ha. Organic
manures may be applied at the rate of 5 kg per plant.
Two split doses one during May – June for production of suckers, Second during
September to October for initiation of panicle.Half dose can be applied during first
year.Full dose can be applied from second year onwards.Being a surface feeder deep
placement of fertilizer is not advocated. These fertilizers apply 30 cm away from the
Cardamom is generally raised as rainfed crop.However, it responds well to
irrigation.It is necessary to irrigate the crop during dry periods to get increased yields.
Since, cardamom is raised under evergreen forests and on undulated terrain, conventional
irrigation methods are ot useful.
Intercultural operations:
2-3 weedings per year may be necessary during May- June, August – September
and December – January. Paraquat @ 625 ml in 500 litres of water may be sprayed.
Mulchi ng:
it is an important cultural operation in Cardamom. Fallen leaves at the shade trees
are up rooted weeds are utilized for mulching. Mulches should be applied during
November – December to reduce ill effects of drought conditions during ensuing
Trashing or clearing:
it consists of removing old and drying shoots of the plant once in an year with the
onset of monsoon under rain fed conditions and 2-3 times in high density plantations. The
plantation is provided with irrigation facilities. Weeding and clearing may be done
simultaneously during May- June and August – September.
Packing and diggi ng:
At the end of the monsoon rains a light raking or digging of soil should be given
around the pant up to a radius of 60-75 cm to conserve the moisture to the ensuing dry
period particularly in low rainfall areas.
Earthing up:
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After the completion of monsoon, a thin layer of fertile soil rich in organic matter
may be earthed up at the base of plant up to Collar region to encourage new growth.
Cardamom plants start bearing in about 3 years after planting. Flowering starts in
April – May and continues up to August – September. Peak flowering will be in the
month of May- June. From flowering to maturity the fruit takes 5-6 months.
Only ripe capsules are harvested at 25-30 days interval, the harvesting is
completed in 5- 6 pickings. In most of the areas the peak period of harvest is during
October – November.
Although the Cardamom plant start bearing from 2nd or 3 rd year of planting, an
economic crop can be obtained only from 4th or 5th year. Yield vary with variety and
age.Optimum average yield is 50-70 kg of dry capsule per ha. Yields decline from 10th
year to 12th year.
1st year of bearing – 25-50 kg per ha ( dry capsules)
2 year of flowering 50-70 kg per ha
3rd year of flowering 70-100 kg per ha
The commercial product of Cardamom is the dried capsules. At the time of
harvesting the capsules are juicy and fleshy, so they must be cured before sending them to
the market.
Bleac hing: Green colour of the cardamom capsules plays a vital role in the market.
Green colour of the capsules can be preserved by alkali treatment. So freshly harvested
cardamom capsules are soaked in 2 % washing soda ( Na2
CO3 ) solution for 10 min.
Drying: After bleaching, the capsules are dried either by sun drying or in fuel
kilns and electric driers. The capsules are sun dried for 3-5 days. These capsules
gets bleached and does not store well.Hence, now a days capsules are dried artificially in
which drying is incomplete and the green colour remains in electrical drier in capsules are
dried at 45 – 500 C for 18 hours.
Fuel kilns: Temperature is set at 50 – 60 0 C over night.
The capsules kept for drying are spread thinly and stirred frequently to ensure uniform
drying. The dried capsules are rubbed with hands or coir mat or wire mesh and winnowed
to remove any foreign matter.
Storage: Then they are stored according to size and colour and stored in black polythene
lined gunny bags to retain green colour during storage. These bags are then kept in
wooden chamber.
Sorting: The dried capsules are stored according to their size, colour and stored in black
polythene lined gunny bags to retain green colour during storage.
BS Publication
LECTURE-6 : Coriander – botanical name – family – plant parts used – origin and
distribution – varieties – climate – soil – preparation of land – season – seed and sowing –
irrigation – manuring – intercultivation – harvesting and yield
It can be grown under tropical and subtropical conditions. It require
cool climate in early stages and warm dry weather at maturity. It needs dry and cool
weather free from rains at flowering and fruit setting stage. Heavy rains effect the
Well drained soils, moisture retentive, humus rich soils are essential. It
can be grown in sandy loams to heavy black cotton soils. Heavy Black cotton soils of
Deccan and South India are particularly suited.
Land preparation:
For rain fed crop plough 3-4 times. For irrigated crop plough twice or
thrice. After ploughing is complete, the land is laid out into beds and channels. Season:
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For leaf purpose the crop is grown throughout the year (except March-
May).For grain purpose the crop is grown during rabi season in A.P. and north and
central India Kharif in Tamil Nadu and Madhya Pradesh. Some times it is grown as a
mixed crop in cotton and pulses.
i) Sowing time: for rabi crop mid October to middle of the November. For Kharif crop
June-July to August - September.
ii) Seed rate: it needs 12-15 kg per ha in A.P. Crush or trample the seeds gently to
separate pericarps. Soak the seeds in water fro 12- 21 hours. Treat with Thiram @
2 g per kg seed. Shade dry before sowing.
iii) Method of sowing: Broadcast sown for rainfed crop. A spacing of 3-40 cm x
15 cm is adopted for an irrigated crop. Germination starts within 10-15 days and will be
over by 30 days.
A post sowing irrigation is to provided. Afterwards, the crop has to
irrigated at Two leaf stage, at branching stage, at flowering stage and at seed filling
On fertile Black Cotton soils, it is not generally manured. During rabi
season in A.P. 10-15 tonnes FYM; 20-30 kg N; 40 kg P2 O5 ; 20 kg K2 O per ha is given as
basal dose.20-30 kg Nitrogen is given at flowering under irrigated conditions.
Maintain weed free conditions during first 30 days. First weeding is
done within 30 days after sowing. Second weeding is done before the rows close up. Inter
cultivate twice with a cultivator at monthly interval.
The crop will be ready for harvest in 80-120 days. Kharif crops comes to
harvest earlier than Rabi
Maturity indices:
Green colour turn to straw coloured. If harvesting is delayed – seeds
shattered, fruits splitted. Plants are cut or pulled. Tied in bundles. Piled in shade for
drying to avoid grain shattering and loss of essential oil. After 2-3 days of shade
drying, the grain is threshed, winnowed and sundried. The moisture content is
reduced from 2 to 6 per cent. The cleaned, dried produce is stored in gunny bags lined
with white polythene
BS Publication
LECTURE-7 : Fenugreek and cumin – botanical name – family – origin – economic
part – importance – botany – varieties - climate – soil – preparation of land – seed and
sowing – irrigation – manuring – intercultivation – harvesting and yield
Fresh tender leaves, stem are used as vegetable. Seeds are used as spice. It has
high medicinal value as it prevents constipation. It removes indigestion, stimulate spleen
and liver. Grown in Gujarat, Rajasthan. It occupies
3rd place in area and 4th in production among all minor spices grown in India.
Common methi – Trigonella foenumgreakum – is quick growing and produces erect
shoots to a height of 40-70cm.
*Kasuri methi – Trigonella corciculata also called as Champa menthi. Champa
menthi is a slow growing type and remains in rosette condition during most of its
vegetative growth period.Out of these two the former is more commonly cultivated.
Common menthi Champa menthi
1 Quick growing habit 1 Slow growing habit
2 Characterized with erect shoots 2 Shoots remain rosette
appearance specially when plants are
in vegetative condition
3 Reaches to a height of 40-70 cm 3 Reaches < 40 cm
4 Commonly cultivated 4 Rarely ultivated
5 Light to dark green leaves 5 Possess dark green leaves
6 Small bisexual flowers white in 6 Light pink flowers
7 Slender pods, long and curl 7 Seeds small, flat and square
8 Characterized by prominent beak 8 Deep furrowed pods
Pusa Early Bunc hing: It is a Bushy variety. 115 – 125 days, seeds are bold. Lam
selection 1: It is a bushy variety, 70 days duration on Black soils under rainfed
condition. It yields about 700 -750 kg per ha.
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Co 1: It is a selection from TG 2336. It is a dual purpose variety. It is suitable for
intercropping. It yields about 650 – 700 kg grain; 4.5 tonnes of green leaves per ha.
Rajendra Kranti : It was evolved by mass selection. Developed by RAU, Dholi. It is
suitable for both pure and inter crop. It yields about 1200 – 1400 kg in 120 days.
Rmt 1 : Evolvedby RAU, Jobner. It is a pure line selection. It is moderately branched. It
is tolerant to root rot and powdery mildew. It yields 1500 kg per ha in
140 days.
It is cultivated both in tropics and temperate regions. It is a cool season crop,
tolerates warm weather. It tolerate frost and freezing weather. It requires low to
moderate rainfall. Heavy rains are unsuited.
Clayey loams are better. It requires 6-7 pH. It is tolerant to salinity
Land preparation: Land has to be ploughed 3-4 times. Prepare uniform beds.
Time: It is sown in the second fortnight of October.
Method: Broad cast over beds and rake in rainfed conditions. In irrigated conditions
beds of 200 cm wide 500 – 700 cm length are prepared. Seeds dibbled in lines at
30 x 60 cm spacing.
Seed rate: 30-35 kg for rain fed crop.12- 15 kg for irrigated crop. Germinate in 3-
4 days and complete in 7 – 10 days.
The crop is grown as rain fed in heavy moisture retentive soils. Crop
requires 3-6 irrigations. First irrigation is given after sowing seeds. Second irrigation is
given after first cutting of leaves. Afterwards irrigated at 7 – 10 interval.
The crop is commonly grown on residual fertility. FYM @ 10-15
tones per ha may be incorporated in the last ploughing. Top dress with Nitrogen one
month after sowing and after each cutting @ 10-15 kg per ha. For grain crop
20 kg Nitrogen, 40 kg P2O5 and 20 kg K2O are applied as basal dose.
Depending upon growth 10-15 kg Nitrogen per ha may be applied after one month.
Hoeing and weeding during the early stages of plant growth.
First cut is to be given at 20-25 days after sowing. Later the crop is cut at 12-
15 day interval. Afterwards 4-5 cuttings are taken. Then the plant is
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uprooted at flowering an disposed. For a grain crop, 1-2 cuttings are allowed. The
plant flower in 30-40 days after sowing. Pods mature within 60-90 days after sowing.
Maturity indices:
Plant start drying, pods are partially dried. Uproot the plants. Dry in the
sun on threshing floor for 2-3 days. Pods are threshed. Seeds are separated by winnowing,
cleaned and sun dried. Seeds are stored in gunny bags lines with white alkathene paper.
Leaf yield is 700-800 kg per ha. Grain yield is 750 to 800 kg per ha under rain
fed conditions. 1200 to 1300 kg per ha under irrigated conditions.
Introductio n, uses:
Aromatic fragrance is due to an alcohol „ cumino l‟. Used as a spice in curry
powder. Ingredient in ayurvedic and verterinary medicines against diarrhea and dyssentry.
(carminative, stomachic and astringent).Volatile oil content ranges from 2.8 to 4.7
Annual with a height of 30-45 cm. Produces many branches. Leaves are long
divided deep green. Flowers small, white or rose coloured born as umbels.Seed elongated
6 mm long and light yellowish brown.
RS – 1: Evolved by selection – it is an early maturing variety. It has bold,
aromatic seed. It gives an yield of 763 kg per ha.
Gujarat cumin 1 (GC -1): developed by selection. Seeds bold. Yield 735 kg per ha.
Duration is 105 -110 days duration. Tolerates blight and wilt.
Gujarat cumin 2:
Rajasthan zeera 19: released by RAU, Jobner. Seeds bold. Yield is 470 to 570 kg per
ha. Duration 120 to 130 days. Tolerate blight.
Tropical plant and it can be cultivated as Rabi crop in area where Low
atmospheric humidity during February to march, when crop flowers and seed formation
takes place. High humidity at this stage favour disease. Can be grown from sea level to
3000 m above MSL.
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Well drained, medium to heavy textured soils. On light textured soils wilt is
more. Can be grown in slightly alkaline soils having a pH of 8.9.
Land preparation: Land is ploughed repeatedly to bring to fine tilth. Land is laid out
into beds.
Seed rate: 8 – 15 kg per ha. Variation is due to method of sowing ( line sowing or
broadcasting).Soaking of seed for 24 – 36 hours is suggested to enhance the germination
percentage. In line sowing, lines are spaced at 20 cm apart. Seeds are covered by fine soil.
Irrigate lightly. At 5 cm height, thin the population to 15 cm spacing.
First irr igatio n: light irrigation immediately after sowing. Second irr igatio n:
after 8 – 10 days, after which the germination is visible. Third irr igatio n: after a
week, to help to complete the germination. After wards: irrigate at 12-20 day
interval. Irrigation at maturity of the crop should be avoided.
FYM @ 15 to 20 tonnes per ha is to be applied at field preparation. Nitrogen @
30 kg per ha in two splits at 30 and 60 days after sowing is done.
At 5 cm tall; first hoeing and weeding. Later one or two hoeing or weedings.
The crop matures in 100 – 120 days.Uproot the plants. Stake them in sun for
drying. Threshed by beating. Clean by winnowing. Store in polythene line gunny bags.
Varies from 500 – 800 kg per ha grains. Can be up to 1000 kg per ha
under good management
BS Publication
LECTURE-8 : Aro matic crops – importance – essential oils – use of aromatic crops
and their by – products – essential oil industry in India;
Lemon grass – botanical name – family – origin – economic part – importance
– botany – varieties – climate – soil – preparation of land – importance – botany
– varieties – climate – soil – preparation of land – propagation and planting –
manuring – irrigation – intercultivation – harvesting – yield and oil extraction
Aro matic plants: Plants which possess essential oils in one or more plant parts.
Wood – sandal; Bark – cassia; Foliage – lemon grass;
Flowers – jasmine; Fruits – citrus; Seeds – coriander.
Essential oils are secreted in oil glands.
Essential oil: Complex mixture of odoriferous steam volatile compounds, which are
deposited by plants in sub- cuticular spaces, granular hairs, cell organelles, excretory
cavities, canals and heart wood.
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9. Risk, as the produce is priced on the basis of the principle.
10. Larger quantities are required.
11. Lack of testing facilities.
12. Cheaper synthetic substitutes.
13. Dearth of trained personnel.
Lemon grass
Botanical name: Cymbopogan fle xuosus
Family : Grami nae
Origin : India (Kerala)
Plant part : Leaves
In India, lemon grass is confined to Kerala and Jammu. Annual production of lemon
grass oil is 1000 Mt.India faces stiff competition from Guatemala in world market.
Uses: 1.Chief constituent of the oil is citral, which is used in the manufacture of
vitamin A tablets. 2. Oil has bactericidal, insect repellent, mosquito repellent and
medicinal uses.
3. Used in soap and detergent making.4.Spent grass is good cattle feed and used in
making silage. 5. Spent grass is used for preparing card boards, paper and fuel.
Botany: Genus Cymbopogan has 120 species, of which nearly 27 species occur in our
1. OD – 19: released by MAPRS, Odakkali. Belong to East Indian lemon grass.
Herbage yield 50-55 t per ha.Oil yield 80-85 kg per ha.Oil recovery 1.2 – 1.5%. Citral
content is 80-85 %
2. RRL – 16: Released by RRL, Jammu. Belong to Jammu lemon grass. It is
frost and drought resistant.
3. SD - 68:Released by CIMAP, Lucknow. Herbage yield 50-55 t per ha. Oil yield
80-85 kg per ha. Oil recovery 1.2 – 1.5%. Citral content is 80-85 %.
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Tropical plant. Loves hot and humid climate, plenty of sun shine. Rain fall
150- 300 cm with uniform distribution. Grown mainly as rainfed crop
Hardy and drought resistant crop can be grown on loamy to poor laterites pH 4.5
to 7.5. This crop has soil binding nature, hence useful as vegetative cover.
Propagatio n: Both by seeds and vegetative means through slips. Slip
propagation is better in Andhra Pradesh. Seed propagation covers larger area. Seed
propagation: Nursery:
Seeds are formed in November – December.
Seeds are collected in January – February.
Seeds are sown at 10 kg per 25 cents nursery per ha. Nursery beds are prepared
and sowing is done during April – May. After sowing nursery beds are lightly irrigated.
Seedlings will be ready in 60-75 days.
Slips: Mature clump is divided. Slips are treated for rooting. Rooted slips are used
for propagation.
Planting: Land is thoroughly ploughed, leveled. Land laid into ridges and furrows.
Planted with the onset of monsoon at 60 x 45 cm. 2-3 seedlings or slips are planted per
A fertilizer dose of 100: 50: 50 kg NPK per ha per year is adopted.
Entire P and K are applied as basal. Nitrogen is applied as 2 – 3 splits first at 30 days
after sowing and remaining after each harvest.
High rainfall (well distributed) areas does not require irrigation. In dry and low
rain fall areas , irrigate the crop at 7 – 10 day interval.
Keep the field weed free during the initial 3-4 months and after one month after
each harvest. Plants are earthed up after every weeding and after every harvest.
Harvesting:First harvesting is done in 5-6 months under Hyderabad conditions.
90-100 days ( 3 months) under Kerala conditions. Subsequently cuttings are given
within 3-4 months.The crop is cut 10-15 cm above the ground. Delayed or early harvest
reduce citral and oil content. Discard flower stalks from time to time. Three cuttings
are taken in the first year. 5-6 cuttings are taken in the subsequent years.Lemon grass is
perennial, yield well from 2nd to 4th year. Plantation is economical for 5 – 6 years.
Yield:Gives 80 kg oil per ha per year. Increases from the first year to fourth year. Yield
varies with season and age of the crop.
BS Publication
LECTURE-9: Palmarosa and citrone lla – introduction – uses – botany –
varieties – climate – soil – preparation of land – propagation - planting –
manuring – irrigation – intercultivation – harvesting – yield and distillation
Java type was found to be the best source of citronella oil and its cultivation has now
become popular. Crop is extensively cultivated in Assam particularly in tea gardens,
Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.
1. Citronella oil is raw material for production of geraniol,
citronellol, hydroxyl citronellol etc.
2. These are used in perfumery, soaps, cosmetics
3. Used in pharmaceuticals.
4. Used in flavouring industries.
5. Used as a ingreadient in mosquito repellent creams
6. Used in mosquito repellent creams.
1. RRL – Jor – 3 – 1970 : RRL, Jorhat. Oil has 46.2% citronellol; 28.5%
2. NBPGR, Delhi released two strains in Java citronella viz., IW 31243, IW
3. Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswa Vidyalaya, Kalyani has developed a
selection namely KS – CW – SI.
Thrive well under tropical and sub-tropical conditions. Require humid climate,
abundant sunshine, well distributed rainfall of 200 – 250 cm. Long drought spells
or excessive rainfall are harmful. Does not like shade, under shade growth is poor,
leaf blade become hard and yield less oil. Susceptible to frost. Grow well in plains and
hills up to 900 m, but best elevation is 180 – 250 m above MSL.
Humus rich sandy loams are the best. Heavy clay and light textured soils
are not good. Calcareous and water logged soils are unsuited. Soil pH 5.0 to 7.5
(optimum 6.0 to 6.5)
Land preparation: By ploughing, discing or harrowing, prepared to fine tilth. FYM
plus insecticidal dust, Endrin/ Heptachlor 5% dust @ 50 kg per ha is
BS Publication
incorporated in the last ploughing. Apply a mixture of 2,4 – D and Grammoxone
@ 25 kg per ha leave for a fortnight to check weeds. Land is laid out into beds with
irrigation channels.
Due to irregularities in Meiosis, viable seeds are not formed.
Therefore citronella is propagating through slips, obtained by dividing healthy mature
clumps. Each slip should have 2-3 tillers. At the time of planting trim fibrous roots and
leaves. One ha citronella produce enough planting material i.e. slips for planting in 20 ha
of main field.
Planting: Best time is during SW monsoon. In A.P., planting is done during July-
August. Spacing adopted is 60 x 60 cm requiring 28,000 slips per ha. If climate and
soil support luxurious growth 90 x 90 cm is followed as in the upper Assam. Slips are
planted vertically in 10 cm deep pits either on ridges or flat beds. As it is extremely
sensitive to water logging, plant on ridges. Irrigate immediately after planting. Keep the
soil moist for 3 -4 weeks, within which it gets established.
It is a soil exhausting crop therefore requires liberal application of manures and
fertilizers. In Red soils of Karnataka, where the plant grow throughout the year, apply 200
kg Nitrogen; 80 kg P and 50 kg K. In Tamil Nadu; basal dose of 60 kg P and 50 kg K are
to be applied. 125 kg Nitrogen is given in equal splits one month after each cutting.
Nitrogen is given in 4 splits in North 5-6 split doses of Nitrogen is given in South. The
split doses of Nitrogen are given first one month after planting and the remaining after
each harvest at an interval of 3-4 months.
Java citronella is grown as irrigated crop in Karnataka and A.P. It is grown
as rainfed crop in High rain fall areas like Assam. 16-20 irrigations are required at 7-10
day interval.
Check weeds up to 3-4 months after planting and after each cutting. 3 -4
weedings are required per year. Manual weeding or weeding by running a cultivator is
The leaves are ready for first cutting is taken 4-7 months. In Assam and
Bengal first cutting is taken in 3-4 months. Subsequently harvested at 2-3 month
interval. In A.P., first cutting is taken 6-7 months after planting (due to low rainfall and
less growth). Three cuttings are taken per year. Possible to take four cuttings per year
under good management. Should not be harvested too soon or too late affects the
quality of oil adversely. Optimum interval between two cuttings is 90 days; if
delayed leaves are partially dried and oil content declines. Leaves are cut 10-15 cm above
ground in morning. Only leaf blade should be cut leaving leaf sheath, as leaf sheath
contains only little and poor quality oil. Crop is
BS Publication
economical for 4 to 5 years. Once in a year clumps are cut close to ground to remove dry
leaves and to maintain height.
Yield: Maximum yield is recovered from 2nd to 3rd year. Later it declines.
Distillatio n: Oil is extracted by steam distillation from herbage. Distill soon after
harvest. Semi dried leaves are chopped into bits. Delay in distillation affects aroma and
colour of oil.
Pal marosa
Botanical name: Cymbopogan martini var m otia
Family : Gra minae
Origin : Ind ia
Plant part : Tender stems, leaves and flower stalks.
Palmarosa also known as East Indian Geranium. Grows wild in forests A.P, M.P,
Maharashtra, Karnataka.
Hardy and drought resistant plant. It grows well in areas receiving 100 –
150 cm annual rainfall. W inter should be less severe. Exposure to sunlight is
essential. It does not perform under shade.
Light loamy soils with good water infiltration are ideal. Prefers well
drained, neutral to alkaline soils. Can be grown in poor sandy to heavy fertile soils,
saline, marginal soils also.
IW 31244: released by NBPGR
RRL (B) – 77 and RRL (B) 71: released by RRL, Bhubaneswar.
Trishna – Hybrid developed by CIMAP, Lucknow. Give 40% more oil and has
93% Geraniol.
BS Publication
By seed and rooted slips. First a nursery is raised. Beds are raised well prepared
and well manured. Seeds @ 2.5 kg per ha is sown at 15-20 cm spaced lines.
Sowing is done during May – June. Nursery beds are irrigated daily. Germination will be
completed within 2 weeks and seedlings ready in 30-40 days (15-20 cm height).
Slips: Slips are collected from elite clump. They are separated and planted during
April – May. Ready for transplanting after 3 months during June- July or August -
Oil yield is higher with clonal propagation. Per cent of establishment is higher with
Land preparation: Plough 3-4 times. Land is laid out into ridges & furrows
spaced at 60 cm.
Planting: Planted during June- July at 45 cm apart on ridges. Irrigate
If grown on fertile soils, do not manure during the first year as it promote
vegetative growth and reduce oil yield. In less fertile soils, basally 10 t FYM; 20 kg N;
50 kg P and 40 kg K per ha are to be applied. Top dressing with 40 kg Nitrogen each time
for three times starting from 45 days after planting is to be done.
If rainfall is more than 150 cm, the crop can be grown as rain fed crop. If
rainfall is less than that, irrigation has to be given at 7 – 10 day interval. When the
crop is fully grown, irrigate at 15-20 day interval. Yields reduced if field becomes dry.
Keep the field weed free for the first 2-3 months after planting and one month
after each harvest. After every irrigation, soil should be loosened for improving
infiltration of water and earthed up.
First harvest is taken in 4-5 months after planting. Harvest 15-20 cm above
the ground at the time of flowering to early seed formation stage. Subsequently
the crop is harvested at 2 ½ to 3 months interval for 3-4 years. Yield: yield increases up to
4 th year.
First year: 20 kg oil per ha Second year: 60 kg oil per ha Third year: 70 kg oil per
ha Fourth year: 70 kg oil per ha
Distillatio n: Oil is extracted by steam distillation. Herbage is shade dried for 24 hours
and chopped for distillation. Oil recovery is 0.3 to 0.4%. It takes 4 hours for complete
recovery of the oil.
BS Publication
LECTURE-10 : Geranium and davanam – introduction – uses – botany –
varieties – climate – soil – preparation of land – propagation – planting –
manuring – irrigation – intercultivation – harvesting – yield and distillation
It is the source of the one of the most important and costliest essential oil.
Oil possess strong rose like odour.
Chief constituent are Geraniol 68 to 75% and Citronellol (23 – 40%).
Geranium oil is widely used in expensive soaps, perfumes and for the production of
Rhodnol etc.
Demand of oil is 40 to 50 t per year. Internal production of oil is only 20 tonnes from
about 1400 ha.
Types of geraniums:
There are two types of geraniums
1. Rose geranium: Pelargonium graveolens
2. Ornamental geranium: Differ from rose geranium which do not
possess essential oil and used as ornamental purposes.
In rose geraniums there are two types.
i. Algerian or tunic ia n: Plant is slender, produce dark pink flowers. It is mostly
cultivated. Not suitable for wet soil conditions. Grown in Nilgiri hills.
ii. Bourbon or Reunion: Sturdy plant, produce light pink flower.Suitable for wet soil
conditions. Oil quality is superior. Grown in Nilgiris and Annamalai hills.
Can grow in temperate, sub- tropical and tropical climates. Flourish best in
Mediterranean type of mild climate. Rainfall 1000 – 1500 mm. Sensitive to frost. Prefers
sheltered warm situation. Best temperature is 20-250 C.
In India it is cultivated from 1000 – 2700 m. It is grown in the hills of shevroy,
Palni, Nilgiri and Annamalai hills and low altitudes of Karnataka.
Comes up well in well drained deep, porous soil rich in organic matter.
Slightly calcareous soil with a pH range of 5.5 to 6.0. It is a shallow rooted crop. It is
prone to waterlogging as it aggravates disease.
Propagatio n: Does not set seed in India. Hence propagated through rooted stem
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Stem cuttings : Terminal stem cuttings are taken from healthy, vigorously
growing plants during November. Cuttings are defoliated except top 3-4 leaves. Slant cut
is made just below a node. Bottoms of cuttings are dipped in 0.3% Benlate or Bavistin
0.1% and then in Seradix powder. Planted with at least two nodes buried in the soil at a
spacing of 5x5cm. Beds are hand watered after planting. As they are sensitive to hot sun,
temporary shade is to be provided. Cuttings root in 30-40 days and ready for planting
within 60 days after planting.
80 m x 80 m nursery is sufficient for one ha.
Land preparation: Select land on a gentle slope. Stands for 3 - 10 years, hence have a
thorough preparation of land. Ploughing, harrowing and planking are to be done
thoroughly for preparation of land. Manures, P and K are applied at the last ploughing
and incorporated. The land is laid out into ridges and furrows.
Planting: Select sturdy, healthy disease free Rooted stem cuttings with well developed
root system and a crown of leaves.
On hills: plant during May – June; On plains: December – January.
Dip the cuttings in 0.1% Bavistin and plant on ridges 60 x 60 cm. Irrigate on alternate
days for a month and later at weekly intervals. Plants establish within two months.
10-20 t of FYM; 35-40 kg N, P2O5 and K2O are applied as basal dose. Top
dress with 30 and 40 kg N per ha is recommended at 30 and 90 days after planting. 35 kg
Nitrogen per ha is applied at the end of each harvest. Altogether Nitrogen is given in 6
splits per year. The above dose is repeated again.
Irrigation: The crop is raised as an irrigated crop. It is a shallow crop hence needs
frequent irrigations.
Interculture: Keep the field weed free during the first 2-3 months after planting and up
to one month after every harvest. Weed with minimum soil disturbance and for root.
From second year, soil should be worked to provide aeration and induce plants to
produce more root suckers.
Geranium comes to first harvest in 4-5 months after planting
Later harvesting is done at the beginning of flowering season. Harvesting is done when
the leaves turn light green in colour. Lemon like odour changes to that of rose.
Subsequently the crop is harvested once in 3-4 months for 3-4 years. Tender twigs
and terminal portions are harvested for oil extraction. After each harvest spray 0.1%
Bavistin or Benomyl, fertilized and irrigated immediately.
Yield depends on total population in the field. A minimum of 25,000 plants
must be maintained in a hectare area. Herbage yield is 30-40 tonnes per ha per year. Oil
yield is 30-40 kg per ha per year. Oil content ranges from 0.1 to 0.15 %
BS Publication
on fresh weight basis. Oil content is influenced by stage of crop and period of
harvest. Oil content is higher during summer (April to June). High humidity and rains at
harvest lower the oil yield.
Terminal portion with 6-12 leaves contain more oil than the middle or basal
Davana m
Botanical name: Artemesia pallens
Family : Asteraceae
Origin : India
Plant part : Tender stems with flower panicles
It is an annual herb, erect growing plant. It reaches a height of around 45
– 60 cm.
The leaves are characteristically bluish green in colour. The inflorescence is axillary
with very minute flowers
It requires bright sun shine, moderate rainfall, winter without fog. It prefers a
temperature range of 20 to 300 C with least diurnal differences. Cool weather is preferable
for oil production November to March). It can be rationed upto April. At blooming /
harvesting, there should not be any showers/ cloudy weather, otherwise oil yield is
adversely affected.
It comes up well in rich loams. It can be grown in sandy, red, alluvial soils.
Fertile alluvial soils are the best.
It is propagated through seed. Seeds are very minute 1 gram weighs 6000 seeds.
Seeds from current crop are selected for sowing. One year old seeds are more preferable,
but seeds more than one year do not germinate. They are non- viable.
BS Publication
Raised beds of 2 m long and 1 m width are preferred. FYM @ 10 kg per bed is
mixed well in the soil. Seed rate is 1.5 kg per ha in 500 m2 nursery. High seed rate is to
allow losses due to poor germination, damping off, ants and to select healthy seedlings.
Seeds are mixed with sand in 1:11 ratio. Seed bed is kept moistened in a moist
cloth for 2-3 days 48-72 hours. Pre germinated seeds are sown on the beds. Beds are
dusted with 5% BHC powder against ants and termites, flooded with water, seeds sown
evenly on the wet beds. Beds lightly covered with fine sand to avoid washing off.
Irrigate twice a day till the completion of germination and once a day afterwards. Beds
covered with dry grass during the day and removed in the evenings. Seeds germinate
within 3-4 days. When the seedlings are 2-3 cm long, shade is discontinued and beds
watered once in a day.
Time of sowing:
Season is unimportant when grown for garlands in which case harvested at 2
months age. Season is important when crop is meant for oil, in which case, harvested at
flowering i.e. 4 months age. At this stage flower stalks contain maximum oil.
For oil purpose the crop is sown n September – Octber and transplanted during
November – December. By February- March, crop is harvested and ratoon extends
upto April – May.
Land preparation: Land is ploughed thoroughly and laid out into beds.
Planting: Irrigated one day in advance of planting. 6 to 8 week old seedlings of
10-15 cm height are transplanted on wet beds at 15 x 7.5 cm. Beds are irrigated every
day for the first 10 days and thereafter once in 2 days.
As basal dose 50-60 tonnes of FYM, 40 kg of P2O5 and K2O each per ha Nitrogen
@ 160 kg per ha in three splits is to be top dressed. Nitrogen @ 30 kg per ha is applied
at 10 days after transplanting for ratoon crop. For the main crop first split is given 10 days
after transplanting (DAT), Second split is given 15 DAT, Third split is given 15 DA
second split.
Irrigation: It requires frequent irrigations. Soil should not become dry, otherwise oil
yield is affected.
Since close spacing is adopted, crop do not allow weed growth. Two weedings for
the main crop once at 10 days after transplanting and the second before the crop covers
interspaces. In case of ratoon, remove weeds after 10 –
15 days after harvesting.
BS Publication
First flower bud appear, 2-3 months after transplanting by the end of January.
Crop is harvested for obtaining good yield at maximum flowering and quality oil.
This stage is normally reached by the end of Februay. Harvest the crop with sickle at
10 cm height from the ground level. Fresh sprouts appear and one more crop i.e. ratoon is
taken up after two months i.e. April – May.
Herbage yield is 10 t per ha. Oil yield is 10 kg per ha
Oil extraction:
Herbage is shade dried for 2-3 days and extracted by steam distillation.
BS Publication
LECTURE-11: Vettiver – introduction – uses – botany – varieties – climate – soil
– preparation of land – propagation – planting – manuring – irrigation –
intercultivation – harvesting – yield and distillation
Vetiver survives under any agro climatic conditions. It prefer mild climate for the
best performance. It is cultivated in 100-400 cm rainfall in South India, as well as in
Bharatpur area in Rajasthan receiving scanty rain. Under temperate or warm winter hilly
areas growth is stunted. Shade has unfavorable influence on root growth. It stands well
against winds and storms.
Soil: It thrive well in the dry lands of West and sandy soils of East. It grows well in
marshy areas of Bharatpur. It can withstand prolonged dry spell as well as water
stagnation. Loose sandy soils are most suited. Roots can be easily pulled. Compact heavy
soils restrict root growth and pulling out of roots is difficult.
Land preparation:
Plough repeatedly in all directions to achieve fine tilth up to 60 cm. All
vegetation, roots, tubers are thoroughly removed. Level the field, lay out into beds
of 100 square meters. In these beds, ridges and furrows are laid out. Propagation:
Vetiver can be propagated through tillers and slips. Tillers take long time, hence
slips are preferred. Collect slips from previous crop.
BS Publication
Best time is June- July, after the monsoon showers. Slips of 15-20 cm long
are separated from clumps. Top portions are cut. 2 to 3 slips are planted per hill to get
a thick stand at 5-8 cm depth in furrows. Spacing 22.5 cm x 22.5 cm. One ha require
1,50,000 -2,25,000 slips. Planting should be done when there is adequate soils
Irrigate immediately after planting. Give irrigations up to 10-15 days till slips establish.
Apply Ground nut cake, FYM, wood ash etc, which enhance root yield and and oil
yield. Trials at Odakkali indicated application of organic manures is optimum for high
yields. In North India, 20 kg N per ha is applied after 2 months of plantings
Inter culture:
Weed control is the most important. Weed roots intermingle with crop roots
and yield and quality is affected. 3 to 4 weedings are necessary in the first year.2-3
weedings are taken up during second year.
Roots for distillation will be ready for harvesting 18 months after planting. Roots
expose to hard surface when the skin is peeled off, thick, hard long and wiry. Give better
taste when chewed, will give more oil. Young tender thin roots give poor quality oil. Oil
from the old thicker well developed roots is of better quality and darker colour.
Harvesting time: Oil content and yield are less during rainy season as the oil is diffused
into soil. Plant produce new roots during rainy season oil synthesis is reduced.
Harvesting roots during dry periods is more preferable.
Harvesting method: Above ground portions are cut to 15 to 20 cm above the ground.
Clumps are uprooted by digging forks. Soil is dug up to 30 to 40 cm to get 50% roots.
Clumps are beaten to remove adhering soil and roots separated from the stem
portion with sharp knife. Clean the roots thoroughly in running water and send for
5-6 tonnes of roots per ha. It gives 15 to 16 kg of oil and 1 to 1.5% oil on
dry weight basis. The oil contains 65 to 75 per cent Veteverol.
Oil is extracted by steam distillation. Herbage is steeped in water for 12 hours,
chopped to 5-10 cm long bits and distilled.
BS Publication
LECTURE-12 : Plantation crops – introduction and importance in Indian
Areca nut – botanical name – family – origin – importance – botany – varieties – climate
– soil – raising of planting material – preparation of land – planting – manuring –
irrigation – intercultiation – cover cropping - intercropping – harvesting – yield and
Plantation: A large contiguous area in which a forest crop raised either by direct sowing
or transplanting.
Plantation crop: In original sense the term plantation refers to a forest crop raised
artificially either by direct sowing or planting.
In horticulture sense the term plantation crop refers to a woody perennial crop grown
on a large contiguous area, managed by an individual or a company, the produce of which
is consumed only after processing.
Requirements of a crop to be categorized under pla ntation crop:
1. It should be a woody perennial (palm, tree, shrub or vine).
2. It should be grown on a large contiguous area (estate or plantation)
3. It should be managed by an individual or company.
4. The produce is suitable for consumption only after processing.
Estate or pla ntatio n: The term estate or plantation refers to a large scale agriculture unit,
usually of a single crop or a large contiguous area usually under a single crop managed
by individual or company.
Plantation crops are cultivated on an extensive scale. Produce has to be processed
before they are put to use.They are high value commercial crops. All are perennials.
Arecanut, Cacao, cashewnut, coconut, coffee, oil palm, betelvine, rubber and tea are some
of the plantation crops.
BS Publication
arecanut) or grown along with shade or nurse trees (silver oak) to have either shade
(coffee, tea) or support (betelvine) or both (betelvine)
Areca nut
Botanical name: Areca catechu
Family : Palmae
Origin : Islands of Indian Ocean (Malayan archipela go and other
east Indian islands)
Plant part : Kernel
There are four important species under Commercial cultivation is confined only
to India, Bangladesh and Srilanka. Areca genus. A. normanbyii, A. triandra, A.
macrocarpa and A . catechu., out of which only Areca catechu is commercially cultivated.
Its cultivation dates back to pre Christian era in India.
Cultivated for kernel, which is chewed. In India it is extensively grown in
Kerala occupying 68% area, Karnataka occupy 28% are and the rest of area is spread out
in Tamil nadu, Assam, Orissa and shore areas of A.P. Kerala, Karnataka and Assam
comprise 90% of the total area and production. In A.P., very meager area of 200 ha is
under Areca nut. Arecanut has three alkaloids namely Arcoline, Arcolid ine and
Guracine. They help in control of worms in digestive tract. In India it is being used for
chewing along with Betel leaf and offerings in ceremonial function.
It is a tall, slender palm. The stem is known as cuadex. It reaches a
height of 15-20 m. It has unbranched smooth cylindrical stem. The male and female
flowers are present in the main rachis and secondary and tertiary rachises. It is
mo noecious, inflorescence is spadix, enclosed in spathe. Male and female flowers
mature at different stages encouraging cross pollination. It is a cross pollinated crop.
Only 50% of the female flowers are fertilized. Fruit is one seeded berry. it is oblong
in shape which is enclosed in a scarlet coloured or yellowish or orange coloured husk.
The fruit is mono locular in nature. It takes 35
– 47 weeks for matur ity (9-11 months).
BS Publication
Mangala:- introduced from China. It is a semi tall variety. It flower early in 3rd year
it self. Male phase is extended and overlaps with female phase leading to selfing. Higher
fruit set leads to higher yield of around 10 kg ripe nuts per palm per year. Yield is 70%
more than locals. Fruit is dark orange coloured and weight
48 to 50 grams each with 11.5 to 12 grams of nut.
Sumangala:- Selection from Indonesia. It is prolific than mangala. It yields around
17.5 kg nuts per palm at 10th year.
Sreemangala:- It is a selection from Singapore. It is a prolific yielder. It yields around
16.5 kg per palm at 10th year.
A tropical plant. It grows well up to 1000 m above MSL. It require well
distributed rainfall. Cultivated mainly from 280 N and S latitudes. Requires moist climate,
hence grown along with Mango, Jack and Coconut. It cannot withstand extreme
temperatures with wide diurnal variations. Optimum temperature is 15 to 380 C.
Banana is intercropped to keep down the temperature.
Deep well drained soils are suitable. Laterites and red loams and alluvial soils
are preferable. Does not stand water stagnation.Drainage is more important in high
rainfall areas.
Planting material:
Propagated through seed. Elite mother palm should have
1. Higher productivity 2.Higher percent of fruit set 3.Precocity 4. It should be able to
transform 50% of the female flowers to nuts 5.Stability in yield. 6. Nuts should be fully
ripe, should be heavier (above 35 g) to get high percentage of germination and
high vigour.
Medium to heavy nuts are selected and are soaked in water. Lighter nuts
which float on water are rejected and heavier nuts are used for
multiplication. Seed nuts are sown immediately in the nursery beds raised in sandy soils.
Two to three month old sprouts with 2 to 3 leaves are transplanted to the secondary
nursery. Secondary nursery beds of 150 cm width and convenient length are prepared.
Sprouts are planted at 30 x 30 cm spacing with the on set of monsoon. Provide shade by
erecting pandal or by growing banana. Beds should be supplied with basal dress of well
decomposed cattle manure @ 5 t per acre. Irrigate the beds provide facility for draining
excess water. Weeding, mulching should be done as per the requirement. Seedlings are
transplanted at
12-18 months old.
Seedlings with good number of leaves (5-7) and having minimum height are
selected as they are high yielder. Seedlings lifted along with a ball of earth.
Land preparation:
Land is prepared by repeated ploughing. It is leveled. Irrigation and drainage
channels are laid out. Pits of 90 cm cube are dug at 2.7 m spacing. Pits are filled with
compost, tank silt up to 50 cm from the bottom. Banana can be raised to give
protection from sun scorch.
BS Publication
Seedlings are planted from the beginning of monsoon up to the end of rainy
season. In kerala – on well drained soils – planted during May- June.
on clay - planted during August – September.
In Tamilnadu – banana is planted in June – July. Arecanut is planted in the month
of October.
The seedlings are protected from sun scorching. Rows may be arranged by
North – South line, deflected at 35 degrees towards west. On south, south west side
tall quick growing shade trees may be raised to provide shade.
100 grams: 40 grams: 140 grams of NPK and 12 kg green leaf and 12 kg compost
for bearing palm is recommended in Kerala. Organic manures are applied once in
September – October. Fertilizers are applied twice in September
– October and February for irrigated areas. Once in March – April for rainfed areas.
1/3rd of the above dose should be applied during the first year. 2/3rd of the above dose
should be applied during the second year. Full dose should be given from 3rd year
onwards. First split is broadcasted around the base after weeding and forked in. Second
split is given in a trench (20-30 cm) dug around palm at 75 –100 cm radius from the base
of the palm.
Light digging at the end of monsoon (October – November).Weeding periodically
to avoid competition and to keep the garden clean.
Cover cropping:
On slopes cover cropping is to be done to prevent soil erosion, weed growth,
and to add organic matter. Legumes such as Mimosa invisa, Stylosanthes
gracilis and Calapogonium mucanoides. Cover crops sown at the beginning of
monsoon and applied in September.
Arecanut palm has long pre bearing period (5 – 7 years). Intercrops like
Banana, Tapioca, Dioscorea, Sweet potato, Ginger, Turmeric, Elephant foot yam. Mixed
cropping with Cacao, Pepper, Pineapple, Betelvine, Nutmeg and Clove.
BS Publication
Harvested at different stages of maturity for different purposes.
I. For preparation of chali supari:- Fully ripe, 9 month old fruits of yellow to
orange red colour are harvested from December to March.
II. For preparation ofKalipak supari: – fruits of 6-7 month old are harvested from
July to December.
Yield: Average yield is 10 kg per palm per year at 10th year. Average yield in
India is 1250 to 1500 kg per ha.
I. Chali supari:-
It is a dried nut. For preparation of chali supari 9-10 months old nuts at full
maturity or ripe stage are harvested. Ripe fruits are sun dried for 35 to 40 days. Husk
loosens from the kernel. Nuts are dehusked and kernels are cut into two halves
transversely. In other method the nuts are cut longitudinally along with husk and again
dried in open field. W ith the help of a sharp pointed sickle the kernel is separated out and
cut transversely. Again these kernels are dried to reduce the moisture percentage to 10-
12%. These kernels are cut into smaller pieces or whole kernels are used for marketing
process. The products are called chali supari. Chewed along with betel leaf, preferred in
North, North East, West and Central India.
BS Publication
LECTURE-13&14 : Cacao – botanical name – family – origin – importance – botany –
varieties – forestero, criollo and other types – climate – soil – propagation – preparation
of land – planting – irrigation – weeding – mulching – pruning – intercropping – cover
cropping – manuring – harvesting – yield – processing – uses
Varieties: Commercially cacao has two major varieties, Criollo and Forestero which
differ in many aspects as follows:
S.No Character Criollo Forestero
1 Cotyledons Plumpy and white when Flat and purple when fresh
fresh and turn cinnamon and turn dark chocolate
coloured on fermentation brown on fermentation.
2 Pod colour dark red yellow
3 Other pod Rough surface, ridges Smooth, inconspicuous
characters prominent, pronounced ridges, thick walled, melon
point and thin walled. shaped with Rounded end.
4 Flavour and Bland flavour Harsh flavour, bitter taste.
5 Duration of 3 days 6 days
6 Adaptability in Poor adaptability Good adaptability
Less yield potential and high yielding and hence
7 Yield Hence discouraged for recommended for
commercial cultivation. commercial cultivation.
BS Publication
ii. Ameonado, a Forestero type bean with a melon shaped pod, cultivated in
West Africa.
iii. Amazon, a relatively new type collected from the Amazon forests which has got
vigour and high yield.
CPCRI, Kasaragod recommends some selections introduced from Malaya viz., I-21, II-
11, II – 18, II – 67, III-5 and III- 101 for commercial cultivations since they are high
yielding and have beans weighing more than one gram.
Cacao is a crop of humid tropics requiring well distributed rain fall.A
minimum of 90 to 100 mm rainfall per month with an annual precipitation of 1500 to
2000 mm is ideal. However, it can also be grown in other regions by supplementing
rainfall with irrigation during dry periods. However, for successful cultivation the dry
months should not exceed 3 to 4 months. This limits the distributions of cacao to within
200 latitude on either side of the equator. Cacao tolerates a minimum temperature of 150
C and a maximum of 400 C, but temperature around 250 C is considered as optimum.
It can be grown in place from sea level up to an elevation.
Cacao grows on a wide range of soils but loose soils which allow root
penetration and movement of air and moisture are ideal. It should retain moisture in the
soil during dry season as cacao requires regular supply of moisture for proper growth.
Though cacao can be grown in soils with pH range from 4.5 – 8.0 it thrives better in
neutral soil.
Planting material:
Cacao can be propagated from seeds or vegetatively from buds and cuttings.
However, vegetative propagation is used only for experimental studies. Seed pods may be
collected from trees yielding 80 or more pods per year with pod weight 350-400 g. fresh
beans from such pods should be used for sowing, as cacao seeds lose their viability soon
after they are taken out of pods. Before sowing, the seeds are rubbed with dry sand or
wood ash to remove mucilage. The beans are planted with their pointed end upwards,
either in plastic bags (25 x 15 cm size, 150 gauge) or in raised beds. If sown I beds
young seedlings are usually transplanted into polythene bags after about two weeks of
germination. The seedlings are ready for transplantation to the field after about 3 to 4
months or they attain a height of 30 cm.
Cacao can be also propagated vegetatively through cuttings, soft wood grafting,
forkert method of budding etc., but there are limitations at present for adopting
vegetative propagation on commercial scale.
Establishing plantation:
Cacao, whose natural environment is the lower storeys of the forest, requires
shade when young and also to a lesser extent when grown up.
BS Publication
Young cacao plants grow best with 45 per cent full sun light.Therefore, it can
be grown well in the partially shaded conditions prevailing in the arecanut and
coconut gardens in our country or as a pure plantation in forest lands by thinning and
regulating the shade suitably.It is planted at a distance of 2.5 – 3.0 m both between and
within rows, either in the beginning of the monsoon, in May
– June or at the end of the south west monsoon, in September.
Cacao under arecanuts and coconuts is the cropping systems which can be
adopted advantageously in kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. In arecanut gardens
where the spacing is 2.7 m x 2.7 m cacao is inter planted in alternate rows at a spacing of
5.4 m 2.7 m. In coconut gardens, it can be planted
2.7 m apart in a single row.Under the double hedge system, cacao is planted in two rows
adopting a spacing of 2.7 m within the row and 2.5 m between rows of coconut planted at
a normal spacing of 7.5 m x 7.5 m .
Pr uni ng:
The cacao trees should be pruned regularly to develop a good shape.
Cacao grows in a series of storeys. The chupon or vertical growth of the seedlings
terminates at the jorquette, where four or five fan branches develop. Further chupon
develops just below the jorquette and continues its vertical growth till another
jorquette forms and so on. When the first jorquette develops at a height of about 1.5 m,
the canopy will form at a height convenient for harvesting and other operations.
Hence, all the fan branches arising from the main step are nipped off up to a height of
about 1.0 to 1.5 m or cut in the initial years of their growth. It is desirable to limit the
height of the tree at that level by periodical removal of chupon growth. A second
jorquette may be allowed to develop, if the first one formed was very close to the ground.
Generally, 3- 5 fan branches are developed at each jorquette. When more fan branches
develop on or two weaker ones may be removed. The branches badly affected by pests
and diseases also should be removed.
BS Publication
Cacao flowers from the second year of planting the pods take about 140 to 160
days to mature and ripen. Each pod will have 25 to 45 beans embedded in white pulp
(mucilage). Generally cacao gives two main crops in a year i.e. September – January and
April – June, off season crops may be seen almost all through the year, especially under
irrigated conditions. Only ripe pods have to be harvested without damaging the flower
cushion, at regular intervals of 10 to 15 days. The pods are harvested by cutting the stalk
with the help of a knife. The harvested pods should be kept for a minimum period of two
to three days before opening for fermentation. For breaking the pods cross wise,
wooden billet may be used and the placenta should be removed together with husk and
the beans are collected for fermentation. A pod will have about 30 to 45 seeds covered
with pulp or mucilage.
1. Fermentation:
The beans should be fermented to develop chocolate flavour, reduce bitterness,
loose viability, remove the mucilage coating and to enable the cotyledons to
expand.Fermentation is done immediately after collecting the beans from the pods.
There are two popular methods of fermentation using either trays or boxes.
i. Box method:
In this traditional method, boxes of various shapes and sizes are used. The
smallest one has the measurements of 60 cm x 60 cm x 60 cm and will hold about 150 kg
wet beans. The bottom of the box has a number of holes of 1 cm diameter spaced at about
10 cm apart. Three such boxes are arranged in a row so that beans can be transferred
from one box to the other. The beans are placed in the top most and covered with
banana leaves or gunny bags. After 2 days, the bean should be uncovered and
transferred into the second box and then to the third box after another 2 days. On the
sixth day, fermentation is completed and beans can be taken out for drying.
ii.Tray method:
This method is used only for fermenting forestero cacao beans. The normal size
of the tray is 90 cm 60 cm x 12 cm with a capacity to hold about 40 kg wet beans. The
bottom of the tray is either slotted or drilled to make 1 c holes on a 4 cm square pattern. A
minimum of 4 trays are needed for successful fermentation. All the trays are filled with
beans. The top most tray is covered with banana leaves or sacks. The fermentation is
faster here and is completed in about 4 to 5 days. This method is more convenient for
large growers as the trays can be easily handles and no mixing is required and the period
of fermentation is less.
BS Publication
iii.Basket method:
Bamboo or cane basket of suitable size having one or two layers of banana
leaves at bottom to drain the sweating is filled with the beans and the surface is covered
with banana leaves. After one day the basket is covered with thick gunny sacks. The
beans are mixed thoroughly on the third and fifth days and covered with gunny sacks.
The fermentation will be completed at the end of the sixth day and the beans are
withdrawn for drying.
After the fermentation, the beans can be dried by sundrying or artific ia l
drying as the fermented cacao beans have considerable moisture (55%). Sun drying
is good as it gives superior quality produce when compared to artificial drying. The
fermented beans are spread in a thin layer over a bamboo mat or cement floor and dried
for 5 to 6 days. The beans are to be stirred from time to time for uniform drying. The
moisture content of well dried beans is around 6 to 7 per cent. During the monsoon
period, artificial drying has to be adopted. Electric ovens or conventional type drier could
be used. The duration of artificial drying varies from 48 to 72 hours at 60 to 70
degrees Celsius. The drying of beans at high temperature should avoided as it results
in low quality end product. Slow drying in the initial stage has given better quality
beans. Well dried beans when shaken should give a metallic sound.
BS Publication
LECTURE-15&16: Cashew nut – botanical name – family – origin – introduction
– importance – botany – climate – soil – varieties and propagation – preparation of land
– planting – irrigation – manuring – intercultivation – intercropping - training and
pruning – cropping – harvesting – yield – processing
Botanical name: Anacardium occidentale
Family : Anacardiaceae
Origin : Tropical south America (south east brazil)
Plant part : Kernel
1. Cashew nut is rich in proteins and vitamins A, B and E.
2. Kernel give 40% oil.
3. Testa rich in tannins used in leather industry testa with kernel pieces used as
poultry feed.
4. Cashew apple is a rich source of Vitamin C (5 times more than Citrus),
contain 10-12% sugars.
5. In Goa Feni (liquor) is prepared from Cashew apple.
6. Apple is dried and powdered into a meal and used as animal feed.
7. CNSL is a bi product. It is phenol. It is used for resins, varnishes, paints,
insecticides, break linings, wood preservatives etc.
It is an ever green, low spreading tree and it grow up to 10-15 m. It has
strong tap root and extensive lateral roots (Rha mniferous root sykstlem). It has intensive
and extensive types of branching. Intensive shoot grows to 25 to 30 cm terminates
into a panicle and 3-8 laterals arise from below the panicle. It leads to bushy growth.
Extensive shoot grows to 20-30 cm. bud sprouts below and leads to further growth.
Continues for 2 to 3 years without flowering. It is a spreading tree. High yielders have
more than 60% intensive branches whereas low yielders have less than 20% intensive
branches. It is a polygamous monoecious tree. 95% of them are staminate flowers
and the rest are
BS Publication
hermaphoridites. Flowering occurs in three phases i.e. male, mixed and female phases.
Pollination is by insects and by wind. 85% of perfect flowers are fertilized of which
only 4 to 6% reaches maturity. Cashew apple is fleshy peduncle. Nut is the real fruit.
Nut is a drupe. Kidney shaped and it is grey in colour. Nut vary in size, shape,
weight and shelling percentage.
It is a hardy tropical plant. It grows between 280 N and South latitudes.
It grows to 1000 m elevation. It is profitable up to 600 m. It requires a well distributed
annual rainfall of around 500 mm. It can stand 300 to 400 mm. Rainfall should
spread over 5-7 months with 3-4 months of dry period before flowering. It requires 15 to
40 0 C temperature. Mean annual temperature should not be less than 20 0 C. It is
sensitive to cold. If Relative Humidity is less than
10%, leaves scorched and fruits drop. Excess humidity favour incidence of pests and
diseases. Proximity to sea is favourable (160 km)
Cashew is raised on laterites, red soils and coastal sands. In the East coast it is
grown on porous and poor sandy soils.In the west coast it is grown on laterites. Sandy
loam soils having 3 meter depth are ideal for cashewnut cultivation. The crop cannot
stand waterlogging but can stand drought. It requires a pH of 6 to 7.5.
BPP 1(H 2 / 11): it is a selection from a cross between T. No. 1 x T. No. 273. BPP 2
(H 2/12): it is a selection from a cross between T. No. 1 x T. No. 273. BPP 3 (SCH
3/3): it is a survey collection from Simhachalam.
BPP 4 (EPM 9/8): it is a survey collection from Epurupalem.
BPP 5 (T.No.1): it is a clonal selection from Bapatla.
BPP 6 (T. No. 56): it is a clonal selection from Bapatla.
BPP 8: it is a selection from a cross between T. No. 1 x T. No. 39.
BPP 9 (H 3/28): it is a selection from a cross between T. No.56 x M 10/4.
In Maharastra: improved varieties are Vengurla 1,2,3,4 and 5. In
Tamil nadu: improved varieties are Vridhachalam 1 and 2. In
Karnataka: improved varieties are Ullal 1 and 2.
In Kerala: improved varieties are Anakkayam 1, BLA 39-4, K22 -1 .
It is propagated by seed and by vegetative means.
It is used to collect seed from high yielders. Elite mother tree should have the
following characters
1. Compact canopy. 2. Dwarf trees with intensive branching 60% or more
productive shoots per unit area. 3. Short flowering phase ( 2-3 weeks). 4. More than 20%
bisexual flowers. 5. 5-8 fruits per panicle.6. Medium nuts with 5-6 grams average
nut weight (120 to 130 nuts per kg) 7. Regular bearing habit.
BS Publication
Vegetative propagation:
Methods like air layering, patch budding, veneer grafting, side grafting, epicotyl
grafting, soft wood grafting were found to be successful. However, soft wood grafting has
become more suitable and commercial method of propagation of cashew nut.
Preparation of land:
Waterlogged, saline, alkaline soils must be avoided. Site should be cleared of
all vegetation and ploughed 4 or 5 times in all directions and finally leveled.
Pits: 50 cm3 pits at 8-10 meter spacing are dug during April – May. Pits are refilled
with top soil mixed with 25 kg FYM.
Planting: Planting is to be done during July August. Plant 2-3 month old
seedlings or one year old grafts. Provide water and support.
Irrigation: It is a hardy and drought tolerant plant. It requires irrigation during the initial
2 to 3 years.
Application of manures and fertilizers is essential for high yields.Nitrogenous
fertilizers are given at bimonthly interval.
Year June-July September-
First 25 25 25 25 25 25
Second 100 25 25 100 25 25
Third 150 40 60 150 40 60
Fourth 200 50 60 200 50 60
Fifth 250 60 60 250 60 60
After 5th year 500 grams Nitrogen, 125 grams Phosphate and 125 grams
Potash per tree per year in two equal splits. Manures and fertilizers are to be applied in
trenches (10-15 cm deep) are dug at 100 – 150 cm from the base of the tree and 25 to 50
kg FYM depending on the age. Manuring is done when there is abundant moisture in the
Basins should be kept weed free. Mulched with dry leaves or paddy husk
during summer. Inter spaces ploughed twice in a year once at beginning and second at
the end of rainy season. Alleys may be intercropped profitable.
Groundnut, horse gram, cow pea, vegetable nurseries, paddy nurseries are
taken as intercrops in Cashew nut orchards. Casurina is cultivated as intercrop in Andhra
Pradesh and Orissa. Eucalyptus and Teak are grown as intercrops in Goa.
BS Publication
Training and pruning:
Side shoots must be removed upto a height of 150 cm from the ground level to
get umbrella shaped tree.
Prune dead wood and criss cross branches between harvesting and blooming
(June to December).
The crop comes to fruiting in 3-5 years and by 10th year it attains commercial
bearing status. Commencement of flowering differs from west to east coast. Flowers
during December to January on the west coast; January to February on the East coast.
Harvesting commence from February on west; April on East coast. Fallen
fruits are gathered. In Goa, fruits are plucked from the tree for preparation of a liquor
called Feni. After gathering fruits, nuts are to be separated from apples. Nuts sun dried for
2 to 3 days, stored in gunny bags nuts should not be dried for more than four days, since
they become brittle and break during processing and cause damage to the kernels.
Yield depends on strain, soil, rainfall, sex ratio, fruit set and
Individual tree yields vary particularly in seedling progenies. Highest yields are
obtained in Kerala. At 15 years age, 1600 kg per ha yield was reported at some places in
Andhra Pradesh.
Edible part is kernel. Extraction of this edible kernel from hard shell is called
as „Processing‟. Processing is done manually in India. Mechanically in other
There are 5000 units of Cashewnut processing in India. Quilon in Kerala has the largest
number of processing units. In A.P, Vetapalem, Palasa and Mori are the important places
of Cashewnut processing.
1. Roasting:
It is done for easy shelling to loosen kernel inside. Different methods of
roasting are
i) Open pan method: perforated open pan is used for roasting the nuts. The nuts
will catch fire after some time. Water is sprinkled and nuts are thrown to ground and
covered with soil. In this method CNSL is not recoverable.
ii) Drum roasting method: Rotating metal drum is heated from below. Nuts catch
fire within 3 to 5 minutes. A temperature of 100 to 120 0 C is always
BS Publication
maintained inside the drum. Burning nuts are released at the other end and fire is put off
by sprinkling water and ash. Rate of shelling and out turn of whole kernels are very high
in this method. In this method also CNSL is not recoverable.
iii) Oil bath roasting method: nuts are held in wire trays. They are passed through
at a bath of heated CNSL at 190 to 200 degrees Celsius. Nuts take a long time of 1 to
3 minutes for passing through the medium. Cells of shells get ruptured, they release
CNSL. Nuts are cooled. 50% of the CNSL is recoverable. Uniform roasting is ensured it
eliminates charring of kernels.
2. Shelling:
Breaking roasted nuts to extract kernel is called “shelling”. Nuts are broken
with wooden mallet. After cracking, the kernels are extracted with wire needle. Whole
and clean kernels are to be extracted care fully. Shelling percentage vary from 15 – 30
3. Drying:
Extracted kernels are held in wire mesh trays, dried in hot chambers at
80 to 900 C for 6 – 7 hours to loosen testa.
4. Peeling:
Thin reddish brown or pinkish outer skin of kernel is called testa. Removal of
testa is known as peeling. Peeling is done by hand.
5. Grading:
Nuts are sorted out into different grades such as wholes, splits, brokens
etc. Grading is based on the number of kernels per pound or kg is called count.
Kernels are graded as wholes, splits, broken pieces. Grading is also done manually.
There are 25 grades. 1. 210 count – Zambo wholes (best quality)
240 count 3. 280 count – American quality 4. 320 count – standard quality 5. splits
6. pieces 7. Baby pieces 8. Broken bits.
6. Sweating:
The dried kernels are brittle and are liable for breaking. The kernels are
conditioned in humid chambes with 80% humidity for 5-6 hours. Humidity is maintained
by air coolers. Kernels absorb moisture.
Packing is done by vita pack method. After filling kernels tins are vaccumised
and filled with CO 2 and sealed. Packed in 4 gallon tins (25 pounds).
BS Publication
LECTURE-17&18: Coffee – botanical name – family – origin – introduction –
importance – botany – Arabica and robusta coffee - varieties – climate and soil
– propagation – preparation of land – planting – provision of shade - training and pruning
– manuring – irrigation – inter cropping – soil management – mulching – weed control –
cropping – harvesting – yield – processing
BS Publication
Coffee plants are evergreen perennial shrubs. Two kinds of branches – i)
Orthotropics : These are uprights and produce uprights and laterals ii)
Pla giotrop ics: These are laterals and Produce laterals only.
Fruiting is on laterals only. On decapitation of orthotropics results secondaries
(laterals), tertiaries and quarternaries are produced. Flowers appear in clusters, packed at
nodes. Fruit is a drupe with two seeds inside, exocarp is often juicy envelops endocarp
(parchment cell) within which seeds are enclosed.
1.Kent‟s coffee: Vigorous – red fruits
2.S – 298 : Hybrid released in 1938. Often pollinated vigorous with spreading habit.
Fruits red/yellow with red streaks
3.S 795: 1946 – F2 hybrid of S 288 x Kent
4.S 1938: Resemble in 1960-61,F4 hyb of S 288 x Kent resemble kent in fruit and
seed characters to a large extent
C C R I, Balahanur, Karnataka released leaf rust resistant Arabian coffee
5.Selection 5: Hybrid devamachy x S 881 – vigorous and rust free
6.S – 6: Robusta x Kent‟s arabica
7.S – 8: (Hybrido – de – Timor ) – spontaneous hybrid of robusta – arabica
8. S – 10 (Cotura crosses): catura x S 795
9.Cauvery catura x Hybrido - de – TimorR: Amenable for close planting,
resistant to leaf rust
Climate : Different species require different types of climate. Its growth mainly
confined to Tropics – bet 280 N to 30 0 S latitudes. Coffee types are sensitive to frost
Water stress is essential to break the dormancy of flower buds. Cool winters
are favorable for flower bud initiation. Rains with raising temperature after cool
winter stimulates new vegetative growth, flowering and early fruit setting.
BS Publication
on elevation and aspect
7 Aspect N, E, NE Flat to gentle slopes
8 Blossom rain Mar – Apr Feb – Mar
9 Backing rain Apr – May Apr – Mar
Being slender, the branches may break due to strong winds. Winds during
fruiting may affect the set and development. So protected sites like hill slopes are best.
Well distributed R.F with dry months from Dec – Mar and summer showers are
important for flowering.
Can be grown on hill slops and on lands with undulating topography. Deep,
friable, porous in nature and good aeration rich in organic matter, with good water
holding capacity, each in potassium and slightly acidic (6.0 – 6.5). In India, coffee is
cultivated in red and lateritic soils.
Propagation :
Coffee is propagated both by seed and negatively (cuttings). Good shaped, high
and regular yielding, excellent quality beans, disease resistant, are marked as mother
plants. Healthy fully mature, ripe fruits are collected. Hand pulped with ash and extracted
seeds dried in shade. Seeds sown within two months of gathering or seeds stored with dry
powdered charcoal for 10 months without loss in viability. Select light to medium loam,
humus rich, nematode free pest free, gentle slop, partially sheltered site.
Raised beds(15 cm) one meter width and convenient length are prepared. Four
baskets of FYM/ Compost, 2Kg line, 500 g rock phosphate are incorporated into a bed
of 1 m x 6 m size. Seed treated with agrosan, sown in Dec-Jan months flat side facing the
soil. Seeds sown 2.5 cm apart in the rows, which are spaced at 15 – 20 cm.
Covered with thin layer of fine soil bed is covered with 5 cm paddy straw to
ensure even temperature and conserve moisture. Beds are watered daily, protected by
direct sun light by erecting an overhead pandal. Germination commences in four weeks
turned and will be completed within another 5 to 6 weeks. W hen the seedlings are 5 – 8
cm tall, shifted either o secondary nursery beds or to poly bags of 150 gauge during Feb –
March. Secondary nursery beds are prepared in the same way as in the case of seed beds.
Seedlings are transplanted at a spacing of 15 –20 cm within the rows spaced at 30 cm
apart. Regular watering and after case of the seedlings should follow Overhead shade
gradually thinned – removed before the onset of monsoon.
Seedlings maintained in the secondary nursery beds for 16 – 18 months Seedlings
manured once in two months with Urea solution(@ 20 g in 4.5 litres water)
Cuttings : Obtained from bushes of outstanding performance and free from pests
and diseases. Single node, 3 – 6 m old, semihard wood (greenwood)
BS Publication
cuttings 1.0 cm long with two basal leaves are prepared. To enhance rooting, the bases
dipped in 5000 ppm (BA at planting.).
Cuttings are planted in poly bags filled with forest soil, sand and FYM during
rainy season (June, August). Poly bags with cuttings are arranged in a trench (2m
width, 50 cm depth and of conv. length) covered with thick polythene sheet over a frame
work of bamboos or aluminum framed. Cuttings will root in about 3 months after planting
and hardened under shade for 2 months. Propagation by cuttings is not an established
practice in India.
Pruning is done immediately after harvest to replace worn out branches Centering :
Removal of veg. growth up to 15 cm radius and up to the first node Desuckering :
Removal of orthotropic branches
Handling : Removal of small axcillary sprouts, otherwise grow towards inner side and
cause shade.
BS Publication
Nipping : Growing tip of primary branches is removed to encourage secondaries and
Produce fruits and fresh wood, simultaneously.
Leaching in heavy rainfall areas.Time of flowering, fruit set, development and
1 yap 15 10 15 10 15 -- 15 10 15 45 30 45
2 & 3 yap 15 20 15 20 -- 20 15 20 60 45 60
4 20 15 20 20 20 20 : 0 : 0 30 20 30 80 60 80
5 & above 20
< 1 + /ha 30 20 40 30 40 40 30 40 40 30 40 160 120 160
> 1 +/ha 30 40 30 40 40 30 40 40 30 40 160 120 160
< 1+/ha 40 30 --
> 1+/ha 40 40 30 40 -- 40 30 40 80 60 80
40 30 -- 40 30 40 120 90 120
Manuring andFertilizers are applied below drip line in a band bet 30 & 45 cm.Mulching,
incorporating bulky org.manures, green manure, cover crop and prunings of shade trees –
to add humus.
Raised as rain fed crop. Sprinkler irrigation , against failure of backing showers.
Used young plantation for better establishment of coffee and shade trees.
Inter cropping :
Can be cultivated with many other crops annuals and perennials.In coconut
gardens – robusta coffee – at 2.5 m x 2.5 m Arabica. Inter cropped with mandarin oranges
in Karnataka.Tea is also inter cropped with coffee.
Soil management :
I)Scuffling: Soil stirring is done towards the beginning of dry period for
controlling weeds and conserving soil moisture.
II) Mulching : Mulched to maintain optimum soil temperature, conserve soil moisture,
Control erosion – adds fertility.
III)Weed contro l: In young plantions; 3 – 4 times weeding/year In old orchards
– trice or thrice in an year.1. During monsoon 2. Towards end of monsoon 3. During
post monsoon . Grammoxone @ 1.25 lt / 450 lts of water / ha for effective weed control.
BS Publication
Cropping :
Fruit in 3 rd year of ptg. Productive life is 30 – 50 years dep.upon
climate and management.
Harvesting :
Arabica comes to harvesting earlier in the season ( Nov. – Dec.) since they
take 8 – 9 m for fruit development; Robusta – 10-11 m (Jan.- Feb.).Harvested by hand
ripe berries are hand picked. Pick as and when they ripe for better quality, several
pickings are done 4 pickings
1. Fly picking : First picking in the season. Selective picking of ripe berries during
other continued till February.
2. Main pick ing: Well formed and fully ripened berries are harvested 4 to 6 times
at 10 – 15 day interval from Dec. Bulk yields are obtained during this period.
Vary according to climate, variety, cultural condition, management of
plantation & to a large extent on weather conditions at and after flowering.
Arabica – 480 Kgs dry berries/ha ; Robusta – 490 Kg/ha.
Pulp must for removed. Processed in two ways : 1. Wet processing(Parchment coffee)
2. Dry processing (Cherry coffee)
BS Publication
III. Washing : Demucilaged beans soaked in water for 24 hours and then washed
thoroughly in running water, 3 to 4 times until the stickiness completely disappears.
IV. Drying : Now in parchment stage. It is dried in sun/ air driers washed beans are
spread on clean tiled or concrete drying floor to 7 – 10 cm thickness. Beans raked and
stirred frequently. Parchment should be heaped up and covered in the evening until next
morning sun drying takes 7 – 10 days depending on weather.
V. Storage – stored in new, clean gunnies.
BS Publication
LECTURE-19&20: Coconut – botanical name – family – origin – economic part –
importance – botany – varieties – tall, dwarf and hybrids – climate – soil -
planting – manuring – irrigation – intercultivation – harvesting and yield
BS Publication
Production phase continues up to 80 years.
In India, it is cultivated in 1.51 m ha with 11.3 thousand million nuts. 90% of its
cultivation is confined to South states, viz., Kerala, Karnataka, Tamilnadu and Andhra
Pradesh. Kerala alone accounts for 60% of the total area under Coconut. Cultivation is
spread over the entire coastal belt of the country. Crop is also grown in Goa,
Orissa, Maharashtra, Assam, West Bengal, Gujarat and Union territories. In A.P.,
Coconut cultivation is mostly confined to coastal districts. Economic importance:
Most important source of vegetable oil in the world. Kernel has 65% oil.(oil palm
46%). Copra and coconut oil are the traditional products for oils and fats. Provide raw
material for a number of industries. Provide employment to more than 10 million
people. Coconut based industries include coir manufacture, copra processing, oil milling
and distillery. Export of coir and coir goods alone earn Rs.
260 million foreign exchange.
In the genus Cocos, the C. nucifera is the only species available. The palm is called as
caudex and it is tall, unbranched palm growing to 15-30 meters. Stout trunk raising
from swollen base. It has fibrous roots. Stem terminates into a radiating crown of leaves.
Leaves are born at crown region and they are called as fronds. The leaves are pinnately
compound with swollen petiole. The leaf petiole scars are present on the surface of the
stem which are inconspicuous at the base and prominent above 1 m height. Leaves are
long, large, pinnately compound. Monoecious, one inflorescence in one axil, every
month. Inflorescence is called as Spadix and it is enclosed in a spathe consisting of two
boat shaped sheaths. The inflorescence originates in the axils of leaf and opens at the
time of anthesis. When fully grown, spathe splits longitudinally release inflorescence.
The inflorescence possess main rachis and secondary rachices. Female flowers (buttons)
appear at the base. They are called as buttons. The number of female flowers per
inflorescence varies from 10-15. Female flower has tricorp ic ovary. Male flowers are
located at distal ends which come to maturity early that the female flowers. Male flower
has 6 stamens;
Male flowers open earlier, so necessitate cross pollination. Female flower production is
high during March to May and low from September to January. Fruit is a large one seeded
drupe, round or ovoid in shape. Fruit has Epocarp (green coloured thin layer), Mesocarp
(the cushiony thick layer), Endocarp (the hard shell), testa, meat or kernel. The water is
known as liquid endo sperm. The white coloured soft meat is known as hardened
endosperm or white meat. Embryo is present at the tip of the meat.
Varieties are classified into two groups i.e. 1. Talls and 2. Dwarfs.
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Tall varieties are extensively cultivated. Talls and dwarfs are crossed to produce hybrid
Tall varieties:
They are hardy, reach a height of 30 meters and live up to 80 years(long life span).
Stout trunk, bole come to bearing late (6-8 years.) Fully developed leaves measure 6 m.
Regular bearers and are alloga mous (cross pollinated) Bearing starts late after 7 years.
Good yield (commercial yield) starts from 10th year and extends up to 70 years. Nuts are
suitable for manufacture of copra and extraction of oil.
Ex: East Coast Tall, West Coast Tall, Laccadevi ordinary, Laccadivi micro and
Andaman ordinary.
Yield is more i.e. 70-100 nuts, 165-175 grams copra per nut and 70% oil.
95% of the area is under East coast tall.
Dwarf varieties:
Short statured, early to bear (3 – 3 ½ years after planting). Palms are short
lived 40-50 years. Trunks are without bole. Fully developed leaf measure 4 meters. They
exhibit alternate bearing.
They are autogamo us (self pollinated).They bear early.
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Commercial yield starts from 5th year and extends up to 30 years. Nuts small – copra
soft and leathery with low oil. Quality of copra is inferior to tall varieties hence they are
extensively used for water. Dwarfs grown for tender nuts and ornamental palms and
hybrids. Exhibit three nut colours – green, yellow and orange.
Chowghat orange dwarf (COD), CGD, Malayan Green Dwarf (MGD), MYD,
MOD, Ganga Bondam.
They are medium yielders
Regular planting with dwarfs not taken up, due to they require better growth
conditions and better care, low yields, poor quality of copra.
Hybrid palms:
To achieve precocity, more female flowers, large nuts, high copra and oil,
hybridization between talls and dwarfs was carried out. Talls and dwarfs of
commercially grown cultivars can be crossed to exploit hybrid vigour. They can also be
crossed reciprocally. Earliness to bear, yield and quality of copra are the characters of
some of the promising crosses made in Andhra Pradesh and from Kerala Agriculture
University for commercial cultivation.
The following cross combinations were tried.
Talls x dwarfs;
Dwarfs x tall.
D x T hybrids were found to perform better, though late in bearing.
Cli mate:
A tropical plant. Grow between 260 N and S latitudes. Does not
tolerate extremes of temperature. Generally its cultivation is below 600 m
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elevation; Can be cultivated up to 1000 m elevation. Requires humid warm climate with
an average annual temperature of 270 C with a diurnal variation not exceeding 70 C.
When temperature is less than 220 C, palms does not flourish. Temperatures below 150
C, impair fruiting. Require 2000 sunshine hours per year with 120 hours per month.
Does not grow under shade. If grown under shade palm become lean and lanky. Palms
tolerate wide range in intensity and distribution of rainfall. Annual rainfall of 2000 mm
with even distribution is best for proper growth. Irrigation is required in the areas of
uneven rainfall distribution. Soil moisture deficit during summer hampers nut production
Adaptable to wide range of soil conditions from light sandy to heavy
clays. In heavy rainfall areas – well drained types of soil. In poor rainfall areas – deep fine
soils are essential. Clayey, black cotton soils, subject to water logging; shrink and crack
during dry periods are not suitable. Sandy soils support good crop, when there are
assured sources of ground water. Laterite soils – should be deep up to 1 m or below
without a rock or hard pan. Alluvial, red sandy and silty loams are also suitable provided
they are well drained.
Alkaline, saline soils are not suitable. Ideal pH is 5.2 to 7.0
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6. For multiplication of coconut selection of mother palm, seed nut and seedling plays
an important role for getting quality plant material.
Coconut being cross pollinated plant mother plant is selected with utmost
care. Nursery should be near a water source. Field should be worked to fine tilth. Field is
laid out into raised, long and narrow beds to accommodate 4-5 rows at 30 x 30 cm. Seeds
planted in the nursery at the beginning of monsoon in shallow trenches 20-25 cm deep)
at 30 x 30 cm. Planted either horizontally or vertically with husk visible. Horizontal
planting is preferable, seedlings will be robust. Suffer less damage, exhibit higher
germination and vigorous growth. Irrigated adequately after planting. Nursery needs
regular watering, weeding and plant protection for getting early and maximum
germination. Seed nuts treated with 0.2%. BHC is applied against termites. Nuts
germinate within 10-12 weeks in A.P. In 5 months maximum seed nuts would
germinate. Seedlings distributed at 9-12 months, whereas in A.P. and Karnataka 6-8
month old
Selection of seedlings:
Seedlings selected at 9-10 months.
1. Early germinated,
2. Healthy and vigorously growing seedlings.
3. With good girth (10-12 cm) at collar region and
4. At least 6-8 opened leaves
5. showing the indication of early splitting are selected.
Selected seedlings are lifted carefully.
Preparation of land: Land is cleared. Ploughed deeply and repeatedly from all
directions. On slopes, contour bunding or bench terracing depending on the degree of
slope. Where water table is high, raised mounds are formed. On plains, leveling is
Planting is done at the beginning of South west monsoon. If irrigation is
available, planting can be done even in May. In heavy rainfall areas, plant at the end of
rains. Planting can be taken up in the months of June- July and again during September
and October. After planting the plants are tied to a stake and irrigated properly till they
are established.
A spacing of 7.5 to 9.0 m in square system. Spacing varies
depending on planting system, type of culture, soil type and variety etc. For tall varieties
triangular system of lay out with 7 to 7.5 m. For dwarf varieties square system with 6 m
spacing is adopted. In monoculture – closure spacing and in case of intercropping
wider spacing is given.
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Digging and filling pits:
Pits of 1 m cube are dug up during summer and left for weathering. Few
weeks before planting pits are filled up to 50 cm depth, with top soil mixed with river
sand, wood ash, bone meal, MOP and 50 grams BHC 10 % dust. In sandy soils, two
layers of Coconut husk spread at the pit bottom, compost or FYM should not be
added to the pit. After filling pits are watered and allowed to settle.
Seedlings are transplanted in the pit by scooping out a small hole in the
centre of the pit. Seedlings should be staked and watered.
Green leaves, compost, FYM @ 15-20 kg per palm per year need to be applied from
second year.
Applied twice in a year for rainfed crop (May-June; October to November)
four times a year for irrigated crop (April – May, August – September, December and
February). Manures and Fertilisers are applied to young palms at a distance of 25 – 50
cm from the trunk and forked in, basin size is increased as the palm grows up to 2 m at
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maintain cool atmosphere around the root zone. Coconut husk and coir dust (as sponge)
absorb moisture 6 & 8 times by weight and release slowly during dry periods.
Decompose slowly and will lost for 5 to 6 years and 8 – 10 years respectively and add
potash to the soil. Husks/ dusts can be buried in layers alternating with soil in pits or
trench dug up in between the rows of trees at a depth of 0.5 to 1.0 m and 2.0 m away
from the palms.
Remove large quantities of nutrients from the soil. Should be
replenished promptly and regularly.
Year FYM N P K
st nd
1 &2 25 kg 150g 100g 150 g
3 year 50 300 200 400
4th and 5th 75kg 450 300 650
6 year onwards 100kg 600 400 800
In addition to the above 500 grams Mg SO4 is to be applied along with the adult
dose. June- July and November – December months is the time for fertilizer application
in irrigated conditions. July- August is the time for rainfed conditions. Organic manures
are applied during monsoon. In light soils manures and fertilizers are applied 2 meters
away from trunk and forked in. In other soils trench is dug 2 m away from trunk and
fertilizers are applied.
Includes ploughing, digging or raking the soil. Intercultivation loosens the soil, for
better aeration. Prevents matting of roots and controls weeds. Land is ploughed twice in
winter and twice rainy seasons.
Cover cropping:
Cover crops – check soil erosion. Protect soil from exposure to sun and rain. Control
Increase organic matter and add nitrogen. Legumes like Mimosa invisa,
Stylosanthus gracilis and Calapogonium mucanoides.
Coconuts are widely spaced. Pre-bearing age is 6 – 8 years. Take
intercropping up to flowering and after 25 years. Vegetables like pineapple, banana,
elephant foot yam, groundnut, turmeric, ginger, potato tapioca and sweet potato.
Provide irrigation separately for intercrops.
Mixed cropping:
Growing long duration crops in alleys of a perennial. Crop is mixed cropping.
Shade loving or shade tolerant crops are mixed cropped. Ex: Cacao, clove, nutmeg,
Cinnamon, Black pepper. Adequately and separately manured.
Talls start flowering 5-7 years after planting. Dwarfs flower 3rd year. Full
bearing attained after 2-3 years. Once enters bearing, continuously produce
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flowering. 12 bunches are expected year. They take 11-13 months from
flowering to maturity. Hallow sound on tapping, brown colouration of husk are the
maturity indices. However coconuts are harvested at different ages for different purposes
are as follows…
Tender nuts 6-7 months old.
Green husk 10-11 months old.
Copra and oil 11-12 months old.
Seed 12 m
Monthly harvests are made for tender nuts. For copra and oil matured nuts are harvested
at 45 days interval during summer and 60 days interval during rainy season. 8 – 10
harvests are made per year. For seed only one harvest is taken per year.
Tall variety 60-80 nuts under rainfed conditions. 80-100 nuts under
irrigated conditions.
BS Publication
LECTURE-21: Oil palm - botanical name – family – origin – economic part –
importance - botany – varieties – climate – soil – propagation and planting –
irrigation - intercultivation – harvesting – yield – processing
Botany :
Oil palm has unbranched stout tree. It grows to a height of 15-30 m. its height
depends on variety and environmental conditions. Crown contains 30 leaves or fronds.
These fronds are compound with a prominent petiole. They arise in whorls. Palm has
strong root system to withstand strong cyclones and hailstorms.
Inflorescence is spadix and is axillary. Spadix is enclosed in a spathe. This spathe
splits longitudinal exposing the flowers. Spadix has main axis having 4 or more laterals
which has the flowers. Flowers are the florets.
Palm is a monoecious. Male and female flowers are separate but present on same
plant. The individual flowers in female spadix arranged spirally on the axis and each
spikelets protected by fine wax. Female flowers emit pleasant fragrance which attract
insects helped in pollination.
Male inflorescence born on a large peduncle and contain long finger like spikelets.
Each spikelet bears 1100-1200 small flowers. Oil palm is a cross pollinated plant. The
main agent for cross pollination is wind and insect Ele idobius kamarunic us
The fruit bunches net is 14-30 kg. Fruits are oval in size 2.5-5 cm long. They are
dark green with violet tinge, ripening fruits turn orange or yellow colour. Fruits ripen in
about 6-9 months after pollination. Fruit is a sessile drupe. Fruit consists of exocarp,
mesocarp and endocarp i.e., shell. These are enclosing the kernel.
Climate :
Oil palm is considered as a tropical plant. It requires rainy tropical climate. Grows
well in areas having mean annual temperature of 20-350 C. The mean annual rainfall
ranging from 100-1000mm. this rainfall must be well distributed with atleast 100 mm
of rainfall/month. It can also withstand rainfall of 900 mm.
It can withstand drought for 2-3 months. Hot humid equatorial climate without
long dry period is best. It requires plenty of sun shine hours. There
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should be frequent change of sunshine and rain. It comes up well from the
elevation of 450 to 900 m MSL.
Soil :
Variety of soils are suitable for the cultivation of oil palm. Deep loamy soils
rich in humus are suitable. Forest soils with loam and clay content in sub soils are
suitable. Lateritic sandy and pure clayey soils are not suitable. Waterlogging soils are not
suitable. Oilpalm can tolerate salinity upto 0.5%.
Land preparation :
At the beginning f rainy season, land preparation is started. Clear all the
vegetation and plough the and thoroughly.
Digging and filling of pits :
Pits are dug out during summer season with the size of 60x60x60 cm following
the spacing of 9 m is triangular system of planting. Pith left for weathering for 2-3
weeks. Pith filled with top soil, mixed with manures and fertilizers and then watered to
settle down.
Planting :
Planting can be done during rainy season. Polybag is cut and seedling is separated
from the poly bag intact with all of earth and root system. Seedling planted in the centre
of pH. Collar region of plant should not buried into the soil. Care to be taken that collar
region is level to land surface. Deep planting is avoided. After planting, it is watered and
seedling is protected and mulching can be done in basins. After establishment of
seedling, manure and fertilization can be done.
Manuring :
FYM 25-10 kg/palm depending on age and type of soil This fertilizer
dosage can be applied in 2 splits
Doses : I split @ June-July
II split @ Sept-Oct.
A broad band/trench can be made around the palm underneath the spread of the leaves
fertilizers applied in trenches and covered with soil and watered immediately
Weeding :
Competition must be avoided between young developing plants and
unwanted plants. Basins kept weed free. In case o young gardens, the barings or
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rings around the palm needed out. In case of bearing gardens, the entire land is
ploughed/weeded twice in a year. Herbicides are not used to control he weeds.
Leaf pruning :
It is done during the dry months. Prune dead, dried out and diseased leaves. Male
inflorescences must be cut. It must be practiced to avoid shade by overcrowding leaves;
uniform ripening of bunches of crown. It also avoids the obstruction at the time of
Cropping :
Production of fruit bunches start at the age of 3-6 years but peak bearing is
observed when attain 8 years age. It will continue bearing upto 40 years or more. The
fertility period is upto 60 years. The palm lives for about 100 years.
Yield :
In A.P. the average yield is 20-25 t/ha – fresh fruit bunches
The oil yield is 4-6 tons.
Oil palm gives 2 distinct vegetable/edible oils. Oil yields from mesocarp of fruit is
20%. Oil yields from kernel of the fruit/seed is 26%. Total of 46% comes from the oil
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LECTURE-22 & 23: Medicinal plants – scope and importance – cultivation of medicinal
plants in India. Diascorea and rauvolfia - botanical name – family – origin –
economic part – importance – botany and varieties – propagation – climate – soil –
preparation of land – planting – irrigation – intercultivation – manuring – harvesting –
Medicinal plants are those plants rich in secondary metabolites and are potential
sources of drugs. These secondary metabolites include alkaloids, glycosides, coumarins,
flavonoids, steroids etc.
These plants form the main base for the manufacture of drugs of Indian systems of
medicine (ayurveda, Unani, Siddha) and Homeopathy. These plants are found in various
parts of the country in different environmental and climatic conditions. Plants which grow
wild in forest regions, classified as minor forest produce, supply a substantial amount of
raw material required for the indigenous drug industry.
1. India is one of the few countries where almost all the known medicinal plants can be
cultivated in some part of the country of the other. Among the various plants in great
demand in the country and abroad are Opium poppy, tropane alkaloid bearing plants,
sapogenin bearing yams, senna, psyllium husk and seeds, cinchona and ipecac.
2. The ancient Indian System of Medicine (ISM) is predominantly a plant-based material
medica making use of most of our native plants. It caters to almost the entire rural
population of our country mainly because of the scarcity of modern allopathic health care
in our villages
3.ISM offers most appropriate or first line therapy against many diseases like jaundice,
bronchial asthma, rheumatoid arthiritis, diabetes etc, for which allopathic
medicines have as yet no cure. It is well known that most allopathic medicines have
as yet no cure. It is well known that most allopathic medicines produce many morbid
side-effects. It is for this reason that more and more people in the western societies
are showing increasing interest and preference for organic drugs and their preparations.
4. India has about 2,000 species of medicinal plants and a vast geographical area
with high production potential and varied agro-climatic conditions. Most of these plants
can subsist under stress conditions and are thus suited even for rainfed agriculture.
Cultivation of medicinal plants offers considerable scope for rural employment and export
for foreign-ex-change earnings.
5. India is already a major exporter of medicinal plants. It is estimated that rupees
86 crores worth of raw materials and drugs from medicinal plants are exported from
India. It holds monopoly in the production and export of psyllium and senna and
is second largest exporter of Opium latex.
6. Many of the medicinal plants required by the trade are gathered mainly from the
wild growth thus depleting the vegetation of its valuable medicinal plant
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wealth (eg: Rauvolfia, Dioscorea). On account of this practice, many species of medicinal
plants in our country have become extinct or endangered. This should be prevented and
herbal gardens and gene-banks covering important medicinal plants should be established
to conserve them.
The growing need for survival drugs and the high cost of obtaining them from
animal sources led to wide spread search for plant sources which ultimately led to the
discovery or genus Dioscorea as the most promising one.
Some of the species like D. alata and D. esculanta have been cultivated for a long
time for their edible tubers.About 15 species are known to contain steroidal constituents,
chiefly diosgenin.
Varieties: related to D. floribunda
IIHR – FB (c ) -1 and Arka upkar released from IIHR, Bengalore
Pusa- 1 by IARI, New Delhi
Dioscorea plants can be grown in a wide variety of soils. In sandy soils, they
require heavy irrigation and fertilization. Harvesting of tubers is also easier in light
sandy soils. Heavy soils are not good, in general as they restrict tuber growth and
make harvesting more difficult. Best yields are obtained in medium loam deep soils,
which are rich in organic matter. The structure of the soil influences the morphology of
the tuber. Light soils allow the tubers to grow thinner, longer and deeper than heavy
soils. Dioscorea tolerates a wide range of soil pH, but too acidic and highly alkaline soils
should be avoided.
They can be grown in tropical, sub tropical and temperate climates in
1) D. floribunda, D. Compesitae - Grown in tropical conditions
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2) D. deltoid -Temperate – Kashmir & Himachal Pradesh
Dioscorea floribunda can be propagated either by head tuber pieces or
single node cuttings. Commercial plantings could best be established by tuber
pieces only. But the availability of sufficient tubers for large scale planting is a problem.
One the other hand seed progeny is variable and it may take longer time to attain tuber
yields compared with plants raised from tuber pieces.
I. Seed propagation:
Dioscoea floribunda is a dioecious plant i.e., male and female flowers are borne
on separate plants. Female plants will not set seed unless they are planted
very close to the male plants for effective pollination.
Under Bangalore conditions, flowering starts from August and seeds mature from
December to February.The seed pods should be collected when they turn brown but
before they dehisce and are dried in shade.
Method of raising seedlings:
For raising a commercial crop from seed, seed should be sown in polythene
bags (8x 12 cm) in the month of February. A mixture of equal parts of sand, soil and
FYM is found to be the best medium.A thin layer of vermiculite should be used on the
top.Two seeds are sown in each bag at a depth of not more than 1.25 cm. The bags should
be watered and kept moist. Germination will be completed in about 4 weeks and the
seedlings are ready for planting in 3-4 months. Nursery should be provided with shade.
The seedling should be staked with thin sticks.
II.Propagation from tuber pieces:
Size of tuber pieces:
The preferred method for multiplication of D. floribunda for commercial planting is from
tuber pieces.Anatomically the tuber is a swollen hypocotyle. Therefore, except for the
crown where there is a growing bud and the rest of the tuber does not have any preformed
buds.The tubers can be divided into three distinct parts viz., crowns (stem end) median
(middle) and distal (tip end).The crown has a preformed bud but the other two parts do
not have any preformed buds. Under specific conditions of storage they also develop
adventitious buds. All the three pieces can be used for propagation. Crown sprouts new
shoots with in 30 days of the planting since they have preformed buds. However
medians and tips may take up to 100 days to sprout.For commercial planting crowns are
preferred as they sprout earlier and yield higher, in comparision with medians and
tips.However, if there is a shortage of material, medians and tip portions, can also be
used for planting.
Before planting, the tubers are cut into pieces weighing about 50-70g each.
With smaller pieces the growth and yields are poor. The plants raised from bigger tuber
pieces (80-100g) significantly out yield the plants raised from smaller pieces, but the
increased yields are not proportional to their size.
Tuber treatment:
The tubers are susceptible to a number of soil borne diseases so they are
treated with proper fungicides soon after harvesting.The tubers may be
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dipped for 5 minutes in 300 ppm solution of Benlate and then dusted with 0.3% Benlate
talcum powder before planting or store in moist sand beds for checking the soil borne
diseases effectively.
Storage of tuber pieces:
Direct planting of tuber pieces in the field immediately after harvest is not
recommended as it involves expenditure on irrigation, weeding etc in the field for about 3
or 4 months as they take 30 to 100 days for sprouting.
It is best that part of the time taken by tuber pieces for sprouting can be spent in moist
sand beds (300 x 90 cm).The tuber pieces are stored in a moist well aerated
rooting medium (sand beds) until shoot growth commences. The sand beds consist of
alternate layers of sand and tubers (4-5) and should be watered regularly and should be
under shade. After 30 days the sand may be removed and the crowns are taken out and
planted in the field.The medians and tips left over are again covered with sand and
watered regularly.After 90-100 days, these pieces are also removed and planted in the
main field.
Season of planting:
Under Bangalore conditions the tuber pieces are planted from March to April.
III. Single node cuttings:
D. floribunda can be easily propagated single node cuttings in mist
chamber (intermittent). The cuttings consist of a single leaf with petiole and
about 1 cm of the stem. The cuttings should be taken in the early part of the year
from non-flowering plants.The stem of the leaf cuttings should be dipped in 10 ppm
solution 2,4-D or quick dipped in 5000 ppm of IBA solution.The cuttings are planted in
the mist chamber in sand beds.The callus is formed in about 4 weeks time.The shoot and
the roots develop subsequently.8-10 weeks old plants are transferred to plastic bags, with
a planting mixture of equal amounts of sand, soil and FYM. After about 6 months of
growth in the nursery they are planted in the field. This method is not commercially
used as it is very slow, time consuming and costly.
Sprout tubers planted at 5cm depth, 30-45 cm apart with a spacing of 60 x
30-45 cm
Dioscorea plants are climbers, hence need support. This provides exposure of
maximum amount of surface for photosynthesis. Provision of proper support gives
better growth and also decreases losses due to diseases and pests, because of better
aeration. Trellies system was found to be suitable for growing dioscorea yams. It consists
of high stone pillars and spaced at 10 cm apart in the field. Galvanised iron wires are used
on the four ends of the field and they are interconnected with wires. Each plant is tied to
the over head wires.
Yams respond well to heavy fertilization. Experiments carried out at IIHR,
Bangalore have also indicated that D. floribunda responds well to Nitrogen. A complete
fertiliser dose of 300 kg Nitrogen, 150 kg P2 O5 and 150 kg K2 O per
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ha is recommended. Phosphrous and Potassium are to be applied as basal dose at the time
of planting. Nitrogen should be applied in two equal doses one after the establishment of
the crop during May-June and the other during grand growth period of the crop (August –
September). It is advisable to supply one third of the nutrients in the form of organic
manures, and it has been found that organic manures give better results in tuber crop.
The crop requires frequent irrigation in areas where rainfall is scanty or not well
distributed. In the initial stages, weekly irrigations are required and the interval can be
increased to 10-15 days at later stages of growth.
Although tubers can be harvested at any time of the year, it is better to harvest
the tubers when the plant are dormant to get maximum yield of diosgenin.The tubers
are harvested manually, washed free of soil and dried in the sun. It is preferred to chop
the tubers into small pieces before drying. Yield:
D. deltoidea - 5-7 tonnes of dry tubers per ha
D. floribunda - 6-8 tonnes of dry tubers per ha
Diosgenin content - 2.5 – 3% - I Year
3. 0 – 3.5% - II Year
BS Publication
The genus Rauvolfia was named in honour of a sixteenth century traveler and
botanist-Leonard Rauvolfia; serpentine refers to the long tapering snake like roots.
Rauvolfia serpentia plant is an erect, small perennial shrub, seldom attaining a height of 1
m when cultivated.
Tap root is tuberous, soft sometimes irregularly nodular; bark pale brown corky
with irregular longitudinal fissures.The plant is characterised by long elliptic lanceolate or
obovate leaves occurring in whorls of three to five at the nodes. Flowers appear in
corymbose cymes, flowers are white or pink. Under cultivation the plant flowers
throughout the year but in nature flowering and fruiting are seen during May and
October months only. In North India, plants shed leaves after October and sprout
again during March-April. The fruit is a drupe, 0.6 cm in diameter, shining black
when fully ripe.
R. serpentine grows wild under a wide range of climatic conditions.It flourishes
better in hot and humid tropical areas and can be grown in the open or partial shade. A
range of temperature from 10-380 C appears to be well suited to the plant. The plant
grows naturally in areas receiving a rain fall ranging from
250-500 cm per annum. The tropical or sub tropical zones preferably with south- west
monsoon rains are considered ideal, the area should be frost free. In South India, where
equitable climate exists, the plant grows better than in the sub Himalayan tracts.
It grows on a wide variety of soils.The soils on which it grows wild are acidic in
nature having a pH of 4 to 5.The soils should be rich in humus have high water holding
capacity but with good drainage.Its commercial cultivation is found in rich soils with 6 to
8.5 pH. Medium to deep well drained fertile soils, clay loam to silt loam soils rich in
organic content are suitable for commercial cultivation.
Rauvolfia can be propagated by 1. seeds 2. stem cuttings 3. root cuttings 4.
Seed propagation: Usually propagated by seeds. Only heavy seeds, which sink in water
should be used for sowing. The seeds must be collected from June to October for sowing.
Seeds collected during other periods, don‟t germinate satisfactorily. The percentage
germination is quite variable(10-50%).Two reasons are said to be responsible for poor
1. Stony endocarp of the seed may be responsible to some extent
2. But in many cases, the absence of embryo in the perfectly normal looking seeds due to
either parthenocarpy or defective development of embryo.
About 8kg seed is sufficient to raise 1 ha plantation. Direct sowing of seeds in the
main field is not successful and hence seedlings are raised in the nursery and
transplanted in the field.
Raising nursery:
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The nursery should be located preferably in partial shade with adequate irrigation
facilities. The selected land is cleaned of all weeds and worked to a fine tilth up to a depth
of 30 cm. The nursery beds are incorporated with FYM and leaf mould @
1 kg per square meter.Then the seed beds of convenient size with irrigation channels are
laid out.
The seeds before sowing are soaked in water over night and treated with
thiram @ 3 g per kg seed before sowing.Under North Indian conditions the seeds are
sown in April – May, while shallow furrows (10-15 cm apart) 2-3 cm with in the row
at a depth of 1.5 – 2 cm.After sowing the beds are covered with a mixture of FYM and
fine soil.The beds are watered immediately and kept moist, there after by regular
In areas of heavy rainfall it is preferable to sow the seeds in raised beds. Germination
starts after 15-20 days and continues up to 40-45 days of sowing. Seedlings (40-45 days
old) having 4-6 leaves are ready for planting in the main field.
Vegetative propagation:
a. Stem cuttings :Ste m cuttings of 15-22 cm long with three internodes are considered
ideal.The cuttings are planted in the nursery in June and kept moist until they sprout.
Rooting of cuttings (hard wood cuttings) may be hastened by treating with IAA at 30 ppm
for 12 hours.Roots appear with in 15 days.This method gives 40-65% success.
b. Root cuttings:
Root cuttings are taken from tap root as well as secondary roots. Root
cuttings of 3-5 cm and 1to 1.25 cm thick are planted horizontally at 5 cm depth during
spring and are covered with soil.The beds are kept moist through waterings. The
cuttings sprout with in 3 weeks and a success of 50-80% has been obtained.About
100 kg of root cuttings are required to plant one ha of land. Method:
Seedlings (40-45 days old) of 7-12 cm height having 4-6 leaves are carefully lifted
from the seed bed., avoiding injury to the long delicate roots, they are planted in rows at
60 x 30 cm spacing. A hole without bending the main root and the soil is then gently but
firmly pressed. Immediately after planting the field is irrigated.
Till the newly planted seedlings establish well, they are frequently
irrigated. Although R. serpentine can be cultivated under rainfed conditions yields can be
increased by irrigation particularly in low to medium rainfall areas. Plants may be
irrigated at an interval of 7-15 days during summer and 15-20 days during winter,
depending on the soil and climatic conditions.
Not much work has been so far on the fertiliser requirement of R.
serpentine.The growth of the plants is reported to increase with the application of
organic manures and fertilisers. Nitrogenous fertilisers, induce more vegetative growth
but results in stunted root growth. But the combination of N and P results
BS Publication
in the better root growth. P induces greater root growth than N. Well rotted FYM
@ 25-30 t/ha should be applied during land preparation. A basal dose of 20 kg N,
30 kg P and K per ha has to be applied. Two top dressings of N @ 20 kg / ha should
also be applied during the growing season every year.
The roots of Rauvolfia serpentine will be ready for harvesting from 15 months of
36 months, depending on the area of cultivation, and irrigation. Roots dry in winter
when the plant is completely defoliated, as at this stage the total alkaloid content in
the root is at its maximum. A light irrigation should be given one day prior to digging
for easy unlifting of the roots. The roots are removed carefully with a spade with out
damaging the bark of the root, as the bark has higher alkaloid content. The bark
contributes 40-50% of the roots. The harvested roots are washed to remove the
adhering soil and then air dried to reduce the moisture content from 60% to 8% for
storage. This increases the keeping quality of the roots.
The plants raised from seeds give maximum yield of roots than those raised
Seedlings – 1,175 kg/ha (rain fed air dry basis) Stem
cuttings – 175 kg / ha (rainfed air dry basis) Root
cuttings – 345 kg /ha (rainfed air dry basis)
BS Publication
LECTURE-24: Opium and stevia – introduction – botany – varieties –
propagation – climate – soil – preparation of land – planting – irrigation – manuring –
intercultivation – harvesting – yield
Botanical name: Papaver somniferum L.
Family : Papaveraceae
Origin : Western Mediterranean Region
Plant part : Milky white latex unripe capsules
It is a crop of temperate climate but can be grown successfully during winter in
sub-tropical regions. Cool climate favours higher yield, while higher day/night
temperature generally affects the yield. Frosty or desiccating temperature, cloudy or
rainy weather tends to reduce not only the quantity but also the quality of opium
Opium poppy prefers a well drained, highly fertile, light black or loam soil
with an optimum pH around 7.0
A large number of races of opium known by their local names are reported to
grow in India. They usually vary in leaf characters, floral characters or capsular
characters.Telia, Dholia are some of the local races recommended for
commercial cultivation.
Preparation of land:
The field should be ploughed 3 or 4 times to produce well pulverized soil. The
field is then prepared into beds of convenient size.
BS Publication
The seed is either sown broad cast or in lines. Before sowing, the seeds may be
treated with fungicides like Dithane M 45 @ 4 g per kg of seed. Seed is usually mixed
with fine sand before broadcasting to ensure uniform spread in the bed. Line sowing is
preferred to broadcasting as the later method has many drawbacks like higher seed rate,
poor crop stand and difficulty in carrying out inter cultural operations. The best time
for sowing is late October or early november. Seed rate is 7-8 kg per ha for broadcast
method and 4-5 kg per ha for line sowing. A spacing of 30 cm between lines and 30 cm
between plants is normally adopted.
Opium poppy responds remarkably to the application of manures and fertilizers
which increase both the yield and quality of opium. Farm yard manure
@ 20-30 t per ha is generally applied by broad casting while the field is prepared for
sowing. Besides 6-80 kg N and 40-50 kg P per hectare is recommended. No potash is
applied. Half of N and entire P are applied at sowing time through placement and
remaining half of Nitrogen is placed at rosette stage.
A careful irrigation management schedule is essential to get a good crop of
poppy. A light irrigation is given immediately after sowing followed by another light
irrigation after 7 days when the seeds start germinating. Three irrigations at an interval
of 12-15 days are given till pre flowering stage and then irrigation frequency is
reduced at 8-10 days during flowering and capsule formation stage. Normally, 12-15
irrigations are given during the entire crop period. Any moisture stress during the stage
of fruiting and latex extracting may reduce the yield considerably.
BS Publication
Flowers are large usually bluish with a purplish base or white, purple or variegated.
It produces capsular type of fruits from which the latex known as opium is obtained on
Any moisture stress during the stage of fruiting and latex extracting may reduce the yield
Lancing and latex collection:
Opium starts flowering in 95 – 115 days after sowing.The petals start shedding after 3-4
days of flowering.The capsules mature after 15-20 days of flowering.Lancing of the
capsules exudes maximum latex at this stage.
This stage can be visually judged by the compactness and a change in the colour from
greenish to light green coloured ring in the capsule. The stage is called as ind ustr ial
The capsule is lanced longitudinally with a knife having three or four equispaced pointed
ends which does not penetrate more than 1-2 mm in the capsule. Too deep or too shallow
incision is not advisable. Lancing may be done early in the morning before 8.00 am at
two days interval in each capsule. The length of the incision should be 1/3rd or less than
the full length of capsule. The yield of latex and its morphine content is maximum in
first lancing and decreases subsequent lancing. The terminal capsule yields more latex
than lateral ones. In Sanchita variety is for high morphine content in the straw, meant
for solvent extraction of capsules, eliminating lancing in the field.
Harvesting and threshing: The crop is left for drying for about 20-25 days when the last
lancing on the capsules stops exudation of latex. The capsules are then picked up and the
plant is removed with sickles. Harvested capsules are dried in open yard and seeds are
collected by beating with a wooden rod. The yield of raw opium varies from 50 to 60
kg per ha.
Sweet, perennial herb. Leaves are mid green and intensively sweet. Compounds in
leaves – sterioside and rebaudioside fresh – 30 times (fresh) and 200 times more sweet
than sugar ( refined). Healthy alternative sweetener to sugar and used in tonics for
diabetic patients
Short day plant and grows to height 45 cm within 3 months. However
Stevioside yield more under long day conditions.
BS Publication
Soil and Climate:
Red sandy loam soils with 6-7 pH best. Heavy soils not suitable.Grows best in
subtropical climate.
Seed germination is poor hence vegetatively by stem cuttings and tissue culture
method was followed.
Forming raised beds with15cm height 60cm width and planted with a spacing of
plants 23 cm -30000 plants /acre
It require year round supply of water hence frequent irrigation managed by micro
Yield: 3000 kg leaves/acre and Leaves contain 10-12% Stevioside on dry weight
BS Publication
LECTURE-25: Ocimum and periwinkle – introduction – botany – varieties –
propagation – climate – soil – preparation of land – planting – irrigation – manuring –
intercultivation – harvesting – yield
Botanical name: Ocimum sanctum
Family : Labiatae
Plant part : Leaves, seeds, roots
Plant contains phenols, Aldehydes, tannins, saponin and fats, essential oil
components – Eugenol (71%) eugenol methyl ether (20%) also isolated terpeneurobsolic
acid havoing anticancer properties.
Flourishes well under high rainfall with humid conditions. Long days and
high temperatures favours good growth and higher yields
120 kg N/ha 60 kg P2 O 5/ha
In summer 3 irrigations/ month and totally crop needs 12-15 irrigations
About 5 t /ha twice or thrice year and whole herb contain 0.1-0.23% essential oil. Oil
yield 10-23 kg/ha
BS Publication
Periwink le
Periwinkle is a perennial ornamental herb found throughout India on waste
lands and sandy tracts.It has medicinal importance owing to the presence of indole
alkaloids raubasin (ajmalicine) and serpentine in its root which have anti- fibrillic and
hypertensive properties.
The leaves contain two alkaloids viz., Vinblastine and Vincristine which form the
constituents of patented cancer drugs and vincristine alkaloids are distributed in different
parts of the plant but the roots contain the maximum (0.75 t to 1.20%) followed by the
leaf (0.60 to 0.65%).
It is a perennial herb, often grows in garden for its pink and white flowers which
bloom throughout the year.It bears flexible long branches with simple opposite leaves.
Flowers 2-3 in cymes, axillary and terminal clusters. Fruit is a cylindrical follicle with
many black seeds.
There are no recognized varieties but there are three local types based on the
colour of the flowers viz., alba with white flowers roseus with pink rose coloured
flowers and ocillata with white flowers having rose purple spot in the center are
The plant is propagated from seeds. Fresh seeds are preferable as they lose
viability on long storage. Seeds can be sown directly in the filed or the plants raised in the
nursery and transplanted later on. Direct sowing is to be done for plantations of a large
area, as it reduces the cost of sowing. About 2 to 3 kg seed is required for raising one
hectare. The seeds are mixed with sand about 10 times its weight for even distribution
and are sown during beginning of monsoon in rows 45 cm apart.When the plants grow
up they are thinned out leaving a distance of 25 to 30 cm between the plants.
BS Publication
For nursery sowing and transplanting, about 500 grams of seed sown in
200 square meters bed is required for producing seedlings for one hectare. The seeds are
sown in well prepared beds during March or April in rows about 1.5 cm deep, covered
with light soil and leaf mould mixture and are watered to keep the bed moist.
In about 10 days time the seeds germinate an in 2 months time (height 6-7 cm )
they become ready for transplanting. In the field the seedlings are transplanted at a
spacing of 45 cm x 30 cm or 45 cm x 45 cm.
The crop requires two weedings, the first one about 60 days after sowing or
transplanting and the second one in another 60 days.
The plant do not require much water as they have drought resistant capacity. In
areas, where rainfall is evenly distributed throughout the year, no irrigation is required,
but in areas where monsoon is restricted, 4 to 5 irrigations are required during the life of
the plant to get good yield.
They are not generally manured, however, for getting a good yield of both leaves
and roots, farm yard manure at about 15 tonnes per ha should be applied and a fertilizer
mixture of N (50 Kg), P2 O5 (75 Kg) and K 2 O (75 Kg) per hectare is applied as a basal
The crop becomes ready for harvest of roots after one year. But two leaf strippings
can be taken, the first one after 6 months and the second after 9 months of sowing. Third
stripping of leaves can also be taken when the whole plant is harvested after one year.
For seed collection, matured fruits are hand picked and dried in shade and threshed
lightly. This method ensures mature seeds with even germination. But the usual practice
is to uproot the plants, dry them in shade and thereafter thresh lightly for seeds. The seeds
obtained by this method, are not uniform and their germination is poor.
For harvesting of roots, the crop is cut about 7.5 cm above the ground and dried
for stems, leaves and seeds and then the whole field is copiously irrigated and ploughed
and the roots are collected. The roots are washed well and dried in shade and later made
into bundles for marketing.
Under rainfed conditions about 0.75 tonne of roots, 1.0 tonne of stems and
2 tonnes of leaves (all dry basis) may be obtained from one hectare. But under irrigated
conditions, 1.5 tonnes each of roots and stems and 3 tonnes of leaves per ha can be
BS Publication
LECTURE-26: Aloe and solanum – introduction – botany – varieties – propagation –
climate – soil – preparation of land - planting – irrigation – manuring – intercultivation –
harvesting – yield
Botanical name: Aloe vera and Aloe barbadensis
Family : Liliaceae
Origin : Eastern and Southern Africa
Plant part : Leaves, seeds, roots
Two major products from leaves 1. Yellow bitter juice specialized cells ,
beneath epidermis yields drug aloe. 2. Parrenchyma tissue of centre of leaf contain
mucilaging gel yield aloe gel obtained from A.barbdensis. Aloe also having anthro
glycosides – Barbaloin – 4.5 to 25% and aloin. Aloe gel contains gluco mannan which is
a polysaccharide similar to guar used in preparations of burn, first aid medicines also
used in laxative preparations
Perennial herb, shallow rooted and does not have true stem with multiple
tuberous roots. It does not produce many viable Seeds as it is a male sterile plant
Varieties: Aloe vera var chinensis is commonly cultivated one
Hardy and grown on variety of soils, does well in sandy coastal and
loamy soils with pH upto 8.5. Water logged and problem soils not suitable
Wide adaptability hence cultivation possible throughout country and
prefers warm humid dry climate with 150-200 cm to 35-40 cm yearly rainfall
Propagatio n: Root suckers or rhizome cuttings
Planting: 15-18 cm long root suckers, rhizome cuttings are planted with a
spacing of 60 x 30 cm or 60 x 45 cm and buried 2/3 portion under the ground.
Manur ing: 150 kg/ha mixture of NPK
Irrigation: Immed iately after planting needs one irrigation and totally 4 to 5
irrigations / year required.
Plants removed by manually or with tractor after eight months after planting
BS Publication
Commercial yield from second year to upto five years
Yield : Fresh weight 10000 – 12000 kg/ha
Solanum khasianum serves as a supplementary source of steroidal raw material
for industries in India. Solasodine obtained from its berries are used as
a substitute for diosge nin in the synthesis of steroidal hormones.It is used in the
manufacture of oral contraceptive tablets. The extract also possesses some nematicidal
and bactericidal properties.
The genus Solanum comprises of about 2000 species which can broadly grouped
as tuberous group and non- tuberous group. S. viarum belongs to the latter group and is
native of India and occurs in nature in Sikkim, West Bengal, Orissa and in Western Ghats
up to 1600 m MSL. The solasodine content in the berries varies from 1.00 to 1.75%.
It is a stout, much branched undershrub varying in height from 0.75 to
1.40 m with moe of straight prikles often mixed with a few curved spines on the stem.
Leaves are ovate, lobed, hirsute and prickly on both the surface. The flowers are white,
borne in racemes with 1-4 flowers and the berries are yellow or green in colour, globose
in shape.
Varieties: RRL, Jammu has identified two mutants which are high yielding with high
solasodine content.
1.RRL – 20-2: It is vigorous in growth with 3-4 fruits per node, with a yield potential of
6-7 tonnes of fruits and 42-45 kg of solasodine/ ha.
2. RRL-SL-6: It is a spineless mutant. It is almost similar to RRL – 20-2 in all
aspects except having slightly reduced solasodine content.
3. Arka Sanjeevin: It is a high yielding variety developed by IIHR, Bangalore.
BS Publication
in 50 x 50 cm. For intercropping and easy cultural operations, a wider spacing of
90 x 150 cm is ideal.
S. khasianum responds to the application of manures and fertilizers.Nitrogen, phosphorus
and Potash at the rate of 100,60 and 40 kg per ha is recommended.
While the entire quantity of P and K are applied at the time of field preparation, N
is generally applied in three splits at different intervals.Irrigation is generally done
initially and subsequently the crop is grown as rainfed.
Irrigation: In general, a moisture stress inhibits vegetative development, fruit production
and yield but the solasodine content increases with moisture stress.
BS Publication
LECTURE-27: Nuxvo mica and guggal – introduction – botany – varieties –
propagation – climate –soil –preparation of land – planting – irrigation – manuring
– intercultivation – harvesting – yield
Nuxvo mica
BS Publication
New plantation should be watered regularly till the establishment.Later the plants
are irrigated at 7-10d during summer
FYM @ 10 t/ha applied during the filling of pits after weathering and apply
50:30:30 kg of NPK/ha
Harvesting :
The plant comes to flowering and fruiting after 5 years and the matured fruits
change the colour from green to yellowish orange. The seed can be extracted from the
fruits by cutting and cleaning.
Guggal or Indian bedellium is a small tree and source for oleo gum resin which
was tapped by making incision of bark. Resin occur in vascular or stalactite
pieces, pale yellow brown or dull green colour with bitter, aromatic taste and
balsamic odour. Oleogum resins mixtures of resin (61%) gum (29.3%), volatile oil
(1.45%). Largely used in fixative in perfumes and medicines.The oleo resin – increases
leucocytes in blood.
Botany: Tree or shrub grow 3-4 high and branches crooked, knotty, aromatic- end in
sharp spines. Bark is papery and peels in strips
Marusudha- high yielder
Not grown on commercial scale. Naturally in western India of sandy , silt and
loam with poor in organic matter. Average soil suitable for cultivation
Wide adaptability and arid regions with varying conditions. Prefers a
warm, dry climate for higher yield of oleogum resin
Planting: Pits at a spacing 3 to 4 m in rows.
Propagatio n: Seeds and vegetatively by stem cuttings. Air layering is successful
BS Publication
Poor germination, slow growth and hard seed coat due to all these
reasons seed is not a common propagation method.Mechanically scarified by rubbing
with sand paperand kept in running water ( 24 hours).Raised in poly bags.
Stem cuttings:
15-20 cm long and 10 mm thick semi hard wood cuttings are treated with GR(IBA
or NAA) and planted in beds. Cuttings sprout in 10-15 days and redy to transplant
within 10 -12 months and percentage of rooting 80-94%.
Manur ing: Urea or Ammonium sulphate 20-50 g/bush applied before irrigation.
Irrigation: Light irrigation in summer results good growth of Plant
BS Publication
LECTURE-28: Aonla – introduction – botany – varieties – propagation – climate
– soil – preparation of land – planting – irrigation – manuring – intercultivation –
harvesting – yield
Botanical name: Emblica Officinalis
Phyllanthus emblica
Family : E uphorbiaceae
Plant part : Fr uits
Very rich in vitamin C and used in medicinal and Ayurvedic treatments. Aonla
fruit contains tannins like gallic acid, allagic acid, glucose in its molecules which retards
oxidation of vitamin C and antisaorbustic in fresh and dried fruits. Fruits useful in
haemorrhaeges, dysentery, anaemia, jaundice, dyspepsia and cough. Important in
Triphala and chavanaprash and great health vitality restorer.
Tree of medium height evergreen in tropics but deciduous in subtropics and
type of branching is called as Phyllanthoid branching
Vegetatively propagated plants were ready for harvesting after 6-8 years and
Seedlings 10-12 years with a productive life of 50-60 years. Fruits bearing during
November /December and maturity judged by change of seed colour from creamy,
white to black and translucent exocarp.
Yield: 60 to 70 kg fruits/tree
BS Publication
LECTURE-29: Senna – introduction – botany – varieties – propagation – climate
– soil – preparation of land – planting – irrigation – manuring – intercultivation –
harvesting – yield
Botanical name: Cassia angustifolia
Family : Legumi nosae Origin
: South Africa
Plant part : Leaves and pods
The leaves and pod of Senna contain sennosides A, B, C, D which are well
known for the preparation of laxatives and purgatives all over the world. India holds
leading position in the production of senna crop and export of its produce to the world
market. Almost all the senna leaves produced in India are exported to foreign countries
and the major portion is transported to London market. The crop is grown mainly in
Southern districts of Tamil Nadu viz., Tirunelveli, Ramanathapuram and Madurai
Cassia angustifolia is an erect shrub seldom reaching more than 70 cm in height.
The leaves are pinnate with narrow acute lanceolate and glabrous
leaflets. The flowers are brillinantly yellow in colour and borne in recemose
inflorescence. The pods are flat thin and contain 5-7 dark brown seeds. Although all parts
contain sennosides, the leaves and pods contain maximum content. It ranges from 1-5.3%
in India senna. The Alexandrian senna (C. acutifolia) which grows wild in Africa and
Sudan contains 4 – 4.5%.
BS Publication
moisture and usually dies. The crop is thinned at 30 days to maintain a plant to plant
distance o 30 cm in the rows
In general, 80 kg of N and 40 kg of P2 O5 may be applied to this crop. Of this, 40
kg of nitrogen and the entire dose of P2 O5 may be given at sowing and is placed at 4 – 5
cm deeper below the seed so that it is easily available to the growing seedlings. The
remaining quantity of 40 kg of nitrogen is given 35 to 40 days (just after thinning), 80-85
days, and 105 -11- days age (i.e. after first and second picking of the leaf crops) in equal
doses. Urea may preferably be used by broadcasting in rows and mixed thoroughly in the
Senna could be economically grown under rainfed conditions. An average rainfall
of 25 to 0 cm, distributed from June to October is sufficient to produce good harvests.
As irrigation leads to improvement in the yield, wherever easily available, it is given at
40 days, 75 days and 100 days age when plants bear new growth of foliage and flowers.
Young senna leaves and pods contain a high sennoside content but since the
produce is sold on the basis of weight, a balance between weight and content is to be
made to choose its stage for harvest. First picking starts at 50 to 70 days age, depending
upon total plant growth. A second picking be taken at 90 to 100 days and the third
picking between 130 to 150 days when the entire plants are removed so that the
harvested material includes both leaves and pods together. Although, root-bark contains
sennoside, it has not yet come as an article of trade. The harvested crop should be spread
in a thin layer in open area to reduce the moisture.
Further drying of the produce is done in a well ventilated drying sheds. It takes
3 to 5 days to dry the produce in the sheds. The dried produce usually possesses 8
per cent moisture. The properly dried leaves and pods should have light- green to
greenish yellow colour. Improper and delayed drying changes the colour to black to
brown which lowers the sennoside content and thus the price. Seeds contain no sennosides
and it adds weight to the produce only.
A good average crop of senna can give 1500 kg per ha of dry leaves and
700 kg per ha of pods under irrigated and good management conditions. The yield
under rain fed conditions is about 1000 kg of leaves and 400 kg of pods.
BS Publication
LECTURE-30: Coleus and plantago – introduction – botany – varieties – propagation –
climate – soil – preparation of land – planting – irrigation – manuring – intercultivation –
harvesting – yield
Botanical name: Coleus barbatus
Family : Li miaceae
Plant part : Tuberous roots
Tuberous roots are rich source for forskolin and is a Drug for hypertension,
glavcoma, asthma, congestive heart failures and cancers. Tuber roots resembles carrot in
shape and brown in colour
Aromatic perennial herb with thick tubers showy bluish to pale lavender colour
flowers. Entire plant is aromatic ( fresh or dried )
Very poor germination (8-10%) and take 15-20 days for germination,
45 days old seedlings with 8- 10 cm height are ready for transplanting to main field.
Vegetative propagation:
Through terminal cuttings of 10-12 cm long cuttings with 3-4 pairs of
leaves are planted in prepared nursery beds and after one month sufficient rooting
may observed and ready for transplanting to main field
Planting: during June – July on Ridges and furrows at 60 x 20 cm
Manuring : 40 kg N, 60 kg P2 O5 and 50 kg K2 O /ha
Irrigatio n :
Immediately after transplanting after that one in three days interval
irrigation required.
Harvesting : Ready for harvest 41/2 – 5 months after planting
and plants loosened uprooted, tubers separated, cleaned and sundried for
extraction forskolin
BS Publication
ISABGOL (Pla ntago)
Isagbol or Psyllium is important for its seed and husk which have been used in the
indigenous medicine for many countries.It has the property of absorbing and retaining
water (40-90%) and therefore it works as an anti- diarrhoea drug. It is beneficial in
chronic dysenteries of amoebic and basillary origin.The seed has also cooling and
demulcent effect and is used in ayurvedic, unani and allopathic medicines. The husk
yields a colloidal mucilage consisting mainly of xylose, arabinose and galacturonic acid.
It is a stemless annual herb often attaining a height of 30 – 40 cm, with rosette
leaves. The plant bears erect ovoid or cylindrical spike with minute white flowers about
45 – 68 protogynous. Fruit is capsule, each seed is encased in a thin, white, translucent
membrane, the husk, which is odourless and tasteless. Climate and soil:
It requires cool and dry weather and hence in India, the crop is grown in winter i.e.
from November – December to March-April. Humid weather at maturity results in
shattering of seeds. A light well drained sandy loam to rich loamy soil with a pH of 7 – 8
is ideal.
Gujarat Agricultural University has released two improved varieties viz., Gujarat
Isabgol – 1 and Gujarat Isabgol -2 which have a yield potential of 800 –
900 kg and 1000 kg per ha respectively.
Preparation of land:
Field must be free of weeds and clods and should have fine tilth for good
germination.The land is laid into flat beds of convenient sizes i.e. 1.0 m x 3.0 m or 2.5
m x 2.5 m
Fresh seeds from the preceding crop season should be sown for getting high per
cent germination. The seed rate varies from 4 – 6 kg and is sown after pretreatment with
thiram @ 3 g per kg of seed to protect the seedlings from the possible damage of damping
off. The seeds, being small and light are mixed with sufficient quantity of fine sand before
sowing. The seeds are sown broadcast and are swept lightly with a broom in one direction
to cover them with some soil.
After cultivation:
Timely weeding is important to encourage good growth of the plants. After
20-25 days of sowing, first weeding is done and 2-3 weedings are required within
2 months of sowing.
Manur ing: 25 kg N/ha and 25 kg P/ha are applied as basal dose at the last
Ploughing and another dose of 25 kg N/ha is top dressed 30 days after sowing.
BS Publication
Irrigation: Immediately after sowing light irrigation is essential. First irrigation should be
given with light flow of water. The seeds normally germinate in 6 – 7 days.If the
germination is poor, second irrigation may be given. Later on, irrigations are given as and
when necessary.Last irrigation should be given at the time when maximum number of
spike have reached the milk stage.
Harvesting and processing:
The crop will be ready in about 110-130 days after sowing. When mature, the
crop turns yellowish and the spike turns brownish. The seeds are shed when the spikes are
pressed even slightly. At the time of harvest, the atmosphere must be dry and there
should not be any moisture on the plant. The plants are normally cut at the ground
level or are uprooted if the soil is loose textured.
The harvested plants are threshed and winnowed, and the seeds repeatedly sifted
until clean. The seeds may be marketed whole or the husk may be sold separately. Seeds
are fed to a series of shellers, in each sheller the grinding pressure is so adjusted to
remove only the husk. This is separated by fans and sieves at each sheller and the
ungrounded material is sent to the next sheller.
The husk: seed ratio is 25:75 by weight. The average yield is about one tonne of seeds per
BS Publication
LECTURE-31: Acorus and belladonna – introduction – botany – varieties –
propagation – climate – soil – preparation of land – planting – irrigation – manuring –
intercultivation – harvesting – yield
Dried root ( rhizome ) of sweet flag used in medicinal preparation and
flavouring liquors. Contains volatile, yellowish brown oil with pleasant and slightly sweet
odour called Calamus oil which was extracted by steam distillation. Calamus oil having
expectorant action used remedy for asthma.
Botany: Monocot plant , herb with narrow leaves
Acorus gramineus – Japanese species
Acorus Calamus – India and Srilanka
Soil: Clayey loam soil and light alluvial soils of river bank are excellent for acorus
Climate: Hardy plant, grows in tropical to subtropical climates and requires well
distributed rainfall throughout year
Planting Season:Best season March-April
Propagatio n: Live ends or tops of previous crop used as propagating material Pla nting:
Recommended spacing 30 x 30 cm and rhizome pieces presses into mud to a depth of
Manured with green manure ( 10-12 t) or compost 15 t ha-1 and 125 kg NPK/ha
– 3 splits
Irrigation: Regularly irrigated and 5 cm water left standing in field and also
increased 10cm as plant grows
Harvesting and Yield: After one year crop is ready for harvesting, field partially dried
and sufficient moisture observed go for necessary deep digging. Leaves turn yellow, dry
are the indicative of maturity. Rhizomes located at 60 cm depth and 30-60 cm long so
harvesting carefully. Rhizomes cut into short lengths of 5-
7.5 cm and fibrous roots were removed. Pieces are washed and dried in sun. Dried
material rubbed in gunny bags to remove scales.
Yield: Fresh aerial parts – 0.125% oil
Yield 10 t ha-1
Indian roots – plains 3.1 % oil
Kashmir valley not more than 1.4% of oil.
BS Publication
The commercial drug is obtained from the leaves, tops and roots of both species
of Atropin. In India, the cultivation of belladonna is confined to Jammu and Kashmir.
A. belladonna is a perennial herb.It grows to a height of 1.5 m, It
branches freely and possesses strong root systemLeaves are ovate or obovate, acuminate
with small petiole, alternate or in pairs of which one is smaller than the other.
Flowers are borne in the axils (2-4) during June to September. Flowers are large, bell
shaped with violet brown veins.Fruits are globular, shining, purplish black, many seeded
Belladonna grows up to an elevation of 1400 m.It is a temperate crop,
can be grown as a winter crop in sub tropical areas. In temperate climate the plants
behave as perennial and give maximum yield of herb and alkaloid. Hence, temperate
climate is ideal. In nature, it is found to grow both in open as well as under partial shade
conditions. It requires a dry weather during picking for high alkaloid content and its rapid
It grows well in deep fertile soils of medium texture and rich in humus.
Heavy clays, which are prone to water logging conditions, should be avoided. Soils
with slight acidic nature are more suitable.
BS Publication
Can be propagated both by seed and vegetative means (stem and root
cuttings). But commercial propagation is done by seed only. Belladonna can be raised
either by direct sowing in the field or as a transplanted crop. Nursery site is
brought to fine tilth and raised beds of 75 x 100 cm size are laid out with irrigation and
drainage channels. Prior to sowing well rotten FYM or sheep manure is incorporated in to
the soil. Then the seeds are broadcast on the beds or sown in rows and covered with
a layer of leaf compost or FYM or mulched with paddy or wheat straw. The beds
should be irrigated immediately and thereafter regularly.
Time of nursery sowing:
The belladonna nursery is raised twice in a year once in early summer
(May – June) and next in autumn (September – October).
Seed rate:
The seed rate is 4 kg which produces sufficient number of seedlings per ha.
Germination of belladonna seeds is slow and erratic and varies from 15 to
40%. The seeds of belladonna require pre chilling (stratification) before sowing to
improve germination. Alternately, seeds may be treated with ethyl alcohol for 3 hrs or
with petroleum for 6 hours for improving the germination percentage. Soaking of seeds
for 24 hours in 100 – 1000 ppm GA3 stimulates early germination. Seeds may also be
treated with Captan or Dithane Z 78 (10g/kg seed) to check damping off. Germination
will be over with in 30 days and the seedlings will be ready for transplanting in the main
field after 8 – 12 weeks of sowing.
Planting in the main field:
Seedlings of 8-12 weeks old are transplanted in the main field either in early
spring (March – April) or autumn (October – November). Generally, seedlings raised in
autumn are planted in spring and those raised in summer are planted in autumn. Seedlings
are planted on ridges spaced at 60 to 70 cm and at
50 – 60 cm on the ridge.
Belladonna has a high water requirement. It should be irrigated
frequently during the dry period particularly. Normally 6-7 irrigations during June to
September are required. The interval may be 10-15 days depending upon the soil texture
and rainfall.
Belladonna is a soil exhausting crop and requires applications of heavy doses of
manures. Under Kashmir conditions, 60 kg P2 O5 , 30 kg K2O and 40 kg N per ha along
with 25 tons of FYM as basal dressing is applied. As top dressing
80 kg N in 4-5 splits at monthly intervals after every harvest is given. Heavy doses
of nitrogen are necessary to get good crop of leaves and high alkaloid content. Nitrogen
should be supplied through Calcium Ammonium Nitrate.Basal dose of N, P and K should
be repeated every year in spring (March – April) followed by top dressing of Nitrogen.
Immediately after the application of fertilizers the crop should be irrigated. Irrigation
also helps in the translocation of alkaloids from root to the leaves.
BS Publication
The alkaloid is present both in leaves and roots, but more in leaves. Leaves
contain maximum amount of alkaloid during early flo wer ing stage. It gets
progressively reduced till the formation and ripening of fruits. The best time for
harvesting the leaves would be as soon as the shoots start flowering. Tender, terminal
portions of the branches along with leaves are cut by hand sickles and chopped into
pieces dried in the sun. The first crop of leaves is available three months after planting.
Within a month of first harvest, there will be fresh growth ready for second harvesting.
During the first year, 3-4 harvests are obtained.
In the second year and third year 3-4 harvests are taken. After three years the roots are
also harvested.
Harvested and chopped leaves are spread in thin layers on tarpaulin and dried
under sun for 2-3 days. Regular turnings must be given to prevent deterioration of leaves.
A well dried crop retains its green colour. The crop during drying looses about 70-80% of
its weight.
Initial yields are poor because of less number of branches. Yield of leaves increases
after the first cutting.
I year: 600 kg of dry leaves per ha
II and III year: 1500 kg of dry leaves per ha
IV year: 200 – 300 kg of roots per ha
Chemical constituents:
Roots - 0.5% alkaloid
Leaves - 0.35% alkaloid
BS Publication
LECTURE-32: Aswagandha – introduction – botany – varieties – propagation – climate
– soil – preparation of land – planting – irrigation – manuring – intercultiation –
harvesting – yield
Jawahar aswagandha -20- JNKVV mandsur
Sandy loam or light red soils with good organic matter are best soil and
are easy to dig roots in this condition
Requires subtropical climate, preferably dry weather and it needs 1-2 winter
rains for full development of roots.
Propagatio n: 2 methods
1. Directly sowing the seed
2. Raising seedlings
Direct sowing:
Seeds are directly broadcasting with a seed rate of 10-12 kg/ha during second
week of July.
Does not require heavy doses of manures
BS Publication
Directly sown crop thinned 25-30 days to maintain a population of 20,000 to
Average yield 300-500 kg/ha dry roots and 50-75 kg/ha- seeds
BS Publication
SPICE CROPS IN INDIA DURING 2007-08, 2008-09 AND 2009-10
Area in 000 HA, Production in 000 MT and Productivity= MT/HA
Clllnles 008.17 12 94.15 1.6 77 9.05 1:N!l.85 1.6 767.23 1211 !.94 1.6
Gaic 20 6.12 1008.50 5.2 16 6.21 83 1.1 0 5.0 1&1.86 833.97 5.1
Tunreric 174.51 79 4.19 4.6 181.09 821.16 4.5 18096 79 2.9 8 4.4
Gin ger 104.36 30008 3.7 10 8.64 300.10 3.5 11J7.54 385.33 3.6
O:Jiarvi;r 364.21 229.95 0.6 30 0.85 24 2.1 3 0.6 360.00 236.7'2 0.7
Tamarind 55.04 182 .0 8 3.3 54.63 177.68 3.3 57.$ 18 5 .46 32
QJm in 429.38 17 2.47 0.4 429 .3 8 1 72.4 7 0.4 377.Ql 156.33 0.4
Fenu g eel< 55.2 0 5 5.48 1.0 6129 76.5 8 1.1 43.25 57.44 1.3
Fennel 54.29 67.78 1.2 47.16 64.2 9 1.4 50.6 7 5 6 .5 5 1 .1
f"eR8 197.33 47.01 0.2 238 .71 47.«l 0.2 195.92 51.(12 0.3
C ilJ t1 a n u n 81.93 13.65 0.2 91.$ 15.4 5 0.2 9D.20 15.72 02
othersji: es 17.7 1 1Q.71 0.6 17.71 1D.71 0.6 19.l l 13 .04 0.7
Ajllan 19.2 9 11.1 2 0.6 19.5 9 16.41 0.8 17.06 10 .27 0.6
Nut1T9J 15.2 6 11.37 0.7 15.2 7 11.3 7 0.7 15.0 6 8.0 0 o.s
Tejpat 2.4 5 5.2 9 22 2.44 4.00 2.0 3 .2 4 7.00 2.2
Cln n aJ!01 0.87 1.67 1.9 0.8 8 1.6 7 1.9 1.00 1.67 1.7
Cb'le 2.25 1.01 0.4 2.57 1.3 3 0.5 2.60 1.16 0.4
Olh els(2) 9.01 0.23 0.03 9.0 1 0 .23 0.03 9.34 0.24 0.00
Total 261 7.36 435 6.71 1.7 262 9.44 41 4 4.91 1.6 24 63 .2 9 4015.91 1.6
BS Publication