I. Program Description
For information that will help to complete this section of the Evaluation Plan, see EvaluACTION Step 2: Describe the
Program, the Developing a Logic Model worksheet, and the Identifying Outcomes tip sheet.
Provide a short description of the program being evaluated. Reference your logic model. This description
should include:
• The specific problem or need the program is addressing
• The population and setting of focus for which the program intends to make an impact
• The conditions, changes, or effects that the program intends to make
• Any contextual factors that surround the program
II. Evaluation Purpose
For information that will help to complete this section of the Evaluation Plan, see EvaluACTION Preparing to Evaluate and
Step 3: Focus the Evaluation Design along with the Identifying Evaluation Purpose and Questions worksheet and Types
of Evaluation tip sheet.
Provide a short description of the scope, focus, and goal of the program evaluation, including:
• What aspects of the program will be evaluated?
• How will findings from the evaluation be used?
• Who will use the evaluation findings?
• How will partners and stakeholders be involved in the evaluation?
• What anticipated barriers, facilitators, or other factors that may affect the evaluation?
Which component of the Process or Outcome Evaluation What question will the How will the results to this
program is being evaluated? evaluation answer? evaluation question be used?
Refer to the logic model items.
III. Evaluation Design
For information that will help to complete this section of the Evaluation Plan, see EvaluACTION Step 3: Focus the
Evaluation Design and Step 4: Gather Credible Evidence along with the Evaluation Data Sources, Indicator Selection
Tools and Data Collection Considerations worksheets.
Provide a short description of the methods and data sources you will use for the program evaluation, including:
• What evaluation approach will be used to answer the evaluation questions?
• Why is this the right time to conduct this evaluation or answer these questions?
• What types of data will be used?
• How will the data be collected or gathered? When?
• How will data be managed?
Reference any supplemental documents as appropriate (e.g., data collection plan).
What outcome from your logic What are the indicators being What are the data sources being What are the considerations
model are you measuring? used to measure this outcome? used for these indicators? about the outcome, indicators, or
data sources?
IV. Data Analysis, Synthesis, and Interpretation
For information that will help to complete this section of the Evaluation Plan, see EvaluACTION Step 5: Justify Conclusions
along with the Data Analysis, Synthesis, and Interpretation tip sheet.
Provide a short explanation of the approach to analysis, synthesis, and interpretation of the data, including:
• What analyses will be used?
• How will data be integrated across data sources?
• What comparisons will be made?
• What basis will be used for judgment?
• Who will be involved in interpreting the evaluation results?
• How will unintended consequences and conflicting results be addressed?
Reference any supplemental documents as appropriate (e.g., data analysis plan).
What are you answering with this What data or information are What data transformations need What do you need to keep in
analysis? available to be analyzed and to happen to analyze the data? mind regarding synthesis across
answer the questions? What are data sources and regarding the
the variables or measures? How will data be analyzed? What interpretation of these results?
analysis techniques will be used?
V. Translation, Communication, and Dissemination
For information that will help to complete this section of the Evaluation Plan, see EvaluACTION Step 6: Justify Conclusions
along with the Communicating and Disseminating Evaluation Results and Sharing Results worksheets.
Provide a short description of your approach to translating, communicating, and disseminating the results of
your evaluation and facilitating the use of those lessons learned, including:
• What types of findings will be shared with different audiences?
• What strategies will be used to share findings with different audiences?
• Which messengers are appropriate for different audiences?
• How will stakeholders be engaged in this work?
Reference any supplemental documents as appropriate (e.g., translation and dissemination plan).
What is the product? Who is this product for? How do we want the What is the format of How can this product
key audience to use this product? When will be used to facilitate use
the information in this product be shared? of data or be further
the product? disseminated?
VI. Evaluation Timeline
For information that will help to complete this section of the Evaluation Plan, see EvaluACTION Preparing to Evaluate
along with the Evaluation Team worksheet which includes a sample workplan table.
Provide a short description of what evaluation activities will be conducted by when, and by whom, and what
resources will be needed. Also provide a visual timeline for the evaluation.
Reference any supplemental documents as appropriate (e.g., evaluation workplan).